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Seattle, Washington, United States


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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They hadn't had much trouble getting into the air plane Claudia had mentioned, and the flight had been spent discussing various topics, mostly to pass the time while Claudia flew.

Eventually they came upon the lights of the Seattle/Tacoma airport, which was one of, if not the largest airport in the state. After a five minute wait, they were able to land on the tarmac and the plane was moved into a storage module, where they could claim it when they needed it to return.

They were soon past the airport walls and out onto the streets, where Claudia turned things over to Ellen as far as getting them wheels.

The sun was just beginning to come up now, which meant day was very close, and had already come to the Warehouse they'd left behind.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen simply hailed a taxi to take them to the seedier side of town, and proceeded to walk down one of the residential streets, stopping in front of a worn-down house. "Just stay quiet and off to the side, and follow my lead." She said as she walked up and knocked on the door. An equally haggard man opened it, but before he could say anything, Ellen spoke up in an impeccable Bronx accent, trying to push her way in. She seemed to have done a complete character flip, even the way she moved screamed guttersnipe now.

"Shit man, it's getting hot out here, let me in!" She said anxiously. The man just pushed her further back, sounding angry. "Fuck you bitch, you can toast for all I care! Who the fuck are you anyways?"

"Fuck you right back, I'm a Templar for the Archbishop! Now let me the fuck in, or I'm going to bust your god damn head in and talk to the next fucker that comes to the door!"

"Aint no-one else here, bitch, somethin's been-" the man started to say, but was cut off by a shard of fencepost, obligingly put through his chest by Ellen. She caught him as he slumped, and brought him out to the back, tossing him in the backyard amid clumps up dirt and ruined vehicles, her voice and mannerisms returning to normal.

Ellen turned around and went back inside, shutting the door behind her. "Alright, we'll hole up here for a few hours, they won't be prepared for me to show up in the daytime. That crossbow is out best bet to end this early-" she starts to say, but is interrupted by the sound of the body in the back going up in flames. She listens until it dies down, perhaps fifteen seconds, and continues. "Aim for the heart and drop it if it doesn't stop him, you won't have time to reload it. After that, use the Tesla on full power, much less probably won't even stun him. Any questions?"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Claudia nodded, taking everything in.

"Got it. Just let me know when we move out, I'll keep an eye open anyway for ... unwanted visitors."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen nodded, taking a ratty chair from the kitchen and sitting down. "Alright. Chances are if they have the time to try anything it will be about the same to me as what they're trying to you. If I stop fighting and I'm not dust, chances are they've staked me themselves. If that happens, your first priority is pulling the wood outta me, so I can fight again. And don't look anyone in the eyes, a good chunk of all Kindred can compel people by meeting their gaze. Stay behind me if at all possible, i can take more hits than you can." She says, going over the expected fight in her head again.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Claudia nodded, taking things in pretty fast given her supposed lack of field experience.

"So question, who exactly are we thinking this is responsible anyway? And how'd they know where to leave the note?"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen just nodded, pleased. "Either the Kindred that originally drained me of my power, or one of his lapdogs, looking to gain favour. I think one of them has something over Ms. Frederick, and is feeding her their blood. Chris showed me a picture, she's apparently over a hundred years old. The only way I know for a person to stay alive and unchanged that long is through feeding on Vitae. Someone recognized me, and laid this trap." She explains, and then gets up again, and starts collecking various chunks around the house that can be used as stakes.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Claudia nodded again, absorbing this in silently for some time.

"Would possibly explain her ability to appear or vanish in mere seconds I suppose, though I always pictured her as being more in charge than an underling. You know ... That brief power outage the other day? The originating source for the shutdown didn't come from within the Warehouse network, it was outside it. Might be possible this Kindred you mentioned tracked you there by hacking in. It's how I found the place myself."

By now the sun had risen fully, the time reading about 9 AM.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Aleveryone takes their orders from someone." Ellen comments, taking a glance at the clock. "This should be long enough. There's two places they might be hiding her, the orphanage where she lives, and an abandoned house I own the deed to, under an assumed name. They said they'd be the only one with her, and wiping out an entire orphanage is excessive if they don't know how long they'd have to wait for me, so I'm guessing she's out at the house. Are you all set?"

((Feel free to assume travel as well, if you wish to speed it up a bit ;) ))
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"True I suppose, and yeah, ready to go."

The to quickly traveled to the house in question, noticing nothing that seemed out of the ordinary at first. Then, suddenly, Claudia spotted something out of place.

"Ellen, second floor, third window. It's the middle of the day, and the place is abandoned right? So why is there a light on in that window?"

Sure enough, there was a light on in whatever room that was, indicating someone was definitely home.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen nodded silently, going up to the door and stretching her senses to try and hear anything within the house. She was expecting a single person's worth of breathing, and not much else, but it's all she needs to hear in order to go in and not check the orphanage instead.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen's senses picked up ragged breathing, and what sounded like some one beating something .... or someone from inside.

After about fifteen seconds, Claudia ventured a guess.

"Hear anything that tells us we're not wasting our time here?"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

They wouldn't hurt her, they need her alive until I get there... Ellen thought to herself, answering Claudia. "There's two living people inside, by the sounds of it. Let's go." She says quietly, entering the house and makinger way carefully towards upstairs and the room with the light.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Claudia only nodded, not saying anything further for fear of being heard by whoever their quarry was.

Ellen made it to the top first, Claudia following a few feet behind, waving at Ellen to keep moving on, she'd catch up. She wasn't as light footed as Ellen, and was afraid of making one of the floorboards creak if she moved too quickly.

After a minute or two, Ellen would come upon an open door to a room. Inside she spotted only her friend Lyndis, a pair of stakes through each arm and leg, pinned to the wall. She'd been badly beaten, and was completely nude. What was more, she was barely awake, but clearly in agony.

Claudia in the meantime was just about to come into view when something grabbed her from behind, and she felt a sharp pinch. Immediately she felt woozy, and unable to move, or even yell a warning. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was a figure who looked a lot like Chris, save for the blonde hair. And then she knew no more, silently being carried away.

Ellen would hear nothing at all of this exchange, and the sudden look of desperation when Lyndis looked up to her was bad enough to probably distract her. To add further insult to injury, when she looked up, Ellen could see her mouth had literally been stapled shut.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen's face contorted in rage, and she strides into the room, drawing the sword and looking around for a target as she strode to her ghoul. If she made it there, she'd start tearing the staples out with one hand, while the other kept a grip on the sword and her eyes kept watch for whoever had done this.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

The first of the staples came out even as Lyndis began to thrash in pain, and protest of said pain. Ellen was too busy with removing them to notice when someone else entered the room, gently setting down a now disarmed, and unconscious Claudia to the floor.

Lyndis however had seen said person enter the room, and began emitting as much of a whine as she could. Whether this allowed Ellen to realize the potential danger or not became a moot point when a voice came from behind her. It was a man's voice, cold and calculating, and almost devoid of any emotion.

"Well well, Ellen Carbon, you FINALLY arrive. I was beginning to think I would have to start cutting body parts off after all."

By now she'd likely turned, only to see a figure clad in the same exact attire Chris had been wearing when she'd first met him outside the warehouse, shades included. The only difference was that this man appeared to be more of European descent, and his hair was blonde instead of brown. And that's when she noticed Claudia on the floor, unmoving.

"And oh how sweet and thoughtful of you to bring Claudia directly to me. You see, the Hunters you killed in Colorado Springs were supposed to bring her to me, but you had to go and interfere, didn't you? But now things have changed. I was originally going to bring you here, and have some fun with you before going to the warehouse, taking her and obliterating the place. Now, you've saved me a great deal of travel. I wanted to exact my revenge for your meddling upon you, but doing that and taking Claudia with me on the same mission is even better."

He hadn't moved yet, but from the way Lyndis was in a state of panic, this clearly was the person who'd beaten, and otherwise tortured her.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen had been tearing the staples from sense of touch, and was indeed watching the man as he strode in, continuing to tear staples with the hand not holding the sword the entire time. "I'm sorry for ruining your plans." She says sarcastically, focusing herself on him and jusdging the distance between them...
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

At this he only laughed, a very unsettling sound coming from him.

"Ruined my plans? Hardly. You've only ... delayed them slightly. But now, thanks to your generous contribution my dear, everything is going just according to schedule. Soon this entire world will experience a new genesis, and I will be it's creator."

He watched her for a moment, and then chuckled again when he realized she was looking at him, almost scanning him.

"See something you like my dear? I suppose I have time for extra fun if that's what you have in mind. But there's no need for you to come after me my dear."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen gave up taking out the few staples that were left, instead truning around for a brief moment to look Lyndis in the eyes, holding her head still if necessary. "Ignore the pain, grab the girl, and run. No excuses." She says calmly, then tears the stakes out of the girl's arms, watching her crumple.

Turning back around and drawing one of her stakes to fill her other hand with, she jumped at Wesker without another word, letting loose a bestial growl as she gave herself over to the frenzy within her, aiming a slash for across the man's chest.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Wekser didn't even move until the stake had hit him, literally snapping instead of punching through the skin. Then he backhanded Ellen with enough force to send her rolling almost out the window and onto the roof.

By the time she'd stood, he'd already moved. It took her a moment to realize where he was ....

Which was directly behind Lyndis.

"Your mistake for freeing her, now I have to do this."

He grabbed her by the back of the neck, and before Ellen could even so much as blink, literally thrust his hand through her chest, tearing out her heart. He then flung the heart at Ellen, letting the body of her friend drop lifelessly to the ground.

"Such a waste, I had some fun planned with her still too. Too bad, now she can't be reborn as a type three. Interesting the resistance her flesh gave however. Hopefully you'll prove to be tougher than her, I enjoy that."

Now his face did contort to almost anger, and he removed his shades even as she moved back inside. Eyes still closed, he flung the glasses to one side.

"I told you that you didn't need to come to me for a reason. That is because I will come to you."

Now his eyes opened, and Ellen would see the dangerous demonic like red glow to his eyes, almost identical to what Chris's had been like. It suddenly would dawn on her that she wasn't dealing with a vampire, or a lackey. Chris had said his name before, and this was clearly a man who was supposed to be long dead.

The man standing before her, who'd killed her friend and had his sights set on her now, was Albert Wekser.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

If Ellen was angry before, she was furious now. She batted the flung heart aside without blinking, then drew the dagge in the hand that previously held the stake and flung herself at him, swinging both weapons at him in a wild frenzy.