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SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Ku, you're approved under one condition; you either lower his age between 11-18/19 or make him a teacher because at the moment he's too old to be a student.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Why can't he b- ... oh, right, high-school..... D'OH.

Waitaminute... I CAN WORK AROUND IT.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

You can? I dont see how without doing what I suggested because there's no way we can allow a 22 yr old to be a student. Unless he was remedial. Really, REALLY remedial :p
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

You can? I dont see how without doing what I suggested because there's no way we can allow a 22 yr old to be a student. Unless he was remedial. Really, REALLY remedial :p

Raging at being unable to edit now, not you; fucking little brother WILL. NOT. LEAVE. ME. ALONE.

You'll see my plan later, when I have time to edit. For now, believe me, it's good :p
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Punch him in the face. Then the kidneys. Failing that tell him you want to spend some quality time with a little friend you like to call Pam.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets


Name: Kyle Atreus

Appearance: Slightly unkempt dark brown hair, green eyes, light skin complexion. Height is between 6'4" and 6'6". Weight is approximately 175 lbs.

Outfit: Black button-up shirt long sleeve shirt, Dark blue loose-cut jeans, Black mechanics boots, red/yellow/white Hawaiian-print coat. (Don't ask. Even he doesn't know where he got it from.) Oversized red duffel bag.

Personality: Laid back, often either reading or scribbling things in a notebook.

Bio: Much of Kyle's history is apparently lost. The only relatives he has are only mentioned in passing, and he claims that he can't remember very far back from when he reached the school. Kyle's got a noticed affinity for mechanical work, as well as chemistry...Often percieved as a dangerous combination, since he apparently bores easily, although the random antics of others often amuses him. Although rarely seen, he does seem to have some manner of skill in martial arts.

Abilities: Item Summoning/Creation, Heightened Recovery

Summoning/Creation: There is some question as to whether this ability is creating an item out of thin air, or pulling it in from an alternate reality. For all intents and purposes, it's creating something out of thin air. Although the ability allows any item that can be physically carried to be "drawn in", Kyle refuses to pull in weapons unless hard pressed otherwise.

Heighted Recovery: Kyle heals differently than others. Most forms of injury heal at least twice as fast as they would on a normal person. Crippling injuries can even be healed. Total immunity to toxins, and some diseases. What diseases he can get last at most half of the normal time. Kyle is also effectively ageless. He can still be killed, like a normal person. However, viciously beating or torturing him and leaving him for dead is probably not going to be enough to stop him. A side effect of this is that his metabolism seems to have kicked into overdrive, leaving him somewhat gaunt in appearance.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? No

Would you like your character to remember previous events? Yes. (Wasn't present for some events, such as the ZA, but has likely heard of them.)

Acquaintances: Siphon, Aya, others as requested.
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

I'm going to have to work on the backstory a little bit to have Kyo still in mandatory classes, since I forgot this isn't a college here, but there ya go, I think I fixed it ;p
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

[Edit: 30th July 2010] ~ Updated Ellisia's background based on gradual changes to my concept of Etheria over time. Looking back at the old one I realised how horribly outdated it was.

Grace Vasser

Grace Vasser

Appearance: Golden blond and gently wavy hair, at upper back length. Amber eyes. Petite framed.
Height, Weight: 5'1", 113 lbs
Age: 17 (BD: 9th August)
Powers: Barriers, seals and protective magics.
Speaks in: "Dark Red"

Background: The daughter of the long respected but reclusive Vasser family of magic users famous for their expertise in protective magic, seals, barriers and boundary manipulation. An only child Grace had a lonely childhood of extensive magical study and a large amount of home tutoring. She was rarely allowed out of the large old fashioned family estate alone, a powerful barrier constructed by her parents preventing her from slipping out. While repulsion enchantments hid the mansion from the attention of the outside world. Even the house itself was packed full of barriers and blocking seals restricting everything she did.

Like one might expect, this over controlling environment only encouraged rebellious behaviour. Grace tried to break away from her parents and family ideals in anyway she could, longing to escape their antiquated ways, and all the talk about her "noble heritage". She tried the normal bad dress sense and messing up her hair, but found it only angered her parents and didn't really change anything, nor was it what she was really trying to escape from. A secret computer and collected modern articles provided a form of escape and connection to the outside world, as well as helping to reassure herself that she wasn't really living in the past. She became something of a black sheep at family gatherings, always making a scene and shunning tradition.

The one thing she didn't abandon was the thing she hated most of all. Her family's speciality magic. Though she kept it a secret, she was studying her family craft more diligently than ever. Slowly as her skills improved she was able to overcome some of the barriers placed by her parents. She put her natural talents to use breaking into areas she'd never been admitted before. The entire estate was like an assault course, always another challenge, another barrier to break, a seal to bypass. She made sure to rebuild any spells she dismantled as she went to ensure her meddling would remain undetected. The day she was able to break through the estate barrier was a special one. Upon her return she was caught coming back through. Her parents told her she would be leaving to live in a far off boarding school. Grace didn't understand their motives at all, but wasn't about to turn down a chance like this.

Abilities/powers: Grace's school of magic is very specific. The basic magical language used by the Vassers dates back so far, and has been so highly refined to suit its field, that it has become almost unreadable by others of the magical community. This works in two ways, as Grace has had very little experience of the more universal magical language that most other mages employ. While she craves the power to conjure flames, summon strange creatures and warp dimensions, she is essentially a novice in all other fields of magic and has an extremely limited range of "non Vasser" spells. However her skills with the protective magics are excellent, particularly barriers and seals.

Barriers- Grace can construct a wide range of magical barriers, including force, elemental, and even spiritual based ones. She is also very adaptive with highly specific barriers given time to work one out. She can summon instant spontaneous temporary barriers requiring only a second or two too cast, such as a protective shield or entrapping cage around someone. Or given more time and possibly other material components, can construct permanent larger or more resilient barriers. The permanent barriers still require maintenance, but will typically drain her less than the spontaneous variety. The spontaneous type also has less scope for customisation, since she will need to have practised it before hand. The general size and resilience of any barrier effects it's difficulty and drain on her. Most of the barriers can be made to be either visible (typically a glowing pane of force, sheet of mist, or sometimes floating arcane symbols) or hidden (invisible or can only be seen under certain circumstances, or by someone familiar with barrier magics). Hidden barriers are generally equal to a visible counterpart, but are slightly harder to construct depending on how much effort is put into keeping them hidden. Much to her frustration Grace has found her family's magic style seems incapable of producing the "destructive barriers" some other mages can employ. They will not disintegrate someone at the touch. Ones that expel a minor force on contact are the limit in this direction, and these are more fragile.

Seals and wards- Placed on a specific object, with effects such as locking the magic or spirit inside it, holding a chest firmly shut, or keeping people at bay from the item. Could even be potentially cast on living beings, however any resistance from the target would make the attempt very futile. Grace has also learned of a unique trick used in the far east, where a seal is prepared on a special paper charm note, which can then be attached to the intended target. Use of these notes is more limited however, takes longer, and Grace has not yet mastered part of the creation technique. Her family training also never included any use of "trap seals" which activate other spells such as shocking the one who triggered it.

Protective spells- Designed to be cast on individuals, granting things such as a resistance to extreme heat, a slight resilience to bodily harm, or a degree of immunity to life draining attacks. Grace never focused on this part of her studies as much, and so is less proficient. Less familiar and more complex spells are not guaranteed to work, She is not very good at adapting new uses like with her barriers. Also she hasn't yet quite grasped maintaining them without having to concentrate on it, so will often be distracted while using one.

Boundary manipulation: The highest level of magic developed by the Vasser family. The same trick that renders her parents house in an undefined location. Can be used to extend, and fold space, as well as manipulating the boundaries between dimensions, the spiritual world, and the connection between magic and matter. Grace cannot do this. While she wishes she could and likes to try, she is a long, long way from achieving it in any form.

Other schools (of magic): Grace dreams of having power beyond the passive nature of her specialisation, and likes to imagine herself as a powerful multi domained wizard in the future. However as mentioned above, this could be more than difficult due to the inherent specialisation coded into the base magical language she has been taught since she was little. While something of a magical genius, her skills being beyond that expected for her age, she has major trouble breaking family trained magical habits that have became second nature to her. On top of that she has had no correct training in standard universal magical techniques, her attempts being self taught adaptations of Vasser technique. She has been practising cantrip spells designed for amateurs and new apprentices, such as summoning a tiny lick of flame at her fingers, simple tricks of the light and making a nearby object fall over. Her ultimate goal right now, is to master levitation, portals, and massive death lasers. New developments on this particular ambition are understandably slow.

Grace shall be rooming with Ellisia as before, room G205, third on the right from the stairs. Grace has seen some of Ellisia's impressive feats with a sword, but does not know of her true nature or abilities. Grace has barely ever noticed Simon and is unaware.
Grace is in the Cosplay club, as well as the dress making club after making a deal to put her name down in exchange for some cloth. (She still doesn't plan on attending the latter club.)

New student: Not quite,
Going to remember the past events: Yes, except she wasn't around for most
Acquaintances: Ellisia (Sword obsessed room mate),

Ellisia Alvante
Ellisia Alvante

Pseudonyms: The Etherian Sword, Second Sphere Spirit Knight Alvante, (Titles from her own world)
Appearance: Light blond, neck length hair. Blue eyes. Tall and athletic. Often has a serious or stern look on her face, but can be pleasant when relaxed. Would normally wear her knights uniform, but will be wearing school uniform or casuals here.
Height, Weight: 5'10", 153 lbs
Age: 19 (BD: 1st December)
Powers: Expert swordsmanship, Sword spirit.
Speaks in: "Blue"

Background: Ellisia Alvante is a knight of Etheria. An ancient society existing within it's own personal "hand crafted" sub dimension. The people of Etheria have substantial control over many elements of their world, extending even to control over life and death, via maintaining their own imitation of the ethereal plane and the greater life cycles that serve the rest of the universe. They have come to decipher the mysteries of the human soul and spirit to great detail, no longer mere myth and superstition, but an essential core science. It is a world of spiritual engineering, where specially tailored mod-souls carry out vital tasks across the world, and assist the living with day to day life. Civil servants and certain other residents of the white Etherian city are coupled with symbiotic companion spirits, which they share their life with. The defenders and agents of Etheria, the Spirit Knights, carry within them particularly powerful companion spirits to provide them with the superhuman abilities required to perform their difficult duties.

Ellisia is not in fact a true native born Etherian, her origins instead coming from the troubled and relatively primitive world of Arthe. One of several outside worlds that Etheria is in contact and interacts with. She was born in a small border village on the edge of an empire. She was somewhere around the age of seven when an incursion of demons of unknown origin swept across the region and razed the village. The nearest hope of an Arthian military response was hours away, however a nearby Etherian Knight noticed the attack and hurried to the village. Whilst the Spirit Knight was able to quell the demonic uprising, it was already far too late for the village and its people. The demons had came without warning, and were brutally efficient in their carnage. However against all the odds a young Ellisia had somehow survived. Found by the knight hiding in a collapsed barn, dirty, bloodied and clutching a broad sword, surrounded by more than one slain demon. Ellisia herself can't remember any specifics of the attack or her survival, she has little memory of before that time. Without anywhere else to go or any known family to turn to, she was taken to live in the Etherian capital and ended up enlisting into the Etheirian military at a very young age under the special circumstances.

Here she grew accustomed to a honest respectable life of service and hard work. She idolised the shining spirit knights that would visit her barracks. The spirit knights were icons of courage, honour and the ideals Etheiria stood for. And with their companion spirits, possessed the power to uphold those ideals. Ellisia saw them, and like many an ambitious youngster, confidently declared that she would some day wear that armour. Some day soon. And she did. After obsessive training, and every spare hour spent clutching a sword, at the age of 16 something came to her. A companion spirit, the essential prerequisite to entry to the spirit knights, had accepted her as a host. And not just any lesser spirit, but the respected and renowned 'Etheirian Sword', which had not joined with a host for nearly a century. Ellisia was the youngest by far to ever earn the acceptance of the Etheirian Sword, and considerably young among the spirit knight ranks in general. But the order knew from past knights that the sword spirit choose based on uncertain but exacting criteria, and had long provided Etheria with some of the finest knights in its history due to its chosen partners.

Ascending to the rank of a Second Sphere Knight after only two more years and several successful missions, with many saying that she is likely capable of attaining First Sphere status if her momentum continues. Ellisia was summoned by the leaders of her order to undertake one of her least straight forward missions to date. She was tasked with travelling to Earth, and to live in secret there studying a certain region the dimensional astronomers had detected, as well as tracking down a mysterious being that had fled to that world. The mission was a strange and unorthodox one, with her as an unlikely candidate, but she eagerly accepted the chance to prove herself.

Arriving at the school under the pretence of being a new student in the upper years, she's began to get a feel for the world. She has yet to track down her quarry, but feels she is getting closer. (Strike out. See below.)

Powers: Ellisia is a Spirit Knight. She draws her powers from the "companion spirit" bonded to her. Hers is a sword spirit, retaining the skill of over a hundred of the finest swordsmen throughout Etheirian history, these being all the hosts it has joined with before. It can lend her this skill to enhance her own, and grant her it's energy boosting her strength, speed and resilience. It can keep her alive despite wounds that would have killed a normal human. And allows her to wield her heavy choice of swords without tire. It's power also extends into the sword strengthening it. Ellisia can use a variety of sword types and styles, her preferred being double edged two handers, longswords and broadswords. The more different or exotic the weapon, the less her sword spirit can help with it. The sword spirit is a noble one, and not the kind to randomly fling its power about. It will typically only grant it's powers in combat or special times of need, and will not assist acts it doesn't approve of. In return for this, like all Etheirian companion spirits, it slowly feeds off Ellisia's own lie force, adding to it's own. This may seem severe, but it is something all spirit knights understand. As long as Ellisia remains bonded to the sword spirit she will still have access to this life force, and will not suffer or weaken because of it, even remaining young and healthier for longer. This is how the spirits grow ever stronger with each host.

As such a young knight there are still many common spirit knight techniques she has yet to learn or master. She has nearly mastered the art of storing her weapons and certain equipment within a tiny sub space to summon latter. She has not adopted it's use in battle yet due to the slight risk of failing to retrieve her weapons when it matters most. Her skills with focusing and reinforcing her AT field as a defense yet require much development, with the sheild strength generated being fairly weak, and barely relevant without her armour to boost it. She has no Tower Uplink experience, and no Shaper abilities beyond the basic practise exercises. Her spiritual senses are quite keen, but ultimately untrained and thus highly imprecise.
((I'm not detailing these since they won't have much/any effect on the game.))

Possessions: Ellisia has brought with her two swords, her armoured spirit knight uniform, and a special uplink disc necessary for her to contact home and arrange for a farcaster to bring her back. The two swords are, one, her favourite claymore, a huge blade crafted by the finest Etheirian military smiths. And two, an ancient family heirloom of unknown construction, the broadsword she took with her from her burning village. Old, yet faring well and unusually sharp despite it. The armour is a custom made piece as given to every spirit knight. Though it is unlikely a time will come to use it at the school. However she will be wearing the spirit knight insignia pin from it. A pair of silver wings aside a central sword, more likely to be confused with an airforce or SAS insignia in this world.

Ellisia has "completed" her mission in the sense that she now knows Simon not to be the dangerous fiend he was believed to be, and has reported as such. Since things are quiet back in Etheiria currently, she has been allowed a period of temporary leave, serving on Earth to keep an eye on Simon for a little longer (higher ups still suspicious) and to learn more about Earth. There is a chance she may be pulled away on duty at any moment, but for the meantime she is enjoying a life as a civilian student that she never had during her childhood growing up in a military academy.
Ellisia is unaware of Grace's abilities. She is aware of Simon.
Ellisia has a lighter class schedule than most, but also helps out occasionally as a substitute PE teacher and spends most of her free time with the martial arts club.

New student: No, spent a short time at the school
Going to remember the past events: Yes
Acquaintances: Simon (Ex target for "extermination"), Grace (nosy room mate), Siphon Sho (general friends),

Appearance: Short black hair, often a little scruffy. Wears the uniform, and often a long blue grey coat with brown soft leather collar and lining on the cuffs and pocket. Has a very emotionless expression, and a bit of a tendency to either stand staring and motionless, or to be fidgeting and restless.
Eyes: Green
5'4", 143 lbs
Age: 18 (BD: 21st May)
Powers: Shadow Guardian.
Speaks in: "Std Black"

Background: Simon is an orphan, never knowing his parents and with very little information on him. Regardless he was happy in his early years and seemed normal, with the dismissible exception of his 'imaginary friend' he talked about constantly. Ever since he was little he's known that something was different about his shadow. It talked to him, and did things other shadows did not. It was nothing sinister though, not until a certain incident involving a bully cornering Simon in an empty class room. The police found an unexplainable scene, with the bully strewn about the room in pieces, and what looked like impossible claw marks raking deep into the floor and walls. Simon was found cowering in a corner. Investigators were baffled. After that things changed. Simon isolated himself, refusing to go near to anyone in fear of what the shadow might do. Further minor incidents only pushed his sociophobia further, and the shadow seemed to get increasingly "defensive".

Simon was transferred between a few schools, before coming to Gossamer Falls at around twelve. He's found the extra space it gives him preferable and seems to be doing better. Generally known to the staff as something of a 'special needs' student, he is left to his own devices and studies alone, taking examinations solo and acing them. He is rarely seen, traveling the school carefully and giving corners a wide berth, but loves to keep up to date on events around the school and is insatiably curious, always watching. He's made himself quite at home in the school, with known safe routes, and several little havens stashed with scavenged school equipment.

Powers: Simon's "powers" are in his shadow. It acts as his ever watchful guardian, whether he wishes it to or not. He takes great care to ensure that it never has the need to 'protect' him. It's exact nature isn't known even to Simon. What he does know, is that when people get close to him they get hurt. He can feel its tension as it watches all nearby. It constantly whispers to him in his mind, but not in any language, just thoughts. He has slowly grown more able to understand it, gaining a subtle pseudo sixth sense, aware of the presence of those around him, and getting 'hunches' about certain things. He sometimes feels he can sense the spiritual, but has never been certain. It used to be the only thing he ever talked to, though he has been opening up a lot recently. He has also noticed the shadow being comparatively more relaxed lately, though by no means does he want to test this.

I'm keeping the details of the shadows exact nature under wraps, but here's the general information, the important bits, since the shadow is a purely reactive power and kinda dangerous. The shadow is (extremely) over defensive, and regards virtually anything as a threat, including a friendly approach. Sudden movements or apparent aggression double the chance of trouble. Simon has no control on it whatsoever. It is triggered and limited by proximity to Simon, not the actual location of the shadow (ie, it won't level the school at sunset). The range for triggering it is typically a meter or two depending on the situation, and possibly more if directly provoked. The extent of it's abilities also depends on distance from Simon, being overpowering within a meter, but weaker the further it stretches. Being a reactive power, please remember I need to be given a chance to respond if it should have been triggered (ie, writing that you bump right into Simon and then run off would be ignoring his power). It can block various attacks efficiently, and is almost impossible to attack the shadow itself directly. The shadow is very difficult to detect by those sensitive to auras, magical or such, seemingly a void of any power, and hides Simon's own life force from detection as well. Only detectable by those specifically looking for the strange ethereal gap it leaves. Simon himself is still a perfectly mundane human behind it, and very limited and vulnerable if the shadow cannot protect him from something. Also finally, Simon is simply not the type to randomly run about and cause deliberate chaos with the shadow, if I ever do this I fully expect an execution from Yuuki.

Simon is vaguely aware of Ellisia, as an Etheirian agent with powers stemming from a powerful spiritual entity. Thankfully, she is no longer hunting him. He is glad that misunderstanding has been more or less resolved.
Simons name has been down on the litteray clubs member list every year. No one ever sees him sign it, nor ever attend the club room. The clubs longest running and most elusive member. Occasionally a book labelled "Recommended" and signed "S" turns up on the table, these are believed by most to come from Simon.

New student: Nope, been here for years.
Going to remember the past events: Yes
Acquaintances: Ellisia (Was hunted by),
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Approved, approved and approved.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Okay, couldn't help myself here. I understand that I have enough as it is already, so I imagine I won't be able to use this. I just love thinking up characters, and basically SBS is a great open setting to imagine them in (I have two more in my head actually... >_>). So I've wrote up another full SBS style bio. Writing really helps to solidify a character concept. Whether it's feasible or not to play them, I just wanted to post them up here for any who care to read. It's a shame I'm already pretty full character wise.

She's taunting me... T_T

Edit: Made a small update concerning the name and clarifying a few things. No significant changes to actual workings of powers.

Yume / Monday

Name: Strictly Monday is her correct name, but for reasons mentioned bellow, she will generally be referred to as Yume. Regarding this bio, any mention of either name ultimately refers to the same person. At the school she would go by the name Yume, in a dreamscape she may go by either name though it is less likely to come up.
Appearance: Long straight black hair, of slim build and almost “too perfect” features as if their face was more designed than truly natural.
Eyes: Dark dark brown.
5'5", 134 lbs
Age: 379 (appears 16)
Powers: Manipulation of Dreams and the Subconscious, Youkai powers (dormant),
Speaks in: "Purple"

Background: Four hundred and seventy nine years ago a young girl from a wealthy family lay in a long coma induced by a serious accident. She clutched her favourite doll as she slept, trapped in dreams. Her injuries worsened while lost in her comatose state, and the girl passed away. The grieving family placed her in the family mausoleum, and the doll with her. One hundred years later, perplexed investigators were trying to solve a strange grave robbery. An old respected family's mausoleum had been broken into. What was strange was that nothing of value had appeared to have been taken, and that only one casket had been disturbed. There were none of the typical clues to indicate a suspect. Far stranger still was how the doors to the mausoleum, had seemingly been violently blasted open from the inside. The case was closed as an unsolved vandalism. No one knew to realise a century old doll was missing.

Monday is a youkai. A broad category of spiritual or supernatural beings. She belongs to a certain family of youkai, tsukumo-gami, inanimate objects that gain their own life after reaching one hundred years of age. Monday had the memories of her past owner imprinted into her. For the next two hundred years she lived a strange life, travelling the world and trying to understand who she was. Feeling alone, she used her power to create a living extension of herself, in the image of her long dead owner. The ability to create true life was far beyond her, the created body acted like a puppet. Before long Monday had taken to treating this puppet as if it were her true body, always carrying her doll form lovingly, and talking to herself. She took on the girls name and to a degree even her mannerisms. She stopped using her real body altogether, treating herself like a normal doll. Time went on, the world kept changing, and any friends she made grew old and left her. She remained young, and trapped somewhere just outside of normal human society, never able to truly fit in. She found herself growing increasingly disillusioned with the world. She thought that perhaps it may be time to relinquish her immortal lifestyle, and one day calmly opted to try jumping from a building. However forgetting the fact that her true body was not so easily broken, she survived, instead ironically ending up in a coma. She was quickly discovered and taken to a modern hospital, where she was cared for. Doctors and civil servants long tried to find information on the mysterious girls parents or identity. Regardless all were astounded at how this broken girl could have survived such a drop, and also at how well she healed under their care. The whole time her curious doll sat beside her. When after five years she woke, the doctors asked who she was. She didn't know. She remembered two names, but little else made sense. She remembered a girl named Yume, and her doll Monday. She had forgotten her long past, and her very identity. For all she knew she was human. This wasn't to say her behaviour wasn't a little strange at times. The doctors noted some possible mental disorder or sorts, but apparently nothing too serious. Either way, she needed a home. Without anyone to go to or come to claim her the girl was eventually sent to a boarding school that had proved very successful in housing one previous difficult orphan. Simon had been said to have showed improvement during his enrolment, so Gossamer Falls seemed a good choice for mysterious “Yume”. The girl went without complaint, doll in hand, and the rest was paperwork.

Powers: As far as tsukumo-gami youkai go Monday is considerably powerful, however her amnesia has sealed all of her conscious power away, leaving only her subconscious abilities behind. Her dormant powers can still be triggered accidentally through a reflex or instinct. If she was to fall from a height for example, she may unwittingly access some of her abilities to slow her fall.

Past Youkai Powers:- In the past Monday was capable of various mystic and inhuman abilities. Magically forming her new body is one example, being able to keep her centuries old doll form from disintegrating is another. She also possessed a limited ability to fly, as well as a certain natural magical aptitude. Her created body is stronger and more resilient than a normal human body, and being magical in nature was easy to repair. Even lost limbs could theoretically be reformed with some effort. In her amnesiac state all this is limited to her subconscious. She naturally maintains the false body without thinking or realising it, and would still be able to repair it to a degree, but likely only as far as she believes is humanly possible. While sleeping she will heal to her full ability however. Though fully capable, she certainly won't be flying or throwing any magical blasts. Being a youkai she is sensitive to spiritual entities, but the sense is generally vague and further blurred by her amnesia.

Manipulation of Dreams and the Subconscious:- Her most unique ability is the power to manipulate dreams and peoples subconscious. Was she her past self she would be able to deliberately tailor the dreams of those sleeping, or induce subconscious messages in those awake. This is not the case though. In her current state she can do this only while her target is sleeping. On top of that she does not realise she is doing it, as she does so purely subconsciously. The most likely time for this is when Monday herself is asleep also and her mind has free roam, seeing anything she does as her own dreams. She is also to a much more limited degree capable of triggering her power whilst day dreaming or deep in thought. Anything she does though is accidental, merely connecting with any sleeping people in the vicinity. She is capable of visiting peoples normal dreams as well as triggering and creating the dream herself. In a dream she can range between watching unnoticed or taking full control over the dream. The sleepers mental self image and their own thoughts can still make an input unless she makes an effort to stop them doing so (something she cannot do subconsciously). Her ability can extend over a fair distance, enough to cover the school grounds and some. If (unlikely) desired Monday could induce some of the most chilling nightmares the sleeper had ever seen. However she has no power over the target simply waking up, spare using soothing dreams to encourage them to stay. The connection can potentially work both ways, just as she can enter the subconscious minds of others, she can invite sleepers into her own. This means the dream is not limited to just one person, with multiple people all experiencing the same dream. Though again, in her current state any dream manipulation she does is purely subconscious and without motive. She is more likely to trigger her power based on any thoughts and emotions of others that stand out.

Personality/Self identity: Monday's psychology is complex, and the way her mind works is far from human. She fully believes herself to be human, having fully taken on the identity of her past owner Yume. However her mind is severely fractured and confused regarding her past and the occasional memories she sees. Her personality can switch quite severely and at random, regressing to various points in her past life with all sorts of different mentalities displayed depending on how she felt at that point in history. She effectively has a split personality, behaving much more like her old self whilst dreaming, though even this personality suffers from the same unpredictable behaviour and unreliable memory.

Whilst awake she can frequently seem “spaced out” and in a world of her own. She has mixed knowledge about the world, some she doesn't understand. As a result of her inner confusion her new personality has become excessively imaginative. Also, though very intelligent, having a poor grasp on science, or just reality in general, she is unsurprised by most things, frequently not realising if something is unusual at all. If someone tells her something outlandish she will likely accept it. Despite being lost in her human form, Monday still receives sensory input from her doll body. Her mind attempts to rationalise this as hunches and a sixth sense like effect, or merely dismissing it. For example if someone was to treat her doll roughly, when she declares “Stop it! Your hurting her!” she may well mean it more literally than others or she herself realises.

Weakness: She does not realise the importance of the doll she carries, as her true body, but has an overpowering instinct to keep it with her that she hasn't yet questioned. If she was to separate too far from it she would very quickly suffer unexplainable weakness and severe confusion. She currently shares her soul between the doll and her created body, as well as her mind being split between it. If not reunited in time she would die. Ultimately the doll remains her true body, and harm to it will harm her.

(Since Monday's dormant powers over the subconscious border very closely on the mind control taboo, I will inform here that I do not intend on her recovering her powers over the course of the game. Any unlikely accidental acts that she may commit aside, she is otherwise very much like a mundane girl. I also realise that this bio may be a bit confusing, but hopefully you got what I was trying to say... if not, feel free to ask I will explain and possibly improve the relevant section of the bio too.)

Remember events: N/A
New student: Yes
Acquaintances: None

Also, just had an idea, why not use spoiler boxes here? They're pretty handy for this kind of thread. If we all edited them in then scrolling to find someone's character would be much faster and easier. Hmm?
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Alrighty, here she is, or at least the start of her, will finish parts as soon as I can.

EDIT: talking to some people caused me to shift things a little. I pretty much wrote down some implied rules about her abilities, and explained the weakness a bit more.

Name: Autumn Smith

Appearance: 5'11" tall, looks to be about a hundred twenty pounds, lightly tanned skin. She has bright green, curious eyes, and belly length, straight black hair with undertones of a deep red. Fairly lanky build, but athletic at the same time, with B-cup breasts, a little bit of muscle, and fine-fingered hands. Looks to be about 18.

Personality: Usually shy and withdrawn, though she does warm up to people quickly once she gets to know them. Always quiet, especially when singled out. Steps quietly and carefully, but always seems to find the creakiest board(s) in a room anyways.

Bio: Growing up in a military family was never easy, and it was a releif to Autumn when her father declared that he had been given a permanent posting on American soil. The small town of military families numbered a couple thousand and some, and Autumn quickly made new friends among the other teens. A few months in, however, things changed. Her father had started looking at boarding schools for some reason, and had declared, in his usual no-debate-necessary manner, that she was going to attend some boarding school off in Britain, to get the kind of education she deserved. Smart as she was, Autumn knew there was some ulterior motive, but packed her things without complaint anyways. The day after, however, changed things entirely.

The entire base was quarantined for medical reasons, after some people started getting sick. Before too long, the entire base started showing symptoms, and people started dying. Things got worse, wierd stuff started happenning, and eventually the military moved in and burned the place to the ground to sanitize it. Autumn had been changed, like most of the population, but the changes seemed deeper, more subtle...
She slipped past the cordon and escaped, without the military knowing that she wasn't a pile of ashes. With no other family, and nowhere else to go. She came to the boarding school her father had enrolled her in, Gossamer Falls, gambling that he had wanted to sneak her off base before the tragedy, and as such wouldn't have told anyone. She figured she would try and start new, try and forget what had happened, both to her life and to her...

Abilities: She doesn't know it, but Autumn is the remnant of a symbiotic virus created by the United States government. Everything she remembers stems from the original host. She is the virus, though she wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Her body is extremely dense, she actually weighs closer to 120 kilos than 120 pounds. The virus is mutagenic, and allows her to reshape that mass in certain ways, though she may be able to do more.

Cosmetic- Autumn can shift herself to appear like anyone she can see, or at least has a picture of. Most of the time the resemblance is imperfect, unless she has a fair amount of time to study the detail, but is always enough to pass at least casual inspection. Even clothing can be assumed in this way, the mock fabric even feeling realistic to the touch.

Defense- Autumn has two defensive abilities. She can only use one or the other, and both completely blow her cover if she's seen. She can shift her biomass to either form a large shield out of her left arm, completely replacing the appendage from the elbow down with a blackish-red, organic impedance to attack. Alternatively, she can shift the entire biomass to form a gyver-esque suit of armour to protect her from every angle, though this reduces the amount of punishment any one area can take, over what the shield can absorb.

Offense- Autumn has three offensive abilities, all of which modify her arms. As such, she can only have two instances at once, be it two of a single power, or one of two different ones, with two exceptions. The first is if she's using the Shield defensive power. It uses up an arm, so only one arm left for offense. The second is if she's using the Blade ability. It requires so much biomass that she cannot sustain two at once.
Autumn can create razor sharp, eight inch claws to extend from her hands. She doesn't have the fine control required to alter just that however, and her entire arm changes as well, becoming a blackish-red, spiny appendage whenever this changes.
Alternatively, she can shift her entire right arm to become a massive blade, almost as long as she is tall. It extends from the elbow back and the hand forward, and makes the appendage completely unrecognizeable as an arm, the upper portion changing similarly to the claw ability.
Finally, she can change one or both arms into retactable whip-like appendages, capable of reaching somewhere between twenty and thirty feet. This ends in a lamprey-like grouping of grasping claws, and can support her weight enough for her to use it to climb structures and other heights fairly easily, or to grasp and throw people from a distance.

Healing- Autumn can heal from the most greivious of wounds, even to the point of becoming a puddle of mush, simply by replacing and rebuilding the injured areas with biomass, but enough of this, and she won't have the extra mass to use. The virus can survive from even a few cells, though if that were the case, it would take months for those cells to find a new host and overcome it, gaining enough biomass to reform completely. If low on mass, she can absorb any living tissue, though she refuses to do so for any human being, usually resorting to hunting and 'eating' wild animals.

To be permanantly killed, she needs to be incinerated to the point where the entire room she's in is hot enough to sterilize down to a cellular level, no mean feat. This has also caused her to have an aversion to open flame, partially as a biological imperative, and partially from her memories of the 'clean-up' at the army base.
It is also possible to freeze her solid, but the temperature required to do so is also quite prohibitive. The virus' cell walls are sturdy enough to prevent being punctured by microscopic ice, and enter a state of dormancy. It doesn't kill her, but as long as the temperature is maintained, she can be held in stasis like this indefinitely.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? Yes

GM's note: Autumn is heavily interested in keeping her abilities a secret, so she may not even use them should a crisis actually happen, depending on what happens. I figure most of her stuff isn't too OP, however. And yes, I have been playing too much Prototype, thanks for pointing that out ;)
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

So it's basically Alex Mercer, only female and minus the hammerfist and musclemass powers?

This should be interesting. I approve.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

And without the whole anti-gravity boots, the silly gliding, and all that stuff. She might be able to manage a decent jump, but that's the only thing past the said powers. As for incognito, her disguise is pretty much all she can do without drawing attention, but she packs a punch with that much weight behind her.

Also, yippee! Where do I start?
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

I loved the gliding. Shooting blood out of your wrists and ankles at high velocity? There's no better way to travel!

Anyway, since the tour for the new students already happened, I'd say you could just show up at the Dorm and it's assumed you were around for the tour.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Is that how they explained that? I missed that entirely. And sounds like a plan, thanks!
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets


Name: Jackson Cougar


Personality: Jackson, overall, is a very likable person. That is unless you find him on one of ungodly long monologues about science which for many go right over their heads with the terms which he seemingly makes up on the spot. Many of the monologues end in gibberish as if his mind is running fast then he, himself, can keep up with.

Bio: Jackson has amnesia and remembers nothing bound the age of ten. Unknown to him his own mother use him when he was seven giving him his mastery of Magnetism. Whatever the reason of doing something like this to her own child... but the same could be said with her death. Over five hundred gigawatts in to the chest along with what could all be called a ninety foot drop. The case it self is now a cold case with no leads. Jackson being the only link.

With no known family Jackson ended up in child service. He never fully fit in anywhere part of it having to do with amnesia. The other being his crazy way of seeing the world. Speed is everything to him. The less time it take from going from Point A to Point B the more time you would have to do other things. He often gose in to full blowen rants trying to get anyone else to understand his way of thinking.


Magnetism: Jackson has full control of magnetism. He can build up huge amounts of electricity with in his own body. He has full control over this power forcing all of the build up energy into his hand. Just by touching another person or any type of metal allows him to transfer this energy allowing him to pull or push them as he wishes. However, the energy looses it effect quickly between thirty to forty seconds. But merely touching the target again resets the timer. When it comes to any type of machine, Jackson somehow can improve it's efficiency three times normal... but the ware and tear is almost ten fold as most machines are not meant to more a such high rates of speed. For something like a car this will destroy the engine.... This he knows first hand.

Spark Volt: He has learned to shoot a ball of pure energy causing the same effects as touching things can but he can only do this once every two hours. This also causes touching thing magnetism time ot cut in half.

Pull: Once a target is magnetized, Jackson can pull things to him. This is highly useful for pulling enemies to him for a grapple. In fact he can hold his hands out like he was grabbing the air and pull targets to him but only at a range at a max of 5 yards.

Sight: When need Jackson can see and pull power from generators to heal himself a bit and recharge a Spark Volt.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? Yes

Would you like your character to remember previous events? No

Was OK by Bart via PM.
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Obligatory seal of approval.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets


Suzanna (Suzy) Biggs




(She is wearing fingerless leather gloves, and she has a black and silver cloak for formal occasions.)

Suzy is the kind of person who kind of blends into a crowd, even though her physical appearance is often unique. This is because she can "zone out" of reality and simply ignore and be ignored. When you get to know her, she's alright. Kind to her friends, often witty and laughing, although when she thinks no-one is looking she will sink into the nearest seat and look glum and depressed more often than not.

Suzy's father was a mechanic, but she has never had any interest in following his line of work. She was pretty smart in her earlier years, though never the brightest bulb in her class. Through connections in the U.S.A, she has a rifle, the Remington Model 770. The R770 is a bolt-action rifle, and Suzy's personal weapon has been chambered for the .30-06 Springfield round. Hers also features a mounted, boresighted 3-9x40mm scope, as is standard with the weapon. Suzy is average athletically, pretty decent stamina, but not particularly fast. Strong enough to wield her spear, which she trained with for a few years before being sent to Gossamer Falls, or hold a rifle for extended periods. You won't be seeing her do crazy acrobatic shit, seeing as her abilities aren't really orientated to that direction.

Abilities: Zone Out: Suzy can appear to melt into her surroundings. This is not invisibility, it merely serves to break her outline apart, much like camouflage.
Assassin: Suzy likes ambushing, and is capable of lying in wait for hours on end, not moving a muscle, beyond a point where any other human would have had to get up for drink and the call of nature. At first glance she may even appear dead, as she can even regulate her bodily functions to drop her internal temperature to that you'd expect to find on a day old corpse, and reduce the visible effect of her breathing to basically nothing.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school?

Would you like your character to remember previous events?

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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

So, whut do I do now? Seeing as I'm a late arrival and all?