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SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Wouldn't a simple best of three be enough? Considering how hard it is to get a tie in a single round.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Well, it isnt for lack of trying on my end that there has not been a competitive match... Would someone like to poke Tenta?

Just figure it would be a suggestion for that match where someone gets dominated really bad in one round but could still "win the war" as it were.

A "best of three" would probably not work since whoever is behind could still score a (miracle) knockout or whatever in the third round after losing the first two for example. Then again with a 0 sample size, this might well just be the worst idea ever anyway.
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Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Has anyone noticed that there aren't a lot of advantages to being muscular?

You'd think creating a muscular striker would be a smart thing, but they seem pigeon holed into being grapplers.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Can't say I've been paying much attention, I've actually picked my body type and fighting style based on personal preferences rather than stats. Altough the fact that they actually compliment each other well may have influenced my decision.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

In the NPC section, you'll see a character called Molten Cerberus showing the stats of a Muscular Striker. Their stats are very balanced, and with both 6 in Strength and Striking, they're going to hit pretty hard. In addition, while they don't have overwhelming stats (no stat's a 7), they have good enough stats where they aren't terrible either grappling or striking, whichever the opponent might be weaker at.

This should have been in the OOC section also since it's an observation, not a suggestion.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

All right, suggestion time!

Heel and Babyface mechanics. As opposed to straight up underdog cards, every good competition like this benefits from having encouraging villains, and I think there's a lot of fun to be had with PCs acting as heels.

Can we have Heels get access to dirty trick cards instead? Maybe there can be a chance mechanic to such a card working that is different from underdog/Babyface cards...

It's not much beyond a concept at this point, I don't want to suggest outright rules until I've played a match, but this might be something to consider as you're developing the system.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

I was thinking of something similar Slime. Like the interruption thing being a hidden weapon, brass knuckles, a distracting manager or some such.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

A heel shoyld have dirtu tricks and the faces ways to overcome them. Of course you could be a jobber as well, where you are basically meant to lose.

A face would likely have charisma bonuses where a heel would ideally have an intimidation bonus. At least on a basic level of the system, that would give a method of expressing it stats wise.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

As opposed to straight up underdog cards,

Underdog cards are there to help someone who has a statistical disadvantage. If I made yet another deck based on personality, it wouldn't be a replacement for Underdog.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

A face would likely have charisma bonuses where a heel would ideally have an intimidation bonus. At least on a basic level of the system, that would give a method of expressing it stats wise.

The crowd certainly favors the Babyface, but the SEW owners probably prefer the heels and provide advantages. Heels also might be able to make deals, with NPCs or even willing PCs (also heels) who could interfere with the match in the way that some of these random events do now.

If Charisma bonus goes to Babyfaces, then the random event table would need to be altered, since Heels don't regularly take anymore disadvantages than babyfaces.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

A heel generally "wins" the first two thirds of a match while the face tries to overcome the heel's advantage and firing up the crowd in the process. You almost never see the heel tag team member get isolated for a good part of the match and then get the crowd pop on a tagout while their partner goes wild on the other tag team.

A heel should have an advantage early like doing extra damage in a grapple from an unclean break. While the face should have advantages that kick in later like being able to "hulk up" and the like.

What good would a face/heel setup be if everyone was a heel anyway?
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

To try and add some longevity to the game, maybe only add NPC enemies to the circuit brackets as sort of gate keepers. It'll allow you to play as well in addition to giving players a sort of end game to reach for.

It's an idea I should have thought of, so I wouldn't mind picking / playing the bosses either if you require it. Probably 3 for each bracket, requiring players to only beat one of them. I say 3 so players can choose male/female/ or futa. Though the males will probably be some kind of monster or animal monster thing usually, with females being more humanoid since I do not prefer furry women.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

I appreciate the idea, and the offer as well. That will be something worth looking into.

Should there be a single champion? Or should I consider other belts as well?

Would I only really need the NPC characters to eatablish a placeholder for an actual champion that is player controlled? Or should it be something like Punch-out!! Where you move into a higher level of competition? With how I set up the stats and how they can grow, I may end up being my own worst enemy here.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

The way I had it designed before was about 4 different titles to earn, which means 4 tiers of bosses to overcome. When I say bosses, I just mean that they're the representation of the bottom line of power level that that tier represents. And that's just talking about things like SEWing points and actual stats. The shop was pretty much gonna allow buying buffed up cards, and increasing your stats for a sharp cost. With the idea being that actual stat boosts are going to be x10 the cost of buying a card, and getting buffed up cards is equivilent to getting 5 cards that function as a stat boost of some kind. Sorta making the cost of the cards match since the actual stat boost will only come into play 1/10 of the time, and will add variety to your deck while starting you out simple and easy to understand.

Back when I had grapple cards, I'd have made a Special Card do something like, (When this is played and sex damage is dealt, +2d10 pleasure to opponent.). The issue I had at the time was deciding to randomize things or just allow people to purchase the # of the card (1-5) and apply an associate condition to it. Since all that was a lot of work I never got around to it.

Also again, I think 3 separate types of champions of all 3 genders would be appropriate.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

For the record. I want to make sorta notes that are out there and can be discussed.

Note #1 - change starting hand size to 5 from 7.

Note #2 - lower multiplier on intimidate for WP damage.

Note #3 - get off my ass at some point and get around to making the crowd interference table.

Note #4 - potential for a hard cap on skills depending on how far the character has advanced in the league.

For notes 1 and 2 I have suspicions that I may need to fine tune some tweaks after some test match data is acquired. Note 3 is just a reminder to get off my ass. Note 4 is sort of a hint that I may put some weight into any stats that are abnormally high compared to the rest. Training a stat that is above your average in a non SEW point way will make the random bump more likely to be negative then positive. I may also consider a weight on the loss being more likely to hit a score that is higher compared to a score that is lower.

This also could just be blind ramblings because i seem to be refusing to sleep today for whatever reason.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

I have seen that some of the calculations simply do not make sense. I feel that certain stats, like Grapple are super powerful as they seem to be involved in every equation. I plan on making a few changes to allow characters that are not specifically versed in Grapple skill to have options inside of a grapple.

That being said, I am going to redo most of the calculations to have potential paths that make sense instead of only one option. This way it will hopefully allow for more gameplay options when faced with a stronger opponent.
Re: SEWing Suggestion Zone, yay

Looking how I think these two test matches are going, Foreplay seems to have exactly zero use right now. Fighters can take a very straight path of grapple, submission, strip, penetrate, and that leaves foreplay just sitting there looking for something to do.

I may consider a change to stripping where it has a prerequisite of needing any of the main stats to be reduced by half to "unlock" it. Another possible change may be that stripping "unlocks" around turn 8 or so.

I feel that by making stripping not readily available in some manner would make foreplay potentially a move that would be worth considering instead of a mechanic that is seemingly entirely worth ignoring because it is useless.

Another issue I see is that Sexual seems to have little to no impact on the match itself and Grapple is far too dominant. I will be looking at defining the states and which stats apply to each. Striking should govern strikes, Grapple should handle grappling, submission, pins and disrobing while Sexual would handle foreplay and penetration.
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