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SGT Roy Kelly


Nov 10, 2008
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The Hindu Kush:

The sun was going down over the mountains as he woke up from a light sleep. Roy started as his radio squawked to life in his headset, "Sabre team 1, this is Sabre 7 do you copy over?"

Weird he thought to himself, why is the RSM calling me. I've only been out here a month.
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Re: SGT Roy Kelly

Roy pressed the PTT of his headset and said "Sabre 7 this is Sabre team 1, reading you loud and clear, send, over."

He stretched his sleep-stiff limbs and looked around at his equipment as it lay next to him, he took a drink of water from his camelback and waited for the RSM to respond.
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"Proceed immediately to extraction point alpha, we have things to discuss -break- and try to at least comb your hair for once before you see me. Over." The RSM responds.
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Re: SGT Roy Kelly

Roy sighs, the RSM's never got off of his back... Pressing the PTT, he responds, "This is Sabre 1, want I should bring all my stuff? Over."
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"Just your personal equipment is all. A new sabre team will be taking over for you that is all, out." With that the radio went dead.

((Feel free to expand on your former mission as you like, this is mainly a way for me to bring the group together and to get everyone a chance to shine on their own for a little while. Also I'll mainly be reacting to what you do, so feel free to try anything, within reason that is.))
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

Roy splashed a little water on his hands and used them to finger comb his hair, bringing it closer to his head, but not really doing much about the knots that formed when he twisted it around (a habit he fell into when bored or thinking hard), then pulled on his armour jacket, a sling for his M14, which was unloaded, and his belt, which held holsters for his two side-arms, his LB D.E and his Mk.23 (The Mk.23 being loaded, but on safe), a sheath for his knife, and his grenade pouches, which were currently empty bar a Flashbang. In the various pockets of his trousers he kept: The ammo for his weapons, whetstones for his knife, a map of his operating area, a compass, his spare suppressors, the scope for his D.E, and a single .50AE magazine. On his back went his camelback. Roy stretched a little more before setting off to Alpha. Roy had been getting bored in the mountains, as it was proving difficult to get anywhere, if there were any insurgents to be found, none were being particularly quick to show themselves. Still, it was unusual to only be out here a month. He wondered why they were pulling him out so early, maybe to give some FNG's a go at real ops? Not his problem. Roy wandered over to Alpha, in no particular hurry, he watched the sunset over the mountains.

(I don't know much about the Hindu Kush or operations there, so it's a little hard for me to expand here.)
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

He traveled for about twenty minutes through the mountains, the only sounds those of the occasional bird cry from somewhere in the mountains. As he traveled he came to the area he had been searching, though with little luck. A small mountain valley with a handful of caves located in it, directly in the center of his path to extraction point Alpha.

(Me neither, other than I know there the main range in Afghanistan. I guess I can't be doing to bad though, since Sinful hasn't said anything.)
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

As Roy descended the valley path to get to Alpha, he pulled out his Mk.23, making sure a round was chambered, but keeping the weapon on safe. He didn't want to let his guard down, even so close to Alpha. With the hand gun out, he walked straight to Alpha, scanning around him as he did so.

(I think you're doing fine so far, yay for casual radio conversations, are you a qualified operator? I am :))
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

Suddenly he heard what sounded like muffled voices in the last cave to his left. Too muffled to hear what was being said, but definately voices none-the-less.

(I don't know if you'd call me qualified, considering I always got in trouble for swearing over the radio when I was in. I do know how you're supposed to talk on it though.)
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

Roy, upon hearing the noises, flicked the safety off of his Mk.23 and looked quickly around for cover, looking for something that allowed him to watch the cave, giving quick glances back at the cave in question to make sure nothing got the jump on him. He pressed the PTT for his headset and said quietly "Sabre 7 this is Sabre 1, I'm getting some voices in one of the caves near Extraction Point Alpha, do we have any guys down there? Over."

(They tell me off for being too casual when I'm on them)
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"Negative, will be standing by, over." He hears as he spots a decent sized boulder almost opposite to the cave he hears the voices coming from.

The voices are getting clearer as they seem to be approaching the cave entrance. Though he still can't quite make out what they're saying.

(Unless it was important I tended to forget the radioese myself.)
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

Roy got behind the boulder as quickly and quietly as he could, and unslung his M14, pushed a mag in, and chambered a round. Pressing the PTT, he said "Roger, will advise upon identification of unknown personnel, out". He flicked the Mk.23's safety back on and holstered it, now that he had his bigger weapon ready and peeked round the side of the boulder to give him a decent view of whoever was coming out.
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Re: SGT Roy Kelly

Roy ducked behind the boulder just in time as four men stepped from the cave. Three of them appeared to be Afghanis armed with AK-47's and the other was oddly enough darkskinned like he was from an African nation armed with a weapon similar to a G3, as well as an RPG slung over his shoulder. They seemed to be arguing about something in an unknown language when they finally headed off away from your extraction point.

(I took a liberty in aasuming you wouldn't have learned this language, since I never thought to ask about that.)
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

(British soldiers do nowadays get taught basic Arabic when serving in the Middle East, but nothing too complicated)

Roy watched from his position as the Afgans and African walked out of the cave. Waiting to see if they would see him. As they walked off, Roy breathed a sigh of relief. As they went out of sight, Roy pressed his PTT: "Sabre 7 this is Sabre 1, theres 3 Afgans with AK-47's and a black man, looks like an African with a G3 or something and an RPG, they're walking away from Alpha, back towards where I was camping, over."

He edges over to the side of the boulder closest to Alpha, and watches the four heading up the path.
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"Roger that, if it looks okay proceed to extraction point. We'll have your replacements check it out when they get there, over."

The four men continue along the path before splitting up, the African taking a path further up into the mountains. While the others disappear around a bend in the direction you just came from.

(That's why I wasn't too worried about the liberty, since it's not Arabic.)
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

After the men had gone out of sight, Roy ejected his M14's magazine, and unloaded the round from the chamber, before pushing it back into the magazine, pocketing it, and slinging the rifle back on his back. Standing back up, he pressed the PTT "Roger, ETA 5 minutes, out" he then started walking back up the path towards Alpha, making sure to look behind him every now and again.

(I also took a liberty in estimating the time to take. That alright?)
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"Roger that, out." He heard as he took off for the extraction point. Five minutes later he arrived and after a quick scout of the area he found no evidence of anyone following him or of anyone else around. Another five minutes saw a Pavehawk arrive almost more silently than he had.

Quickly getting in, they were airborne within moments of touching down. Odd they should send an American crew to pick him up he thought scanning the ground below.

"We won't be long, Sergeant." The crewchief called as they flew.
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"Mind telling me where we're going, and why we're in such a hurry mate? And how come I'm being picked up in a Yank chopper?" Roy called over the sounds of the whirring blades, glancing around at the servicemen on-board.
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

looking around he could almost say they weren't military from their look, probably Delta operatives.

The chief turns to answer the question, "Well I can't really say what the hurry is, exactly. We were just going to pick you up at your base, but you were already out in the field so we thought we would come get you rather than waiting there. We're yanks because we're old friends of the guy who wants you. He's a yank too, though he's kind of a weird one. Still he's a good guy."
Re: SGT Roy Kelly

"Fair enough. Wierd in what way? Funny wierd or freaky wierd?" said Roy.