SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Would fights against non-humanoid opponents - beasts, slimes, tentacles and so on - be possible? Also, might there be chances of gaining some permanent perks or debuffs in the future?
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Would fights against non-humanoid opponents - beasts, slimes, tentacles and so on - be possible?

Fighting beasts and the like would just be like fighting character with different stats. I might tweak the formula to include their special abilities? But overall it's not something hard to include because I don't have to do much to change it.

Also, might there be chances of gaining some permanent perks or debuffs in the future?

Perks would come in the form of character progression and possibly deck alteration. Debuffs though? I might think of something like a corruption mechanic for that kind of fetish, where you gradually become more of a whore the more you compete. Perks that follow that are pretty obvious. The more corrupted you are, you can access corruption only location events like prostituting yourself to your fans for dosh and the like.

It's all theoretical though. Something to think about should this not just die off eventually.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Mamono Assault Force said:
Hey asshole, despite your random shit to try and stop it, how will you handle stats that are ridiculously high compared to an opponent? I bet you don't even have a plan because you are bad and should feel worse.

I actually do. It's a pretty simple lockdown on how much advantage you can get in a fight. The numerical advantage you can get in a contest of skills is +4. So if you have 10 Dexterity and 10 Striking versus an opponent with 1 Evasion and 1 Reflexes, you will only have +4 over them added to your cards. Up for debate, as per usual.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

That would prevent people from abusing certain tactics by grinding a couple select stats absurdly high compared to others. I think it's a sensible decision.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Also, maybe award points for knock downs? Not many, maybe like 10 or 20, but at least something. Winning that last match the way I did was a weeee bit dirty.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

I'd have to think about it, considering the way it currently works, stunning someone multiple times can already assure victory. Granted an opponent has already been stripped, a knock out while standing can grant (5+15+20) 40 Points, and allow one to put their opponent into a Pin, which even if they win and escape into Submission, still gives the opponent 15 more points, making it worth a little more than disrobing while also offering a huge positioning advantage. And that's if they haven't been bruised yet.

I'll take the suggestion into account, but that round was a loss even if Nyx was a grappler. I'll be choosing the unpopular option of waiting to collect more data to see if Strikers need the help.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Need the ability to roll right into the annoying male ref of this fight. He's so asking for some of this action he might as well get it.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

When both wrestlers are in a grapple with one another and neither is in a submission hold, I think it should be possible for both to attempt a foreplay attack if they wish to do so. Or is this already possible?
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

When both wrestlers are in a grapple with one another and neither is in a submission hold, I think it should be possible for both to attempt a foreplay attack if they wish to do so. Or is this already possible?

It's currently possible to attempt, it's just not possible for both to succeed... Technically. Basically 69ing isn't allowed right now, and that ought to be fixed.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Ditto, it would be more fun than both get pleasure, sound more close to a sex duel to see who cum first instead who dominate the other
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

I'd allow 69'ing, but both contestants would kind of need to agree to it instead of trying to stop each other.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Well my meaning is that they can both do foreplay dmg to one another if they wish until one cums, then while that one is stunned from the orgasm, the one not stunned can maneuver her around into a submission hold and pin to do whatever.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Would scoring rounds like a boxing match work? Like Fighter A scores more points than Fighter B, so they win 10-9. Now in round 2 Fighter B forces fighter A into an orgasm (or any other "event" like an actual knockdown), so they would win the round 10-8.

Just an idea that I had and wondered if it would be needlessly complex to have the points reset after each round and they would be used to determine the winner of each individual round. Or in the case of a draw on round points, break the tie. If in that situation fighter A wins the last round on points it would be a 28-28 tie.

Not the most perfect sytem as I literally just thought it up, but figured it might be worth consideration.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

It's an idea that would change the dynamic of multi-rounds. With 3 rounds, you'd never need to win more than 5 points with winning rounds earning you a match point. With some finesse, it's not hard to waste time on the clock by playing back and forth grapple games and forcing your opponent to lose via points. While you can still do that once the actual Match is going to be over, a single round of 3 gives incentive to keep doing good to stack your score higher.

If there's a problem with the current way I've chosen to do things, I'll consider other options. So far, there hasn't been a single competitive match.