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Nov 12, 2008
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Roleplaying charecter sheet I'm working on for standard use in any and all Roleplays I Run So heres the Alpha


upper arms:
Lower legs:

Lower legs:n/a


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Re: Shadow Charecter Sheet Threat

This is the character sheet of Shadows.

*Captain Obnoxious here*
Re: Shadow Charecter Sheet Threat

Name : Brosby
Gender : Male
Age : 16
Description : This mountainous blue skinned brute towers over the human merchants he deals with, often causing disruptions when he enters towns, he has a few scrapes with gaurds before he showed his lack of hostility, though he often went about in a foul mood when accused of wrong doing unfairly. Even though he's just 16, he's well into his prime, Trolls age abit quicker than humans, although they can live much longer at times, especially in these fickle days, Brosby wasn't raised by Orcs or slavers like alot of Trolls where, he was a quiet cave troll who learned common off of the grunts of his parent and encounters with merchants, he was extremely illiterate, the very sight of a scroll or rune made his head spin thinking about it, he was quite quiet normally, the most you'll get out of him in a bad day is a grunt, maybe a snort if you make a good jibe.
He isn't always bad tempered, just has been known to be.


Torso: Thick Furs

Upper arms: None

Gauntlets/Bracelets: None

Pelvis: Loincloth, and soft leather wraps

Thighs : The short lower half of the Thick Furs

Lower legs: None

Grieves: None, Tough Feet

Clothing: None

Items: Medium Wooden Club

Re: Shadow Charecter Sheet Threat

Name: Valia Uni
Race: Gold Fox
Gender: Female
Age: 19

upper arms:
Lower legs:

Torso: White Bra with sunflowers embroidered on them. Over it is a white stained shirt
Gauntlets/Bracelets: she wears a rubber band with What would papa do? Stenicled onto it.
Pelvis:Red Laticed panties. Wears dark blue cargo shorts that hang a bit above the knees.
Lower legs:n/a
Feet: Wears brand new air pump sneakers.


Re: Shadow Charecter Sheet Threat

Name: Kelly Striker
Race: Kitsune
Gender: Female
Age: 18

head: neck scarf
Torso: small blouse
Pelvis:thing, short skirt
Lower legs:
Feet: shoes & socks

Items: book bag, pencilcase,

Re: Shadow Charecter Sheet Threat

Name: BlackRidge
Race: BlackDragon(Demonic)
Gender: Female
Age: Two Thousand years old
Description:This Demonic Dragoness is anything but Evil Her Demonic Blood Is nothing more then Some Traces of Succubi Line and as a result she has an unnatural Beauty to her Body in any form Even in her true form she uses a Calming Aura for those around her and Enjoys Mingling with mortals Including Sexual Encounters that have lead to a large Population of Half Dragon Guards in the City Of Wintergate ware the Barbarians of the Ancient Fortress worship her as a Benevolent Goddess.

head: Adimantium Jewel encrested Tierra
upper arms: Golden arm bands
Gauntlets/Bracelets: Golden Rings
Pelvis: Silken Belt with Golden Charms Trailing from it...
Lower legs:Golden Thigh Band
Grieves: Nothing

Items: Unkown

Re: Shadow Charecter Sheet Threat

Name: El'borath Tal'Drathil
Race: Amphibian, Black-Scale
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown,
Young Description: In his youth Tal'Drathil was taken and trained in the art of stealth, he was also taught how to handle a dagger, before his training ended, his natural temperament towards the people who where training him lead him to run, or rather, sneak away, now he's a mercenary, because his training is incomplete, and he doesn't want to go back to the organization that lead him along this path, he's now forced to bring himself up on the only thing he knows, and worse he has to learn by experience, as for his personality, it's hard to say, he gets irritated with people easily, but he doesn't seem to be chaotic evil, I guess it will take time for even him to figure it out. Right now he just needs to survive and learn.

Reptilian(Newt) body structure, which is surprising seeing as he is of the black-scale race. His athletic body is naturally able for stealth and silent movement, though he himself lacks complete training. His eyes are a shade of red, he has nocturnal vision due to his heritage. His facial structure is rather similiar to half dragon, he has a short flat-ended snout, . His body as I said before, is athletic, and more or less human looking down to his lower legs, however, his feet, or rather talons, are claw-like talons suited for climbing rock, his hands have claws too, although they're less apparent and more human like, only have small claws out the tips of his fingers, they're useful for climbing, and maybe fighting if he becomes disarmed, but still not so prominent. He doesn't wear boots or shoes, so he can use his naturally able talons for quick manouvering on hard ground, when he's not wearing his gauntlets he Would be able to scale walls, to an extent.
Armour: Dark Soft-Leather
Torso: Dark Soft-Leather
Upper Arms: Dark-Soft Leather
Pelvis: Dark-Soft Leather (Seeing a pattern here?)
Thighs: Belt, and Dark Soft-Leather
Gauntlets/Bracelets: Dark Soft-Leather Gauntlets
Lower legs: Dark-Soft Leather
Feet: None
Items: Four daggers, Iron Ration
Gold: 15
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Re: Shadow Charecter Sheet Threat

Name: Sarem
Race: Wolfen
Gender: Male
Description:Clean Coat no Markings unlike the pic.
Skilled in disarming and disabling opponents using whips and blunt objects, he mainly hopes to survive and along the way attempts to find a way to achieve immortality, while also taking the best of life's pleasures.

Torso: Hardened leather armour, brownish colour, covering just the torso.
upper arms: Wooden buckler for left arm.
Thighs: Hardened leather leggings, brownish colour, also covers the pelvis(crotch) and upper legs.
Lower legs:n/a

Lower legs:n/a

Rope Coil

Iron mace
Small blade
Shortened whip
Iron whip with blades.

Re: Shadow Charecter Sheet Threat

Name: Tala
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Torso: Enchanted ceremonial robe, with roughly the durability of chainmail but without the weight.
Forearms: Enchanted robe sleeves, with steel wire sewn into it.
Gauntlets/Bracelets: A set of protection bracelets. When clasped together, they form a pseudo-“barrier” of sorts that temporarily repels attacks, or softens powerful blows.
Pelvis: Covered by robe, with a set of typical undergarments underneath.
Thighs: Belt with a side pouch full of small gems that can be thrown and shattered to create a magical effect. See “Items” for more info.
Lower legs: Covered by enchanted robe.
Feet: Travelling boots, with a light enchantment for swifter traveling.

Enchanted Katana with a slotted chain wrapped around its handle, gems can be inserted into the chain to allow for blade magic enchantments.
Pouch full of magical gems, some of which can be shattered for an elemental magical effect, or attached to the katana to enchant it. Ruby is shattered for a fire pillar or flame enchantment of blade, emerald for a gust of wind or wind enchantment, sapphire for a torrent of water or water enchantment…etc. Exceptions are diamonds and black opals, which can only be used for non-elemental enchantment. ((Diamonds allow the blade to cut the incorporeal, black opals turn the blade invisible so as to confuse opponents.))
Gems: 15 rubies, 15 emeralds, 15 sapphires, 15 garnets, 6 diamonds, 6 black opals.
Enchanted Robe, an enchanted robe with steel wires woven into it. Possesses the durability of chainmail, and also has a weak spell absorption effect.
Bracelets of Protection: Can be clasped together to form a weak magical barrier.
Boots of Travelling: Allow the user to walk at approximately 1.2x faster than normal.

Gold: 50 gold pieces, alongside a few silver pence.
Re: Shadow Charecter Sheet Threat

With that said I would like to introduce a new game I am working on It is set in a Another dimension and I am still working out the Kinks and the General info Structure but what I do have is a general Idea on what I want from the game and with that I will be posting it for your Enjoyment hate or Attempts to loose braincells as you try to fight threw reading my poor grammar I always welcome People's Criticism but I ask you PM me them so I can make the proper edits to my post if you reply grammatical corrections I will make them and then delete your post (I think I have that power? it has been so long I don't really remember.)

And without further Adieu I give you my latest project.

I am calling this Simply the Predator Campaign.

Welcome to the Vacation Colony Of Novaris Prime, One of the most peaceful places in the United Worlds Colition we hope that you enjoy your stay here. But of course that isn't true is it? No thats not why your here this was about the war the war those Terrans started with there Zealots and Warmongers. Your species were not much better but you never commited the atrocities these Humans perpitrated. Burning entire worlds killing anything that didn't hold value...
Yes you remeber now don't you, your a Matriarch of your people you won your possition threw a show of strength and battle the Hunt. You are a Yautja (Predator). Though your Type remains to be seen are You a Berserker? Cold Powerful and Violent you care little for the Letter of the code and kill by any means nessesary armed or unarmed it matters not the hunt is all that you care for...Perhaps you are Quiet Calm collected A strict follower of the code and a Hunter that thrives in the Jungles. Or Perhaps Iron Jungles are more your hunting grounds... Or are you something else one that would Choose their own path your actions will be a show of your charecter After all you are Leading your People to war against these Pink skinned Savages... Wait what was that off the Bow of your Cruiser? A Human fleet No Your fleet isn't assembled yet they will be led into a trap. You are forced to do the only thing you can do you send out a Warning on all frequencies to abandon this Heading and Regroup at the Secoundary site you leave a message about staying strong and fight hard and regret that you will not be able to make it. Your ship has a Crew of Two hundred two hundred that could still yet fight the humans you arent yet in range and give your last orders as fifteen Capital Warships slowly advance each one complimented with twenty crusiers of there own that isn't including fighters the humans always had a way of building larger fleets but that didn't mean you will go down easily, You have all control rerouted to your command console then order your crew to escape in cloaked scout ships. Just as the last of your crew abandons ship a loud thump hits the hull now that the ships are in range you can see that these ships arent from the Terran Government Instead a Strange W and T are abroidend on their hulls They have also opened fire...
You give them Hell For twenty minutes your ship Destroys Thwelve of their crusiers it doesn't matter whos ships they are All Humans are involved in this war and dispite them not using heavy ordinance a fact you find odd their fire has finally destroyed your shield emitters your engines have nearly failled and your weapon systems are offline encluding the self destruct so you do the only thing you have left open to you, overiding all the system warning you Gun your engines as hard as you can and fly on a Crash course for the nearest capital ship you can find. Then everything is black.
So it begins.
Nearly 300 years have past not that you would be Aware of that. Much has changed during this time Namely your "Heroic Sacrifice" turned the tables of the war you had just been like any other war leader but your actions inspired courage it inspired rage but most of it it allowed your species to fight back the Battle of the Vengeful Queen as it would later be called is still told today orally as a tribute to your selfless act a few still live that witnessed that day and are in some of the highest possitions of power your people have though their number is slowly deminishing your species is long lasting but not immortal.
But once again this isn't know to you what you do know is that you are awake this isn't the first time you have been awoken no and it isn't going to be the last you are a prisoner, some how you survived the crash and they found you and put you into cryo statis Weyland-Yutani Corporation had captured you but with the war raging that had to postpone their experiments. Then the Corporation was destroyed Once the truth came out that Weyland-Yutani Corp had been behind the war and they are perpetrated it. The Humans entered a massive civil war That only concluded 100 years ago a new Galatic Government is in place The victors The Knights of Truth as they called them selves are reminents of the US Cololial marine corps along with Russian Chinese and Other various remining earth countries that were brought into false conflicts with each other because of Wayland Industries. The New order even Welcomed your people into its fold mainly because when Your people found out it was not the human Military complex that had ripped you from them they went to war as well until nearly every Reminent of WT Corperation was ashes. Sadly you are trapped on of many Off the record Self sustaining Research facilities XP-Hellgate.
You have been awoken this time to be tortured once again perhaps because the scientists are sadists perhaps because it amuses them or perhaps it is simply because they hate that your race is the reason they lost so horribly your hunters lead entire fleets across the galaxy tracking down and destroying everything Wayland Related.
The Scientists speaks for the first time sense your many sessons sadly you can't under stand a damn thing he is saying because fuck him and his backwards language or the fact that your neural translator has long sense stopped functioning after 300 years again somthing your not aware of.
This continues for nearly a year unimaginable horrors have been subjected to you your body has been flayed cut broken and yet you endure you will not give them the satisfaction of knowing you are in pain. You are a Warrior and nothing they do will brake you then you pass out again sleep a welcome thing...
Your bound to the table then you here a loud bang and your restraints are gone something is wrong your free? A human trick perhaps? You can hear a loud screaming coming from a room next to yours why are you in some kind of observation booth you can see a strange sight threw the two way glass there are several scientists trying to cut threw a Large Metal creature or is it one of your people or a human? It looks human but much to almost larger then some of the biggest females of your species and its very yelllow? Your mind tries to process what the hell is going on and the Heavily armored creatures Screams loudly. "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-" As he screams bore into your mind you can think only of the rage and yes Anger? this creature is feeling If you didn't know any better you would call him a marine an angry Marine? No thats just silly... The armored creature turns it head torwards you and at seeing you it bursts from its bounds Screaming smashing the scientists in a mist of blood and rage. "CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKK YYYYYYYYYYOOOOUUUUUU!" he cries as he pummles them into a red paste. Then he turns and stares at the two may mirror fear over takes you as it is almost like he can see threw the glass at your stareing. "FUCKING COCK SUCKING XENO SCUM WHORE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT." He Lurches forward and smashes is Helmet into the glass and his head goes right threw you can hear his heavy breathing as alarms blare at the containment breach. You turn to run but he Grabs you by the Leg and you think this is it your going to die. The Fury filled voice Screams into your ear. "WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU DYKE ROASTING PIG NUGGET." The alarms are blaring still in the backround.

Then you open your eyes all a dream what kind of drugs have they subjected you to your body is weak you are still strapped to the retrainment table and you nearly have a heart attack as your eyes start to focus sitting between your breasts is a small figurine a tiny thing like a childs toy something somelikely payed way to much for yet they still bought it anyway it is bright yellow with a red trip a very upset face on its shoulder gaurd. You can still hear the alarms going off and then a click as one of the restraints suddenly retracts and then another your arms are free....
You find your self in a tipical Isolation chamber a large black window staring at you you know its two way your in the room from your dream... There is very little in the room except for a table a few feet from your table it looks like it has those disturbing flesh cutting knifes on it..
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