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Secret Hitler: Sign-up for Game 3

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Howdy, it's me, Arjay!

I am opening up sign-ups for a game called Secret Hitler.

If you wish to skip my blabber and get right to the rules of the game, feel free to do so.

Current Players:
1: Taki-smacky
2: Blublu
3: Sassydar
4: HentaiArachne
5: Mike (Toxic, don't ask)
6: Secret lol-rani (Aurani)
7: Mind Layer


In a nutshell, it's a game that is like a combination of Mafia, Werewolf, and Resistance. It's a game of two teams of players playing against each other in a social environment. Filled with deception!

Everyone will be playing as Sexy German Chicks (You will be known as the SGC) who all run the government because this is ULMF and why not. There are two teams and a unique player. The Fascists(Ze Nazis), The Liberals(Purist Scum), and Secret Hitler(Ze Uber Nazi). The Fascists and Secret Hitler are on the same team.

Unlike Mafia, this isn't a game just about deciding who dies. It's a more politics based game. There will be lots of voting, beginning with who will be elected president for one term. That president will elect a Chancellor to assist them before all the votes are cast. Once elected, the President and Chancellor will work separately to decide which policy gets pushed through to the German Government.

Too many Fascist policies, and the NAZIS WIN, too many Liberal policies, and the PURIST SCUM WIN! Welcome to politics and the battle of words.

Also, as the Fascist policies increase, the President gains more power. This can be good or bad depending on your perspective. Also, in light of ULMF, participating players may vote for either rape or death before a game starts to decide how players are removed from the game by the president.

tl;dr Read the rules in the link, post here if you want to play (you may include a char sheet if you wish to role play a little, with picture or otherwise I will grumble and do nothing about it), and vote on whether player removal is done via public execution or public rape.

We can play when we have at minimum, 5 players, and at max, 10.

I reserve the right to reject people because I don't like them.
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Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

The Resistance and such games are awesome, I've been meaning to try this one.

Isana, who may just be a sexy resistance member in disguise, or just a plain old fascist.

Also I vote for public use badend.
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Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

Say "guten Tag!" to Xenia, prominent member of Ze Liberals who shall lead the Fatherland into a glorious new era with the most democratic policies evah! Sieg heil!!! Whoops.


Public use and humiliation for disgraced members of ze government is mein vote.
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Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

Here's to hoping all the possibly interested parties are still asleep, cuz we're 3 away from minimum. 1 away if I count Tassadar and and Flayer showing interest, but not joining yet.

Spread the wooord
Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

Emelie, here to cleanse all of the non-Aryan scum clogging up this - I MEAN UHHH..... Down with facism!
Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

Alisa reporting for duty, ready to fight against communism for the glorious fatherland

Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

One more until minimum requirements have been met, then we can decide if we wish to go. And since I know one is on the way, I'ma go ahead and declare how I'm going to roll with this.

In every post I make updating the game, I'm going to include a single picture from maptools, which will function as our board. I will have each of your characters at positions at the end of the 'table', the status of Fascist and Liberal progression in the middle, and your various Ja and Nien votes in front of your characters when applicable. So there won't be a bunch of text you'll have to read, just look at the board. Pure and Simple.
Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

Say hello to . Let's make Germany great again!
Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

I don't know why I'm doing this, but oh well.

Erika will make the people .
Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

I like how you cropped that. I know what the rest of that picture is, you're not fooling me.
Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

Might be a good idea to start with this smaller group, and then if we finish and people (plus onlookers) like it, we could play a second game with a larger group?
Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

We will have a medium sized group once Mind Flayer stops making excuses and joins (I'm writing this while GM'ing a live game. NO EXCUSES). So, I'm going to say that seven is a good number and see about getting things started.

So, speaking of flayer, I'm going to slap him about making us a sub-forum somewhere so we can archive our games and make lots of new threads without making a mess.
Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

Say hello to . She shall bring glory to the fatherland once more, using her big foot long herm dick and big old balls hidden under her skirt to bash people over the head with.
Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

So I've received cards. Are we playing in this thread or are we waiting for a new thread?

Either way, Xenia is the Frau Admiral of the Reichsmarine, and vows to keep democratic, liberal policies at the forefront of German politics. She will brook none of this fascist nonsense, lest the German people forget the folly of the Great War and the tragic cost to the German people.

tl;dr - I'm a liberal, down vit Hitler!
Re: Secret Hitler (Board Game PbP Sign-up)

I asked minflayer to put this in a new sub-forum, that's where the game thread is.
Re: Secret Hitler: Early Sign-up for Game 2

Since Secret Hitler games are pretty short, I decided to open up early sign-up for the next game when the first one ends. I doubt that this will be so popular that we'll have TWO full games(since the max player requirement is already 10), but I'm keeping the option to open two games should it be necessary.

Either way, this is open to allow people who've been watching or thinking about it, to join if they want to, and to allow players in the previous game to give it another go if they so wish.

Glory to Arstotzka!
Re: Secret Hitler: Early Sign-up for Game 2

I'll play again.

Is the conceit for the next game that we're in the fictional nation of Arstotzka?
Re: Secret Hitler: Early Sign-up for Game 2

I default to that when I have no better ideas, since Arstotzka is best country in world. I'm open to more tasteful suggestions though if everyone's okay with the theme.
Re: Secret Hitler: Early Sign-up for Game 2

I see no reason to not join again I guess, hopefully our players won't be as inactive for the 2nd round.
Re: Secret Hitler: Early Sign-up for Game 2

I guess I'll make a sign-up sheet, so people can speak when they're not included.

If you can't think of anything to say, just say "Glory to Arstotzka." Cuz that's what I do.

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