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Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

"Alright, well, there are these goblins around. Normally, he and I could take them out but they have a shaman." She sighs and leans against the man, who puts a hand around her but does it somewhat stiffly. "The shaman keeps nullifying my magic and buffing the goblins, so he counters both of us. When he attempts to attack us here, I just seal us up. His minions can't break through stone. I think if you got his staff away from him first, he wouldn't be able to buff his minions. He always uses it when he is making the goblins stronger."
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"Well, you're in luck Einetra," Alira smiled, "it just so happens that taking away the property of others is... a specialty of mine, you might say. Don't worry, Alira's on the case! Now, show me where these goblins are hiding, and I'll get started. I came here for some dungeon diving and sight seeing, and I've seen quite enough for now."

As the group moved through the temple towards their destination, Alira casually glanced at her newly minted employer and her silent companion. "Say Einetra, can you tell me more about the temple? Might be useful as I go after the shaman. What's with the giant bed out there? And what about the giant eyeball floating up above?"

As she pumped her host for more information, Alira couldn't help but glance at Jaime's mute form. You come on friendly, but he doesn't look all that happy to me. What's his story? Another temple invader? Did you offer him the same deal as well?
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

"Oh, the eyeball above? That's a ward. I'm not very good at making them, though, so it's big and obvious and can only scan for certain things. My father says I need more practice. Right now it is looking for goblins. If I go into the Prayer room and concentrate, I can make it see much farther. I can also use it to contact my father." She was awfully chatty. Alira got the feeling that Einetra had been looking for someone to talk to who wasn't trying to steal her things or kill her. "The temple... there wasn't much here. Those robes in the main room were there. Everything else was provided by my father. The original temple only had three rooms other than the main one so I had to create the others. The treasure room, the library, and the kitchen, though it was much cruder and everything was so filthy!" Einetra gives directions to the goblin's camp. It isn't far.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

"You built the rooms? Huh, that's some skill there. I walked through a few of them before I ran into you two. Some interesting stuff you got in there." Alira considered a moment, then, noticing her companion's interest in chatting asked a question which had been nagging her for a while. "So your father - who is he? Does he have a name?"

Talking, they approached the sealed entrance of the temple. Alira gestured at the former doorway. "Would you mind? I'll be back soon with the staff, and then we can check out that Treasury together."

As she made her way down the temple's steps, Alira looked over at the nearby stone figures. Statues... yeah right. You poor bastards... but no one said raiding old temples was a safe job. Better leave to the professionals.... Careful, Alira, careful she mentally admonished herself, you got lucky. No need to get cocky. Recalling Einetra's directions, Alira set off in search of the goblin's camp.

For some reason I read your previous post as implying the goblins were occupying part of the temple itself - didn't mess it up too bad though.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

"My father said to keep his identity a secret in case people who object to us use it to find him but I'll tell you his three best features: his golden eyes, his confident smile, and his silky tails! We always fought over who would get to hug them!" While gushing about her father, one of her tentacle eyes pointed at the doorway and turned the stone in the way to dust. "Maybe one day you'll get to meet him!"


It wasn't too hard to find where the goblins were. After all, Einetra had given some pretty simple directions and there wasn't too much out here, though at one point, Alira's bracer grew warm, almost hot, until the chains gently glowed and the temperature lowered to normal. She spotted a sentry and easily slipped past. The goblin's encampment was set up around a bonfire, with multiple, ragged tents. The goblins were there now, having dragged back an elk that they had hunted. They were nasty little creatures, dressed in nothing but loincloths and wielding clubs.There was one goblin that was slightly smaller but he was dressed in a cotton robe. In his hands he held a staff that was covered in glyphs. They pulsated softly with a certain familiar red light.

Perception 30 + 18 vs 7 + 22 Stealth ALIRA WINS
Stealth 38 + 11 vs 8 + 25 Perception ALIRA WINS
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Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Moving unseen through the crude tents the goblins had erected, Alira took the chance to study her target. The goblins themselves she almost dismissed out of hand - crudely armed and clothed, they seemed to present little threat on their own. Still, no need to underestimate them... the magic eye girl couldn't handle them head on with their leader backing them. He's the real threat, no doubt.

Singling out the shaman was relatively easy, given his possessive grip on a staff decorated with arcane runes. The staff itself however, gave her pause. That red glow... Alira's eyes flashed to her bracer, once again dormant after its brief awakening. Ahael? No, his ego wouldn't survive associating with this riffraff...not directly at least.

Einetra's warnings as much as the specter of Ahael gave her pause. I can rush in at any time, but what kind of a thief does that? Fingering the Fire Marble in her pack, Alira considered either open assault or a diversion, but decided against it for the moment. Fading back into the nearby foliage, Alira kept a close eye on her target. There must be a time when the shaman is alone... where is his tent? He needs to sleep sometime, they all do...

Alira's watching and waiting for a better time to sneak up to the shaman.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

And it was so. Alira had heard that goblins were more perceptive than they looked but that hardly mattered when they were up against Alira's skills. Especially once she found a reasonable hiding spot. The day was pretty dull. Alira had a good vantage point with which she could watch the goblins eat, drink, masturbate, etc. The shaman retreated inside the tent once or twice but never for long enough for Alira to get a good chance. Then came dusk, then night. They had set up twice as many guards but their chances were still zero. Alira was able to move unseen. The shaman had retreated inside his tent, which was the size of a small room, with flaps facing the now-smoldering bonfire. When Alira got close, she couldn't hear any movement from inside the tent.

5 perception vs stealth checks. None of them were even close to succeeding
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041


After the third hour of watching the goblin's crude antics, Alira could barely restrain herself from charging into the middle of the camp. It looked like her patience was about to pay off. After the shaman retreated into his tent, Alira forced herself to wait another hour before making her move. Slipping past the goblin's inept sentries was easy enough for one used to skulking in dark corners. Moving carefully, always conscious of the light sources around her in order to conceal her shadow, Alira approached the shaman's tent from the rear. She slipped around the side, straining to pick up any movement inside, but she heard nothing.

Casting one last look around to make sure none of the guards were paying attention, the elf slipped inside the shaman's tent, moving slowly to give herself a chance to react to any unexpected trap or spell.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Alira came in to find the goblin shaman in prayer. He had made a crude altar and was facing it, head bowed and hands clasped. The staff lay on his bed right next to the altar. He didn't seem to notice Alira's entrance, distracted as he was. As she crept closer, the goblin still did not stir. The staff was not glowing at the moment, appearing to be dormant. Then the bracer on Alira's arm suddenly grew hot and the staff began glowing. The blue chains reacted, the bracer was subdued, and the staff ceased glowing. Fortunately it seems Astok's efforts were for naught. The goblin hadn't noticed the event. Most likely his eyes were closed.

Alira 38 + 11 vs 10 + 25 ALIRA WINS
Alira is not noticed.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira froze as the staff glowed, her heart hammering in her chest so loudly she was sure the shaman would hear her. Finally, after a moment that seemed to stretch for minutes, the arcane chains wrapped around Astok's prison reacted and subdued the magical energies. The staff and the bracer both fell dormant once more. Alira remained still, staring at the shaman's hunched figure.

The goblin remained oblivious however, lost in prayer before his crude altar. Alira glanced from him to the staff laying nearby. So close... Her fingers brushed against her dagger, and she considered ending the shaman's threat now... but she could not be sure that she would kill him with the first strike and if he should raise the alarm then she'd have to fight her way out of the camp.

Instead, she elected to stay true to her roots. Carefully approaching closer, Alira reached out for the shaman's staff.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

It seemed like she was about to pull it off. The goblin had his back turned, the staff was in Alira's hands, and then the flap of the tent moved. Alira turned to see... nothing, it had just been the wind. She had the staff and now she had options. She could kill everyone here, either in a big old fight or picking them off one at a time, or simply make a run for it, taking the staff with her.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Feeling more confident now that the magical threat had been either nullified or greatly reduced, Alira secured the staff before drawing her sword. Moving up behind the shaman, she attacked, intending on taking out the leader first before dealing with the rest of the camp.

Going for a series of full damage sneak attacks on the goblins. If the rolls work out, feel free to have her deal with several of them in a row
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

At first it was going well. Alira cut the throat of the shaman and snuck around, taking out goblins one by one. She got three goblins this way, sneaking up behind them and stabbing them in the back. Then disaster struck: she stepped on a branch just as the goblin happened to be turning her way. She was seen and the goblin let out a shout and raised his club! She heard other shouts and was sure the rest of the goblins were coming for her. She had already killed half of them, though. There would only be two more after this one.

Roll Results
Okay, let's get this started!
Stealth check 38 + 16 vs 12 + 25 ALIRA WINS
Auto hit
Damage 6 + 3 + 24 = 33 * 2 = 66 SHAMAN SLAIN
Stealth 38 + 9 vs 7 + 25 ALIRA WINS
Auto hit
Damage 1 + 6 + 24 = 31 * 2 = 62 GOBLIN SLAIN
Stealth 38 + 19 vs 13 + 25 ALIRA WINS
Auto hit
Damage 4 + 3 + 24 = 31 * 2 = 62 GOBLIN SLAIN
Stealth 38 + 2 vs 7 + 25 ALIRA WINS
Auto hit
Damage 2 + 1 + 24 = 27 * 2 = 54 GOBLIN SLAIN
Stealth 38 + 2 vs 20 + 25 ALIRA LOSES
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira whirled around as the goblin charged toward her. Damn... She didn't let the sudden turn in her fortunes throw her though.

Lightning fast she drew her crossbow and leveled it on the little demon.

Alira uses Quick Draw to switch to the crossbow, then goes for a Sudden Shot against the goblin that spotted her. If it works, she'll use the reloading crossbow (3 shots total) to Sudden Shot the other two as well, one at a time. If it doesn't melee it is!
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

Alira manages to dispatch all three goblins in short order. The first ends up with a bolt in his neck and the other two, when they arrive, are killed in one shot each. Checking the rest of the camp reveals... nothing much. 5 denarii in total. The rest is too crude or disgusting to have any value. The only things that were well made were the staff and the altar and the latter is significantly less portable. She didn't find anything on her way back. This time the entrance was sealed but there was a bell on the ground.

Alira wins each stealth check and her damage auto kills the goblins
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Einetra's sealed the door. More unwelcome visitors? Alira looked around for any additions to the macabre statue collection, but found none. Shrugging, the thief bent down to pick up the bell. Straightening, she ran it loudly, announcing her presence.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

The flying ward over the 'ruins' turned and focused on Alira, peering at her with an unsettling amount of focus. A minute later, the door was disintegrated, allowing Alira access to the main hub. Einetra was seated on the throne, looking very important, while her boy toy stood beside her. "You got the staff? What happened? Did the goblins give you any trouble?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira entered the grand hall of the temple cautiously, looking around before she spotted Einetra on the throne. Alira halted her steps a fair distance away. Maybe it's just the giant eyeball again, but something about this is setting me on edge.

"Greetings Einetra. You mind coming down from there? This is a lot of ceremony for dealing with some goblins, and talking to official looking people in big chairs hasn't really ended well for me in the past." Alira held the staff out in front of her. "The staff is here, and the goblins won't trouble you anymore. Let's jump right to the reward part, shall we?"
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira: HP = 65, PP = 50, EP = 49 CP: 757 CL: 3 Status: Fine

"My father always said that you should show off your status when possible but I guess I can make an exception for you." She floated off of the throne and down to Alira. Her bodyguard followed. She made an sound and he took the staff from Alira and held it out. A miniature version of the giant eyeball appeared above him and looked at the staff for a moment. "Yay! Alright, let's go!" She fired a beam of energy at the gate which caused it to disappear. The treasure room was beyond.

Well, it certainly had some stuff. There were a few bags full of denarii, apparently taken from would-be thieves. Also taken were some odd looking items, including a grappling hook with no chain, a golden monocle inlaid with a teal metallic substance, and a few daggers. Also, there was a small book whose pages flipped by themselves and seemed to have an infinite amount of them. Einetra pointed out the items that had been there originally: a pair of glasses, a pair of goggles, a robe covered in eyes (pictures, not real ones), and a pair of gloves, with pictures of eyes on the palms.
Re: Seeker of the Lost (orcha) GMed by dragoon93041

Alira looked at the bounty laid out in the treasure room and whistled appreciatively. "Impressive," the night elf said as she picked up the grappling hook and examined it curiously before setting it back down. "Do you know what this stuff does? I'm assuming at least some of this is magical. And what are you willing to part with?"