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Seattle, Washington, United States

Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

He was already moving by the time she got close, flitting back and forth between spots, popping her with punches and kicks every couple of times she got near him.

This would continue for several minutes, at least until he pulled another fast one on her.

He stopped to pick something up, and when she moved in, he poofed out, only to suddenly come back in, lifting her up by her throat and slamming her onto the floor with his left hand, holding her down.

Then the right hand came out of nowhere, and Ellen felt a sharp sensation as something pierced her skin, right about solar plexus area, and drove clean out the other side of her back, impaling her to the ground.

Wesker then stepped back, and it was then that Ellen realized what he'd stabbed her with.

Sticking out of her body, pinning her to the floor, was one of the wooden stakes Lyndis had been impaled with.

"Now then, I'm sure you can still speak, but that's quite alright. I've ensured no one will bother us here for quite some time. A bit of a ... viral spill will close this area down right about now. I'm sure you have words for me, so I'll be generous and let you speak, before I exact some payback on your body."

In the meantime, he had begun pulling a small device from a bag in the corner of the room. Said device was orange in color, and had several wickedly nasty spikes coming from it.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen fought like an animal during the fight, swinging wildly, growling the entire time. She had even tried to bite him when he caught her by the throat, but all that ended when Wesker shoved the stake through the bottom of her chest. Knowing to stake a vampire was obvious enough, but somehow he knew she had had her heart moved, knew exactly where to attack, even though she had killed the one that had moved it, and even Lyndis hadn't known.

"Rrrraaagghh!!" Ellen screamed and twitched as she was staked to the ground, the fact that she could enough to jolt her out of her frenzy. Normally, she wouldn't be able to so much as blink, something must... The dead light prism, that must be it. Experimentally, she tried moving her arms to take the stake out of her. The arms convulsed uselessly a couple times, but didn't go anywhere she needed them to, so she gave up. "I'll kill you for this! They'll be no getting away!" She screamed, spitting blood at him, though it fell short from her bad angle. Again she thrashed, but it was no use...
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Wekser laughed, this time open, insane laughter.

"Oh that I very much doubt Ellen. Oh, do give me a moment."

He walked over to Claudia's body and gently opened part of her shirt. Then, he took the device and stabbed it into her chest, just above the breasts, and covered her back up.

A twist of a dial from a remote he had, and suddenly Claudia shot bolt upright, screaming in pain. That lasted all of eleven seconds, and then she turned to look directly at Wesker.

Wesker smirked to Ellen, then spoke to Claudia.

"Go to the Warehouse and take out the Progenitor Artifact. Once you have it, your to make you way to the set of coordinates provided in your mind. You'll meet me there and give me the device, and then we'll set about finishing things, understood?"

To Ellen's dismay and horror, Claudia nodded to him.

"It shall be done my lord."

Then without another word, she exited, never once looking back to Ellen.

With Claudia now gone, Wesker turned to Ellen again.

"Ah, the sound of a young woman realizing who her true master is, marvelous don't you think? Now then my dear, do you have any idea who you've just become a playtoy for?"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen watched the scene, still thrashing every few seconds as she tried futilely to shake herself loose. When Wesker spoke to her, she glared at him, her mismatched eyes boring straight into his glowing ones. "A fucking dead man." She said hatefully, and meant it.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

He laughed again, then spoke.

"I don't know where your kind gets it's confidence from, but it's badly misplaced. Now, let's be clear, I have no intention of slaying you here as you may think. I need you to deliver a message for me later. Your to tell Chris that you've ... seen me. Your to come to Nigeria for a showdown with him, if you dare to. Tell him that Uroboros is nearly completed, and he doesn't want to miss the dispersal of it."

Another laugh.

"Not that you have a prayer of stopping it, but I'd love to see you try. Ah, yes, almost forgot. My name is Albert Wesker."

Now his gaze crawled over her still shuddering body.

"Perfect. Still plenty of time left."

He then walked over to her, and roughly tore her clothing off of her, before removing his own.

Despite what she'd possibly thought, his body was well defined and muscular, and he probably would have been much stronger than a normal person even without the aid of whatever gave him his super powers. Unfortunately, she could also see that he was very much fully erect. That was the last thought on her mind before he roughly rammed inside of her, the intent very much clear. He intended to rape her, and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it, and he knew it. She could tell he also was enjoying every last second of her helplessness.

"There, now we'll see how long it is before you start screaming, just like your ghoul did."

That comment could only mean one thing. He'd raped Lyndis too.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"You have no idea what we're capable of." She told him coldly. Her lip curled back in a snarl when he started, but the only other reaction he got from her would be a gasp when he pushed the stake further through her, to get the top out of the way. Mentally, she was completely ignoring the present, planning her revenge as she lay there helpless underneath him...
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"That is where your wrong my dear. I know everything your little group is capable of. I know exactly how to kill each and every one of you, and very soon I'll have the last step I need to ensure even the most powerful of the Kindred are infected by Uroboros."

He was silent for close to an hour while he continuously had his way with her, and finally when he was done he lifted himself up, and reclothed himself.

"Interesting really. The entire world will be infected. Uroboros will be released into the atmosphere when I'm finished, ensuring a complete global saturation. Well, I do hope then that you've enjoyed our time together. Perhaps you have a question?"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen laughed right to his face, harsh and cruel-sounding. "And saying that just proves how ignorant you are. There was a time when I could have gone toe-to-toe with you, and there are those that could have dusted me a dozen times then before I could blink. They won't even give this little game you're playing a second glance, so paltry are your feeble machinations. But I will. I will see your life sputter and die before me, mark my words." She says slowly, coldly.
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Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Now it was his turn to laugh.

"You don't get it do you. I already HAVE the sample I need to get around the Kindred's immunity to disease. I've found a way to reinfect almost every disease into your species. And all thanks to Haldestadt. He'd be very surprised to learn that five months after his death, his blood, his coding if you will, has proven key to removing the vampiric immunity. That bypass will be released moments before Uroboros, ensuring the complete takeover of the entire vampiric communities. Fifteen years of research, planning, and hard work has finally paid off. And now, with this, I now have the right to be a god, unlike that fool Spencer. I'm afraid I won't tell you how though, I'll let that be a surprise, if you survive that long and amuse me enough to warrant keeping your pretty little head attached to your shoulders."

She got the impression that he wasn't bluffing, that he'd actually pulled off what was supposed to be impossible.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen had nothing to say in reply to that, staying silent for a moment. Finally, she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "What are you?" She breathed.
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Wesker turned back to her and regarded her for a moment.

"I once was human, much like any of the rest of this backward planet's population. Weak, too blind to see that we were destroying ourselves. Then Umbrella came along, and I began to realize what could be accomplished by working with them. So I did for a time, and eventually a virus was created, the same one that's given me the powers you've seen first hand. It also gave me the chance to gather plenty of resources to find a way of saving this planet. Now, ironically thanks to a vampire who'd sooner murder humans for their blood to survive, I've found a way of saving the world. Uroboros will begin a new chapter for humanity, erasing all of our previous fuck ups, and giving the world a new slate, a species that will deserve to be dominant. And thus, I will become a god Ellen. It's a pity really that you won't be around for it. You wouldn't join me to begin with, though you would make a very excellent 'queen'."

He chuckled slightly at this.

"Unfortunately, you'll likely die along with the rest of the Warehouse personnel. If, by some stroke of luck you survive, well ... maybe you'll end up by my side after all. I do hope your prepared to lay there for a while, I figure it will be some time before anyone comes to free you."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen didn't say anything more, just stared at the ceiling, though her expression was pensive. Her feet started to itch inside her shoes, and she felt the gnawing hunger start to manifest itself now that the fight was definitely over. She had expended most of her reserves during the fight, she'd need to feed pretty quickly after she got free...
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Night had fallen already, and still Ellen hadn't been freed. Suddenly, she would be aware that she wasn't alone.

A female vampire, scantily clad with clothing, and six male vampires entered the room, grinning when they saw her.

"Well, if it isn't you Ellen. Heh, completely helpless aren't you? Yes, it's Veronica here, we're going to take a great deal of pleasure in finally being the one's to take your head back to him."

Him likely meant the vampire who had almost killed her before, which meant that these seven weren't weaklings at all.

"Don't play coy Ellen. Albert told us all about you still being able to speak. We owe him quite a debt for leading us to you."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen remained perfectly still when the multiple vampires entered, right up until Veronica mentioned Albert. Even then, she didn't do anything but speak.

"You've always been gullible, Veronica, but this is more retarded than usual, even for you."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

There was a snicker.

"Gullible? Do you really think we're just going to unstake you and LET you have a chance? If so your even more stupid than I thought. No my dear, from what I understand, YOUR the one who's gullible, walking into an obvious trap of his. I have to admit, it's a shame the guy already has a woman, he'd make a good mate for me. The power that comes off of him is just so damn enticing."

There was a slight frown.

"That woman though that was with him, she was a bit creepy, even for an abnormal. Black hair, really strange spiral, flower tattoos on her arms that covered the whole arm. Quite attractive too."

When that was mentioned, Ellen might feel a bit of a cold chill through her. Luckily the woman hadn't been Claudia, so that wasn't as likely to set her off, but the description of the woman was VERY close to the woman in the picture who Chris had said once had been his wife to be Allison. Which meant the young woman probably was under the same influence of whatever Wesker had done to Claudia.

"Ah well, enough talk though. Boys ... have a little fun first if you want."

As they moved in, a voice, strong and male cut in and interrupted them.

"I don't think that was the ladies plan, perhaps you should leave while we let you."

From the shadows stepped out two men, one significantly taller than the other and in a black trench coat, but bald. The other ....

The other was shorter, clad in almost a suit. But the most defining features were his claws coming out of his finger nails, and the simplistic fact his eyes were black, and the teeth that protruded gave away the rest. The man was clearly a vampire, but of no kind Ellen likely had ever seen up close and personal.

Veronica growled.

"Just who the fuck do you think you are barging into MY territory shorty?"

The man's reply chilled to the bone, and caused even Veronica, even in her arrogant state, to recoil and take a step back.

"Oh my apologies, I didn't say our names. My name is Nikola Tesla, and my friend here ... well, you know him by the name of Jack the Ripper."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen sighed at Veronica's continued stupidity. "Your ignorance knows no bounds. First off, I said nothing about unstaking me, you may be a moron, but I'm sure at least one of the trained apes you brought with you would know better. I took a calculated risk, and it didn't pan out, cry me a river. Second, you can't have a 'mate', your dead. And if you have figured out some way to bear a child, I can think of a certain Tzimisce that would very much like to take you apart and see how you work. And finally, you even being here is obvious proof of how little he trusts you to do anything, you're a bland flunkie to him. A toddlar with a pair of safety scissors could ash me, so he sends you, and a half dozen other flunkies to make sure you don't fuck up. And if you weren't so-"

Her tirade is cut short by the appearance of Tesla and Jack. She raised an eyebrow at the introductions, but figured questions could wait until later. "Stake the woman!" She called out. "I don't care what happens to the rest of them, just don't kill her just yet!"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Tesla just smirked, even as three of the men came at him.

Each found claws shredding half their chest's open before they could blink, and a surge of electricity filled the room.

Ellen on the other hand watched as the other man took a step, then suddenly vanished in a swirl of red light. He knelt next to her, touched her stomach with his hand, and the next thing she knew, she was free from the stake.

"I thought you might like to be free of that obscene tool of destruction."

Then he quite literally teleport staked Veronica.

"And you my dear should have taken the chance to leave when we gave it to you. You should know better than to piss ME off."

Then he joined Tesla, and they very quickly finished off the remaining men.

With that done, Tesla turned to her.

"Sorry we're late Ellen. Yeah we know about you, Chris sent us to bring you home."
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

Ellen gasped as she was teleported away from the stake, dropping to her knees for a second while she focused on healing the damage to her chest. She didn't answer them until after that was finished, and she stood again. "Thought as much, you're a bit of a brand name around the warehouse, or so I hear." She says, looking like she was focused somewhere else. Slowly, deliberately, she walked over to Veronica, slumped over against the wall. She leaned in close with an evil smile, letting the other woman see Ellen standing over her, before leaning in and whispering quietly in her ear. "Now you can finally be useful to one greater than you. Give me your soul..." She said hauntingly, before leaning further down and sinking her fangs into Veronica's neck, drinking greedily.

A long moment passes before Veronica starts to shudder, even with the stake in her. Ellen pins her down and continues, and after another few seconds, the shaking stops, and Veronica crumbles to dust.

Ellen grabs the piled clothes left behind and gives them a shake before putting them on. The tear from where the stake was planted opening to show off the rounded side of her left breast. "Alright, I have some news for Chris as well. When do we leave?"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"Soon, we must teleport somewhere secure so we can get him to drop the E.M shield, or I can't get us in there. Do you have any ideas where a BSAA base might be?"

Tesla regarded Ellen thoughtfully while John spoke, then added his own words.

"You know, that's the first time I've seen one of you do that and get away with it and not be descended upon immediately. Tsk Tsk my dear."

However he had a very wide grin on his face, indicating he wasn't likely to break her secret, if anything, he'd probably have done it himself too.

"Are you good on blood, or do we need to make a pit stop elsewhere for you?"
Re: Seattle, Washington, United States

"I believe there's an Air Force base a couple miles south of the city, but that's all I can think of." She tells Jack, shifting her gaze to Tesla afterwards. "If it weren't for her boss, I would never have had to, so I figure it's a fair trade. Were you changed the same way Sean was, before the artifact that did it broke?" She asked curiously.