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Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

((Retro-post, but...figured out something I wanted to do.))

At some point during the night, Sean quietly slipped back into the room, grabbed a change of clothes, and moved into the bathroom. He came back out, changed, and put his other clothes in a hamper, with the rest of his laundry that needed to be done.

After a couple of seconds, he moved over to one of his bookshelves, and shifted the picture frame that was there, so that it was face-down, before leaving. He said nothing during this time.

The picture itself showed four people in Air Force uniforms. Two of them were clearly Chris and the girl from his picture. Next to those two were another male and female pair. The interesting thing of that pair was the male, who looked almost exactly like Sean except for green eyes and dark reddish-brown hair.
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Ellen strode into her's and Sean's room, finding him not there yet, which didn't surprise her. He looked rather busy in the warehouse, so she expected some time alone. settling down on her bed, she took the book she had been reading two nights before and started it up again.
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Ellen hadn't been sitting there for very long when a knock sounded on her door.

Obviously, it wasn't Sean since he would probably have walked straight in, it being his room too, so it had to be someone else.

That thought was confirmed when Claudia's voice came through the door.

"Ellen, you home? Got some stuff for you."
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Ellen smiled from where she was seated. "Okay." She said, getting up to open the door and invite her in. "To tell the truth, I've sort of been expecting a visit from you."
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

"Really? Hmm, sorry, been meaning to come in and thank you for helping save my ass back in Colorado, but been really busy. So um ... thanks."

There was a pause as she closed the door, then turned back to her.

"This first envelope contains the code Chris mentioned earlier. This second one ... well ... it kind of showed up on your bike tonight, the seat slashed just enough to poke it into. Dunno who it's from."
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Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Ellen nodded and smiled gently at Claudia's thanks. "You're welcome, though I didn't really help that much. How are you feeling, by the way?" She asked as she opened the second letter to read it's contents. She didn't care much about the motorcycle, it had been hers for all of three hours before she arrived anyways.
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

"Eh, I'm feeling alright. Actually a bit better than before I went there too, which is strange since I haven't slept ANY since we got back. Too wired."

As Ellen began to read the letter, she got the impression whoever had written it was a very cold hearted person, and had some form of grudge against both her and her newest employer.

Ellen Carbon, such an interesting name for an interesting, and troublesome vampire. You've caused me quite a bit of trouble, and for that I'm afraid some ... amends need to be made. As such, I'm giving you a choice. Meet me at your ghoul Lyndis's home, or you'll be getting her body parts mailed to your precious new warehouse one at a time. You'll know me when you see me, I'll be the only one with her. Oh, and you may want to reconsider your plans to work with Chris, as your new residence won't be lasting much longer. The choice is yours. Meet me, or get your ghoul's parts mailed to you, along with the video of her very slow and agonizing death. I await you.

The letter was unsigned, and had a strange tainted smell to it that wasn't human, or anything she'd recognize.
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

"One of the beneficial side..." Ellen starts to say, drifting off mid-sentence as she focused entirely on the note. She read it twice just to make sure, emitting a low growl as she did so. She finished it the second time, and every muscle in her body clenched, crumpling the paper is her fist as she stood there, trembling in rage.
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Claudia noticed the change quickly and backed up.

"Um ... what's wrong?"
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Ellen stood there for several seconds longer before finally calming down, having won the contest of wills inside her. "Apparently." She stated slowly. "Someone has laid a trap for me, and it's because I'm here. I have to go." She said, starting to collect the few things of hers in the room, deadbolting the door shut as she passed by it. She most definitely did not trust Sean at the moment. "As I was saying before, what you're feeling is a side effect of how I healed you. You're stronger, tougher, and faster, you heal faster, and you won't age, but it requires some upkeep. Does all that appeal to you?"
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Claudia moved to allow Ellen to do what she needed to do.

"Uh, yeah. That sounds pretty good to me. Be nice to be more than just a hacker."

She paused, then added more.

"A trap for you? And your still going?"
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Ellen nods. "Yes, I am. They have the one person still Dear to me, and s's probably already Dead, put they'll pay for it." She says, stopping what she was doing and walking back over to her. "Do you trust me?" She asked, deathly serious.
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Claudia thought for only a moment before answering.

"Yes, if you wanted me dead you had a chance already. I doubt your going to kill someone unless they really deserve it. Why, ya got a plan? I'm listening."

She was half grinning by now.
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

ellen shook her head. "Oh no, you're staying here, this is about me helping you." She says, then brings her wrist up to her mouth and bites it, breaking the skin. She held it out as blood started to well up. "This is what I healed you with, and what can give you all I said. If you want to be more than just a hacker, to be able to help the people you care about, you need to drink it." She says softly, encouragingly.
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

There was a brief pause, then a slight smile.

"I had a feeling you were a creature of the night. Kind of cool."

Not much hesitation at all before she drank, save for only a handful more words.

"I'm not letting you go by yourself though, sounds like whoever this was knew enough about you to be problematic. Besides, I can get us there faster than you could alone on that bike."

At that point, with nothing left to say, she began to drink, slowly at first, as if unsure how much to actually drink, then seeming to figure Ellen would just stop her when the time was right.
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

"Even after you saw me out during the day?" Ellen commented as Claudia dipped her head down to drink. The taste was heady, and she quickly found herself grasping the other woman's arm, until Ellen forcefully took her wrist away and up to her own lips for a second. "Alright, you can come." She said simply once Claudia's head was clear again. "Is there any weapons we can use in the warehouse? Blades, maces, that sort of thing?"
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Claudia nodded after the arm was retracted.

"Yeah, call it a gut instinct. As for weaponry, yeah there's swords, axes, think a couple of maces. Chris collects various weapons that aren't really used anymore, and since I helped him set up the display for it..."

She pulled out a small key.

"I have a key to it. Ready when you are."

She had a look to her eye that suggested she wasn't really surprised at how easy it had been, leading Ellen to believe Claudia had suspected it to begin with.
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

"Are any of them artifacts? I'm not as strong as I once was, and if it's who I think it is setting this trap, we don't have what it takes to take them out without something unexpected." Ellen explains, finishing with her stuff, now in a bag on her arm.
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

"I think one of the swords was supposedly a sword wielded by some supposed immortal centuries ago, who could only be killed with his own sword. Something about it granted the user invincibility or something like that. That do?"
Re: Sean Galloway and Ellen Carbon's room

Ellen's eyes actually widened at that comment. "I think I know that blade. Katana, has a wiggly line as an emblem about halfway down the handle?" She asked.