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She's dangerous

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
(I'm sorry, this one isn't going to be very good, story wise, as all I had to go on was that she's a crazy pyromaniac. :rolleyes:)

Cil was in her backyard, she had bought every thing she needed for a neat bomb!

It was in the middle of the night, the perfect time to start a fire work show!

As she was working, she noticed something hop over her fence.

*What does she do?*
Re: She's dangerous

(that's fine!)

~~~can you describe my surroundings, including the things lying about? Amount of moonlight?~~~

Cil notices something hop over the fence, and grunts.

"What's this, A visitor? I'm sorry, but this area is restricted to trained personnel only, unless you like getting blown up."

(should I make my own crop?)
Re: She's dangerous

What she thought was a person, turned out to be some kind of dog...

She couldn't get a good glimpse of it in the moonlight.

She was surrounded by various ingredients for making bombs.
Re: She's dangerous


":D Doggie!" Cil squeed. Cil did like animals, she often found their daily routines rather fascinating. Never the less, she was determined to prevent anything from ruining her perfect light show.

"Shoo doggie! I can't play tonight!"

(Does Cil have a lighter?)
Re: She's dangerous

~~~Of course, what else is she gonna start her fireworks with?~~~

The dog didn't leave, instead it pounced at her as she sat on the ground, pinning her chest to the soil.

A quick look down hinted at it's excitement as she saw it's member extending from between it's legs
Re: She's dangerous

Cil was surprised when the dog pounced on her. At first she thought it was just happy to see her, then she noticed the swollen, throbbing gland popping out.


"Woooah there boy! I don't swing that way"

*task, Cil attempts to knee or kick the dog in the balls - (whichever is closer to his jewels to pack a hit)*
Re: She's dangerous

(Cil attacks)

Her kick missed as the dog's head proceeded down to...

(Enemy attacks)

The dog quickly ripped her jeans off with it's jaws, leaving her womanhood exposed.

Re: She's dangerous

(so... what? is he down by my legs now? is my chest no longer pinned?)


oVo "You son of a mutated bitch! You ruined my pants!" Cil continues to struggle with this bastard of a mutt.

*Cil wishes to barrel-roll out of the dog's attack, preferably to something flammable*.
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Re: She's dangerous

Yes, she's reaching for something to help her out.
Re: She's dangerous

(Dexterity check)

While the dog was busy ripping her clothes off, she managed to reach over and grab her knife from her pocket that landed near her.

(Demolitions + Intelligence check)

She used the knife normally.

Meanwhile, the dog sought to use it's throbbing member.

(enemy attack)

Using both her legs, she managed to push it back a little, but she was still being restrained by it's front paws.
Re: She's dangerous


"Why don't you come a little closer? I might just change my mind about you! <3"

*assuming you mean her legs are restrained, Cil is preparing to thrust her knife into the dog's neck*
Re: She's dangerous

(Cil attacks)

Cil attempted to stab the dog's neck, she only managed to cut it slightly, but the dog recoils in pain, off of her.

Cil regains her footing.
Re: She's dangerous


"Oh please! It was just a little prick! Much like your own might I add!"

Uncertain how long the dog would stay back, and feeling a slight breeze between her knees, Cil was debating about burning the shit out of this pooch, or running into her house.

(2 questions:
1) How close is the back door to her
2) Is there anything within her immediate range that she can utilize?
- Like that bomb, does it just need to be ignited?)
Re: She's dangerous

The bomb is ready to blow

She is 20 feet from her back door.
Re: She's dangerous

*Cil wishes to blow the bomb and run for the door*
Re: She's dangerous

Cil lights the bomb, and tries to run for the door

(Enemy attack)

Cil quickly escaped past the dog's pounce, as it landed right on the bomb...

The explosion ripped it to shreds.

Cil went back inside her house, put some decent clothes back on, then heard on TV that there was a place called Apple Inn that was holding survivors from some kind of invasion.

With no knowledge of how to drive, she rode her bicycle to the Inn, it was only a couple blocks away, after all.

[end of chapter 1, She's dangerous]

When she arrives at the Inn, she's welcomed to a room and some food.

(The next thing that happens is on the first page of the Apple Inn thread.)