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SBS Notice Board

Re: SBS Notice Board



... I'm so sorry guy's. There's not much I can do. My internet access isn't going to improve unless my financial situation improves first. I'm trying to keep on top of it, but like this sometimes a week just slips. Again, feel free to go along without me whenever practical. I'll post in catch up mode if need be...
Re: SBS Notice Board

Roger that. Course, the way we're going, a week might not be a problem.

Re: SBS Notice Board

I made myself a promise, and that promise was this: If the thread I was posting in went inactive for a month I'd call it quits. This seems to be the case, as keylo has not posted a reply in four weeks. I'd like to point out that there are only five other active characters outside that thread being run by three players. They are all in the same thread, and that only updates about once a week. I will leave it to Nunu to call the time of death, but I think this game is over and you may want to check interest before starting this again.
Re: SBS Notice Board

host is looking to join and i really dont want to look facts in the face when canning our oldest RP...
Re: SBS Notice Board

We shouldn't can it, no no no. But maybe start anew as people waiting on people is taking us nowhere fast. It might bring more new players who are reluctant to join a game in progress, and it'll lose all the abandoned characters and stories attached. The people who are truly interested in this game probably won't mind starting over considering all that's gone before. But holding on to a game with three participating members out of a dozen or so does not make sense.
Re: SBS Notice Board

this game needs more darkfire, he mad an excellent shadow mod. in fact most things need more darkfire.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Eh, what the hell...I'll have Kyle come up with some prank to pull. That should at least give most people at the school something to do.

I will abort it, though, on one of two conditions:

Condition 1) Nunu says not to. Reason: If the GM says don't do something, you don't do it.

Condition 2) People try to cause trouble in-game because of it. Reason: When this was restarted, Nunu had stated that powers were not to be on massive display like the last time. I, at least, am still trying to hold to that.
Re: SBS Notice Board

what is your definition of prank
Re: SBS Notice Board

Oh...Something like causing the lights to flicker to a specific tune, or rig a door or two with either a bucket of water, or a water balloon.

Nothing that could cause massive property damage or serious injury.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Mainly I just haven't been posting due to a lack of well... "drive". It doesn't feel like it's getting anywhere fast, we've been on the (4th, 5th day?) for over 2 months... we STILL haven't gotten the prom going... maybe we should just timeskip everyone to the main event?
Re: SBS Notice Board

go forth and cause chaos shadow wolf.

also time skip is fine if everyone agrees to it.
Re: SBS Notice Board

I'll wait until we know one way or the other on the jump, before I actually pull anything.

After all...If we're just going to be jumping ahead immediately, there's not really much point in trying to pull a prank right now.

As for the jump...I have no problems if people want to jump. If they want to wait, that's fine as well.
Re: SBS Notice Board

ah but you have permission to prank if you think appropriate.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Well, I was wondering what happened to this!

Reading past logs paints a sad, emaciated version of what this once was.

Whether or not it restarts, time warps, or anything of the like! Know that the antisocial Yoshio can make his appearance. (Dissapearance explainable by a few days in the woods?)

I also have another character in mind...

One not combat oriented by socialy (OMG)

Shes still in the shop right now but all I gotta do is a Bio really, hopefully shorter than Yoshio's =P
Re: SBS Notice Board

your welcome as always
Re: SBS Notice Board

Technically, since we haven't done the dance, now would be an excellent time to join in. One could introduce their character at the function.

Personally, I'm all for moving forward to the dance or whatnot. I think Siphon, Squid, and I are merely posting lightly simply because, well, we're the only ones posting at the moment and lord knows, y'all don't have to wait on us to start the dance. I think hearing it was about ready to happen might even help. I think we were just killing time.

Could do like we do in my other super-hero school game and have our call for "day changes." That usually prompts those of us with ongoing stuff to "wrap up" what we're doing currently. Anything that needs to be said can be done in narrative or "flashback" if you miss the change of day, like, for example, we call a day change now and if Squid misses a chance to post, he can mention in the new day post that Grace takes out one of the new outfits she got or Kyle could mention waiting to see if the prank he set up actually gets tripped by anyone. Things like that. Just a thought.
Re: SBS Notice Board

thats an excellent thought you have their copper. at the next conveniance start the dance y'all
Re: SBS Notice Board

The dance was supposed to be in G-Building, right? Same as the cafeteria?
Re: SBS Notice Board

Good. Well, what are you waiting for? Go pick up your date, cad. She's not showing up stag!