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SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Making a second character for a few reasons that will probably be discussed later:

Name: Athanasia Sibylle

Appearance: Athanasia stands at the height of 5'7 and looks to weigh about 120lbs. Dirty blonde hair, light build, right handed.

Personality: Athanasia is extremely prideful, perhaps even to the point of annoying to some. She remains careful though, trying her best not to accidentally expose her true nature to anyone that would cause problems. She trusts those that can prove themselves helpful to her, and remains rather distrustful of certain others, especially any of those that she feels 'abandoned' her during the so-called Great Escape.

Bio: Athanasia is another survivor from the dimension that Siphon had come from. Her colony was amongst the first to be devastated during the attacks and she was the sole survivor of that particular area. She was picked up by a group of stragglers that were looking to scavenge anything that remained, and quickly the group headed towards Alverus, only to find that everyone had already left.

Her story with Siphon begins earlier than that though. As a small child, her father, Brevahn, was killed during one of the missions he was on, and his symbiote, known as Talvash, ended up inside the man who would later complete the mission her father was on. All that was released was mostly through grapevine, as the officials never released a statement publicly about what had actually happened. Siphon had come over to talk to her mother, she had been pretending not to listen, but deep down, she knew. This man had killed her father, taken the symbiote, and now she believed he was hitting on her mother. She developed an intense hatred for the man, although she had kept it quiet, after all, yelling at a man in such a high position would do little for her.

This carried on later to the invasion, where she believed that Siphon was responsible for delaying the reaction of the military to ensure that the last of Brevahn's line was dead. After finding out that not only had the man she hated so much had escaped the invasion, but he had gone to another dimension. With the help of others that had gotten left behind, she begins to train, building up a small arsenal of weapons and technology most of which was scavenged from the now abandoned colonies, eventually building a small ship that was capable of dimensional travel.

The ship's maiden voyage was it's last. It's poorly build system literally smashed Athanasia into this dimension, sending her spiraling down onto Earth with little input from her. The ship turned into a bright streak on the sky as it crashed near the school, throwing her and half of her weapons out. She managed to collect about a third of her arsenal and load it onto a unmarked white van she had stolen. One day, as she was out trying to find some information on how to repair her ship, she found, upon her return, that not only had her ship been destroyed, but it was destroyed so meticulously and carefully that she was certain that it was either Siphon or another that had survived. After checking out the local scenary, she discovered that most likely one of the survivors was at the school. Quickly enrolling, she begins her search to kill the man she believes had ruined her life...


Athanasia's abilities either attempt to mimic or best Siphon's in the hopes that she would be able to defeat the man when she meets him.

Equipment 'Summoning': Mimics Siphon's ability to summon his weapons, with the difference that instead of summoning, all her weapons are registered to a device on her body and the equipment simply teleports from the storage (generally the van) to her body, ready to be used. Included in her equipment is a small shield generator that she uses to attempt to mimic Siphon's shields ability

White Unmarked Van: Simply a vehicle where Athanasia stores her weapons and equipment until she needs them. It is generally parked somewhere for a few months before she moves it. She is not very good at driving, so she avoids moving it unless it starts to get really suspicious, and she finds that people randomly get very suspicious of it.

Impact Hammer: Athanasia can concentrate and focus energy onto her right hand, releasing a blast of extremely powerful but short burst of force. For this to work, she has to be touching the target upon the release of the burst otherwise it will not do anything. Her hand must be open for the most part, and she cannot be gripping anything, lest she risk blasting her own fingers off. The amount of energy released depends on how much Athanasia wishes to put into it, although she is not very good at determining exactly how much she needs...

Is this character a new student: Yes

Remember Events: Obviously no

Acquaintances: Wishes to kill Siphon, but doesn't have any idea what the man looks like at the moment.
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

All in all everything seems to be alright, and I'm assuming you talked the character over with Siphon given her history and whatnot. So I'll approve it, so long as her shield isn't as powerful as Siphon's.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Name: Waylon Smith

Appearance: Waylon stands at 5'10", has long, raven-black hair, and seems to have severe acne problems. His eyes are a light blue, but they are often hidden by his bangs, which cover the entire top half of his face. In terms of clothes, he normally wears a black T-shirt with the band Disturbed's logo on the front, blue jeans, and a brown aviator jacket. He also has a set of large headphones on over his ears, with a large "W" displayed on each earpiece. Some of his teeth are solid black, from plaque buildup over the years, and they look almost like piano keys.

Personality: Waylon is often very indifferent with the world around him. Mainly because is is too absorbed in his music. When someone does get his attention, he is very slow to converse, and often doesn't put much effort into anything.

Bio: Waylon is the grandson of an old Ace-Fighter pilot from the second World War. His father is an American Air Force pilot, and they both expect him to follow in their footsteps. Which is why they sent Waylon to Gossamer Falls, so he would have a decent education to take with him to the air force. Before he was sent to the school, however, he was one of the many people in his city that had fallen into gang activity. He was just a delivery boy, making sure that anything being passed around between gang lieutenants made it to the right person. When his powers manifested, however, he slowly became a recluse, staying in his room most of the time listening to music, scared of what he really was.

Abilities: Waylon's powers are sound-based, in many aspects of the word. By using the simple sounds his body can make, snapping, clapping, clicking his tongue, he can manipulate them into many different effects. His powers aren't limited to mere manipulation. He can also make different effects by using certain onomatopoeia's relating to the effect. His powers, however, leave him deaf for a certain amount of time after each attack, depending on the power behind it. Over time, as he uses his powers, he slowly looses his hearing permanently.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? Yes

Would you like your character to remember previous events? no
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Name: Jonathan Bird

Appearance: Jonathan is about 1,80 m tall. He has short blonde hair which he rarely bothers to keep in order. He has blue eyes and wears mainly casual black clothes: t-shirts, jeans and the like. Often seen with an MP3 player. Judging by the sound of it, he's not listening to light music.

Personality: Jonathan is usually apathetic and fairly calm, frowning quite often. But that's just the front. Bird tends to be a bit of a jerk with a little sadistic streak when in a bad mood, but deep down, he's a good guy. He finds it hard to abandon those in need, and never accepts any credit for helping them. A pessimist, likes to spend his time contemplating all kinds of things. Lazy, but once he focuses on something, he turns out to be a really tenacious bastard. Has little respect for himself, and tends to use underhanded tricks when it helps him. Doesn't trust most people, but loyal to friends. Always tries to keep promises he makes.

Bio: Jonathan was born and grew up as a normal human. The only thing that was out of the ordinary was that he never saw his father, who apparently died before he was born. His mother refused to elaborate, and Bird stopped asking questions when he was 13 years old. Two years later, during the night after his birthday, Jonathan discovered why she was silent. He wasn't entirely human - and he learned that thanks to his latent powers awakening. He is half darkling - an elemental of mysterious origin. Jonathan never told anyone about his powers and led a normal life, secretly experimenting and training whenever he had enough time. He had no particular reason for choosing Gossamer Falls. Just a school, like any other one - that's what he thought. Now, Jonathan seeks to continue his life - and get even more skilled with his abilities, considering them a useful tool.

Abilities: Jonathan is half-darkling, which allows him to manifest physically as a mass of dark matter. He is stronger in dark places, or during night. He can transform nearly effortlessly, and even regenerate in his dark form. Daylight prevents all regeneration, makes transformation harder and generally has a negative effect on Jonathan's mind in dark form, making it hard to remain transformed for long periods of time. Jonathan has two dark forms: one that resembles liquid and one that resembles steam. The former is most useful for physical interaction, very difficult to harm, and can assume any shape and become solid if Bird wants to. The mist form is practically impossible to harm and nigh invisible if it's dark enough, but it prevents Jonathan from affecting anything. It's similiar to a humanoid made of gas. Through training, Jonathan learned how to transform not only his body, but his clothes as well (works only with black ones, though), transform subconsciously into liquid when he's about to get hit by something (developing that hurt a bit) and transform only selected parts of himself. The latter works only with liquid transformation - if Bird wants to turn into mist, it's all or nothing. Mist form has another weakness as well - Jonathan can remain in it for short amount of time, regardless of circumstances. On top of that, while he is immune to physical attacks, any light-based attack deals horrible amounts of damage to him, a fact he is subconsciously aware of. Liquid form is more resistant to light, but Jonathan still has no way of countering that element, and he can't regenerate for a while after taking a hit from that sort of attack. Human form is most resistant, but still weak against it. On top of that, it seems that anything based on magic might be dangerous to him as well. Unless it's dark magic - due to his nature, he's resistant, immune or empowered by it, depending on how much raw darkness is used to fuel the spell.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? Yes

Would you like your character to remember previous events? No
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Both Grave and Burr's characters are approved.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Well the return has come. Say hello the the new guy. well not so new.

Name: Moradakai Savenchita (More-da-Kai Sav-ven-chita ) AKA: N.O.V.A (Previously: Shade)
Height: 6”6’
Wight: 170Lbs
Build: Toned, Slender
Race: Human, Caucasian, Russian
Age: 18? (Demon age: 3 478) August 1

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? No

Would you like your character to remember previous events? Yes

Acquaintances: Sho, Siphon

Hair: 4 inches (can be spiked, combed back, or just down) Black

Distinguishing facial features: High cheekbones, pronounced nose, Eyes that change colors on mood, Narrow Jaw, Scar going down across right eye ( \ in this angle the eye being the center of the slash)

No distinguishing body features apart from toned mussels no bulk.

Clothing: Anything casual, Mostly black, red and dark purple colors. Button up shirts, jeans. Has a heavy leather trench coat. A single tooth necklace with an unknown tooth on it. Running shoes sometimes combat boots.

Fighting abilities: Mostly hand to hand and long sword weapons. Is a sharpshooter with guns, prefers sniper rifles.

Non fighting abilities: Is skilled in stealth related activities. An adequate tactician. Intelligent and thinks before acting more often than not.

Special abilities: Has control over Fire and Ice. Can form ice from his hands but fire from anywhere on his body. Cannot control large masses of each but can alter average amounts.

Weapons: A black katana with a Red jewel and purple jewel on the base of the grip. (Unknown metal. Demon stone). A identical tanto that is 6 inches long . A .357 Remington AWP with a 5X 10X and 20X adjustable mil dot scope, Single Shot (Many mods for it). Five-Seven pistol (silenced).

Racial Background: Half-demon
Has immunity to traditional fire and ice effects. But demon blood allows him immunity to all types of fire. Has a racial defense to weak magical spells. Allows him improved senses, enhanced vision (Can see farther and clearer than a human), thermal vision, enhanced reflexes (slightly faster than a human), inhuman strength (meaning only that he is not a typical human and can take much more of a beating, can run for longer, and can bench at a level of the strongman competition) Has understanding of many forgotten languages.

Weaknesses: Has little defense to strong magical abilities, has two personalities (Human and demon) Human is very calm, calculated, and prefers not to fight unless fate has deemed him required to fight to continue with is journey or a friend is in danger. If friend or loved one is in life threatening danger the demon has a chance of emerging. The demon will attack recklessly killing everything and everyone who is a threat, often resulting in grave bodily harm or persuasion. Honor.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Bart and myself have already approved this character, just posting to make it official.

A note; As Nova was a part of the original SBS both Bart and myself have allowed him to join during the event, however I'll PM Grave and TentanariX (once he's submitted his new character) to let them know that they can start up during the event.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Alright, fourth character who'll appear at the end of the scenario with the other newbies. I decided to rework one of my old characters, so if you recognise his abilites, that's why.


Name: Aloysius 'Al' Marconi (Al-oo-ish-us Mar-ko-ni)
Age: 17

Bio: Aloysius is the son of another family of Casters, though not nearly as prestigious as the Wingates. As a novice caster, he experienced far more difficulty than normal at controlling anima, much to his family’s concern. Desperate to live up to his family’s expectations, he began training vigorously, using ever more dangerous methods. He was eventually able to form his own style of manipulation. Hoping to introduce it to fellow casters, he transferred to Gossamer Falls in search of the son of the Wingates.

Powers: Eco channelling

Aloysius is capable of drawing and refining isolated elements of anima from the earth. He calls these individual elements ‘Eco’. He must draw out Eco before using it, and cannot store it in his body – it is activated as soon as he finishes drawing it. The length of time each charge lasts for is equal to 10 times the length of time he spent drawing - 6 seconds of drawing will give him a minutes worth of Eco, 6 minutes will give him an hour. After all the Eco he has drawn has been used up, he must wait double the amount of time he spent drawing before he can draw again.

Blue Eco uses electrical and kinetic energy. It increases his speed, and allows him to move objects that are close to him without touching them, i.e. open a door that he is running toward, or make an object fly into his hand. This can only be done over short distances, and blue sparks or lightning may indicate what he is manipulating. He is also capable of generating weak electrical charge in his body.

Yellow Eco uses heat energy. It allows him to use an extremely weak form of Pyrokinesis, which he often uses simply to throw fireballs.

Green Eco uses chemical energy. It allows him to heal wounds on himself or another by channelling the energy through them. He cannot heal major or fatal wounds, and is limited to about a torn tendon at the absolute most. He can also use it to cure weak illnesses.

Red Eco also uses chemical energy. By channelling it through his body, he can increase his strength and stamina.

Light Eco is extremely powerful. It takes more concentration to draw, and Aloysius often limits himself to about 10 minutes of use at a time. Light Eco is the refined form of pure anima, and therefore Aloysius has limited control of it. Its use poses a great risk to Aloysius and those around him (as Aloysius may lose control of it, and expel it all at once). Even his 10 minute limit is dangerous. While using it, his body begins glowing brightly, and he grows wings of light. While 'Light Aloysius', he can heal himself (but only himself) to a far greater extent than Green Eco will let him. He can use his wings to fly up to about 40ft. He can create a shield sphere around himself, and can move extremely quickly by slowing time around him. He tends to lose consciousness upon exiting his light form, and it is extremely taxing upon his body. He is often unable to use Eco for a while afterwards.

Dark Eco is much the same as Light Eco (its use therefore carries the same risks), only formed from negative anima. As such, it is far more dangerous. 'Dark Aloysius', stands 7 feet tall and his body is electrically charged. His eyes are black and hollow, and his skin darkens to a blue-grey. His nails also glow into long claws. Dark Aloysius is far stronger than Aloysius even when he is using Red Eco. He is capable of releasing blasts of Dark Eco to create explosions, shockwaves and lightning barrages. However, as Dark Aloysius, he is unable to control himself. He acts extremely feral and cannot tell friend from foe.
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Well, thought I'd bring in a new character, will just have to see how it goes.

Mîrchell / Michelle

Name: Mîrchell Albaque (Mur-shell Al-bake) / Michelle Alberts.

Age: 19 years since joining the mortal world.

Appearance: Mîrchell appears obviously demonic, with glowing red eyes, horns which curve out, then up, black, leathery wings which fold out to give a 6' wingspan, a whiplash tail ending in an extended heart shape, and legs resembling that of a female Draenei, complete with hooves. Her skin is a pink-grey hue, and her hair is pure white, coming just below her shoulders, with spikes around her long, tapered ears. When disguised as Michelle on the other hand, her demonic features sink away, leaving an albino girl, standing 6'0" exactly. Even as Michelle however, she retains extremely pointed canines, tapered ears, and when experiencing strong emotion her eyes may briefly glow.
attachments are as close as I could get to her on TekTek

Bio: Mîrchell was born of a coupling between one of the great Dreadlords, and his succubus underling, a rare occurrence indeed. She maintained the physical aspects of her mother, that of an extremely attractive woman, with certain demonic aspects, but inherited from her father her glowing eyes and elongated horns. Much like her father, she saw malice as a virtue, shunning her mothers seductive half, albeit maintaining her forwardness, as opposed to her fathers preference for working in the background, and as such, she was shunned by both of her parent races.

Escaping to the mortal world, she was taken under the wing of a family shortly after she had mastered her ability to disguise herself as a human, longing as she was to stop being shunned by all who met her. Her sword, back from her days with her original parents, was never found, Mîrchell always kept it hidden. The sword is a vicious-looking zweihander, with an ornate golden crossguard and flame-shaped pommel, with demonic runes etched along the flat of the serrated blade, even Mîrchell doesn't know what the runes mean, having never received proper education from her parents. Before she met this family, however, she somehow picked up skill in Kenjutsu, even though she uses her demon sword which more closely resembles that of European swords. She adopted her human alias, Michelle Alberts, both for its closeness to her real name and the ease it went through society with. The family which adopted her quickly learnt of her lack of education, and after many schools, she was somehow secured a place in Gossamer Falls. The news brought a sharp-toothed grin to her face, somewhere new to see, new people to meet, new fun to be had.

Arriving, again with her hidden sword in tow, Mîrchell settled in relatively well, controlling her sadistic desires until she found a safe way to unleash them. Still, she looked rather odd, with the blood red eyes, and snowy hair in its unique style, combined with her common clothes, flowing, with a long sash around her waist and all in a black and red colouring.

Abilities: Even though she hates her Succubus abilities, Mîrchell still possesses some of them, such as an ability to seduce men, though she constantly works to subdue that half of herself, and as such, would never use them besides her fully functioning wings, though she still would rather not use them besides getting around quickly.

On the other hand, she loves her powerful Dread Lord abilities, even if she uses them in a way frowned upon by her father race. While her fathers side prefers to corrupt from shadowy recesses, Mîrchell strides forward, sword in hand, using her abilities to aid herself. She is able to absorb life from an opponent through their blood, launch psychological attacks against her targets, or launch various arcane and shadowy spells against a target, alternatively imbuing her weapon with the power of a spell. In addition, she has inherited freakish physical strength, weak compared to a full Dread Lord, but plenty strong enough to pick up a normal human in one hand without any trouble at all.

Her unused abilities are those to put others to sleep, or summon a demonic minion to herself, as is her combat preference.

Mîrchell can absorb the life force of her victims by consuming their blood, and is capable of healing any wound if she can consume enough blood. If given the ability to completely drain an average-sized human, she could cure herself of nearly any injury or condition, including those which may otherwise be fatal.

She also has some basic psychic ability, enough to read an opponents thoughts, or assault said opponents mind with her own, useful for extracting information, or just forcing them to break down in a babbling mess if given long enough. The usefulness of this ability in combat is negligible, as it requires most of her concentration.

As far as her casting is concerned, she has a fairly limited amount of arcane and shadow magic to use. She can cast basic magic bolts at targets, usually used as a stunning move, to pave the way for something more powerful. She can darken the area around her, simply absorbing the light to hinder the sight of those nearby, or light brilliant purple and green fires. With a few seconds preparation, she can release a large burst of either energy, a volley of high velocity shadow bolts, developed to pound an enemy into submission, or an explosion of arcane energy, quite capable of knocking humans clean off their feet, and even felling small trees. Alternatively, she can concentrate the energies into a beam, though this drains her energy rather quickly to do so, but works with both shadow and arcane magic. She is also quite capable of killing any plant life by channelling shadow magic into it. Given a long time, at least 6 weeks, she can use her shadow magic to corrupt a target, turning them into something akin to a demon, which she possesses some control over, or with her arcane magic can feed it into a target until they become addicted to it, meaning she could get them to do nearly anything she wanted to sate her victims thirst. Mîrchell discovered that she could fill her sword with either energy to imbue it temporarily with different powers. With shadow magic, the blade becomes shrouded in a thin layer of black fog, and wounds inflicted with it will quickly fester, and will be quite difficult to close without a lot of medical attention or other magic to counteract it. With arcane magic, the blade glows with purple-green fire, and inflicts a burning sensation upon contact, causing agonising pain to anyone struck with it, though the wound does not actually get burnt.

Her sleep spell is potent against nearly any mortal, except those who have abilities that centre around controlling their own body, as they are in greater control of their own body and as such can fight back against the spell. Truth be told, anyone with any kind of unusual abilities can resist the spell to some degree, but it would be rather harder.

For summoning her minions, she has 3 choices, each of which drain a portion of her life force in order to draw forth, the portion size increasing with the power of the demon summoned. Firstly, she has an imp minion, about as tall as her knee, with yellow eyes, small horns, and a cheeky attitude. The imp is more of a companion to Mîrchell, like a dog to humans, but it does have some combat talents. It can utilise small fel fireballs to scorch a target, but they are not particularly effective, even against normal humans. Second, she has an Infernal at her disposal. The Infernal has little intelligent thought, and is specifically for combat. Almost 10' tall, it appears to be made of a bunch of small boulders, held together with pulsing green fel energy. Once summoned, it's intelligence is about enough to comprehend and follow Mîrchell's orders, but it will do so literally, and will not stop until killed or dismissed. Finally, she can summon a Felguard. The Felguard takes by far the largest portion out of Mîrchell's life force, enough to cause her to drop to her knee and gasp for breath after summoning it. The Felguard stands about 9' tall, and wields a sword almost as tall as itself. While immensely strong, it is also as intelligent as a human, and is capable of speech. It appears as a muscular humanoid, with one large, one small horn on its forehead, and red skin with black patches across it's face, chest, back, forearms and thighs.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? Yes.

Would you like your character to remember previous events? No.

Acquaintances: None.


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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Name: Emily Wingate
Age: 13
Emily stands at 4' 11", slim and otherwise appears to be your average thirteen year old girl physically. Her hair comes up just above her shoulders, black and incredibly scruffy except for a side pony tail jutting out like a overgrown tuft of hair tied up. Her eyes are a brown-red colour.

Emily is always without exception seen in a pleated skirt cut about two inches above her knee's as well as a pair of black steel toed boots. Her top is usually a loose fitted tee-shirt or a lond sleeved shirt of varying colours and/or patterns. As well as a pair of fingerless leathgloves adorned with a peculiar looking gemstone that never come off. This goes along perfectly with her tomboyish personality, and thats just the way she likes it.

Emily is a high spirited individual, often jumping at the chance to make new friends whenever the chance arises. Just like her brother Art she holds her family and their abilities in high esteem, and while she doesn't take every opportunity to brag about them she does take any negative comment, no matter how small, about her family as a grave insult and personal attack. Emily is also an insomniac, and often she only manages about an hours sleep, if that.

Again, just like Art Emily also likes to spar whenever she gets the chance, though she is somewhat rougher than Art. Often fighting with nearly all of her power regardless of whether its a friendly sparring match or a full on fight.

Fire Caster;
(Attacks and strengths)
Emily was born with the ability to only create and manipulate fire. This does have its drawbacks but because of this Emily has mastered fire control and use at a young age. the types of attacks Emily can deal range from weak fireballs right up to walls of intense flame and everything in between. Though using up her Anima to attack can be as dangerous to her as it is to her target. (will be explained later)

Being born a Fire Caster Emily is also totally immune to any and all fire, whether it be natural fire or fire created by some form of magic as well as any temperature increases created by fire or even just naturally increased. This doesn't stop her from being burned and damaged by fire-like substances such as magma and molten metal.

Because she was born as a Fire Caster Emily's natural body temperature is roughly ten degree's higher than that of a normal person because of her flame aura. Because of this exposure to large quantities of water, and even prolonged exposure to smaller quantities of water can be fatal. Her temperature quickly brings the water to boil which can end up scalding her to death. Because of this bathing is extremely difficult for her, and she often has several maids to sponge her down. She's learnt to do it herself carefully but it takes her several hours to fully clean herself down. There is another, albeit extremely dangerous way and that is to create an intense fire over herself to burn off all the dirt, but that can also lead to her accidentally killing herself.

As mentioned above if Emily uses all her Anima for creating fire she can kill herself. This is because the Anima stored in her body acts as a coolant for her organs, and the more magic she uses the less Anima is stored in her body which eventually leads to her organs being cooked inside her body if she uses too much. This is the main reason why Emily usually resorts to close combat fighting, or when its necessary weak fire attacks until she's closed the distance between her and her target.

Mixed Martial Arts;
Since from a young age Emily has trained nearly constantly in a variety of martial arts as well as gymnastics. As such she's developed her own style of close combat that incorporates the various moves of her training as well as the elegance of her gymnastics to keep her enemies on their toes as well as throwing almost nonstop attacks their way. Emily only really pauses in her attacks when she's forced to.

Augmented Strength and Agility;
Emily can never be seen without her fingerless leather gloves on, and for good reason. The gemstone on each glove increases her natural strength at least to that equal with six heavy weight professional wrestlers as well as being insanely fast. Of course with the gloves off she's no where near as strong as she is with them on, though she is still stronger than girls of her own age.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

I'm not dead, just lacking in internets so I haven't been able to post. Gonna make a post or two for my characters then they're gonna hang around as background characters until I get back. For now Bart's in charge so any questions related to this send to him.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Gabriel Gray
Name: Gabriel "Gabe" Gray

Appearance: Gabriel looks to be in his mid to early thirties, tends to wear a loose white shirt with vertical light-blue lines, a black tie with brown areas on it that mimics a puzzle of sorts, loose black dress pants, and often wears horn-rimmed brown glasses when reading or teaching. His casual appearance consists of his usual tie and shirt, with an olive-drab overcoat covering them, and a much more breathable set of olive cargo pants which allow much more movement. His hair is black, his eyes are brown, and he usually has a five o'clock shadow of a beard and mustache. His signature feature though, is the cleanly polished and well-maintained watch he wears on his left wrist. It appears to be an older model, with the standard hour/minute/second hand, and behind a rounded counter for the month/day/year below the watche's name, which seems to have been scratched off ages ago.

Personality: Gabriel tends to be generally understanding of any situation that occurs, innately calm and collected in dire situations, but tends to have a short fuse when it comes to the livelihood of his students. He seems to be obesessed with watches, using them in analogies whenever possible.

Bio: Gabriel, a Physics teacher from America, and former watchmaker before becoming said teacher, was contacted one day by Gossamer Falls, after being fired from his old college for injuring a 3rd year student, who was, to Gabriel's knowlege at the time, attempting to rape his student, a freshman girl. It was also then that Gabriel learned of his power, which resulted in the serious injury of the older student. Since being contacted, he has tried to hone his power, and make it hidden.

Abilities: Gabriel possesses the ability to absorb kintetic energy from a moving object or weapon, storing it as fat within his body. How much he can absorb from an object is not very well known. He can then later release this energy in short bursts during punches or kicks, or all at once for an overwhelmingly powerful attack. He also appears to be able to manipulate the energy within his fat to be released as a wave of energy, usually a beam of force, released from the palm of his hand or expelled from his mouth on rare occasion. The fat does not seem to impede him until it begins to show through his loose clothes and in his face.



Gabe in his casual clothes ^

((Gabriel will be a new teacher in the school, as Oni and Bart have OK'd this.))
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets


Nah, I'm just shitting you. Approved.
Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Since im late as hell im gonna try to make the most basic character i can.

John Takeshi



Physical description:6,4 foot tall with dark green eyes.He's got pitch black hair tied in a ponytail,with a rather light and pale skin.He wears what he found in his appartment wich means a dark blue hoodie and some black jeans.

Psychology:For a reson even unknown to him,John prefers to be left alone.He hate crowds and his face rarely shows any emotions.He does understand that having allies can be helpful tough, but he won't try to make friends by himself.

Powers/summoning:John can control and manipulate every aspect of water.Ice,moist,fog john can make them do his biding.Only thing is, he can't make water himself,he has to find an external source of liquid to actually use his powers.

Backstory:Surprinsgly he doesn't have any.He woke up one day with the ability to control water but doesn't remember anything about who he is or how he controls this liquid.The only thing that he had in mind was going to school and his own name.He was living alone in an appartement containing nothing that could give him a little idea of who he is and how he ended up here.Looking at his name,John was obviously descending from an japanese/american set of parents.

new student in the school:yes

Remember past events:no

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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Name: Vewla Baddocks

Appearance: She stands a few inches over five feet, always sporting a dark red ribbon tying her hair back into a pony tail. Her roots all the way to the ribbon is a reddened mahogany, full and bouncy. After the ribbon, however, it becomes white and finer. Her complexion is a shade or two darker than fair, with hazel eyes that have an intense golden ring around the rim. Her cheek bones are a little prominent, framing her face to draw to a petite chin. Her small frame is hugged by random assortments of clothes, usually a dark purple shirt and a pair of jeans that hug her waist if she isn't in school clothes.

Personality: On the surface she is a little reserved, but with a little push she can be quite outgoing and witty with a teasing streak. She finds herself lost a lot of the time, physically and mentally. She loves any time of art and will spend hours in a gallery or listening to music. She prefers to be around groups of people to distract her from the spiritual world, but she's hard pressed to do so. Beneath the normal exterior, is an intense malice that haunts her presence.

Bio: Vewla is the victim of her father's greed and desperation. Starting out at the bottom of the mob pyramid scheme, he did anything to try and ascend the ranks. His ambition quickly made him enemies below and above him. A victim of his own design, he plead both God and the Devil to help him out of his situation. Someone answered, and no one knows for sure, but most suspect the later, or atleast an affiliate of the infernal. He spoke to no one about what he would do in turn for the aid, but soon after his success and quick ascent through the ranks; his daughter, Vewla was born.

When she was born, her hair was fine and white. She was eeriely quiet. As soon as she was taken home, bad luck ensued. Every one around her would befall minor accidents, that grew fatal when her mother, carrying her down the stairs when Vewla was six months, fell and broke her neck instantly, leaving Vewla unscatched at the bottom of the stares. As Vewla grew older, she would have episodes, appearing to be possessed. The animals she would touch, their skin would unravel, the flesh would drop away, muscles would unravel, and finally the ligaments would decay, causing bones to fall apart, leaving behind quite a mess. Paranormal activity would increase around her, especially if left alone with one or a few people. This was all before her father hired a priest. Blessing a ribbon, he could not remove the demonic taint upon Vewla, but subdue it. Upon tying it to her thin white hair, it hissed and screamed before thickening and becoming the natural brownish red color it is.

Seeing that his bargain had come back to haunt him, he sent away his child, hoping the ill fortunes and supernatural events would leave him be. His fate is unknown to Vewla as she was sent from aunt to cousin, becoming further and further until she ends up at the boarding school for other weird children.

Extraplanar sense:She's able to see into the other realms and dimensions, though she is not limited to sight, but rather her sixth sense. Someone would have to take great physical and "magical" care to sneak up on her, though it would be easier if she was concentrating on something else

Spiritual link: She is an anchor between the higher planes and the physical world, and rather unconsciously allows spirits to manifest themselves. Depending on who and how many people are around her, weaker spirits can generally manifest easier with fewer witnesses, while stronger ones can do it in front of larger groups.

Mood Call: Depending on her mood, she attracts different spirits who feed off the energy and manifest through her otherwordly link.

Supernatural Communication: She can speak with the spirits, in a way, and even ask them for aid, though the more malevolent ones will require something in return. However the more "natural" a spirit is, the harder it is to understand them.

Infernal Regeneration: Even the deepest mar, unless done by a holy symbol, she can reconstruct herself. However amputations take longer and drain more of her energy.

Energy Sink: She can also draw upon the life force of others, though this ability is restrained by the blessed ribbon she wears, and requires a concious effort. If the ribbon is removed, it becomes a natural and ongoing event, and even strengthened to the point of eating away flesh.

Ectoplasm: After a disgusting display of manifestation, she can form the mucusy substance and pull spirits into a temporary corporeal form. Depending on how much time and energy is spent, it can range from a blob to a detailed humanoid, to even spiritual weapons with a vicious taste for blood. Ectoplasm can also bind to physical object, even flesh and bone to solidify the creation.

Unravel: With extreme concentration, she can begin to unwrap and unbind the physical matter and spiritual connection. This can focus on a local area or even a specific poison or singular organism. To unmake an entire human in a respectable ammount of time would require a large ammount of energy to draw upon.

Spirit Containment: For better or worse, she can hold onto a soul or spirit within her body, and even use it as a battery if the soul is willing, amplifying her powers. The spirit can also be kept safely from returning to reincarnation (true death), but the longer she keeps them, the more her demonic taint twists their soul. This can be convenient if a corporeal form is damaged to the point of losing the soul.

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? Yes
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Re: SBS Rebirth: Character Sheets

Figure I better get around to this sooner rather than later...

Name: Yoshio Sakakida

Appearance: messily looking silver hair, Piercing amber eyes, Athletic though slender build, 169cm 59kg Age:16

Personality: Very logical person. Innately kind and shy, but will rise to the occasion should he need to...

"Living on the edge can be a drag..." It was the last thing Joey said to me before the taxi hit him... I could have stopped it, were I paying attention... I could have saved his life...

Joey and I were always together, at least as long as I could remember he was there... My parents died when I was a todler, the Foster homes... GOD they were awful... Old sad ladies that smelled of mothballs and old cheese... It was little wonder why I lived on the streets... But the streets arent a nice place for a child to grow up...

I've seen nightmareish things, Rape, murder, theft, arson... And more Drugs than you could take in your life... And that was how I met Joey...

I was twelve and he was a whole measly ten months older than me... And already hitting the dealers for stuff... I had mind to jump him and sell it back, it was just the way things worked out here, But he smirked and asked if I "Wanted to make $5?"

Needless to say I agreed and ever since that drug run, we were unseparable... At least... Untill a cartell paid taxi smeared my friend over the street...

Aint life funny?

I went to the police, they nearly booked me for vagrancy... Useless pigs that they were... And left me to solve my own problems unaided...

A couple of informational beatdowns later and I finally get the wrong side of homeboy ambulance... Which by then was too late... I knew more and more about the conspiracy of my city by the day... Soon I might even become a threat, so I better learn to fight better...

Joey was always a better fighter than I was, he had a real knack for it... Got us out of more skuffles than I can remember... Also got us into most of em too... But without him to watch my back I turned to the only thing I could think of...

Imitation... Monkey see, Monkey do, If a monkey could do it... I could too... And I used a stolen Cellphone to record the most expensive thing I bought in years... A movie ticket...

You get laughed at, you know? You stirike a pose and they take it as a joke, then they get all serious as you beat down two of there buds as you flail about ridiculously... But theres something about that Kung Fu that seriously works, surprisingly well... Untill you get you head smacked by a bat... I think, It first showed up there... I can almost remember a Trashcan moving as I lean on the brick building... Or maybe it was a cat... I don't know wasn't conscious long enough to find out...

As I fought I grew more comfortable with certain manuvers and it eventually stopped being canned Kung Fu and became... Something else... Something new... The concept of the Kiai was lost to me though... I'm fighting in the dark alleyways... Why would I be shouting? I'm engaging them, not the other way around... I don't need the extra attention...

Something was brought up to my attention as my head was being rapped against the concrete street...
A shreik of horror, an accusing question of biting and as he lifted his hand from my head and into view... A lump of flesh, Bone sticking out at semi random areas... The thugs quickly paniced and ran as I woozily got to my feet still unsure of what had just transpired...

With all Psuedo Kung Fu movies they speak of this Chi thing... I havent noticed it... But in the same line of training for it, meditation, focus, blah blah swat the stupid fly with a sunday edition all that good bullshit, I wouldn't have realised it unless it smacked me in my face... A small dust colored brick thinner than a wafer just floating midair, half of it crumbling away as if turned to ash...

It puzzled me and with what was left of my juvenile wonder, How did I get it? Did I get bit by anything? Any wierd drugs? A gift from above? Maybe I just took one too many blows to the head... I began to practice the steps I went through to create such a wierd... Thing... And through practice grew better at controling the speed, density, and placement of this strange mass... Along with what it was made of, pebbles, garbage... Paper or plastic? I use both-Hey!

After getting this far with this gift... I decided... To finish the cartels bussiness days for good... But it wasn't thugs in a drug induced stupor that awaited me... A raging gunfight between what looked like FBI and everyone was taking place...

Well...In short... Life isn't a movie.. Run through an ongoing gunfight... Your gonna take some automatic gunfire civilian or not... I was hospitalised... FINALLY! They could marvel at how many broken ribs and scars I had accumulated over the years... I was detained... Still never been treated and released... Asked all sorts of questions that would remind you of the current TSA terrorist bs run... Who are you, where you from, whats your name, why were you trying to kill yourself? Idiots... And to make things even more... Interesting... I was given an ultimatum!

Reckless endangerment... And hard time with some people that aren't on too friendly terms with me... Or be deported like some kind of alien to some strange bording school in the middle of nowhere that nobody's even heard of... Hard desicion for me but I bet a dart and map were involved in there desicion...

I've been in Gossamer Falls for a year now...
It's been mostly quiet... Except those times directly before you find bloody claw marks scratched into the earth like some kind of bad horror movie... Or thumping on the roofs at daytime... But that could all be explained away... Couldn't it?


Attraction and Repulsion: Abilitiy to alter the small gravitational field of all molecules on touch, From rendering trees to spare cellulose to binding trace elements in air into a solid for a breif moment...

Remote Constuction: Ablility to focus his abilities at a short range, without throwing a constructed mass. Exclusively 2 meters in any given direction, the farther the distance and solidity of construct dampen lifetime of the construct

Combat Training: A naturally gifted fighter stylized in a custom form of Kung Fu

Is your character going to start the game as a new student at the school? No

Would you like your character to remember previous events? Semi (He was there, but with no character interactions, previously a background student...)

Acquaintances: List the characters that you would like your character to already know. Your previous relationship with them is carried over. No... Clean slate...

Notes: (Common knowlege) The Deconstruction ability of Yoshio's will not work if the target has a conciousness, this limits usage on Human, animal, monster, and some machines... As an overview the sum of these abilities, would be a relatively slow working remote alchemy... (Reasonings) Sodium and Potassium... In animals, sodium ions are used in opposition to humans' potassium ions, to allow the organism to build up an electrostatic charge on cell membranes, and thus allow transmission of nerve impulses when the charge is allowed to dissipate by a moving wave of voltage change. This electrostatic charge provides sheilding from Yoshio's "Deconstruction" abilities...

Note2: Only The electrostatic charge covering "active" cell membranes is what prevents Yoshio from utilizing his gift, naturally occuring "Aka refinement of" Sodium and Potassium are still as usable as iron or oxygen...
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