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Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows (ALPHA)

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Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

The woman gave a nod in response to Nathander's shake, waiting a few breaths longer before dismissing herself, collecting her things as well. She didn't have much to pack, having lived light before her imprisonment, and not having gathered much in her time in the mansion. She pondered bringing some books with her from Nathander's library that she meant to read, but decided it was best not to risk his ire. If all went well, she'd be back inside of a week or two, anyways.

Slinging her pack over her shoulder, she entered the common room, glancing around for her companions, and speaking once they were all collected. "All set? Let's go, then."
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Mekel nodded his head once, turning to exit the room and head for his own to procure his things, strapping on his greatsword sheath and his travelling pack, loaded up with all of his travelling gear, before exiting out into the sitting room, procuring his precious bucket of delicious chicken, and storing it within his pack, ready to leave at a moment's notice.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Lanric followed the others back, and when he emerged from his room, he'd obviously made use of his circlet. Instead of his usual, very sickly appearance, he seemed to have noted differences. Including a much healthier look.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Elise smirked when she saw Lanric's improved countenance, a mutter and handwave confirming her suspicions. "Actually not a bad idea." She admitted, closing ehr eyes and focusing for a moment herself. The first noticable change was her white hair darkening to a much more natural brown, her skin following suit, the dusky grey of her drow heritage darkening to the even tan of a wood elf.

She opened her eyes again, examining her hand, then grabbing a lock of hair and holding it up for inspection as well. "Should make the normal second glances I get disappear, at least." She said, glancing at the others before headed for the door, eager to get started.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Gilfer simply made sure his shirt's sleeves were pulled down all the way before putting it in his pack. "Suspicions would be aroused, along with other things, consternation and rage, perhaps, if we all get detected with magic items and disguising trickeries on our heads."
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Mekel adjusts one of his shoulder straps. "That's why I don't intend to wear the damn thing. Can't wear it with my mask, anyway." Mekel says, the circlet having been tucked away within his pack. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to get going."
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