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Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

"Fuck you." Yager said flatly to the counter comment. Then, about the prisoners. "We'll talk about it." she said hesitantly.

Then, Yuki left the tower, and ventured to the town, which was currently quiet from the night time buzz of crickets. Thankfully Yuki didn't seem to get bothered by anyone. She made it to Theodor's manor, which had someone answer the door and assess Yuki's state. "You had... fun..." said the maid at the door with a slight grin. Despite getting hosed down so she wasn't so crusty with cum, it still seemed she could tell by the semen induced gloss that she had been subjected to many partners.

Once inside, she saw Theodor being rather active, compared to daylight when he was either sleeping or bathing. He was actively enjoying a meal with his maids as Yuki came in. "... So, I heard you killed the Smith and the Doctor. From the looks of Yager's clothes on you, I suppose the corrupted reverse gender lunatic gave you some trouble?" he inquired, before putting a square of steak meat into his mouth.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki was happy when she finally saw the manor in the distance. She couldn’t wait to get some proper rest, and maybe take a nice long bath. Hopefully Theodor wouldn’t be too upset that she failed one of her marks. She wasn’t that worried though. She assumed that he would just forgive her and maybe even comfort her. She quickly reached the door, and excitedly knocked on it. However, the maids comment made her face visibly red. ''Uuuu, it’s that obvious, huh?'' Yuki inquired. Now she felt hesitant about appearing in front of Theodor.

However, after a bit of hesitation, she stepped inside anyway, which she immediately came to regret when she saw not only Theodor, but all his maids as well. Yuki couldn’t even look directly at Theodor or his maids, and looked down at the floor. She wanted to talk privately with Theodor, not in front of all these maids. ''I messed up, and got caught by her. I-I am sorry for failing you like that. I told her everything to get free, and now she wants to make a deal with you.'' Yuki explained, while continuously looking down with shame at the floor. ''If you remove this collar, I can try to kill her again, but if she catches me again, I don't know what she will do to me.'' Yuki stated. ''Please forgive me for my failure. I promise I won’t mess up again.'' Yuki plead.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Theodor seemed to pause for a moment in thought. He seemed to hurry a bit, finishing his food and tapping his mouth with a napkin before he rose from the table. "I'm finished eating. Yuki, let's talk for a moment in private." he said, moving to go through a set of double doors behind him, which apparently led to a hallway that led to his room. The maids took to cleaning the place up in his absence.

If Yuki followed, she'd find Theodor taking to laying on his bed, which he tapped the free side of with his hand. "Yuki, come lay down. Rest. Your voice sounds hoarse and worn." he declared. "Do not ask for my forgiveness. This was your own crusade after all." if she came close in that time, he'd pop off her collar. "The doctor is dead, which means I can look into installing one of my medicinally trained maids as the new town doctor. I will have to look outside of town for a new smith though, but this town is hardly in need of more weapons for more bad people. So they will manage." he said flatly. "Yager however, has always been a problem. I had forgotten that their ways had led them to becoming a woman. He... Or she, is well trained, the one person capable of handling Lispen where both you and I struggle. That is where Yager truly holds me hostage."

He looked to Yuki. "I figured that if you could handle Yager, you could handle Lispen. Now it's apparent that I need Yager yet still. I want you to tell Yager the good news. But with a twist..." he focused on Yuki to ensure she was paying attention. "I want you to bring Yager to a secluded place by any means necessary. If they still have a cock and balls, they'll probably be interested in using them on you. If you can, seduce her, get her alone, and call for me. I will... Try to surprise Yager, and convince her by force to obey me. Can you do that?" he inquired.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki didn’t hesitate to follow after Theodor, she was happy to finally get some time alone with Theodor again. The entire way to his room she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t resist his charm. It didn’t help that he treated her very gentle, usually people treated her awfully, so his gentle demeanor caught her constantly off guard.

Again, Yuki didn’t hesitate at all, to crawl into bed with him. She made sure to scoot as close as she could to him. ''Even if it’s my own crusade, you’re way too kind. I was a little worried that you would punish me for telling Yager everything, so quickly. '' Yuki explained. ''And thank you for remove this collar, it was hurting my neck.'' After Yuki thanked him, she made sure to hold onto it, there was no way she would go back to Yager without it. ''That’s good to know, I’m sure the town will be better off without those awful men.'' Yuki stated, scooting a little closer to him, so her breasts are pressed against him. ''If she wasn’t surrounded with men, and maybe if I’m prepared, I could take her.'' Yuki insisted, but it would be extremely risky to attempt it again.

Yuki was surprised that Theodor would ask her to do something like that. Yuki taught about it for a while, before she finally made up her mind. "Normally I wouldn’t do something like this. It can go horribly wrong. H-However, since you're the one that asked me, I will see what I can do. It might take a while, and she might let her guards use me first, but hopefully I can manage to get her alone before that. And her lacking the proper equipment shouldn't matter, she still used to be a man." Yuki stated.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Theodor smirked, and rolled over to face her directly, pressing his lips against Yuki's in a deep, passionate kiss. When he got his body close enough to press against hers, he stopped in mid-motion. "... It seems you're pregnant." he noted. "Do you believe it's mine?" he inquired. "If you're carrying, you don't have to put your body at risk in the face of Yager. You make the call, Yuki." Theodor stated, looking at her intently. "I have some medicine for such a condition. It's unpleasant, but it solves such problems."
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki embraces Theodor, returning his passionate kiss. She couldn’t be any happier right, or so she thought. When Theodor found out she was pregnant, she let go off him, and sadly looked away. ''I don’t think so…'' Yuki responded. ''B-But… if it isn’t yours, I don’t want it. I don’t care if it would be safer to stay pregnant. I don’t want to give birth to some unknown guard’s child.'' Yuki explained. ''Besides the medicine should keep me safe for a while, I probably can get her alone before that. And once we captured Yager, I want you to make sure I’m pregnant with your child, nothing would make me happier.'' Yuki stated, placing her hand on his chest while staring into his eyes.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Theodor hummed. "But we don't know if it's not mine. Still, all the same it'd be better if it wasn't mine, lest it inherit my... Issues." he hummed further. "I say, the sins of the father do no weigh upon the child. If you give birth to this child, I will name it mine. How does that make you feel?" he inquired. "Regardless, you must be exhausted. Sleep comfortably for once, I haven't seen you in a while and I'm sure you've been having a little too much excitement. Tomorrow, we can enact a plan to subjugate Yager."
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki sighs and closes her eyes when she heard Theodor’s words. She really didn’t want to give birth to some random guard’s baby, and the chance of it being one of the men that raped her was extremely high. It didn’t help that Theodor would rather have it be some random strangers child, over his own. Yuki laid her hand on top her belly, thinking about it for a while. ''You’re right. I shouldn’t blame this child for what its father did. I will keep it, and make sure he or she doesn’t become like their father.'' Yuki stated. ''Don’t worry about Theodor. I wouldn’t make you accept a child that isn’t your own, but I would appreciate it if it could stay here once it’s born. I wouldn’t want to endanger my child after all.'' Yuki requested. Regardless of Theodor answer, Yuki yawned while she began to realize how exhausted and sore her body was. ''B-But… I want to… spe…'' Yuki muttered out, before she stopped talking, and fell into a deep sleep.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

When Yuki woke up the next morning, she felt renewed. Her body refreshed as if a spell cast on her to remove her wounds. Theodor seemed out and about, while a maid had just delivered breakfast of eggs and cheese to her side before walking out. Yuki was allowed to eat, before Theodor came into the room, donning a robe. "Are you prepared?" he inquired. "Whenever you're ready, after done eating of course, the plan to entrap Yager is simple. You need only request an audience with her, and convince her that you desire her. Not too forward mind, just... Well, act like a woman that's fallen in love with her captor. Yager will no doubt seek to take advantage of that. Call for your 'master' at that ring when you have her alone."
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki woke up feeling fully refreshed, she was a bit disappointed that she fell asleep before being able to spend more time with Theodor. With a sigh she sat up in the bed, stretching her arms. Yuki thanked the girl that brought her food, though she only played it with for a bit and occasionally took a bite. She wasn’t hungry at all, since her belly was still churning with cum. Hopefully she wouldn’t be forced to swallow much more of it, the bitter taste already grew on her, and she was worried she might get addicted to it. Her thoughts got interrupted when Theodor entered the room, making her smile brightly. ''Ready as I am ever going to be.'' Yuki replied unenthusiastically. ''I don’t know if it’s going to work, she knows I hate her after all. I wonder if I can make it sound believable, maybe if I pretend to be submissive she might fall for it.'' Yuki pondered, though Theodor probably knows that she didn’t really have to pretend for that. ''I will try my best.'' Yuki stated while getting out of bed. If she was undressed, she would slowly dress herself. She made sure to push her ass straight into Theodor’s face, when bending over to pull her pants up, and to make her boobs bounce plentiful when slipping her shirt on.

Before Yuki left, she sat on Theodor’s lap, facing him. She pulled him into a close embrace, and gave him a deep kiss. ''When I come back, I want you to completely drain me.'' Yuki whispered in his ear, before she hopped off him and walked to the door, waving him goodbye. Yuki made haste towards Yager’s tower, this time she couldn’t care less who stared at her somewhat lewd appearance, and with her power she was confident she could beat any assailant. Until she reached the tower, she immediately put her collar back on before approaching the front. It felt incredibly humiliating to put it on herself, why did Theodor want her to do it like this, she thought. Maybe Yager was right, and Theodor’s weird attraction made her a lot blinder then she realized. She continued to ponder that until someone approached her.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

The townspeople stared, and gawked as usual, though one among them nearly threw themselves at her. "Yuki!" the ragged looking peasant came out. "Ah, yes, there you are! Y-you see, I have this... Issue." he began, and if she listened, he'd speak, as Yager's beautiful red hair flowed in the wind, coming out from the man's very house. "Y-Yager... C-convinced me to sell you to her. N-nice person, really!" he declared, while his face scrunched up in pain. He didn't seem happy at all.

Yager stepped forward, a frown on her face. "5 denarii, Yuki. This scum of the earth agreed to betray you for a mere 5 denarii, which he has in his pocket right now." she stated. "Theodor would do the same. Though, he'd have the common courtesy to want more." she stated, before approaching Yuki. "Come with me." she stated, grabbing Yuki by the arm and leading her out of town, in the direction she wished to go. They walked... Until they were both alone. Then, Yuki saw a strange thing, a wagon, empty mind some boxes and a single horse to drive it. "You don't have friends here, this place is rotten to the core, corrupting even good people to be evil. Or simply become minions of evil. Even as I preach I am no different." she said, before placing her hand on the carriage. "The medicine for your baby is inside this wagon. Take it, and leave this place as soon as you can. The only friend you had was just interested in slamming his dick into you. A desperate slob, so weak that he tried to appeal to sympathy." she stated.

As she said that, without needing to be called, Theodor walked out from the trees, dressed in noble attire and his beautiful features shining even in the shadows of the trees, and of the umbrella he carried. He slowly stalked closer, while Yager spoke. He was like a ghost, no sound carried on the wind. "Yuki... Theodor just sees you as a pawn. You will get nothing by being his little task girl. He is a traitor, like everyone here." she said, ironically so, as Theodor was almost upon her.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki didn’t care at all about the gawking looks she was got, she was even in such a good mood to make her breasts bounce a little more with each step. ''Ah!'' Yuki gasped when she saw a familiar face. ''Don’t worry, I will take care of it, what is it that you need?'' She asked curiously. However, once she heard what the man had to say, Yuki’s eyes turned ice cold, and her good mood from earlier was replaced with a foul taste in her mouth. ''I don’t know why you look so pained about this. I hope it was worth it.'' Yuki sneered at him coldly.

Yuki looked at Yager with a blank face, her eyes coldly staring at her. ''Five, huh?'' Yuki muttered out softly. You could easily notice that Yuki felt betrayed, and a little bit nauseous. Yuki absentmindedly let Yager pull her, and didn’t resist at all. ''I suppose you’re right. I didn’t even manage to change a single person in the end. The only thing I did was murder people, people I didn’t know anything about.'' Yuki said defeated. She desperately wanted to be the good guy for once, a hero from the stories her mother used to tell her. Instead, she was just an assassin, hired by evil people, to kill other evil people. There was nothing heroic about that. Her judgement got clouded by Theodor’s aura, the bastard even convinced her to keep a baby that wasn’t even theirs, a baby from someone that raped her. ''Why… why are you doing this?'' Yuki questioned Yager, while putting her hand on the carriage, ready to leave. ''Why would you want to save me from being his pawn, or anyone’s pawn. Instead of killing me while you had the chance?''

Maybe, Yager wasn’t such an awful person after all. If Yager just saw Yuki as a threat, she would’ve just killed Yuki when she had a chance. Instead, she chose to save her, and take a huge risk coming out all alone. Yager strength didn’t come from her ability as a warrior, but the army she was surrounded with. Without that army, Yuki was sure Yager wouldn’t be able to defeat Theodor. ''I don’t know why you’re trying to save me… However, you don’t have to sacrifice yourself for me.'' Yuki said while coming down from the carriage. ''Give me your sword, and I will show you I’m nobodies pawn.'' Yuki requested, ready to end Theodor’s hold over her, once and for all, and this time she wasn’t going to underestimate him. Her body started to have a faint glow, trying to show Yager she was going all out.

Yuki uses Battle Aura for 13.
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Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki: HP 40/48 PP 38 EP 53/66 Status = Battle Aurax13

Yager shook her head, "I will not forfeit my weapon." she said with a glare, when Yuki started to glow Yager's eyes went wide, and she seemed to grievously misunderstand the situation. As such Yuki found herself struck by Yager in an attempt to stun her once again.

Resistance: 35 vs 27, Yuki takes 8 damage.

But Yuki stayed conscious this time. "Damn it!" Yager growled, before Theodor was suddenly upon Yager from behind, catching her off guard. In an instant, Yager's lower armor seemed to unravel as Theodor took her, and undressed her before she even seemed to know she was being attacked. Theodor grinned, holding Yager between himself and Yuki, using her as a shield just as Yuki woudl confirm on the side that Yager did indeed have a cock and balls. And underneath her balls happened to be an erect Theodor. "Well done, Yuki. I will take it from here." he said, as Yager squirmed in a panic.

"You teamed up on me! You fucking little rat! I shouldn't have felt sorry for you!" Yager spat at Yuki, all while under Theodor's complete control, being lined up to be dominated by him.

Meanwhile, Theodor smiled at Yuki, his eyes glowing as Yuki felt his influence that remained in her heart. "And... What was that statement about, Yuki? After the loving moments we shared together, you're going to betray me too?" he inquired.

Resistance against existing Charm: 41 vs 37

Yuki shakes off the influence Theodor has over her. "Yuki..." Theodor growls in warning while making sure Yager was a human shield. "Think about what you're doing. You are not going to make this town better on your own. If I die, then this town will descend into chaos. The women in my estate will be picked clean by Lispen and his bandits. Don't be an idiot, and continue to help me so we can make this town peaceful together. If you don't, then you'll just be adding to the chaos like everyone else."
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki felt a familiar sensation on her head. Once again she was clubbed on the head by Yager. However, this it just stung a little, instead of making the world spin around her. Maybe she shouldn’t have tried asking Yager for her weapon so aggressively or perhaps explain the situation better. ''Ouch, I just wanted to help you, you know.'' Yuki yells out. holding her head in pain.

Instead of helping, Yuki only managed to distract Yager, and Theodor took full advantage of that. Theodor didn’t only capture Yager, but also undressed her, displaying everything Yager had between her legs. Faced with a set of cock and balls, it was pretty obvious what Theodor was going to do to Yager. Yuki wanted to explain that she was just trying to help Yager, but instead of telling her that, it would probably be better to show her.

However, when Yuki was this close to Theodor, she couldn’t help but feel her heart pound once more. ''I… I…'' Yuki muttered out, hearing the sweet voice of Theodor fill her head. ''N-No…'' Yuki said glaring at Theodor while holding her head. ''I won’t let you use me any longer.'' Yuki said, shaking off Theodor’s charm. ''I am sick and tired of your lies. As far as I can tell, you don’t do anything for this town. You just drain it of gold, and use it to expand your little harem. Sure, you keep good care of the girls in your harem, but how many of them are there against their will? And don’t even pretend a second you are the one protecting them against Lispen, You even told me yourself, Yager is the reason Lispen doesn’t just raid the town.'' Yuki yells out at Theodor. ''Even now you’re showing how pathetic you are, by hiding behind a woman. This town doesn’t need you, and I no longer need you!'' Yuki yells out charging past him, trying to use her superior speed to get the cleanest hit she can get on him without hitting Yager. Yuki continued to do this until Theodor stopped moving, or Yager told Yuki to stop.

Yuki trying to use her massive speed to out maneuver Theodor, and get a clean hit off on him, while maintaining her Battle Aura.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

"Yuki, stop!" Came those words. But they weren't from Yager, but from Theodor himself, a plead, almost made in panic, before Yuki punched Theodor with such force and power that he flew off of Yager and hit the ground with a thud, his body motionless. Once freed, Yager adjusted herself. "... I'm not just a woman." she said with a small glare at Yuki, before looking at Theodor. "With Theodor knocked out of office, that means the title for leadership of this town is up for grabs... And I can only imagine Lispen will use his money and corruption to take it. If all the poor slobs here got just a bagful of denarii, they'd all cheer him in." she spat. "And unlike most here... I took off a chunk of Lispen's ear in a battle once. He will certainly not enjoy me as anything other than either dead or enslaved."

She sighed, before glancing at Yuki. "You're an inconceivable idiot. Everyone in this town will be dead before you're satisfied. And with this turn of events, our best option will be to leave. Before it gets worse."
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki shook her hand while the faint glow around her fades away. She looked over at Theodor’s body. Feeling a little bit conflicted knowing that she was the one that did this to him. On one side, she felt happy to be finally released from his control, on the other, she couldn’t help but feel a bit depressed about losing someone she was happy with. However, she did believe in her own last words to Theodor, the town didn’t need him. The town only needs Yager, and she truly believed that. ''Why don’t you take control over the town?'' Yuki asked. ''I can’t really force you to do it, but with you in control, the town would be way better off then with Theodor in control. Unless Theodor got his wealth from something I don’t know about, I don’t see why couldn’t just replace him?'' Yuki asked. She hoped that Yager would take charge of the town and get rid of Lispen, or at least fix the town a little bit.

''I would lie if I told you that didn’t cross my mind.'' Yuki admits, that she nearly snapped when Yager showed her how everyone would just end up betraying her. ''If you can’t take over for Theodor, you might be right. I don’t think I can do anything for this town by myself. Besides, I want to keep my promise to the man you purchased me from. So, until you forgive me, I will be your… slave.'' Yuki said slightly hesitant. She wanted to at least keep this promise, since she already broke too many of them.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

She shook her head. "His charming influence is what kept his guards in order, if their minds are free then there's nothing I can rule over." she stated. "So yes, leaving is the best course of action. Let Lispen have the shithole." Yager said, moving to the wagon to get on it, taking the reins. "Get in the back." she said.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki stepped in the back of the cart, sitting down anywhere it looked comfortable to sit. ''So that’s how he kept control over the city. I’m such a fool for thinking I could finally do some good for this town. Instead I made things worse again, like usual.'' Yuki said sadly. ''Do you have a place in mind to go to?'' Yuki asked after making herself comfortable by unbuttoning her pants, shamelessly showing off her naughty bits and revealing part of her ass.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

"Not a single clue." Yager said. "Just away from here is a good starter, we..." Yager trailed off, before the wagon came to a halt not long down the road. "We didn't check the corpse." Yager stated. If Yuki wished to see what the commotion was about... She'd be witness to a whole gathering of maids. Theodor's maids. All present and accounted for minus the pregnant ones, and all armed with guns.

"He forgave you for trying to kill him." one said.

"He gave you a chance to shape the town as you wished." another said.

"He gave you the greatest privilege among us, and you try a second time, and fail to kill him." the third said.

Then, the one who worked for Lispen before stepped forward. "The only one who showed you compassion, you betrayed. In reality, you belong in this town." she stated. "So why not stay? Forever." she inquired, as they all pointed their guns at the two. Yager simply rose her hands, while Yuki remained in the back.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki was lazing around in the back of the cart, happy to finally leave that place behind her, until Yager stopped the cart. Curious to why she stopped the cart, Yuki looked outside. She was surprised to see an entire battalion of maids standing in front of their cart. It’s true that they didn’t check the corpse, but Yuki still had some lingering feelings for Theodor, even without the charm. After hearing Yager’s words, Yuki didn’t have the heart to finish of Theodor, and hoped he was still alive. It looked like her kindness got her in trouble once again. Maybe her master was right, and a soft heart only creates more problems than it solves.

Yuki came from the back of the cart with her hands raised in the air, and her pants completely missing. The tight pants were getting on her nerves, so she discarded it as soon as they left. Now standing there half naked, she wished she waited a little longer before taking it off. ''Compassion, you mean how he brainwashed me, and manipulated my emotions to get what he wants?'' Yuki said angrily. ''I didn’t fail, I was too soft. I wanted to make sure he was dead, but when Yager explained how he kept the town in check, I couldn’t bring myself to see if he died or not.'' Yuki stated. ''Sorry, I will have to decline on that offer. I have more important things to do then be Theodor’s food. Besides, shouldn’t he realize by now, it’s better for the town if we’re gone.'' Yuki said coldly while walking closer to Yager until their hands were touching each other. Yuki searched the area, trying to find a place they could hide, preferably somewhere in a tree top. If she found such a place, Yuki would smile a little. ''Now if you’ll excuse us.'' She said, before suddenly disappearing together with Yager, then reappearing within one of the tree tops. If there was no convenient place to hide, Yuki keeps her hands in the air, waiting for a better opportunity to arise.

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