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Secret Hitler OOC

Re: Secret Hitler OOC

There is nothing I could have done, since I'm one of the last people in order. Though if I am voted nein on out of distrust, we could wait until it's on someone we DO trust, because if they accidentally pick a fascist as their chancellor, then they would be the one to benefit from a fascist policy if it all goes wrong, and they can use that power to find the truth with Aurani and Tass.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I'm seeing a lot of confusion going around about the rules, and I need to inform you guys that all of your confusion and question asking can be squashed by a quick reference to .

It exists and it's open to everyone, and takes just ten minutes to read *in its entirety*, 15-30 seconds to read if you're just referencing a rule. Understanding the finer points of this game's mechanics is how you win, so read it.

Re: Secret Hitler OOC

A Technical Spider said:
When does card shuffle happen, also why am I

If I see 2, 1, or 0 cards left in the policy deck while passing the President token to the next person, I'm shuffling the deck, even if the cause is you lot deciding to vote nein over and over again. There MUST be 3 cards to draw at least, at all times. So the deck is shuffled when this condition is not met.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Oh man, I wish I would have seen this earlier. You guys are gonna have another go after this right?
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

The sign up for the next game is already up in this forum.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Yeah, read through that next. I will probably post as soon as I decide on an avatar, though as there's no rush probably not till later.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

Here's to hoping a good percentage of our current players will be up for a second go. Even though the live version is better, the game is honestly only good with a large number of people for some intense discussion and fascist shenanigans. So getting together a large group is a trial.

So, this is the best I can do.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

There's a Tabletop Simulator version that's pretty great, but that would require everyone to have that of course. My in-person RPG group lately has unfortunately gone full derp and not gamed since October, even after we all got TS.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

yes but it costs moneyyyyyy. hissssssssss.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

This is Wiemar Germany, just print some more ;)
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I WAS interested in a second round, but with the way this game has been dragging on, I'm not so sure.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

It was dragging largely because of mind flayer, and a large number of unusual factors that I cannot reveal.

So, if I get a group of fully involved people, it shouldn't be like that come next game.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

November Criminals! (@ OAMP's Wiemar Republic comment)

And if we play this game again, can we do like... an IRC chat for it?
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

That'd require everyone being online at the same time, wouldn't it? With you living on the glorious planet of Australia, that's a tough sell. But if everyone can meet at a certain time and place...
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I know Aurani probably already has his mind set on who he shall order to be raped with great justice, but I leave it open for people to try and persuade him or talk to him about his choice.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

anonposrep said:
Great game, but less OOC next time. It colored my opinions of people

I agree, I saw people talking ooc all the time to try and figure each other out. Including one person who almost figured out who Hitler was.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

There's a difference between players and moderators. ;)
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I was an ear to the ground and was purposefully neutral. Since many players came to me wanting to talk about the game, I needed to make sure they got absolutely no information out of me. Since I am the last person anyone should be trying to fetch information from. I'm always quite happy to hear a player's current thoughts about the situation, but any response I give WILL color opinions IF you're looking for something in what I say, since I'm well aware 'someone' is going to try to do that as I know who everyone is.

So, if a conversation happens between me and any liberal, know that I will give you NOTHING and attempts to peel something out of me will cause an issue like this. Anything I say at all in regards to the active game should not be taken seriously at all and should be treated as though I was just a glorified spectator who knows nothing.

Glory to Arstotzka.
Re: Secret Hitler OOC

I was an ear to the ground and was purposefully neutral. Since many players came to me wanting to talk about the game, I needed to make sure they got absolutely no information out of me. Since I am the last person anyone should be trying to fetch information from. I'm always quite happy to hear a player's current thoughts about the situation, but any response I give WILL color opinions IF you're looking for something in what I say, since I'm well aware 'someone' is going to try to do that as I know who everyone is.

So, if a conversation happens between me and any liberal, know that I will give you NOTHING and attempts to peel something out of me will cause an issue like this.

Whether you mean it or not, your statements are inferring that you are blameless and anyone who has their opinion colored by your statements is actively "attempt[ing] to peel something out of [you]."

This is simply not true. Not in my case and not, I presume, in the cases of other individuals. Many of the conversations that passed between you and I last game were instigated by you, and while I may have indulged the conversation (and you could argue that I should not have and have simply signed off of steam) your efforts to remain neutral were not possible, because even the fact of making me rethink my opinions by mentioning an individual and asking me what I think of their performance is passively having an effect on my judgement. If you truly didn't know anything about the game, you could argue that your statements were harmless. However...

Anything I say at all in regards to the active game should not be taken seriously at all and should be treated as though I was just a glorified spectator who knows nothing.

This is Orwellian doublethink. We cannot treat you as someone who knows nothing, because that is precisely what you are not.

Even actively trying to not read into what you say and dismissing a possible 'hint' outright is having an effect in the opposite direction. It's not a zero sum result.

Whether you admit to it or not, your comments can have an affect on the game. So please make an effort to limit your ooc conversation. If you really want to participate in a who-might-it-be? discussion, be a player and let someone else moderate.

It was not my intention to make a big deal about this, but you brought it into a public thread and it seems as though you're not intending to adjust.
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Re: Secret Hitler OOC

That statement I made was one made in general, to address the issue to whoever sent the note to me via rep. The issue of me coloring your opinion can be handled as I just said it can. If you want to talk with me about the game, do so. I love it when people want to converse about a topic we both like. If you're worried my words might in any way ruin your experience, then don't speak to me about it. It's really that simple. It's not Orwellian Doublethink aka a hypocrisy, it's just a fact. When we do speak, every word I type I look over twice to make sure I don't spoil anything for you. If we don't speak, then you can live without fear of your brain picking up on information beyond your control.

On a personal note (this is going to be irrelevant to everyone else, so you can stop reading here), I never, ever started a conversation with you, unless it was to remind you of an action you needed to take in the game. And before you try to argue that point, I was (and still am) extremely disgusted with events prior in another game and the realization that someone had one-sidedly disliked me, before realizing that a thread in the RP I running for them was pretty much dead without me being aware at all (It was one of the slowest threads and one I had the most notes for, so having effort wasted is a letdown at best). With you supporting them as me being the one in the wrong, I don't know why you think I'd continue to seek you out after that. I don't want to be somewhere I'm not wanted, and that includes being in the presence of people who find me disagreeable. Any conversation we had, and will have, will be because you invited me to it. I'm not going to have another issue over this, and any issue that 'you' find with me will solely be through your own invitation. This should give you full control of the problem you're having, I hope.
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