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Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Iri, with the powers of darkness in hand, marched towards Acheron with the intent on living her new life with the powers of shadows that are now attached to her. Making her way out of Anudor, and into Badaria, the switch was noticeable. There was more vegetation and less sand for one, and there was significantly more life to go around. Mostly the kind that noticed her very pretty face and body. Various encounters that Iri could handle easily involved various Badarian men trying to get into her pants. Either by fucking them or punching them or just avoiding them, they were just insignificant threats that were hardly threatening now that there was a gap between her and normal people. However, there would come another threat more well known and dangerous that would find it's way to her.

While walking along a dirt path through the forest on a whim and reference to a map towards Acheron, Iri would find two goblins pop out of bushes in front of her, grinning and wearing naught but loin cloths. "Hey-hey, sexy lady!" a goblin seemed to almost sing to her. "This is Yubrik's woods! You're walking on his lands, walking all over it!" he insisted. "Give money, give denarii! Or give body~" he cooed, his loin cloth parting to show a large cock, which he took into one hand and began stroking lustfully while holding a club in the other hand.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri sighed. While the goblin was different from the usual variety of creatures approaching her, his behaviour was very, very familiar. She had seen her fair share of assholes trying to get her to spread her legs for them. Some of them she escaped from, mostly when they were in really large groups. Others she just beat the shit out of, not much of a challenge considering just how much of a difference her new powers made. Though there was the occasional man who actually could treat a girl with respect, and sometimes she did get horny after all... Sadly, this one was not a gentleman. Neither was his friend. And considering that both didn't look particularly threatening, well. That didn't bode too good for them.

"Look, Yurick. Or Yubrik. Or whatever the Hell you call yourself." The tanned girl cracked her knuckles, giving the goblin an unimpressed look. "I've been running into idiots trying to get me to do what they say way too often lately and not a single one of them got away without regretting those attempts. So let's make a deal." Iri settled into a relaxed stance. "You are going to leave me alone and in exchange I won't do something you're probably going to find very unpleasant." The girl pulled out her dagger to add some emphasis to the threat. "If that was too difficult for you to follow, here's the short version: piss off or I'll gut you." She had a feeling that the two idiots would not be dissuaded so easily. Still, she didn't quite want to waste her power if it wasn't necessary. The shadow could wait until it was needed.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

(Perception: success)

Iri could hear the rustle of bushes and movement of things unseen from both directions. At least two more unseen forces lurked nearby, but more than that? She could not tell.

"Oooh, you don't pay? That's bad! Very bad! Bad for you!" the goblin laughed. "Last chance, give money, or bend over!"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri glanced to the left, then to the right. It looked like this'd be quite the numerous ambush after all. There were some forces on each side, she couldn't tell how big. Likely at least a couple of those goblins. The girl sighed, putting her dagger back in it's sheath. Then glared at the two goblins in front of her. "You're right, this is very bad. But you're wrong about one thing too."

(Dark Armor, X=5 + 3 for Razor Fingers)

"I'm not the one in trouble."

Shadows rose around Iri, wrapping around her body. In mere moments, she was covered by a weightless armor of pure darkness, increasing her combat strenght and protecting her from harm. Just to be on the safe side, she decided to throw in a little extra, shaping the shadows around her hands into long, deadly talons. "Last warning, creep. Back off, or I guarantee you'll be missing limbs. Or your dick." She glanced around once more. "That applies to your friends hiding around here too."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

The goblins gave a shriek as they saw her shadowy claws, before fleeing off back into the woods from whence they came. That went for the other goblins too, a good four other goblins fleeing away from a fight from the Anudorian girl, leaving her to walk the trail as she pleased. However, before she'd either give chase or continue walking, Iri would notice one of them dropped something that looked like a pendant with a ruby engraved into the base. It looked pristine, shining in the sun in such a way that it caught her attention to begin with.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri waited until the goblins were all gone, then dispelled the shadows around her. She had to admit, for all the problems her power gave her, being able to scare any potential trouble off with it was a big help. She let the humanoids go as they pleased, not really interested in pursuing them through terrain she wasn't familiar with. However, before she began to follow the trail once more something caught her eye. A pendant, likely stolen and then dropped by the goblins in their mad dash to flee the shadow-wielding girl. Iri picked it up and, after a short examination, pocketed it. Her chances of finding it's proper owner were slim, but maybe she would have a chance to return it. If not... Oh well, finders keepers, right?
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Walking down the path, Iri would march for an hour undisturbed, though seemingly always with distance creatures moving quickly through the vegetation. She'd even catch a clumsy goblin rushing away from her as she approached it unaware. Eventually, she'd see what appeared to be a white Badarian woman leaning against a tree while sitting on the dirt. She wore a basic white shirt and black skirt. She was humming a tune Iri wasn't familiar with, and given she already met many other travelers along the road, it wouldn't be the first time she passed by a fellow traveler. Unlike the others though, passing by this one, she would lift her head and look at Iri's pocket, her eyes locking on the chain she had dangling.

"Oh, give me that. It's mine." she said calmly to Iri while still sitting on the ground.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri stopped, giving the woman a flat stare. "That's all?" She inquired. "No greeting, not even asking, you just meet a person and all you say is 'give me that, it's mine'?" The Anudorian shook her head. "Not even going to ask how I got it or anything?" Iri waited for a moment, to see how the woman would respond, then reached inside her pocket and pulled the pendant out. Anybody who acted like that had to be weird. Thing is, weird people and objects were not to be underestimated. Her encounter with the black stone taught her that. "I'm not saying that it isn't yours or anything, but this is kinda weird. You lose something like this, probably to a goblin ambush if I were to hazard a guess, and you don't seem even a bit concerned." Shaking her head, the girl tossed the pendant to the woman. At the very least, she seemed to recognize it instantly, so she had to be related to it somehow.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

The other girl was silent as Iri went on, just staring up at her blankly before reaching her hand out to catch the pendant when tossed to her. "You made a good choice." she said with a sudden grin, putting the pendant in her pocket not unlike how Iri did. "You really saved me. Hey, good luck to you, though." the woman chuckled, leaning back against the tree, and leaving Iri to react however she wanted to that.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri blinked. This was not a reaction she had been expecting. Whoever this woman was, she was really weird. Grade A weird. The girl had a sneaking suspicion that there was something going on she had no idea about here. "Well... Thanks, I guess." The tanned girl replied. "Good luck to you too, I suppose." She moved, preparing to depart, then paused for a second to glance at the woman one last time. "You're gonna be ok here? This place doesn't seem to be really safe."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

The girl winked at Iri. "I'm alright now. You better be too." she said with a chuckle. And if Iri had nothing more to say at that point, she'd walk a while through the forest again and found herself approaching a bridge, where a slightly taller and muscular looking goblin stood with several lackies guarding the bridge. The bigger one looked pissed while the other ones were just picking their noses. They patiently waited for someone, keeping a lookout. Thankfully Iri hadn't been spotted yet. The river looked rapid and deep, if she wanted to swim for it. The River wouldn't let her go easily.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri moved back to a spot where she wouldn't be seen, hiding among the trees. She considered her options. One, she could try to swim through the river - a dangerous proposition, considering how strong the current was. Option two was to try and pass using the bridge. This, however, would likely end with her having to fight her way through the goblins - the bigger one didn't look like someone easily intimidated and there was a decent chance he'd be able to keep his lackeys on a tight enough leash to keep them from running. This option was potentially just as risky and would certainly force Iri to exercise her power.

This left her with option number three. Use her power to avoid a confrontation. Iri looked out once more to survey the situation carefully. Depending on how she did it, there were several ways she could do this. Cover the area in shadow and leave the goblins blind. Summon a winged armor to fly over them. Both plans would likely get her through, at the cost of stealth. Alternatively, she could try to find a patch of shadows on her side of the river and another one across the fluid barrier. The girl looked around, trying to see if there were any places where she could utilize her power to move from one shadow to another.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

The river was wide, not allowing the trees to cast a shadow over it with the noon sun over head. Even then, the shadows were too weak to walk through with her power. Just then, Iri heard the click of a gun. Though thankfully it was not near. It seemed that the goblins had guns as the bigger one checked a rifle that was hanging on his back.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri frowned. Shadow walking was out. The presence of guns also made flight a risky proposition. It also made the option of fighting through the creatures much more difficult as well. Sighing, the girl mulled over the situation again. She wanted to get to her destination sooner rather than later. That being said, it was probably easier for her to take the longer route, so to speak. That is, follow the river until she found a place where it could be forded. Or more likely, just walk away far enough to lose sight of the goblins, then fly with the dark armor's wings. Deciding on that course of action, Iri began to move carefully, trying not to get the attention of the creatures.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri decided to go into the vegetation of the forest. It was thick, and required often use of her dagger to cut through the various limbs of nature that would accidentally snag her and prevent progress. Walking through the woods like this was a slow and laborious process in order to escape the goblin threat.

Stealth = ???

Iri didn't have the most stealthy time doing this either. A right prick from a thorny vine would bring out a sound of pain from the sting, and there was a lot of snapping heard as she had to break through the vegetation.

Perception = Failed
Resistance DC 40 vs. 20+13=33

Iri was so distracted with dealing with the jungle that obstructed her that she didn't hear the other presence that was nearby. Suddenly and without any warning she could perceive, Iri was hit with a dart in her neck. The poison on the tip she could feel quickly coursing into her veins, such that the most she could do as her body quickly became numb was look in the direction of where the dart came from, catching a glimpse of what was undoubtedly a male and female demon walking together before Iri hit the ground falling backwards. "I think you overdid it with the poison, Qui." the female demon said to the male. Then, Iri's world went dark.


When Iri next awoke, she'd find herself nude and laying on a patch of grass with her hands bound behind her back and her ankles tied together, both with seemingly the same vine that existed in this forest. In addition, she seemed to have some kind of collar around her neck that she could feel locking her soul away, disallowing her from calling upon her powers. The first thing Iri would see is some supplies on the ground. Among two separate packs were her own belongings that were taken away from her, in addition to her clothes. Her captors, the demons who she caught mere glimpses of, were standing nearby. was sitting nearby, smoking a pipe while seemingly watching Iri and waiting for her to awake. The male was a blue skinned demon with a pair of horns and hair color matching that of the female, but his hair was shorter and done into a short pony tail on the back.

"You're a long ways from home, Anudorian." the female demon said upon seeing Iri wake up. "Tell me, do you happen to have an explanation as to how you've fared so well in these goblin controlled lands? Are you in cahoots with them?" she inquired.

"I didn't find the amulet amidst her belongings, Drada." Qui, the male demon, stated.

"Of course she wouldn't have it on her." she waved off his statement. "You'd better start talking, girl. Those goblins stole something very nice from a certain person in Acheron, and we're to get it back. I was told to get it by any means necessary, so believe me, this will be Hell for you if you do not do exactly what I want." she promised with a sadistic grin.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri cursed as she cut her way through the vegetation. Her plan was sound, sure, but executing it was a pain in the ass. She wasn't sure whether it was really easier than simply fighting through the goblins. She was getting scraped by all the bushes in her way something fierce. A nasty thorn pricked her skin, making it even easier to notice her as she moved. Then, she suddenly felt something else stab her - a poisoned dart. Last thing she noticed before falling unconscious was a pair of demons, exchanging words...

When Iri came to, she found herself in a rather nasty situation. Naked and bound, in a quite compromising position. That alone wasn't a problem - normally she could break out easily enough. Unfortunately, she was outfitted with a collar that somehow managed to inhibit her powers. This made the girl panic a little - she had gotten used to the darkness simply being there, waiting for her to call on it. The feeling of having her connection to this power suddenly cut chilled her. The fact that she was stripped and bound, in front of two demons no less, didn't help.

Iri glared at her captors as she brought her legs up close to her body, to cover herself up as much as she could. "I'm not in league with them!" She spat, more than a little defensively. Pausing to take a deeper breath and calm down a little, the girl tried to think of a way out of this mess. Two demons were probably a bit too much for her to fight, but maybe if she managed to get this collar off somehow, she'd have a chance to get away. For the time being, however, she had to play along. "I got my ways. Those bastards aren't exactly brave or strong. Sending them running was easy." Of course, she wasn't going to tell them how she did that. Still... They were looking for an amulet? Now that was an interesting coincidence. "I might have seen your amulet, too. Don't have it anymore, though."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Drada laughed, shaking her head following Iri's explanation. "How mysterious, how vague. I believe I wanted answers. You seem intent on not giving any." she said, before her eyes glowed, and Iri could feel an odd sensation on her nipples as Drada stared at them. Like some kind of gaze of violation, Iri's nipples were being stimulated by the magic in the demoness's eyes, tortured and teased. "Are you a masochist? I promise you that if you hold your tongue to your grave, that is indeed where you'll end up. We'll start it slow though, so that you'll vanish from this world permanently scarred, if we don't eat you entirely." she promised.

"Talk," Qui demanded from Iri. "I am hungry, and I'll gladly eat your soul if you do not cooperate." he warned her, stepping up to Iri, and throwing her up to stand on her knees with the tip of his boot. She heard him unbuckle his pants, while Drada's eyes fixed on Iri's anus, stimulating that as if telling her where his dick will go.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

(Not showing any stats or anything?)

Iri gasped. Whatever strange powers those two had, she couldn't defend against them. Still, as... Arousing their treatment was, no doubt because of their demonic magic, the girl was not too keen on being raped to death. "I'm not lying!" She shouted as Qui forced her on her knees. "Fine, fine! I got past the goblins with my power!" She spoke quickly. "I'm not exactly a regular human. I can use shadows to fight." And do a couple other things, but that would be enough to let them know. More importantly. "That amulet, it's a ruby pendant right? I picked it up after a goblin ambush I scared off dropped it. Met some strange woman along the way, she told me it's hers. Figured it's not my problem, so I gave it to her." Iri paused, trying to turn her head to keep Qui in her sight. "She said I've made a good choice, whatever the Hell that means. She was sitting by the road last time I saw her, dunno where she might be now."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41, PP=50, EP=83 ; Status=Bound, Sealed, Nude

"Power to manipulate shadows, eh?" Drada inquired with curiosity. Meanwhile Qui let Iri go back to laying on the ground. "You sound like you might actually be useful, if put to good use. Tell you what, how about you go and get that amulet back for us? The woman you saw was someone who stole the amulet originally, if I'm understanding correctly. So, you lost it, now you need to take it back." the demoness said as if this was Iri's fault. "Where were you going by the way? This road leads to Acheron. Are you a vagrant? If you do this job for us, and save us the trouble, we'll see about finding you a job working for our employer. He's quite kind to women, or so I hear. Gives them free board, lets them do whatever they want so long as they earn their keep doing very easy work. Perfect for a nobody like you." Drada said harshly and with a grin.

"Just don't wear a hat to the interview," said Qui with a serious expression, his pants now re-buckled. "He'll probably kill you if you do."

"So, you game?" Drada inquired, offering Iri to do their job for them in exchange for freedom and a job opportunity in Acheron in addition to free rent.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri took a moment to consider the offer. On one thing, she really didn't want to deal with the demons, and going after the woman wasn't something she felt like doing. Honestly, doing anything to help those two assholes was quite possibly the last thing on her mind. On the other hand, she was not in a position to negotiate. Their offer was pretty damn good, too, and she could gain a lot if she agreed to it... But there had to be some kind of hidden clause, she just didn't know what it was. Plus, she doubted the two demons would simply let her go without making sure she wouldn't screw them over. "... Fine." Iri spoke. "And of course, I have a choice in the matter. Though out of curiosity, what if I said no?" She snarked. She had a nagging little feeling those two could be trying to use her as cannon fodder, however. Someone able to steal from demons was not to be underestimated.