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Section 13: Headquarters

Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Robert had both of his side-arms on him, but thinking he'd much rather have his more accurate weapon if he might be firing into a crowd, he heads quickly to his quarters to grab his rifle before going down to the parking garage.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Suzy walks out of the room after the child left, and didn't hear Z's comment. She grabbed her rifle and sidearm from her quarters and headed down to the garage to meet the rest of the team.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Yes, the computers were working when I stocked the van. Though to what extent I cannot say," Reaver answers Takeshi's question before letting him continue.

"Well you heard where to meet up, you don't need me to take you there," Reaver says to the crowd as Takeshi leaves. "Do you really think someone would send a child down to do his job for him? 'That child' as you put it really is Takeshi. Though a whore like you wouldn't be able to notice a genius if one came up to you and stuck his dick in your mouth." Reaver says in response to Zenna's comment, he follows behind her for a while before branching off to his own room to collect his rifle and combat knife. He then heads to the garage.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Hand clenching into a fist as she hears Reaver compare her to one of the spineless bitches she used to train, Zenna manages to restrain herself, planning to give him her full opinion once she meets back up in the van with her rifle.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Takeshi arrives at the parking garage, a large van taking up one and a half parking spaces already parked near the elevator. Takeshi sighs before entering the back of the van, three computer terminals set up with visual links and keyboards, as well as neural linkups for those with cyber brains. The child would sit in a chair in front of the computer terminal, then grasp a cord next to the terminal, pulling it up and attaching it to a slot on the back of his neck, diving directly into the internet and beginning his mischief. He would hack through Section 13's security protocols with relative ease, bringing up cameras and sound devices throughout the facility, monitoring every member of his team with caution, making sure nothing was amiss, and that they weren't unsettled by his appearance.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Shortly after Takeshi arrived and entered the van Reaver would make his way there too, though the camera's and sound systems would most likely not pick him up. Takeshi on the other hand would most likely recognise his subtle movements.

"So, what do you think of the fresh meat?" Reaver asks Takeshi as he climbs into the passenger seat of the van, his voice it's usual whisper. Reaver places his rifle on his lap, though this was no usual rifle. Most people could tell by its design that it was a Seburo make, though the addition features; the scope as well as the oddly placed clip designed by Reaver himself. The rifle was also coloured black, mainly to help it blend in with the shadows.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Suzy grabs her weapons, a Mk.23 rifle and M5 pistol, both features black and white digital camouflage patterns, and heads to the garage, she locates the van easily enough, and can hear Reaver nearby, well, his smell is the first giveaway to his location...
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Takeshi simply shakes his head as he follows every member of the team. "They seem competent enough to handle the mission at hand. Zenna needs to control herself, before she ends up like the last failed agent." he says, sighing as he cuts the links, resting his right cheek in his right hand "If this mission goes smoothly enough, we may just get enough funding to get some more men. Right now, we're under payed and low on manpower."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Reaver grins. "Well, so long as I'm allowed to kill I don't care about the money so much. I'm giving those newbie's two missions, tops. If they're still alive by then I'll be surprised."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"They'll last longer then that, so long as you try and keep them alive." Takeshi says, disconnecting the cord from the back of his neck and smiling "Would you doubt a genius and his decision-making skills?"
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"I'll make no promises, though the only one under threat at the moment is that whore," Reaver's smile stretches even further, making him appear almost mad. "And no, I don't question you. I do however question the higher ups."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"They have no power once the mission starts. I only accepted command on the condition that I have all say over combat-related commands. So the higher-ups can do nothing when it comes down to your favorite parts of a fight." Takeshi says, his eyes closed as he smiles even wider "Partners look out for each other."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"Heh, oh boy. I'm going to have some fun. Here's hoping the bastard tries to run." If it were possible Reaver's voice had become more twisted. "Indeed they do."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Having grabbed her gun, Zenna comes down into the garage. Where is that arrogant prick? She mutters agressively to herself before smelling Reaver. Walking towards him, she starts speaking to him... loudly. YOU DAMNED MOTHER FUCKER, I AM NOT SOME PATHETIC LITTLE BITCH WHO WHORES HERSELF! I BROKE SPOILED BITCHES TO MAKE THEM SLUTS, BUT IT TAKES A LOT MORE THAN JUST A LITTLE GREEN TO EVEN HAVE A CHANCE AT ME, ASSHOLE! She says, bringing back up the comment he made about her as she left the briefing room.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Reaver sits there quietly, allowing Zenna to say what she wanted to say. Once she had finished however Reaver threw his head back and let out a long, raspy laugh.

"Sounds like to me that you could do with releasing some pent up energy," Reaver says after several minutes of hard laughing.

"I wish the rest of them would hurry up already. My trigger finger is getting itchy." Reaver says more to himself than anyone else as he turns to face away from Zenna again.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Re: Section 13: Headquarters

"You really shouldnt let your emotions get the better of you," Reaver tells Zenna simply without turning to look at her. "Let that happen and you've already lost the battle."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Zennas main response this time is a steady glare and a stream of curse words insulting Reaver and his parentage in a variety of fashions, but no real direction behind the words other than to insult him.
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Reaver just sits there, letting her have her say as he know's he's pushed her buttons. Though he does smile slightly, now knowing how to get to her in future if she does piss him off.

"Oh and for the record," He says, regardless of whether she stops to listen. "There's no point in insulting me because I really couldn't give a damn what you think. And I don't remember anything before becoming a cyborg anyway."
Re: Section 13: Headquarters

Takeshi simply sighs at the stream of expletives, then places his hands on his ears before opening his mouth and biting down, a deafening whine being emitted within a five meter radius for ten seconds, then stopping "Zenna. You had better control both your mouth AND your temper on the mission, or I'm afraid you're going to end up like the last bad agent."