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Secret Hitler Game 1: It Begins (7 Players) - GAME OVER

Re: Secret Hitler Game 1: It Begins (7 Players) - GAME OVER

Abused, battered, forced to carry her rapists's child, raped by hundreds in public.. All of that humiliation and violence had not broken her, for the hopes that she would find vengeance one day.

And she did. When she was freed, her first act was to bring Hans to heal, and after that it was back to the council chambers... To have some more personal revenge on the pair who had been responsible for her imprisonment. "Zis is what I am like ven I vear jackboots, bitch!" she spat, stepping on Alisa's back with said footwear and forcing her face into the dog bowl of semen she was being forced to lap from, her arms wrapped in line that dug painfully into her skin if she tried to struggle and tied behind her back, connected to a line tied both to her ankles and to a pair of toys embedded deep inside of her that caused both to grind against her sensitive flesh whenever she moved.

She glanced over at Erika, grinning sadistically. Hans was railing her from behind, empty eyed and bound almost as thoroughly as they were. "Better go faster~ Ze Reich will need more soldiers soon, and someone needs a half sibling~" The man had been so pathetically easy to break. Some people just didn't know how to take it like they could dish it out. She reached out and cracked a whip against the man's backside, and then did the same to Erika's back, adding another lash mark among the already numerous angry red lines.
Re: Secret Hitler Game 1: It Begins (7 Players) - GAME OVER

Isana threw her hair over one shoulder as her officials rushed in to detain the opposing party. She had seized power, and with that, she would first clear her throat and announce:

"Seeing zat zese are dire times in Arstotzka, I fail to understand vhy ve insist on somesing as slow und inefficient as 'democracy'. Despite ze lies zat you haf been told, zis 'democracy' ist not an absolute in a functioning gofernment. Even in ze greatest ancient empires, dictators vere chosen for stretches of time--und do you know vhy? To produce RESULTS. Vhen ze bickering und arguing ov zose in ze gofernment accomplishes nassing, somesing must gife. Results, ve shall not get by dawdling und debating in a courtroom for hours, days, weeks on end, by giffing power to ze uneducated masses. Results, ve shall get by unifying ze entire country under one vill. One vill zat cannot be denied. Und from today, zat vill ist mein." She placed a hand over her heart. "But don't vorry. I am but a servant of zis great nation. Under my rule, she shall flourish und thrive."

"Also..." she added, beckoning with a finger for her guards to drag Xenia next to her. "I haf mainly van person to sank for it. Fraulein Xenia..." The corners of her mouth curled into a slight smile. "I am glad to see zat you finally came around to trusting me. It vas ze right choice, for I shall steer zis country into ze right direction. Ve can be eefen greater zan zis. I do so tire of guarding zeese borders to our vest--don't you?" As the men forced Xenia to a kneel, Isana pointed to the ground, directing them to lower her upper half so that the other woman's face was close enough to the floor. "To honor your service, I sink I vill make you my personal pet. Don't vorry. It's quite a comfortable life, I assure you... so long as you behave."

Slipping the instep of her jackboot underneath Xenia's chin, she lifted her toes so as to force her former equal to look up at her. "But, you know... my boots do need cleaning." Narrowing her eyes, she put forth a devilish grin, caressing the side of the woman's cheek with her boot. It was still shiny for the most part, as Isana took great measures to keep herself looking sharp, but there were still a few spots that could use a touching up...
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Re: Secret Hitler Game 1: It Begins (7 Players) - GAME OVER

Isana threw her hair over one shoulder as her officials rushed in to detain the opposing party. She had seized power, and with that, she would first clear her throat and announce:

"Seeing zat zese are dire times in Arstotzka, I fail to understand vhy ve insist on somesing as slow und inefficient as 'democracy'. Despite ze lies zat you haf been told, zis 'democracy' ist not an absolute in a functioning gofernment. Even in ze greatest ancient empires, dictators vere chosen for stretches of time--und do you know vhy? To produce RESULTS. Vhen ze bickering und arguing ov zose in ze gofernment accomplishes nassing, somesing must gife. Results, ve shall not get by dawdling und debating in a courtroom for hours, days, weeks on end, by giffing power to ze uneducated masses. Results, ve shall get by unifying ze entire country under one vill. One vill zat cannot be denied. Und from today, zat vill ist mein." She placed a hand over her heart. "But don't vorry. I am but a servant of zis great nation. Under my rule, she shall flourish und thrive."

"Also..." she added, beckoning with a finger for her guards to drag Xenia next to her. "I haf mainly van person to sank for it. Fraulein Xenia..." The corners of her mouth curled into a slight smile. "I am glad to see zat you finally came around to trusting me. It vas ze right choice, for I shall steer zis country into ze right direction. Ve can be eefen greater zan zis. I do so tire of guarding zeese borders to our vest--don't you?" As the men forced Xenia to a kneel, Isana pointed to the ground, directing them to lower her upper half so that the other woman's face was close enough to the floor. "To honor your service, I sink I vill make you my personal pet. Don't vorry. It's quite a comfortable life, I assure you... so long as you behave."

Slipping the instep of her jackboot underneath Xenia's chin, she lifted her toes so as to force her former equal to look up at her. "But, you know... my boots do need cleaning." Narrowing her eyes, she put forth a devilish grin, caressing the side of the woman's cheek with her boot. It was still shiny for the most part, as Isana took great measures to keep herself looking sharp, but there were still a few spots that could use a touching up...

Xenia's face went pale as the armed male slaves moved in and seized her by the arms.

"Nein! Take your hands off me!" she growled, struggling mightily, but in vain. These slave soldats had had some sort of augmentation to their strength... it was as if they were made of steel - they did not budge!

She was brought before Isana and forced to her knees. She was about to shout at the woman, but two gloved hands forced her face to the tiled floor, keeping her nose touching the cold slate.

"Bastards!" she muttered, but her wrists had been cuffed behind her and she couldn't move. Her ears burned as Isana told her of all the changes she would be making and the new position in store for liberals like Xenia.

Her chin was lifted up by the toe of Isana's boot, and the former admiral glared up defiantly at the new Fuhrer.

"You bitch! If you zink for a moment zat you will get avay with this! I vill never be your pet! Nggh!"

A gloved hand pinched the back of her neck, shooting spasm of pain through her. Isana's curling smile only grew wider, as if she had been hoping Xenia would have said something like that.


One week later...

Xenia was exhausted, in both body and mind. She could not remember what sleep was like. The punishments Isana had personally put her through were constant, and allowed for no respite so long as a shred of resistance remained. Xenia's breaking had become a favorite hobby of the new Fuhrer's. The ex-admiral's body was a blotchy red map of whip marks, paddlings, floggings, flesh pinching, and rope indents from her many suspensions.

Her "bed" for the week had been a triangle torture device, and when she wasn't being punished, she had been trained in bondage, and her body had been marked with brands, tattoos, and piercings showing her to be slave property of the fascist party for the crime of treason to the Arstozkan people.

To make her look acceptable in public showing, Isana had arranged for a skin-tight latex suit to be made to Xenia's exact specifications. She wore it now, along with a collar that was attached to a leash. The leash was now being held by Isana and once again, Xenia found herself in the main council chambers, only this time they were decorated with large banners displaying the fascist party symbol, and an enormous portrait of a heroic looking Isana was displayed in pride of place behind her chair.

Isana was looking down at her and repeating the same order she'd given to her a week ago - to lick clean the Fuhrer's jackboots. The alternative to absolute obedience had been made clear to Xenia: a continuance of the inhuman treatment she'd already undergone.

Unable to comprehend another moment of such tortures, the beleagured Xenia lowered her head and nodded mutely to Isana, who snapped her fingers. Immediately, two gloved handed soldats removed Xenia's ball gag, and allowed Isana's new 'pet' to begin licking. Tears welled up in Xenia's eyes as the laughter began to ripple around the room. A light applause and whoops arose as she continued to drag her tongue across the top of Isana's jackboot. The humiliation caused her to shiver, but there was no turning back now. She just thought of how she might now finally be allowed to sleep on the floor, and be fed some solid foods perhaps. Maybe they would give her a blanket, as the nights had been growing cold...

Isana raised her boot, exposing the sole of the footwear. Knowing what she must do, Xenia extended her tongue again and pressed it flat to the underside of the boot, tasting the grit, dust and dirt. She half-stifled a sob and continued to lick. As a reward, she felt Isana's hand rest on top of her head and begin to pet her. It was the first "reward" that hand had showed her since the whole process had begun - and it worried Xenia how much relief had gone through her body to feel that hand actually be kind to her.

Mein Got... am I turning into a masochist? Oh, Got help me!

No answer from the heavens came, and when the licking was done, it was only Isana's smirking face that greeted her. It seemed this was all she would have to look forward to now.