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Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki began her daring escape. She found a tree top, and teleported to it. The maids all looked around, causing a fuss, while Yager gave a start at the teleportation. "Well, that explains how you escaped captivity, but now what? They have the wagon, and the medicine for your pregnancy now."
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki did have an idea on what to do next, but hopefully Yager would’ve a better plan then her. ''Unless you know more about the ring that Theodor gave me, there is only one thing I can do. You’re familiar with it right? Do you know if it’s trapped? Because, I think this is how they found us. The only thing I know is that I can call Theodor with it, but there has to be more to it.'' Yuki said worried. If the ring was trapped, Yuki probably would’ve do the right thing, and see if she can negotiate something with Theodor.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

"I know nothing of such a ring, or if that's how they found you." she replied. "You're asking the wrong person. I hate magic and it's ilk, so I do not learn of it's craft, only how to destroy it."
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki hopes of Yager knowing more than her about the ring got crushed. She looked at the ring with a sigh, why did she ever accept this cursed thing. She was afraid removing it would cause a shock similar to Yager’s collar, and with what she knew about the ring, it was safe to assume Theodor could locate her even without whispering master to it. Maybe the part about whispering master to it was completely false, and Theodor could see through the ring whenever he felt like it.

''I’m sorry for misjudging you when we first met, you’re a much better person then I originally thought.'' Yuki said to Yager with a smile on her face. ''I’m sad I won’t be able to get to know you better, since this is where we part ways. I can’t have you pay for my foolishness.'' Yuki tells Yager before suddenly disappearing, and reappearing in front of the maids. ''I can’t believe such a silly little trick fooled you all, now how about we make this fun?'' Yuki said confidently to the maids that were looking for her. ''Let’s make this into a real hunt and see who of you can capture me first!'' Yuki said, before turning around and sprinting away from the group. Hopefully all the maids would follow her and completely forget about Yager.

Using instant transmission
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

To put it bluntly, Yuki teleported to the front of an armed firing squad. When she started running to try and distract from Yager, she was successful for all intents and purposes. For about five seconds, until they aimed their guns and fired, mostly at her legs. It was only by the saving grace of their lack of desire for lethal shots that Yuki lived, and was crippled by the bullets and pain, taken by the maids into the wagon Yager provided, and carted back to the mansion. Theodor was found resting against a tree, where the maids helped him up and into the front of the wagon, no one saying anything to Yuki, as they returned to the mansion...

Yuki was taken, and put into medical care to treat her wounds, though the maids showed little tender love and care in their efforts for the one who nearly killed Theodor. "It is by his endless kindness that you are not dead. Next time you act up though, I'll just tell him your death was an accident." said a blond maid who was dressing her wounds.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki made a grave mistake, she didn’t teleport far enough to be out of reach of their guns. It took only seconds for her to get shot and fall over from the intense pain. When she came by, she was in the cart. Then she realized that she didn’t even manage to distract them long enough for Yager to escape with the cart. The entire way to the mansion she tried getting up, only to fall back down from the pain. Eventually she gave up, and just silently let them take her to the mansion, where she was put in a bed for medical care.

How pathetic, Yuki was now in their medical care, and being threatened by one of the maids. She looked sadly down at the bed, and nodded. ''Of course it is… I won’t act up again…'' She said with a strained voice.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Through the pain and medication, it didn't take much for Yuki to pass out, her legs numb. When she next awoke, it was already dusk outside, her mind was groggy and her thoughts sluggish. Though she woke up enough to see Theodor in a chair with a walking stick in his lap, sitting next to her in bed. As she woke up, he was silent, staring at her for a time. "I had a feeling you'd betray me, seeking to eliminate me as well. That is why I had the maids prepared. Though I hoped to not need this walking cane for my wounds." he stated harshly. "You fit in so well around here now that I get a better look at you. You're just as backstabbing as everyone else in the end, just to get one leg up on your rivals." he stated. "Did you think about taking over my town too? With Yager? How... Absolutely fucking foolish." he said, before leaning forward, planting his hand on her shoulder.

"In this town... I am your God."
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

It didn’t take long before Yuki fainted once more. The next time she woke up, she didn’t feel so good. Her mind was hazy and cloudy, she could barely think about anything. The first thing she tried was moving her legs around a little, immediately stopping if she felt pain. At this point she was more worried about not being able to use her legs ever again, then recovering for her wounds. When she noticed Theodor sitting in a chair next to her, she slowly moved her head until she was facing him, wondering what he wanted from her.

After his entire speech, Yuki didn’t look too impressed when he claimed he was her god in this town. Even in a defenseless state like this, she didn’t feel that threatened by him after she took him out that easily. ''I didn’t know… a god was that easy to hit…'' Yuki muttered out with a lot of difficulty. ''So, what are you planning to do to me…?'' Yuki inquired while trying to shake off his hand from her shoulder, though her attempts were fairly weak.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Theodor glared at her at that comment. "Yes... Those who trust you are quite easy to strike, are they not?" he replied back to her sentiments. "I wonder what I should do to you? Among all the awful people in this town of mine, you have somehow managed to wound me the worst. Through all their villainy, nothing hits home quite like betrayal, unlike those who are already untrustworthy. So, what am I going to do with you?" he grinned. "I'm thinking about it, currently. You're clearly going to kill me if I give you the chance. So it's ultimately a shame I cannot keep you here. How does slavery sound?" he inquired with a smirk. "I have a very wealthy... Associate, who would love to give you the treatment you deserve. Does that not appeal? How about the afterlife? Death is an alternative too."
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

''I should’ve finished you when I had the chance…'' Yuki muttered out under her breath. ''And don’t talk to me as if you have the moral high ground here… You brainwash people to agree with you, even if they’re happier like that, it’s not who they truly are… You created a bunch of human puppets and are merely toying with people’s lives… Call it betrayal if you want, but we both know better…'' Yuki said while finishing with a loud cough at the end. Slavery at least would give her a chance to come back, and finish the job, as her own personal feelings of vengeance were now involved. ''It’s not like I have a choice in this matter, now do I…?'' Yuki said before closing her eyes, as she felt best to keep it at that, before Theodor truly showed her the afterlife. It probably wouldn’t take long before she fell into a deep slumber, as she only hoped that her legs weren’t amputated the next time she woke.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

His hand slammed down on the bed, such that he was right over her, both his hands on either side of her head. "And you killed them to try and get what you wanted. Do you understand what people do when they're not under control? When you put an evil or wicked person under my control, they become someone who doesn't commit those crimes. They become someone who can clean, work, and function as an actual fucking human being." he declared. "I already told you... There's no good people here. And you're one among them, and believe me, they rationalize just like you." he said.

When Yuki passed out, she'd find her dreams tortured with pleasure. She felt theodor worming his way back into her mind, but with far more force, as she offered more back in return. But in her weakened state, she could offer no resistance, especially while unconscious and in a loose state of mind. She felt suffocated by him. bound in his arms, held by her legs as she laid on her back on top of him as she felt his stiff cock pump into her vulnerable pussy. She felt violated endlessly, and drained to boot, leaving her on a state of constant weakness. The only thing she knew was him relentlessly pumping her pussy, making her cum over and over again as his semen flowed into her already fertilized womb... Until her resistance faltered in the night.

When she awoke, she saw none other than her Master. Not Theodor. As if nothing had changed, the man who made her heart swoon now stood over her as she slept, looking exhausted as he stood nude. "Good morning, you stubborn slut. It's time to finish what you started."
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki’s dreams were quite interesting. After Yuki fell asleep, she felt an oppressive and suffocating feeling of Theodor crawling back into her mind. She tried her best to get Theodor out of her mind, she tried her best to resist his temptation, but in her weakened state, her mind couldn’t resist, and before she knew it, she found herself dreaming about him. With her legs held in his arms, her pussy was completely defenseless. Yuki didn’t have any strength to resist when Theodor’s cock effortlessly pounded away into her folds. All she could do was moan pathetically as he thrusted inside of her, and squirm little each time he slammed it all the way inside of her. Before she knew it, Theodor was squirting more of his semen into her fertilized pussy, and all she could do was tremble while moaning loudly, as the feeling of Theodor filling her send her over the edge, and made her greedy pussy tighten and squeeze around the large invader, as if it was trying to squeeze out every little bit of cum. The dream continued on and on, until her brain was completely scrambled and any resistance she previously had melted away from the pleasure.

Until Yuki woke up with a gasp, her tanned skin glistering in sweat, her breasts heaving up and down as she was catching her breath, her nipples notably erect through the sheet and her soaking pussy clinging against the sheet, showing Theodor how excited she is. When Yuki noticed Theodor, she didn’t look at him with disgust like before, but instead her eyes were lustful and apologetic. ''T-Theo…. Master, what are you doing here, and without clothes?'' Yuki asked, feeling a slight dull sensation in her head, before it dissipated and she remembered what she had done to Theodor. ''M-Master… I’ve… done something unforgivable, haven’t I? I’ve caused you a lot of grief…'' Yuki whispered out. ''Master, I deserve to be punished for what I did. I want you to punish me master, until you can find it in your heart to forgive me for my awful sins.''
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

"You will never find repentance. But you can do some good for any lack of forgiveness you can earn. There are still influential people who need to be taught who to obey, or die if they are unwilling. Then, once all is said and done, and this town is under my control, to make peace as I see fit, I can decide what to do with you before you turn feral again." he stated. "To start, go to the inn keeper. Once family members he's made indebted to him are freed, I can have more leeway in the town to get the people on my side. Kill him in secret, so no one knows it was by my doing. To that end, you can use whatever method you see fit, but I'd advise going to him and pretending to want to be his little servant again. Offer yourself to him, and convince him as you do once you two are alone. Knowing you, it'll be over split blood. Even that is fine. Just do it." he said, giving Yuki no clothes or weapons to use. Naked until she was done, as he did not trust Yuki with anything.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

''B-But master… I...'' Yuki whimpered out when she heard she no longer could earn his forgiveness, perhaps she might earn some forgiveness eventually or perhaps from now on he would treat her like this. Either way, Yuki looked incredibly hurt when he rejected her plea for forgiveness. ''I-I… understand master, I’ve done something awful, so please feel free to treat me like the lowest of thrash.'' Yuki said before listening to his request. ''I won’t disappoint master again, I’ll make sure to discreetly kill this man, and make sure nobody suspects master.'' Yuki said before throwing off the blanket that was covering up her tanned skin and modesty. ''Um… master could you perhaps spare your servant some clothing, walking outside this exposed without a weapon, while being excited like this, might not end well for me.'' Yuki asked, though when he denied her request, she nodded and stood up from the bed. ''I suppose someone like myself, doesn’t deserve to wear clothing.''

Yuki immediately left to complete her task, while apologizing to any maid along the way for harming their master, taking any abuse along the way as a form of repentance. The first few steps outside weren’t particularly humiliating, but when she approached the edge of the town, things got quickly embarrassing for her. Yuki tried her best to proudly walk nude through the streets, with her chest out and without attempting to hide anything from the peering eyes. Yuki’s sweat covered body made her tanned skin glistened in the sun, her proud steps made her breasts shake enticingly and bounce around with big erected nipples painfully sticking out, her butt was much the same, as the large soft ass cheeks wiggled in front of the crowd with every step. To those around her she’d probably look like a common pervert with her juices flowing from her and slowly trickling down her legs, even if she was excited about her earlier dreams, those around her would probably assume she was a perverted exhibitionist.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Going into the town, she saw too many familiar faces. Those who saw her bare ass in the Inn, and those guardsmen who raped her as well, littered about the town. "Look, it's the whore of the town." she heard one guard say to another. "Look, she's slightly fat. Who's kid do you think she's carrying?" the other asked. "It's probably mine, I had three turns inside of her pussy." he said. Parts of the town were laughing and making gestures at the sight, the men were cooing with desire and the women were in disgust. The only one who didn't take in the sight was the villager from before that she fancied, then was betrayed by when he accepted money for her sale even when he didn't own her. That man, with rotten appearance and rotten housing, retired to his house, unable to hold a gaze to her.

Then, she was in front of the Inn. Her destination. The owner was inside, unaware of the enthralled nude woman outside that was ordered to take his life.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Going around in town naked was far more humiliating then Yuki first imagined, and it certainly didn’t help that most people recognized her at this point. Despite their cruel words and lewd stares, Yuki continued to walk onward, with her head hold high, even though her cheeks had gotten red from the humiliation she wasn’t going to give these people the satisfaction of breaking her spirit. However, when they started to talk about Yuki’s swollen belly, she could no longer contain her cool demeanor. However, it wasn’t the humiliation that got to Yuki, but anger, as she couldn’t believe that someone had the audacity to claim this child was theirs, and not Theodor’s. Yuki angrily stormed towards the guard that claimed this once he finished that sentence, and looked him straight into the eyes with anger. ''Oh, since you’re admitting it’s yours, I suppose you’re going to take responsibility then? However, I highly doubt someone as spineless as you will do that, so how about you stop making fake claims. Oh, and before the thought to arrest me goes through your thick skull, you’d better be sure you can beat me, since there’s nothing as humiliating then losing to a naked pregnant woman.'' Yuki said, before continuing on.

Yuki continued to walk on, and only stopped to glare at the man who betrayed her, until she reached the entrance of the inn. Yuki carefully opened the door, curiously peeking inside, looking around for Lispen, if he was nowhere to be found, she continued further into the inn, until she was at the counter. ''I suppose you didn’t expect to see me again?'' Yuki said, while looking at the man behind the counter. ''As you might be able to tell…. I’m in desperate need of money and a place to stay, and I don’t suppose you’re willing to hire me again?''
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

The man listened to her, as did the spectators. Before he burst out laughing at her announcement. "She got you!" his apparent associate said, as he held a closed fist up to his mouth, laughing as the second pushed him at the shoulder. Her threat taken so lightly that it was like she was joking.

Since Yuki had nothing to react to as the men started nothing, she arrived at her destination without harm and met with the keeper of the establishment. He looked surprised to see her back. "Fate has ne'er treated you well, it seems. I always accept work, especially since you seem so popular. If you make as big a turnout as you're making already, I can offer much more coin than last time. Easily 20 denarii if things keep up." he chuckled with greed. "You'll need that apron again though, go put it on in the back. And make sure to entertain as well as serve the customers." he said, gesturing to the back.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

After that incredibly humiliating experience, Yuki was actually glad to be inside, and the apron the innkeeper was offering her sounded very appealing. ''Thank you very much for taking me in once more, going around outside like this was a hellish experience.'' Yuki responded, while nodding her head in appreciation towards the innkeeper, even though she knew she was currently being exploited, he treated her a lot better than the people outside.

''However, I hope you don’t mind me making a tiny request. You see, I’d really appreciate it if I don’t have to work the late-night shift. I don’t know if we can make some kind of arrangement for that.'' Yuki said while nonchalantly bouncing and pushing her breasts out a bit more, making sure the innkeeper had a good view of her jiggling boobs, with big erected nipples sticking out from them. Furthermore, Yuki made sure to stand far enough away from the counter, so that the innkeeper could take a good look at her body, as she nervously grinded her hips together and shook her big bottom to further entice him. Although it was rather embarrassing to act in such a slutty manner, at this point Yuki had experienced far more humiliating things, then flaunting her body a little.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

The man chuckled. "I was thinkin' I needed more mornin' girls. Though, can't 'ave ya workin' here for nothin'. At the very least you can go check on the patrons upstairs to see if they wanna buy another drink or so. Check on all them upstairs and then retire to 107 on the first floor. I'll have you wake up in the mornin to provide service to mornin customers." he said flatly, before someone called for a drink, which he poured and handed to one of the many pregnant servants who came, took the drink, and went over to a table of three scruffy and deprived looking men, who fondled her and aggressively took her into one of their laps as she offered no protest, moaning soon after as his hips began moving wildly and the other men gave cheers to her being raped in public. "How's my baby doing in there, slut?" he whispered to her.
Re: Shadows Floating Nevermore (Fmokou) ; GM'd by MAF

Yuki quietly listened to the innkeeper’s request, and luckily he seemed to agree with her request. Only working in the mornings should prevent Yuki from accidently meeting with Lispen, but more importantly, she hoped that the innkeeper would have her work in a more personal way late at night. At best he’d have Yuki as a personal treat for the night, giving her an opportunity to do the deed. ''That’s more than reasonable, now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be getting my apron.'' Yuki said with a friendly smile, as she felt relieved to be finally wearing something again.

However, before Yuki was allowed to leave, she saw three patrons harassing one of the unfortunate girls working here, and though it didn’t look like the woman was protesting, it didn’t look willing either. The sight made Yuki tremble with anger, as those men were clearly abusing that poor woman, and the innkeeper didn’t even attempt to protect her. Although, Yuki knew that it would be foolish to try and stop them, she couldn’t just sit back and let it happen. So, Yuki walked towards the table with a strained smile on her face, and roughly smashed her hands on top of the table looking at the three men. ''Dear customers, if you want to enjoy one of our girls, could you please pay her and retreat to your designated room, before the other patrons become annoyed with your behavior, and leave the establishment.'' Yuki said somewhat aggressively, though she still tried to put up a forefront of politeness, just to make sure she wouldn’t get in trouble. Hopefully, this would make them back of for now, as Yuki currently couldn’t do more than giving the men a reasonable warning.