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ShadowWolf's Streaming - Cities: Skylines Derpery (Maybe)

Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Inbound.

Well, might be starting this in the next hour or so, depending on what the storm moving in does. If it does hit, stream will be delayed.

As for the stream itself, currently leaning towards some more SimCity Societies derpery, going for a Cyberpunk-themed city. Alternatively, I may try for a Sims 3 run, with a Sim aimed at the Science career. Also in consideration are Worms Crazy Golf and the first pass through the hotel in the Ghostbusters game (Got it on Steam's Summer Sale).

There's a couple of other options from the new sale stuff I've got as well, but those seem to be more multi-oriented. (War in the North, and Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage)

EDIT: Yeah, gonna be delayed, don't know how long. If I've not started in about three hours, assume that it's not happening until tomorrow.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Inbound.

Okay, so... Looks like I'm once again in the "Can't do streaming things" phase. Seems I'm not having any luck keeping something I feel enthused enough about to play for an extended time actually working.

So, on hold with any streaming until I can sort out the issue.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - TURBO FACEPLANT!

So, I ended up getting something called Turbo Dismount, which I'll be streaming here shortly.

Length will be determined by a combination of how I feel, and weather. There's some storm cells moving through and if any of them get nasty then I'll have to quit.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - TURBO FACEPLANT!

And the stream is over, in part due to getting no indication of having anyone watching.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - TURBO FACEPLANT!

Okay, since I *THINK* I've sussed out all of my current pass of technical glitches and what-not, I'm planning on trying to stream some here in a couple of hours. It'll either be Turbo Dismount (likely) or perhaps one of the Lego Batman games.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - TURBO FACEPLANT!

EDIT - Short stream, over already.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Possible new game time.

Had an idea: Try to stream a multiplayer run of Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage.

There's just a smallish catch... I'd need someone to actually play with, and I'd like the other person(s) to be willing to use Skype, so there can be more than infrequent comments from me going on. If someone is interested, let me know. The game's not much on Steam, so I might toss a copy.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Possible new game time.

Well, in about two hours, I'm going to try to stream an attempt at getting the "Christmas Crisis Corrected" achievement on Santa's Rampage, assuming the weather doesn't decide otherwise. Meanwhile, prep time.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Possible new game time.

Going live: OVER
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Random comments ahoy!

So, wound up getting the rest of the released Viscera Cleanup Detail stuff, and the Shadow Warrior tie-in one has some random comments pop up throughout, so I'm going to stream that tomorrow night, around this time, maybe an hour later.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Random comments ahoy!

Okay, so... Going live soon:

And if anyone actually watches, leave a comment in the Twitch shout if I need to make volume adjustments.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - VCD Run Soon, Details Inside!

I'm planning on doing a Viscera Cleanup Detail stream in about 24 hours from this post. Now, while I'm going to be doing the base game this time, I'd also like to try out the multiplayer mode, and that means I'm going to need someone else to help since kind of difficult to do a multiplayer game with just one person, if any even is interested or paying attention to this thread.

So, here's the deal: The first person (or two) that is interested and willing to be involved in the stream during the time-frame involved that messages me with interest in assisting, either through PMs or on Steam, will get the game sent as a gift. Unless you already have it, of course. Gifting will be done through Steam, so I'll need an ID to send to.

EDIT: Here's some info for those unfamiliar with what VCD is - You know all those "BIG DAMN HERO" FPS games that have you shooting your way through some sci-fi lab where things went horribly wrong? In VCD, you're playing as a janitor tasked with cleaning up after those bozos. And surprisingly, it's actually pretty fun, if mildly annoying having to pick up. ONE. BULLET. CASING. AT. A. TIME.

EDIT the second: May be streaming earlier, since it looks like MAF's hopping in for the run.
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - VCD Run Soon, Details Inside!


Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - VCD Run Soon, Details Inside!

Going to be doing another run through Santa's Rampage, this time with RJ maybe hopping in at some point.

Watch here:
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Randerping

So, just going to start randomly streaming when I play things. Going live soon with some Kerbal Space Program. Been trying most of the day to get a three-kerbal command module destroyed, so far with no success. Figured the attempts were funny enough to share the next pass: (VIDEO: )
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Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Small Update

Slight update: I may be picking this streaming thing back up in the near future, unless something comes up soon.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Small Update

Well, after a sizable delay caused by holiday shenanigans, as well as failed attempts to get some LOTRO streaming going, I'm going to try to stream some Rise of the Witch-King in a couple of hours.

As a note, I'll have the AI handicap set high, as I'll mostly be interested in showing off the various units of a given side. Speaking of sides, there's seven of them:

Men of the West - Notable units include major heroes, and cavalry.
Elves - Notable units include walking trees and stealth units.
Dwarves - Notable units include siege weapons.
Isengard - Notable in that it has two "scout"-type powers, and a building cost reduction.
Mordor - Notable units include the Black Riders and Mumakil.
Goblins - Notable units include spiders and spider cavalry.
Angmar - Notable units include the Hero Unit, Karsh, dire wolves and sorcerers.

I will probably pick one of my own choosing to show off, unless there's a real call for a particular side.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Or not...

So, ended up doing a quick test run, since I'd had some connection issues this morning, and only the last few minutes of the test stream actually showed up on Twitch.


As such, until I can get that issue sorted out, I guess this is on hold again.
Re: ShadowWolf's Streaming - Maybe fixed? SCS Stream Planned.

Finally think I've got things sussed out. Maybe.

Going to attempt some more SimCity Societies streaming, and going for an Unlimited Simoleons, or Freeplay, map. May do Landmarks, may not.

Options for what kind of city are:









Stream will be tomorrow, some time after 1230 Eastern, probably starting closer to 1330. If anyone gives a flying rat fuck, I'm open to suggestions on which style to work towards.

And yes, I'm going to end the stream by spamming disasters until the entire city lies in ruins. Probably cycle through each of the six disaster options, then go for the Random pick at least a few times.