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SEW: Season 2 Rules + Character Creation (2.1 update in second post)


Demon Girl
RP Moderator
Sep 29, 2017
Reputation score
Disclaimer: Some parts have been shamelessly ripped off from the previous rule set.

Space Erotica Wresling Rules- Season Two

Basic Rules:
Character Creation
When making your character, the only two choices you have to make is their Build and Fighting style. YOU PICK ONLY ONE OF EACH, YOU CANNOT BE THICK AND THIN AT THE SAME TIME. The rest of your sheet fills itself out based on the parameters listed. Each Build and Fighting Style comes with it's ups and downsides, so finding a combination that suites you is key.

Every stat starts out at 5, except for your main stats, which start at 100 and are drained as opponents do things to you. When you choose your ideal combination, adjust your stats accordingly. If the parenthesis say to raise/lower a stat by 1, proceed to do so.

Here's a breakdown of what the stats do and represent: (This game rounds to the nearest first decimal)
Main Stats
Hit Points: You lose HP by being struck. When this reaches zero, you are temporarily stunned and rendered helpless. Though once you recover, this resets to max. Losing all your HP multiple times causes you to be stunned longer. That's covered in the main rules. HP Recovery cards restore HP at x2 the labeled value as a % of your max HP (Ex. a 5 value card will restore 10%).

Pleasure Points: You lose PP by being pleasured. When this reaches zero, you orgasm. You lose both a card of your choice from your hand along with another card randomly from your hand as well as the top two cards from your Stamina Deck(the main deck you draw from). Consecutive orgasms increase the amount of cards you lose from BOTH deck and hand by +1. When applied to the hand, the player will choose more cards to discard while the additional randomly discarded card will always only ever be one card. Eventually causing you to lose through exhaustion. PP Recovery cards restore PP at x2 the labeled value as a % of your max PP (Ex. a 5 value card will restore 10%).

Will Power: You lose WP by being victim to enemy attacks. Everything affects WP, but at a diminished effect. While it takes a long time for WP to go down, when it hits ZERO, your character forfeits the match as they are dominated by the opponent. You can restore Will Power either by landing your own attack (Which restores Will Power very slightly), or using WP Recovery Cards. Recovery cards restore WP at the labeled value as a % of your max PP (Ex. a 5 value card will restore 5%).

Power Stats
Strength: This determines how much damage you do when you strike, in addition to adding it's labeled value to your total result when using Grapple Actions with Attack Cards. (Grapple Value = Card Value + Strength + Grappling)

Dexterity: This determines how well you can come into contact with your opponent. Whenever you are on the offensive and both you and your opponent are standing while not engaged in a grapple, this is always used to determine success. (Strike Value = Card Value + Dexterity + Striking) / (Grapple Value = Card Value + Dexterity + Grappling) / (Grapple Strike = Card Value + Dexterity + Grappling)

Reflexes: This determines how well you can act defensively. Reflexes can be used in any defensive scenario, even in grapples, so long as it's for the sake of defense. (Evade Value = Card Value + Reflexes + Evasion) / (Escape Grapple = Card Value + Reflexes(OR)Strength + Grappling)

Fortitude: This allows you to resist the temptation to give in to your opponent. When made victim to the enemy's attack, it is compared against the opponent's Intimidation stat. Having a higher Fortitude means you reduce the WP damage they would have done. Having a lower Fortitude than them causes their WP damage to increase against you.

Intimidation: Similar to Fortitude, except increases the WP damage you do to the enemy.

Charisma: Determines who goes first in a match, and when the crowd interferes with the match, determines who either helped or hindered, depending on the event. In addition, adds to the amount of pleasure damage done to the opponent.

Technique Stats
Striking: Increases the likelihood of successfully striking the opponent, in addition to increasing the damage dealt. (Strike Value = Card Value + Dexterity + Striking)

Evasion: Increases the likelihood of evading Strikes and Grapples. Also works to reduce damage. (Evade Value = Card Value + Reflexes + Evasion) / (Damage Reduction = Evasion-d10 Divided by 2)

Grappling: Aids with grappling successfully, in addition to adding to the value to hold the grapple successfully or escape it. (Grapple Value = Card Value + Strength + Grappling) / (Escape Grapple = Card Value + Reflexes(OR)Strength + Grappling) / (Grab Value = Card Value + Dexterity + Grappling)

Sexual: Increases the amount of sexual pleasure you deal to your opponent, variable based on what type of pleasure you deal. Foreplay will deal normal pleasure, but sex will deal high amounts of pleasure while also taking a little pleasure damage yourself. (If you are in control and initiating sex, your opponent will deal less damage than you on average.)

Deck List Selection and what Cards Mean
Building a deck is very straight forward. You will always have a certain amount of cards in your deck of certain values. Yes, you cannot escape the cursed 1's. However, you can assign those cards 'types' which can suit your particular play style. There are three types of cards you can have in your deck: Attack, Defense, and Recovery. They all do the same thing, with the odd ball out being Recovery. Loading your deck with cards that suit your strongest stat is a given, but balancing them out between recovery and defense can be trickier than you think, and there's a reason for that.

When you are asked to choose cards, first you need to declare your ACTION. If you're on Offense, you're either Grappling, Striking, or Recovering. If you're on Defense, all you can do is defend! Then, the cards you can play are based upon the action you take. If you want to play one card, you may use ANY card in your hand and have the listed value be your defense. Using a Recovery Card Value 5 is acceptable in order to use a Strike Attack. When declaring an Attack action, you must also declare if the action will be a Strike or Grapple attempt.

If you want to use two cards however, you must use TWO cards of the SAME TYPE that MATCH. If you have an Attack 5 and Attack 2, you may use both, and their value together will become Attack 7, a fairly intimidating number and difficult to overcome unless the opponent plays two cards as well, meaning your attempt will likely be a success.

The exception to the rule is using a Recovery card in addition to a normal card. Doing so recovers your stats based on the type of recovery card, instead of boosting your odds of success. To use a Recovery Card as your second card, the first card must match the TYPE of the attack you're using. Want to grapple and recover at the same time? Use a Attack card, and a Recovery card. You cannot use a Defense and Recovery type together if you're grappling. You have to match if you want to use two cards.

With that said, Value 1 cards can be useful despite their low numerical value, either as a Recovery card, or an illusion when attacking, showing your opponent that you're playing 2 cards, and scaring them into wasting their good cards for nothing.

Finally, be mindful of the card limits when making your deck.
1: You MUST have an exact number of each Value in your deck. 10 1's, 10 2's, and so on. The deck will contain 50 cards.
2: You CANNOT have more then SIX cards of ONE TYPE (You may have 6 Cards of Value 5 Attack, and 6 Cards of Value 4 Attack, but not 10 Cards of Value 5 Attack)
3: When making a Recovery Card, Rule 2 applies UNIVERSALLY to each Value. This means you can't have 6 Value 1 HP Recovery Cards, and 6 Value 1 PP Recovery Cards as an excuse to toss all your 1's.

Wrestling Mechanics and How to Win
First, the Turn Order. Player with the Highest Charisma goes on the Offense. Otherwise it's a coinflip. And the only thing hidden is the cards, players on Offense declare their actions openly. Both players' Stamina Decks are full of their 50 cards, while their Fatigue Decks start empty. Each player will then draw their beginning hand of 7 cards.

1: BOTH PLAYERS - Draw One Card from your Stamina Deck.

2: OFFENSIVE PLAYER - Choose a type of Action and Declare it (Strike/Grapple/Recovery/Do Nothing)

3: OFFENSIVE PLAYER - If you chose to Do Nothing, draw either two cards from your Stamina Deck or one card from your Fatigue Deck. Otherwise, choose your cards to use. If you wish to use only one card, it may be of any type. If you wish to use two cards, you must either use two Attack cards , or one Attack and one Recovery Card. DECLARE THE NUMBER OF CARDS YOU ARE USING
Side Note: If a Recovery card is used alone, it will only contribute to the attack or defense value.

4: DEFENSIVE PLAYER - You may choose to Do Nothing, in which case draw two cards from your Stamina Deck or one card from your Fatigue Deck. Otherwise, choose your cards to use. If you wish to use only one card, it may be of any type. If you wish to use two cards, you must either use two cards matching the DEFENSE TYPE, or one card matching Defense and one Recovery Card.
Side Note: If a Recovery card is used alone, it will only contribute to the attack or defense value.

5: RESOLVE CARDS - Both players cards are shown, and are added to their associated stats. If Offense wins, their action resolves. If Defense Wins, nothing happens. The cards used are discarded into their owner's Fatigue Decks.

6: ADVANCE CLOCK - The Clock ticks forward by 1.

7: SWITCH SIDES - If a grapple did not occur, the defensive player is now on Offense, and vice versa. If a Grapple did occur, refer to the grapple turn order.

WHEN BOTH PLAYERS ARE GRAPPLING (Note: the dominant player is the one who initiated the grapple, the one holding Submission Hold/Pin, or the one who Escaped Submission and entered the Neutral Grapple state. You are NEVER dominant if you are still in a submission hold.)

(Double Note, Penetration can only happen once your victim is disrobed! Disrobe them by winning a grapple check while holding them in submission as your action!)


1: BOTH PLAYERS - Draw One Card from your Stamina Deck.

2: DOMINANT PLAYER - Choose an Action. If your opponent is only Grappled with you, you may attempt to put them into a submission hold, escape the grapple, Penetrate your opponent, perform foreplay, strike them, or Do Nothing.
2a: If you have your opponent in a submission hold, you may put them into a Pin, perform penetration/foreplay, Disrobe them if they're still clothed, or Do Nothing. (Do Nothing bonuses apply)
2b: If you have your opponent in a Pin, you may only either continue holding Pin, perform penetration/foreplay, or Do Nothing. (Do Nothing bonuses apply)

3: DOMINANT PLAYER - If you chose to Do Nothing, draw either two cards from your Stamina Deck or one card from your Fatigue Deck. Otherwise, choose your cards to use. If you wish to use only one card, it may be of any type. If you wish to use two cards, you must either use two cards matching the ATTACK TYPE, or one Attack and one Recovery Card.
Side Note: If a Recovery card is used alone, it will only contribute to the attack value.

4: SUBMISSIVE PLAYER - Choose an Action. If your opponent is only Grappled with you, you may attempt to put them into a submission hold, escape the grapple, Penetrate your opponent, perform foreplay, strike them, or Do Nothing.
4a: If you are either in a Submission Hold or Pin, you may only choose to try to Escape the Submission or Do Nothing.

5: SUBMISSIVE PLAYER - If you chose to Do Nothing, draw either two cards from your Stamina Deck or one card from your Fatigue Deck. Otherwise, choose your cards to use. If you wish to use only one card, it may be of any type. If you wish to use two cards, you must either use two cards matching the type of action you're doing, or one card matching type and one Recovery Card.
5a: Concerning usage of two cards: You must use the Defensive Type for Escaping, otherwise use Attack Type normally.
Side Note: If a Recovery card is used alone, it will only contribute to the attack value.

6: RESOLVE CARDS - Both players cards are shown, and are added to their associated stats. The player who wins gets their action resolved. The cards used are discarded into their owner's Fatigue Decks.

7: ADJUST GRAPPLE STATUS - The grapple status may change according to who won, with the exception of Pin. Here is a length of progress that the grappling can go through, with Player 1 Winning going to the Left, and Player 2 Winning going to the right.
7a: Player1 Pinning Player2 <---> Player1 Submission Holding Player2 <---> Player1 Grappling with Player2 <---> Player1 Submission held by Player2 <---> Player1 Pinned by Player2
7b: IF THE GRAPPLE ENDED VIA A PLAYER'S ACTION, the player who escaped the Grapple is on the offensive and the one who failed their action must defend.

8: ADVANCE CLOCK - The Clock ticks forward by 1.

Now that that's out of the way, let's discuss how to win. There's three conditions, some drastically easier than others.

You get points based on what you do to your opponent, but you cannot gain points if you are in a submissive position! (such as being unconscious or in a Submission or Pin)
(PPT=Points Per Tick of the Round Clock)
Enemy Orgasm - 100 Points
Strike - 5 Points
Mutual Grapple - 5 PPT to victor of last resolve
Pleasure - 10 PPT
Dominance - 15 PPT (holding opponent in submission hold state)
Pins- +5 PPT for every Tick while held (stacks with Dominance)
Disrobing - 50 points

Make your opponent's WP drop to zero!
Can also be achieved by destroying your opponent's deck where they can no longer take any action.

Make your opponent's HP drop to zero enough times that they can no longer fight!
Opponents are knocked out for increasingly longer amounts of time depending on how many counts of Bruised they have.
+(Bruised Count = #Ticks.): 0=3, 1=5, 2=9, 3=Wrestler Loses
+Resting between rounds removes one instance of Bruised

4: At the end of the match SEW points will be awarded to both wrestlers. These points are the currency of SEW and are spent to train your character as well as purchase other upgrades.
Winner: 3 points
Loser: 1 point
Winning via match ending on points: -2 points
There are more ways to score SEW points and they will be awarded on a case by case basis at the end of each match.

Additive to the rules: If you are able to draw cards, and doing so would leave you over your MAX CARD LIMIT of 10, you may either choose not to draw cards that would put you over your limit, OR RESHUFFLE cards in your hand back into your Stamina Deck and draw the new cards.

Character Sheet:
Gender: (Male, Female, Futa)
Picture/Description: (There is no limitation to race, because this game is based in space and sci-fi is cool with just about anything.)

Body Type: (Thick/Muscular/Thin)
Fighting Style: (Striker/Grappler/Ero-Artist)

Current SEWing Points: 0
Lifetime SEWing Point Gain: 0

Main Stats
Hit Points: 100 (+20 if Thick | -20 If Thin)
Pleasure Points: 100 (+20 if Ero-Artist | -20 if Grappler)
Will Power: 100 (+20 if Thin/Grappler)

Power Stats
Strength: 5 (+1 if Muscular/Thick/Grappler | -1 if Thin/Ero-Artist)
Dexterity: 5 (+1 if Striker | -1 if Thick/Muscular)
Reflexes: 5 (+1 if Striker/Thin | -1 if Thick/Ero-Artist)
Fortitude: 5 (+1 if Ero-Artist)
Intimidation: 5 (+1 if Thick | -1 if Thin/Ero-Artist)
Charisma: 5 (+1 if Ero-Artist | -1 if Striker)

Technique Stats
Striking: 5 (+1 if Striker | -1 if Grappler)
Evasion: 5 (+1 if Striker/Thin | -1 if Thick/Muscular/Ero-Artist)
Grappling: 5 (+1 if Muscular/Grappler | -2 if Striker)
Sexual: 5 (+1 if Ero-Artist | -1 if Striker/Grappler)

~~Card List~~

Total Cards of Each # Must = 10 for a total deck of 50 cards
You can only have up to 6 of a specific type of card (Ex. Max of 6 Attack Value 5 cards.)

Attack Cards
1: 3
2: 3
3: 3
4: 3
5: 3

Defense Cards
1: 4
2: 4
3: 4
4: 4
5: 4

Recovery Cards (HP/PP/WP) (In Version 2.1 rules, only list Recovery cards in total, there is no longer a need to differentiate between types)
1: 1/1/1
2: 1/1/1
3: 1/1/1
4: 1/1/1
5: 1/1/1

Crowd Interference Rules:
Currently under construction, but Hah! Made you look! I plan on changing a few of these to allow for the unfavored to receive a benefit from the crowd instead of heavily favoring the character with the higher Charisma score only.

Underdog Cards:
Underdog Cards are used STRICTLY in PvP. They give players with lower stats than their opponent the ability to compete fairly with some cool upgrades to their basic Value cards, or allow special Underdog Actions provided they get a unique card. For now, the underdog deck is pre-set.

Underdogs will draw an UD(Underdog) card after the round begins and a certain time passes, and will draw them at regular intervals depending on how outmatched they are. The rate at which you gain UD cards is determined by your UD Timer, and the difference in Net Gain between you and your opponent. Once the Timer hits 5, you immediately attach an UD card to the card you drew at the end of your turn.

Difference in Net Gain of SEWing points between two players, and # the Timer goes up each round till next UD card.
2: 1
4: 2
6: 3
8: 4
10: You get the idea.

Underdog cards will always attempt to give you a leg up when they're in your hand. They will either boost the value of the card you already have, these are called bonus cards. Or, they will negate stat points entirely and leave it entirely to the value of the cards to decide who wins. Those cards are the Weapons&tTricks cards. To use a Weapon, it MUST be your Offensive turn. And your action must be to USE A WEAPON, alerting your opponent of what's coming. To use Tricks, you need merely be Defending and use your Trick to respond to their attack.

Weapons use their attached Card Type and obey those rules.

Tricks convert it's attached card to Defense Type.

And now, here's the list of UnderDog cards you can draw, followed by the decklist itself containing all the cards (UD cards that have a 1-5 listed in them mean that you can draw it in values of 1-5)

UD Bonus 1-5: Gives the listed bonus to the attached card.

Arthur's Headgear: Trick. When you use this card to defend, you will negate the next strike attack against you, even if you weren't hit this turn.

Cold Water: Trick. When you use this card to defend, you will heal 50% of your PP. Works in grapples.

Inspirational Trinket: Trick. When you use this card to defend, you will restore 25% of your WP.

Sucker Punch: Trick. When you use this card to defend, if your card value is greater than your opponent's, you land a free strike on them. Otherwise negate their attack.

Surprise Tackle: Trick. When you use this card to defend, if your card value is greater than your opponent's, you immediately submission grapple them.

Sudden Reversal: Trick. Grapple only. When you use this card while the opponent is dominant, if your card value is greater than your opponent's, you will put them into a submission hold no matter the previous Grapple state.

Legendary Sock Mace: Weapon. If your Card value is higher than the opponent's, they are stunned for 3 turns as if Bruised for the first time. Does not add a count of Bruised or add to how long they're stunned if they were already bruised.

Bondage Whip: Weapon. If your Card value is higher than the opponent's, you immediately grapple them. Until the opponent breaks the grapple that Coil Whip started, all stat bonuses from both characters are negated, and grapples must be won with cards alone.

Floating Vibrator: Weapon. If your Card value is higher than the opponent's, you insert a technological floating vibrator into their Vagina/Anus. The vibrations deal 10% of their max PP every tick until they cum, causing this effect to be removed. This effect is increased to 15% in a single round match.


UD Bonus +1 x8
UD Bonus +2 x8
UD Bonus +3 x8
UD Bonus +4 x8
UD Bonus +5 x8

Match Types:
Single round match: This match has a timer of 25 ticks. At the end of the timer, if the match is in a grapple state the referee will allow the match to continue until one wrestler escapes the grappled state. Crowd interference will occur when the clock hits 13. If the match ends due to the time limit, whoever has the higher point total will be declared the winner.

Three/Five round matches: These matches have a timer of 20 ticks. The referee will allow 5 extra ticks for a grappler in a dominant position to attempt to force an orgasm. Any other action taken by the dominant player or if the submissive player either escapes or gains control will cause the round to end immediately. During the break in between rounds a number of cards will be removed from the game out of the fatigue deck equal to the round number of the round completed + total number of orgasms suffered (through the entire match) + ticks of bruised. No less than 1 card will be automatically removed through this method. All other remaining cards in the players hand, stamina, and fatigue piles will be shuffled into the deck and 7 new cards will be drawn at the start of the round.

Side note: In the final round of a match, the referee will only stop a grapple once someone escapes after time expires. Also a 5 round match is reserved for a title match. In the case of no winner being decided through the course of the match, each round will be scored individually and the winner will be the wrestler that wins the majority of the rounds. Total overall score throughout the match will only be used to break a tie. It is possible to win the overall point score and still lose the match. Lastly, five round matches are reserved for title fights.

Damage Calculation:
I roll a number of d10's equal to your damaging stats and that's how much damage you deal.

When you punch, you deal (Strength)d10 damage, plus Striking
When you foreplay, (Sexual)d10, doubled when doing penetrative sex, plus (Charisma)d10. When doing the sex, the attacker takes PP damage as if the enemy were engaged in foreplay divided by 2.
When you take damage, (Evasion)d10 divided by 2, rounded down. You reduce damage by that much for both HP and PP.
Whenever you do either of those things, this process is followed for Will Power:

Attacker multiplies his damage dealt, be it pleasure or just damage, by his Intimidation factor. It is then divided by the opponent's Fortitude factor, and then divided by 4.

Ex. I punch Mind Flayer's character for 20 damage. He takes the 20 HP damage. Now for Will Power damage. I am a giant bullfrog so my Intimidation Factor is 10. 20x10=200. Mind Flayer's Fortitude is 6. 200/6=33.3. Now divide by 4. 8.3 WP damage. Woo.
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SEW 2.1 Update

All rules carry over from 2.0 unless specifically mentioned in this update.

Damage is now calculated using d8 instead of d10

Pinned as a game state is removed entirely.

Whoever goes first at the start of the match or beginning of the round now picks the starting game state between Standing and Grappled.

Recovery cards no longer differentiate between hp/pp/wp before being played. Instead the mode is chosen while being played. The % recovery has been increased as well.

Recovery cards can no longer be played as a "bluff" in PvE and may be optionally decided upon in PvP. They follow the same rules as attack and defense cards when bluffing is disabled and are only able to be used in pairs during a recovery action.

Formulaic changes:

Foreplay now uses Cha(d8) + Sex for damage

Foreplay return damage increased

Strikes: (Strike Value = Card Value + Dexterity + Striking)
Damage: (Strength)d8 + Striking

Strike Defense: (Escape Grapple = Card Value + Dexterity(or)Reflexes + Striking)

Grapples: (Grapple Value = Card Value + Strength + Grappling)

Grapple Defense: (Escape Grapple = Card Value + Strength(or)Reflexes + Grappling)

Foreplay: (Grapple Value = Card Value + Dexterity + Sexual)
Damage: Charisma(d8) + Sexual

Foreplay Defense: (Escape Grapple = Card Value + Strength(or)Reflexes + Sexual)

Penetration: (Grapple Value = Card Value + Strength + Sexual)
Damage: Sexual(d8) *2 + Charisma

Penetration Defense: (Escape Grapple = Card Value + Dexterity(or)Reflexes + Sexual)

Penetration return damage: (Charisma(d8) + Sexual) (*3) (/4)
Note: This uses the defender’s stats.

Damage Mitigation: (Evasion)d8 /2 (this is no longer rounded down)

Willpower damage: (DMG * Int) / (enemy Fort*4)

Recovery: (Recovery Value = 2*[Card Value + Fortitude] [+10 for HP/PP or +3 for WP] )
Note: When playing a recovery card you must specify what single stat to recover.

Gameplay changes:

In the instance that both players choose foreplay/penetration while in a neutral grapple, I may allow both actions to happen simultaneously. The winner will deal damage as normal while the loser deals half damage as normal. In the case of a tie in this instance, then both players will deal damage as normal to each other.

Orgasm stun and Knockdown stun last 1 turn allowing the dominant player a free action.

The dominant player may choose one from the following actions during the free turn: Strip opponent naked, Perform foreplay/penetration to attack WP directly, Do Nothing, or Recover by playing Recovery cards as per normal Recovery action rules, except that these cards will recycle back into the deck instead of being placed in the discard deck.

When a player is at 50% or less HP, they will receive the "Weakened" state. By itself this status does nothing, but if a character is Knocked Down by having 0 HP then a penalty of -1 will be applied for each stack of Weakened a player has. If a player has 3 stacks of Weakened and is knocked down, they are instead Knocked Out and lose the match.

When a player is at 50% or less PP, they will receive the "Aroused" state. Aroused causes the multiplier to Fortitude to reduce by one for each stack of Aroused a player has. This will increase the amount of WP damage dealt to a player when they are damaged by any means. If a player is forced to orgasm by any means and has 3 stacks of Aroused, they will be Ahegao and lose the match.

At the beginning of a round all penalties from Weakened and Aroused are removed as well as the number of stacks of each being decreased by 1.

I probably forgot stuff, but I will post it here when I remember what it was I am missing or feel needs to be changed.
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