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Short Story Competition

Short Story Competition

  • The Colonial Flag by Sinfulwolf

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Lois and Clara in 'The Journey to the Pacific' by Mind Flayer

    Votes: 5 55.6%

  • Total voters


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Nunu is starting up the short story competition again. You will have a fortnight or so to write, maybe more depending on entrants and their opinions.

Regardless because today is independance day the current topic is:
"An anthropimorphised (such as the declaration of independance being a cat girl) or thematic (the movie ten things i hate about you is shakespears the taming of the shrew) eroticised retelling of a pivital moment in american history such as the boston tea party or cuban missile crisis"

Bonus points will be awarded for every peice of sexual inuendo referencing fireworks and for every quote from the movie independance day.

There will be a prize... like a user title or something...

maybe i'll make you a medal.
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Re: Short Story Competition

Does the story have to be a literal retelling of actual said events or may i liberally enhance upon the instances with my own twisted vision instead? (IE TENTACLE RUSSIANS)
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Re: Short Story Competition

You may be as creative as you wish as long as basic events or situations are recognisable.
Re: Short Story Competition


Reserve Title: Boston Tentacle Party
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Re: Short Story Competition

hmm... well I could be available for judging, if not then I may try my hand at some story or another.
Re: Short Story Competition

i'd rather have stories than judges.
Re: Short Story Competition

Confirming the topic real fast: Would something written along the lines of Hetalia be in accordance with the challenge?
Re: Short Story Competition

Re: Short Story Competition

i wrote up a draft for this quickly but i didnt like it at all. So back to the drawing board.

As it turns out, forcing tentacles into historically relevant events with cheesy independence day quotes and including sexual innuendo involving the correlation between penises and bottle rockets isnt as easy as it originally sounded.
Re: Short Story Competition

welcome to earth
Re: Short Story Competition

Its been a fortnight or 14 days. Are any short stories going to be posted for members to peruse, criticize and or do naughty things while reading them?
Re: Short Story Competition

some people wanted an extra day or two and i figured it was only fair.

also it has been pointed out by those same people that i neglected to put up submision information, you can eather pm them to me or just post them here.
Re: Short Story Competition

The Colonial Flag

Helen hunched over her desk, carefully running white threads together in a long strip. The needle prodded against the callused skin of her fingertips as she finished the layer, and changed to the red thread. Slowly, she stitched together the Colonial flag, the coming symbol of hope and independence from a mad king.

Leaning back she looked at her handiwork, the running streams of red and white, with a bold blue corner. It was beautiful. Running her hands over the newly stitched fabric, she scarcely heard the door of her home opening.
Her ears only picked up on the approaching sounds of boots, making no effort to be quiet across the wooden floorboards. Helen straightened, and was about to turn when she felt a pair of arms curl around her, lips pressing gently against her neck.

As she was lifted from the floor she giggled in delight, feeling her husband’s arms around her, running up to her breasts.

“Oh how I’ve missed you,” she said, turning her head and arching her neck. James leaned in, clutching at her tighter and kissing her lips hungrily.

“So this is it? Our flag that we’re to march under?” he said with a smile, a sense of pride swelling within him that his wife was the one who stitched the flag that would unite a country against tyranny.

“It is, but I feel like something is missing... I don’t know what else to do with it though,” Helen said, staring down at her work even as she felt her husband loosening the strings of her corset.

“Sleep on it then, get some rest and figure it out in the morning,” James whispered in her ear, gently licking the lobe as he pulled her corset free, feeling her breathing come smoother and easier, and her breasts fall unsupported beneath her dress into his hands.

A soft groaned slipped free from her lips, and she leaned back against her husband, her fingers trailing up his thighs as he kneaded her breasts. Oh how she had missed this while he was out on the battlefield, how she had craved his return for the past fortnight.

Turning within her grasp, she leaned up to hungrily kiss him, feeling the stubble across his jaw graze against her fair skin. With an urgency born of desire, she tore at the buttons of his coat, pushing it off his shoulders before grasping tightly to the hem of the shirt beneath.

The fabric tore as she pulled it free, and he gasped as he felt her hot breath against his skin, followed closely by the moist tongue sliding from between her lips. Teeth bit down on his nipples, making him groan hungrily, his rough hands ripping at the dress hiding the woman underneath.

James could feel himself stiffen as the creamy flesh of his wife was revealed, the gentle curves and slopes offset by the primal hunger burning within her at this moment.

He opened his mouth to say something, but found only a moan coming out as her hands grasped at his cock, before eagerly pulling away his pants, shoving it eagerly down his legs. Grasping her arms tightly, her leaned downwards, kissing and biting at her neck, leaving dark red marks in his wake.

His teeth sunk harder as her fingers wrapped around his manhood, sliding down his shaft and teasing him to full mast. His groans filled the air, mingling with her loud pants of carnal need.

Lifting her up, he set her on the desk, and grinned down at her as she guided him towards her entrance, teasing both of them as she ran over her wet nether lips.

One hand on her shoulder, he roughly shoved her down onto the desk, and clambered atop her. She writhed beneath him, feeling the newly stitched flag sliding across the skin of her back, her hands running over his hand, savouring the feel of his muscles beneath flesh.

A loud moan burst from Helen’s throat as he shoved himself inside her, her lips finding her neck once more. Her back arched beneath the onslaught of his thrusting hips, his cock sliding deep within the hot comforts of her womanhood. Her soft strokes across his back turned to rough scratches as her nails drew lines across his skin like those upon her own.

The desk creaked dangerously beneath them, rocking with James’ thrusts into his wife, the couple not caring at they poured their lust and love into the other.

With a loud crack, the legs of the desk snapped off. The two, still clutching tight to each other fell to the floor hard. Pain flared through James’ shoulder as his wife collapsed atop him, the flag draped across her shoulders.

Her hips began to move, rocking back and forth atop her love, working his shaft within her, running her nails down his chest as the fabric slowly slid down her bad, crumbling beneath the curve of her rear and atop his lap.

He could feel himself reaching his peak, throbbing within his wife as she moaned louder. Her orgasm boiled within her, making her toes curl in delight as her juices ran down his manhood. His fingers dug into the soft skin of her ass, guiding her deeper down his length as he threw his head back, long hair splaying across the floor as he felt himself burst within Helen just as she reached her climax. Her head thrown back, her long dark hair falling over her shoulders to her breasts shimmering with a thin sheen of sweat.

Helen collapsed atop him, breathing her, her hand softly running down his chest, her lips gently caressing his own.

For a moment there were no words as they simply lay, entangled with each other.

A bolt of panic suddenly shot through Helen, and she scrambled off her husband, grasping the flag nestled between his thighs and held it up. She stared wide eyed at what had taken her so long to create, and heard James laughing behind her.

Three spots of cum had settled on the blue patch in the corner in a semi-circular pattern, already soaked into the cloth and standing in stark contrast to the dye.

“Guess you’ll have to make a new one,” he said.

“I can’t... I was supposed to reveal this tomorrow. If I don’t they’ll give the task to someone else,” she said, biting her lip, before slowly, an idea dawned upon her, and a wicked smile spread across her face.

“Unless I hide it... thirteen stars, for the thirteen colonies,” she said, and James roared out with laughter.

“Made with love,” he said from the floor.
Re: Short Story Competition

Lois and Clara in 'The Journey to the Pacific' (Mind Flayer's hentai version of the Lewis and Clark expedition.)

(Chapter 1)

Lois and Clara had set out a few weeks before and had only just now gotten to the edge of known civilization. Their mission had been given to them pretty much directly from president Thomas Jefferson himself and they were charged with making an expedition to the west for the first transcontinental journey to the pacific coast.

Tonight would be their first night after meeting their new guide and translator Sacajawea and setting out on ahead of the rest of the expedition, with no hope of any aid coming to them quickly. They brought their boat close to the shore and tied it off so it wouldn't float away on them in the night and then began setting up their camp for the night. When they had set up camp with the help of their native guide Sacajawea, they sat down to get some food cooking.

“So what can we expect from here on out Saca?” Lois asked their guide.

“Well much can happen, but I assume you mean dangers and such,” Sacajawea replied, then once the two had nodded to her yes she continued and explained some, “There are many dangers we can expect, the first and probably worst being some of the other native tribes, who can be very aggressive to outsiders such as yourselves, though what with the fact that you two are like you are, I'd say you would enjoy what they would do to you. Another danger would be the native plant life, and some of the native creatures, both of which can be a bit... naughty.”

“I see, so we'll need to be extra careful then,” Clara said, looking as if she were in deep thought.

A short time later their food was done cooking and they ate, then after deciding on the watch for the night, Lois and Sacajawea went on to bed to get some sleep, while Clara took the first watch for the night.

During the early night, Clara sat out beside the fire and idly poked at it while she kept watch. An hour or so before she was supposed to wake Sacajawea up Clara went to go pee at the edge of their camp and when she got to a place that provided a little privacy, she slowly pulled her pants down to reveal her being a futanari to anything around her. She glanced around to make sure she was clear and did her business. While relieving herself she glanced around again and in the bushes to her left she saw a pair of glowing yellow eyes staring straight at her. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw them, but merely continued watching them while they watched her.

Once she was done and went back to the fire, she looked back over and saw the eyes were gone. The sight scared her enough to make her think twice before going that far from camp again without someone else out there with her. Thankfully nothing else happened during her watch and she woke Sacajawea when it was her turn to take watch. She told the native girl what had happened and what she saw, and Sacajawea giggled at her.

“It sounds like one of the mountain lionesses from around here took a liking to you Clara. You really should be careful where you pull that thing you've got in there out. I expect that she'll be tailing us for a while now especially if she was in heat,” Sacajawea told Clara, then after seeing how worried Clara was, she told her not to worry about it and to go on to sleep, that she would make sure nothing else happened in the night.

Clara did as told and laid down, though it was a little hard for her to sleep with some wild creature of some sort stalking her now. It actually made her a little relieved to see Sacajawea giggling about it too, making her think that maybe it wasn't as bad as she originally thought. After half an hour she was able to finally drift off to sleep....

(Chapter 2)

The next morning they got ready and set out on their boat along the river, with Clara still a bit scared of what Sacajawea told her the night before was watching her. “Clara, don't worry about it so much okay, if I attacks, we'll drive it off,” Lois said to her friend in a comforting manner.

Clara shook the thought from her mind and then nodded to her friend and agreed that they'd stop anything bad from happening. Every now and then they saw something rustle the bushes to the left side of the boat. Sacajawea told them it was likely the mountain lioness following them and then continued rowing the boat.

Later that day when they landed and disembarked from their boat, they set up camp once again for the night, but they still had a bit of daylight left and Lois wanted to explore the area a bit. Clara wasn't too thrilled about that, but decided to go ahead and agree to it, since that was what they were supposed to be doing after all, exploring.

They found a few things and cataloged them in their diaries, but as they didn't have much time before nightfall Clara said to Lois that she wanted to go ahead on back to camp, but Lois told her that she wanted to keep exploring, but Clara replied that she was still a little scared and wanted to go on back and so went on, with Lois telling her that she'd be on shortly.

On her way back Clara heard some rustling in the bushes to her right and stopped in her tracks at the sound. She looked over at where she heard it and didn't see anything, then she heard the bushes to her left rustle and her gaze shot over to that side to see nothing. She hurried on and started jogging towards the camp, which was still a little ways off, but before she got very far she heard the rustling again behind her and glanced over her shoulder to see a young looking woman with cat ears on her head instead of human ones, a cats tail extending from above her butt, yellow cat like eyes, she was also wearing a loincloth top and bottoms, and she had a feral kind of look in her eyes as well that scared Clara.

Clara broke out into a run back towards the camp with the lioness right on her tail, Clara tried to pull her knife out but it was stuck in its sheath and she couldn't get to it, while the lioness was quickly catching up to Clara who couldn't run as fast. Only five seconds or so after she broke into her run, the lioness caught Clara and tackled her from behind, knocking her to the ground under her. Clara struggled with the lioness for a moment or two, but ended up on bottom with the lioness straddling her and holding her wrists down to the ground.

“W-What do you want? I haven't done anything to you. J-Just let me go,” Clara whimpered to her captor, unsure of what might actually happen to her.

The lioness leaned down and sniffed Clara's neck, then she drew her tongue up the side of Clara's neck and up to her ear, purring in Clara's ear as she did. Clara shuddered as the lioness licked her and tried to struggle a little in hopes of getting free, but when she did this the lioness barred her teeth at Clara and then bit the side of her neck to dissuade her from her attempts to get free. Clara whimpered a little in pain as she was bitten, but it was more of a love bite than anything it seemed, though Clara could easily tell what the intention behind it was and quickly stopped struggling altogether.

When Clara's struggles ended, the lioness smiled down at her and released her hands, but gave her a look as if telling her if she tried anything then she'd be sorry, so Clara gave a submissive look and started to turn her head away so she didn't have to look. The lioness however grabbed her head and pulled her back around and roughly kissed her on the lips. Clara's eyes went wide at this action, but she couldn't really do anything to prevent it from happening and so she merely lay there. After breaking the kiss, the lioness pulled her loincloth and top off and tossed them aside, then she reached down and began undressing Clara. It didn't take the lioness long to get Clara naked and once she did, Clara saw her staring hungrily at her member, which was already getting quite stiff.

The lioness grabbed it with one hand and began softly stroking it to bring it to full hardness, which didn't take long, while with her other hand she gently kneaded Clara's breasts, with Clara cooing softly from the ministrations of the lioness. When she saw Clara seemed to be enjoying her touch, the lioness moved on to something more stimulating and positioned herself so she was sitting on Clara's face with her own down between Clara's legs. The lioness wriggled her hips around and pressed them down onto Clara's face a little, which Clara read as if the lioness were saying, “Please me now.”.

She began kissing and licking the lioness on her soft mound, the sweet scent of her sex wafting into Clara's nose and causing her to become fully erect. Clara let out a cute muffled moan as the lioness's rough cat like tongue ran across her stiff shaft, making it even stiffer as Clara began wriggling around from the pleasure, unable to prevent herself from moving as it simply felt too good. The lioness teased Clara like that for a couple of minutes, getting her all hot and ready for more, then she wrapped her lips around Clara's member. She started moving her head back and forth, slowly at first but quickly picking up speed as she took more and more of Clara's length into her mouth.

Clara let a muffled squeal out as she felt her length disappear into the mouth of the lioness. There wasn't much she could actually do save what the lioness wanted, and so all she could do was moan out as the pleasure washed over her from the blow-job she was receiving. Just as Clara felt her peak closing in, the lioness stopped pleasing Clara with her mouth, as if she knew Clara was about to explode. Clara whined as the lioness stopped, but then couldn't help but let out a soft coo when the lioness merely switched positions on her. Clara felt the warm tightness of the lioness's slit encompass her length and once she was all the way down on Clara, the lioness let out a soft growl.

Once she was settled down on top of Clara, the lioness started rocking her hips to pleasure them both and Clara was soon unable to hold her voice back and started moaning out loud into the woods. Before long the lioness felt Clara's manhood throbbing within her tight warm folds and slowed her rocking down a little bit, not wanting Clara to give out too quickly so they could both enjoy it.

“N-No... d-don't stop now... it f-feels so good... p-please... don't l-leave me like t-this,” Clara panted out, sweat glistening on her naked body as the lioness gave her a pleased look from her position of dominance on top of Clara.

At Clara's words the lioness began bouncing and riding her like crazy, bringing many squeals of pleasure from Clara's lips. The lioness leaned down and kissed her passionately on the lips, their tongues wrestling around for a minute or so, and when the lioness broke the kiss they both had a small sliver of saliva connecting their lips.

Only a minute or so later, Clara felt her climax fast approaching and when it hit she let out a lusty moan of pleasure as the lioness let out a primal scream of pleasure herself as she reached her own climax. The lioness didn't stop there though and continued riding Clara throughout their orgasms, her tight folds milking out every drop of Clara's seed she had to offer up. Clara shuddered as she rode out her climax, spurting rope after rope of her seed out and into the lioness, who pulled Clara up and held her head against her heaving bosom until they both finished up, then she gently laid her back down onto the ground where Clara panted as she tried to catch her breath.

The lioness leaned down again and kissed Clara full on the lips and invaded her mouth again with her tongue, which Clara was unable to prevent at all as she was too weak after her orgasm, so she just lay there until the lioness broke their kiss and purred in her ear as she nuzzled against her for a few minutes while they both recovered.

After five minutes or so, the lioness raised back up and got off of Clara, sliding Clara's now soft and flaccid member out of the pussy's tight little pussy. The lioness knelt down beside Clara and kissed her on the cheek, then got back up and started walking away, her hands softly caressing her belly while she had a satisfied and happy look on her face. Clara watched her walk away all happy and content, and full of her seed and couldn't help but smile herself, because even though it had been against her will it still felt incredible and she couldn't help but think she wouldn't mind meeting this lioness again sometime in the future, maybe on the way back she thought she'd look for her around here.

After a few more minutes of resting, Clara got back up and gathered her clothing up and redressed, then continued on back to their camp. When she arrived back at camp, she saw Sacajawea and Lois both sitting around the campfire, both with smiles on their faces.

“Did you have a good time Clara? It sounded like you did to the two of us a while ago, and we didn't hear any gunshots, so you must have enjoyed it,” Lois said to Clara, giggling softly to herself as Clara walked into the camp.

“I... s-shut up you,” Clara said to Lois as she walked over and sat down across the campfire from the the other two.

After that Lois teased Clara a little more before dropping the matter as their supper was finished cooking. They ate in relative silence as Clara blushed furiously about what had happened to her, unable to forget her experience so easily. After they were done eating they let their food settle and went on to bed, with Clara dreaming sweet dreams about the lioness from earlier that evening....
Re: Short Story Competition

(Chapter 3)

The next day after they all woke up, they got some breakfast in them and set out up the river again heading west. Later that day around three hours after noon, they saw what looked to be a native camp and stopped to talk and get some supplies if possible. Sacajawea did most of their talking as she was their translator and guide and she asked about the area and what more they could expect exactly, then she asked about trading for some supplies. While she spoke with the natives here, Lois and Clara were both kind of just standing about waiting for her to get done. Once Sacajawea was done speaking with them, she turned to Lois and Clara to inform the two of them about what all she'd learned.

“The chieftainess says that there are some dangerous plants around here that we should be careful of, that they like to grab the women of the tribe and as she put it to me they then seed them once they've grabbed them,” Sacajawea said once she was done speaking to the native chieftainess of this particular tribe, who remained standing there with them, apparently waiting on something.

“Sounds pretty dangerous around here then,” Clara said, the memory of the lioness the night before still fresh in her mind.

“Yeah, we'll have to be careful we don't run into any of these plants then. Did she tell you what they looked like at least? And did you find out if they would trade any with us?” Lois asked Sacajawea, curious about getting some more supplies.

“Ah no she didn't tell me what they looked like, but she did say yes they would be willing to trade some with us. I told her what we required and she said that in exchange for some food, she would like to look at what all we've got to trade with and she'd tell us what she liked and thought would be useful for her tribe,” Sacajawea replied to Lois's question, then turned back around to ask for a description of the plants she'd mentioned.

After another moment or two, Sacajawea turned back around to Lois, giving her the description she desired, “She says they look something like a large pink rose without the stem, half as tall as a human, and at first they look innocent, but when you get too close they open up and out comes many tentacles that protrude from what appears to be a young woman that is a part of the plant. If grabbed she said the tentacles will violate you until the plant woman is finished and has seeded you. She said they are called alraune.”

“Alraune huh, we'll be sure to try and avoid them then if possible, now tell her to come over here with us and we'll show her what all we've got to trade with,” Lois said as she, Clara, and Sacajawea led the chieftainess over to where they had landed their boat.

The chieftainess looked through what all they had and pointed at a couple of different things they had stored on their boat. While they were debating and deciding on what all to trade, the chieftainess bent down to look closely at something they had that she liked the looks of, and when she did so she glanced out of the corner of her eye and noticed the bulge that was in Lois's pants from her penis. The chieftainess raised back up and said something to Sacajawea, who smiled at Lois, who asked Sacajawea what they were talking about.

“It seems that she's noticed that you are... what you are Lois, and I told her yes that you are a futanari. She's just told me that she'd like those two things she pointed out and... well… she wants you for the night as well. What do you want me to tell her?” Sacajawea replied when Lois asked what was said.

“I... well...” Lois sputtered out, looking completely dumbfounded at her words.

“So Saca... are you saying she wants to have sex with me?” Lois asked once she had regained the ability of speech.

“Yes Lois, that's what I'm saying. The chieftainess said she wants you tonight as part of the payment, and that if you did this she would give us enough food to last us for two weeks. She also said that we can stay here for a night or two as their honored guests,” Sacajawea replied with as serious a look as she could, though she couldn't help but smile a little.

Lois stood there for a minute or two while she thought it over, eventually coming to the conclusion that it was a small price to pay for enough food to last them a whole fortnight, one that she'd very much enjoy in the end. She heard Clara burst out laughing while she was thinking it over and turned to look at her friend. Clara stopped laughing when she noticed Lois staring at her and just kind of looked down at the ground.

“Tell the chieftainess that... (sigh)... yes I'll do it as long as she keeps her end of the deal,” Lois told Sacajawea, then she glanced at Clara out of the corner of her eye and suddenly had an amusing idea and tapped Sacajawea on the shoulder to get her attention again and added, “Also tell her that Clara is the same as myself Saca, and that she would love to have some fun too.”

Clara's eyes went wide at Lois's words as Sacajawea relayed the message. “She said that was splendid, that if Clara would have lay with the tribe's greatest warrior which also happens to be her sister, then that would be wonderful and she'd give us enough food to last for three weeks instead. But that it was up to Clara,” Sacajawea said after relaying the message for Lois, and unmistakable smirk on her face.

Lois grinned a little wickedly at Clara for a moment before saying, “So Clara, do you want us to have plenty of food for another three weeks? Or would you rather us maybe go hungry out there in the wild?”

“N-No... I'll do it, you don't have to make me feel bad about it Lois,” Clara replied quickly, hanging her head slightly at Lois's words.

“Well then it's decided, I suppose we'll be staying here tonight then won't we. Saca, tell the chieftainess that we accept her offer and we'd be honored to stay. Also what's her name?” Lois told Sacajawea, who again relayed the message for her.

“She said her name is Wianacha, which means chieftainess in your tongue,” Sacajawea replied to Lois's question.

Once that had been decided, Lois, Clara, and Sacajawea all followed Wianacha on into her tribe's village. Wianacha showed them around her village and after a few minutes they came to a larger teepee that was set up around the edge of the village. When they got there Wianacha pointed at another woman that was sitting just outside of the teepee and said something that Lois and Clara didn't understand in the least, the woman she pointed at had many beads in her long black hair and she had a large spear that had many notches carved into it.

“This is Wianacha's sister and the tribe's greatest warrior, Wechuya, which can be translated to greatest warrior in your tongue,” Sacajawea said to the two when they gave her a puzzled look.

Wianacha said something else to Wechuya, who stood up and bowed her head slightly to Lois and Clara, bowing slightly deeper to Clara than Lois though, and Clara could only assume that Wianacha had informed her of part of the deal because Wechuya as she was called looked rather pleased upon looking closely at Clara. After that they all headed back to Wianacha's teepee and sat down to talk, with Sacajawea translating for them obviously. Lois and Clara told Sacajawea to tell them about their journey and explain what all they'd seen so far since they had met up with Sacajawea. After a while into her explanation, Lois and Clara watched as Wianacha and Wechuya both burst out laughing while pointing at Clara, who looked a little aggravated at them laughing at her.

“What did she say? Why are they laughing at me,” Clara asked Sacajawea.

“Wianacha says so you've run afoul of the Imuhota, or wildcat in your tongue, because she can see the love bite she left on your neck Clara. She means the mountain lioness you ran into yesterday. She also says to beware the Mayacha, or wild wolf, that they run in packs and when they see something they like, they take it. She told me that some of their men and some of their women that are like yourselves have been... ravaged by the Mayacha before, but not to worry too much that while they are rough with their... victims, they never kill them,” Sacajawea said, explaining what all had been said, unable to contain a giggle of her own.

Clara felt a little embarrassed now that she knew what she was being laughed at for, blushing as she looked away so they wouldn't see her red face while they laughed, Lois had joined in on their laughing as well. They continued talking back and forth through Sacajawea after that, and not long later Wianacha told Sacajawea to tell Lois and Clara that dinner would be ready soon and for them to just relax there while it was readied. They both nodded and after that they sat back and relaxed while the food was finished. Lois checked her pocket watch and it read out that it was now five o'clock.

After another hour or so of waiting when the sun was starting to set, Wianacha came back to the tent and told them that dinner was ready and gestured for them to follow her out. They were led outside where a feast had been prepared for them all and Lois and Clara had the places of honor next to Wianacha. There were many feasting and dancing around the large campfire in the center of the village and a few minutes after they ate, Wianacha got up and grabbed Lois's hands and pulled her up. She was wondering what was going on when Sacajawea informed her that she was wanting her to dance. Wechuya did the same with Clara and before they knew it, Lois and Clara were both dancing with the rest of the tribe. After one dance was done, they were pulled away by the two and a pair of the tribeswomen brought over two skins filled to the brim with something, Lois and Clara had no idea what it was until Sacajawea told them what it was.

“It's you would call fire whiskey. They want you two to drink,” Sacajawea explained to them both.

Lois hesitated for only a second or two before taking the skin and tipping it up and drinking deeply of the liquor, while Clara was a little more hesitant about it, but in the end she brought it to her lips and took a sip and swallowed it down. Wechuya took the skin from her and took a drink herself, then popped it back into Clara's mouth and tipped it up and forced Clara to drink down the substance. It felt like liquid fire almost to both girls, but they managed to choke it down without too much trouble.

A few minutes later, after the two were partially drunk from kind of being forced to drink more down than they already had, Wianacha and her sister Wechuya grabbed their respective bed companions for the night and led them to their tents. Wianacha's tent was the closer of the two and as soon as she had Lois inside she gently helped her lay down on the bedding she had inside and leaned in to kiss her without any hesitation at all. Lois wasn't as drunk as Clara had been and was only at that perfect buzz, while Clara was a bit tipsy when she was taken off.

Lois didn't try to stop Wianacha and allowed her to kiss as long as she felt, and was eventually laid back to lay down while she was kissed. Wianacha didn't waste too much time in undressing Lois and began with pulling her shirt off, then after beholding Lois's rather ample chest and groping her breasts, Wianacha began stripping Lois's pants off of her and then her underclothing until she was completely naked. Once naked, Lois watched Wianacha strip herself naked and beheld the native woman in all her beauty, which she was quite beautiful indeed. She had long black hair fixed in a beautiful beaded braid, she didn't look very old and if Lois had to guess she was probably in her late twenties or so, she had brown eyes, a larger than average bust around D-cups.

The sight of Wianacha's naked form caused Lois to feel a stir in her loins and her member began stiffening up. When Wianacha saw this, her eyes widened for a moment and a smirk appeared on her lips, then she reached out and gently ran the tips of her fingers up Lois's length, causing Lois to gasp out from the sudden pleasure she felt at Wianacha's touch, making the native woman giggle slightly at her reaction. Wianacha continued gently touching and tickling Lois's length until she was fully erect and gave a satisfied smile when she beheld the ten inches of hot hard meat Lois had between her legs.

A moment later Wianacha maneuvered around so she was straddling Lois and then she lifted her hips up and grabbed Lois's length, aimed it at her nether lips, then slowly lowered herself back down. When Lois's tip brushed against Wianacha's moist snatch, they both gasped again. Moments later, Lois felt herself begin to be enveloped in Wianacha's nice warm body, sinking deeper and deeper in until their bodies met one another.

Wianacha began rocking her hips back and forth while slowly bouncing on top of Lois, bringing soft sweet moans from both of them. Lois grabbed hold of Wianacha's hips while she continued rocking, doing whatever she could to help increase both of their pleasure. They continued like this for some time, with both of them getting more and more heated as they went, and their moans and louder and louder. Lois was soon nearing her peak and couldn't help herself as she raised up and kissed Wianacha passionately on the lips, attempting to and failing to wrestle her tongue down.

Soon enough Wianacha slammed her hips down one last time onto Lois and with that both of them let out cries of pleasure that flowed through the walls of the teepee and could be heard all around the village. Lois didn't feel Wianacha lift off of her as she spurted her seed with no control into the native woman, filling her to the brim with her seed. It seemed to Lois that Wianacha didn't care whether or not she got pregnant as she shot out the last couple of spurts, and when she was done Wianacha collapsed over onto Lois, both of them completely limp from the experience, and Lois now only half hard where it counted.

Though they had just gotten done, Wianacha it seemed wasn't through yet and wanted more as she rolled off of Lois and got on her hands and knees, her butt facing Lois as she gently shook it back and forth in a very enticing manner. This action quickly brought Lois's member back to full attention and she knew what Wianacha was wanting, so she decided to do what was expected of her and raised up, where she then moved up behind her bed companion and after aiming her once again throbbing manhood at Wianacha's sopping wet folds again, she thrust forward into them, bringing a moan from both of them as their sweat was practically pouring from their bodies.

Lois started thrusting into her partner's tight wet folds, losing herself in her lust again as the two began moaning from the pleasure. It didn't take too long before the two reached their peaks again and Lois exploded into orgasm, firing spurt after spurt of her burning seed into Wianacha's pussy. Once the fireworks of her orgasm had subsided and she'd unloaded her entire load into her partner, Lois collapsed over beside Wianacha as her member slipped out of her with a wet slurping sound. After that Lois was done and fell over completely spent and exhausted after finishing up, Wianacha crawled over to her and snuggled up beside her, cuddling up to Lois's right side and saying something that Lois couldn't make out, but she assumed it was her saying something to the effect of, “That was great,” and with that Wianacha laid her head down on Lois's shoulder and drifted off to sleep, with Lois right behind her.

Clara meanwhile followed Wechuya to her tent, a little more drunk than Lois was. They stumbled into the tent where Wechuya pushed her kind of roughly down onto her bed, which kind of scared Clara a little.

“Is this the second time in two days I'm going to be manhandled sexually?” Clara idly thought to herself as she watched Wechuya strip herself down to nothing. She then began to give Clara a little dance as if to show off all of her assets and tease Clara, which Clara liked quite a bit as she felt her manhood quickly grow to full attention and create an unmistakable bulge in her pants.

Wechuya said something to Clara after that, with Clara merely shrugging her shoulders, which made Wechuya laugh at herself as she shook her head apparently remembering that Clara couldn't understand her. She then knelt beside Clara and gently pulled on her shirt, and finally Clara got the message, she apparently wanted her to undress, which she quickly did, pulling her shirt off first, then her pants, then her underclothing, tossing them all over the inside of the large teepee.

Wechuya saw Clara's member already fully erect when she pulled her pants down and ogled it for a moment before saying something else that Clara didn't understand. Before she could even think of what she said, Wechuya reached out and touched Clara's length, running her fingertips up and down her length and causing a few coos from Clara as she was gently pleasured. Wechuya leaned in and gently licked Clara's member, drawing a soft moan from Clara, then she moved around to straddle Clara. Once atop Clara, Wechuya leaned down and kissed her again, their tongues wrestling around with one another for a few moments before Wechuya claimed victory over Clara.

When they pulled apart there was a strand of saliva connecting the two of them together and Clara could feel the aching and burning need in her loins, so when she felt Wechuya lift herself up and then lower herself back down again so her member slid inside of her, Clara let out a lustful moan that started low, the volume of her moan increased higher and higher until it was nearly a scream with every one of her eleven inches that slipped inside of Wechuya's warm wet lower lips.

Clara felt Wechuya start rocking her hips and started thrusting up to meet her every time she lifted her body, it seemed that Wechuya was going to be more gentle than the lioness the day before. Wechuya seemed to like this and Clara felt her start going a little faster and harder, throwing her original thought of her being more gentle out the window. Clara lay there while Wechuya rode her, sweat glistening on both of their bodies as they worked each other closer and closer towards climax and Clara raised up and wrapped her arms around Wechuya to hold her, and Wechuya in turn wrapped her legs around Clara and shook her head, swinging her hair out as her slit tightened around Clara's member.

When Clara felt her tighten up around her, she nearly lost it and went over the edge but managed to hold back the torrents of cum that were eager to escape. Wechuya must have felt Clara throbbing inside of her or something, because a few moments after she had tightened up so harshly around Clara, she loosened her iron grip a little and slowed the rocking of her hips which gave Clara a little reprieve to catch her breath. It seemed that Wechuya wanted this to last for a while too Clara thought.

After giving Clara a minute to cool down a little, Wechuya began bouncing and rocking herself even harder and faster than before, which absolutely drove Clara wild with desire. Only a minute after Wechuya started back up, Clara felt herself give out as she could hold back no longer, her body tensing and her back arching as she reached climax and painted the inside of Wechuya's pussy white with her cum. Then as if the amount of pleasure she was already in wasn't enough, she felt Wechuya tighten even more around her as she came to her own orgasm, wringing out every last drop of Clara's seed from her still squirting cock. During both of their orgasms, they both let out not cries, but full screams of pleasure that echoed around the entire village not long after Lois's and Wianacha's first orgasms.

She wasn't done with Clara yet though and just like Wianacha did with Lois, though these two didn't know it, Wechuya raised back up and dismounted Clara, who's chest was heaving like mad from the tiring experience, but her shaft was still as hard as it had been over the last few minutes if not even harder if that were possible. She glanced over to see Wechuya laying beside her, her legs spread wide as she motioned Clara over to her in a very enticing manner. Clara didn't disappoint Wechuya's expectations as a fire had been kindled in her loins again and she immediately got up and moved over on top of her, where she aimed herself at Wechuya's honeypot and thrust inside. As soon as she was inside, they both let out squeals of pleasure and Clara began thrusting as hard and fast as she could, all caution thrown to the winds.

It didn't take much longer after that for the two of them to reach their respective climaxes again, but even then it seemed Wechuya wasn't done and rolled Clara back over so she was on top again, then started riding the young explorer. Their hot passionate sex went far into the night after that, Clara's magnificent erection managing to last until Wechuya's strength was completely spent. Once she was finally done, she snuggled up to Clara and went right to sleep....
Re: Short Story Competition

(Chapter: 4)

The next morning Lois woke up feeling quite refreshed and very good, she glanced over and found that Wianacha was still asleep and snuggled up to her under the furs she used for blankets. She didn't make to get up just yet, as she felt too good, and she didn't want to wake Wianacha because she looked too peaceful laying there. So she simply lay there for a little while longer and waited for the chieftainess to wake up. Clara meanwhile woke up rather sore from her sexual romp the night before, though it was a good sore. When Clara opened her eyes, she noticed that Wechuya had snuggled back against her and she had an arm draped over the native warrioress, who seemed rather cozy where she was at.

After a little while both of the girls bed companions woke up and stretched, then kissed them on the cheeks, bringing a little blush from Lois and Clara both. Lois started to go ahead and get up when Wianacha gently pushed her back down onto the bedding and said something, then got up, wrapped one of her long furs around herself and walked out, leaving Lois wondering as to what she wanted her to do exactly. A few minutes later the chieftainess came back with a wooden bowl full of nuts and berries and set it beside Lois on the bedding and laid down on the opposite side of it and began eating some, then offered one of the berries to Lois, who eagerly took one and said a quick thank you, smiling at the chieftainess for being so considerate.

Clara meanwhile lay there for a few minutes longer than Lois did waiting for Wechuya to wake up. It thankfully didn't take too much longer for her to awaken, but Clara didn't want to wake her up by getting up herself when she looked so comfortable laying there in her arms. When Wechuya did finally wake up, she raised up stretched, then turned around to see Clara still laying there and leaned down where she kissed her passionately, stealing Clara's breath away as she lay there and let her bed companion kiss her to her hearts content.

After the kiss Wechuya got up and then dressed, then helped Clara find all of her clothing that she'd thrown all about the teepee the night before, then she helped her get dressed too. Once dressed, Clara got up and followed the native warrioress out into the village and made her way over to the teepee that she saw Lois go into the night before. Along the way she ran into Sacajawea, who looked like she was wanting to say something, but didn't much to Clara's relief.

Just before Clara was about to say something, Lois's head popped out and she looked up at her two companions.

“Something wrong?” she asked the two of them.

“No nothing wrong, just uh... you know, waiting to get out of here. I think I need to wash up first though,” Clara replied.

“I take it the two of you had fun last night? I mean not that the entire village didn't hear you but you know,” Sacajawea asked, finally coming out of her silence, giggling as she spoke.

Lois and Clara both blushed deeply at her words, but didn't deny them at all. Lois mumbled something to the, and disappeared back inside the teepee, then a minute or so later she came back out with her clothes on and Wianacha right behind her, also now clothed. Lois had Sacajawea ask Wianacha where they could go to get cleaned up while she got their supplies readied for them when they left later that day and she replied through their guide/translator where they could go, and that they insisted they stay that night as well.

“I...” Lois started saying but stopped short, then looked to Clara and gave a questioning look to her as if asking if she wanted to stay the night again. Clara shrugged her shoulders and then nodded, giving her consent to stay another night.

“Tell her yes we'll stay another night if it is okay with her and her people,” Lois told Sacajawea, who translated for them.

They then went on and got cleaned up in a nearby stream, which was thankfully not very cold. Once they came back they really just lazed around as there was nothing that they could really do other than go through their gear and make sure they had it all in order. So that's what they did. When dinnertime came around that day, they ate with everyone like the night before, though it wasn't so much a feast like the night before. After eating they talked with Wianacha and Wechuya again with Sacajawea translating for them, and after their food has settled and everything, Lois went with Wianacha while Clara went with Wechuya again to their respective teepees. After another night of wonderful sex with the two, Lois and Clara both fell sound asleep.

When they woke the morning after that, they lazed around for a few minutes before getting up and dressed, then went to wash up a little before coming back for breakfast. After they ate and gathered up all of the extra supplies promised to them by Wianacha and loaded them into the boat with the villagers help. Before they boarded their boat, the chieftainess and her sister both came over to them and said something.

“They said they wish us a safe journey and that we come back soon,” Sacajawea translated for them.

“Tell her that of course we'll come back this way when we're done. I'd be honored to do so,” Lois told Sacajawea, then Clara agreed with her and said pretty much the same thing, then their guide translated for them again.

The two came over and hugged Lois and Clara, then kissed them on the cheeks before bowing their heads slightly to them, bidding them farewell. After that, they continued west on their journey towards the pacific coast.

It was an hour before noon when they set out and nothing really eventful happened until lunch, which was itself uneventful as well. After lunch they continued on until nightfall where they set up camp and went on to sleep. The next morning they woke and got ready to leave again and that day too was rather uneventful. The day after that was uneventful up until sunset, which was when they heard the howling of a wolf in the distance.

“I hope that isn't those Mayacha or whatever that Wianacha talked about a couple of days ago,” Lois said, shivering a little at the sound as they set up their tent.

“Who knows, I don't like the sounds of it though,” Clara replied, looking around towards where she thought the howling came from.

“We should stay close tonight,” Sacajawea said to the two, who both nodded.

After they got their tents set up, they set about getting some food cooked up for dinner. While their food was cooking they kept a close eye on their surroundings to make sure nothing managed to sneak close to their camp without them seeing it. It wasn't long before their food was finished cooking and then they started eating, still keeping a close eye out for anything out of the ordinary. While they ate, they saw shadows moving around the edge of camp and then something rustled a nearby bush. When Clara noticed this, she grabbed her musket pistol from its holster and aimed it at where the bushes were rustling.

“Wait Clara, don't just go shooting. We don't know what it is just yet,” Lois told Clara, waving her down a little while they looked

Clara remained tense until the bushes rustled again and the shadows moved again, then she got really tense, as did Lois this time it seemed as she pulled out her own pistol and a long knife with it to ward off whatever it was lurking at the edges of their camp. The bushes rustled a few more times after that, and every time they aimed their pistols straight at where the sounds came from and at the shadows flitting between the trees and bushes.

“It is alright you two, just finish eating before the food gets cold. They only smelled the food being cooked and came to see what it was is all,” Sacajawea said and got up, then she walked slowly over to the edge of their camp with a piece of the cooked venison they had made earlier and a wooden bowl.

She held it out in a sort of peace offering and then set it down onto the ground in the wooden bowl she had and backed away from it. A few moments later the bush next to her rustled and the other two watched as what looked like a young woman popped her head out of the bushes and stared at Sacajawea as she slowly came out to where she'd just set the meat down at. She was about five feet tall and had black wolf like ears on her head, as well as a black furry wolf like tail just above her butt, and the most noticeable thing about her was that she was naked. She gave a few cautious glances at Sacajawea as she eased her way over to the bowl where she sniffed the meat cautiously and then picked it up and nibbled on it to see what it tasted like.

The wolf girl sat there and ate the food Sacajawea gave her, all but forgetting about the girls sitting just ten feet away from her. Clara thought the wolf girl was cute and couldn't help herself, she slowly got up and crept towards her until she got close enough to reach out and pet the wolf girl on the head. When her hand brushed across the wolf girl's hair, the wolf girl stopped eating and looked up at her, her ears twitching cutely and her tail wagging happily as Clara knelt down beside her. Clara started scratching the wolf girl's head right behind her ears and watched as the wolf girl giggled and then hopped up and licked Clara on the cheek.

“Well aren't you just the cutest thing. You like that don't you, well here I'll scratch you some more okay cutie,” Clara said, scratching the wolf girl's head some more.

The wolf girl let Clara scratch her for another minute or so before she went back to eating the meat and once she was finished eating it she looked back at Clara who was now sitting back over with the others and eating the rest of her own food. She slowly moved over to Clara in a stealthy way, though Clara could easily see her as she came at her. When the wolf girl was close enough to do so, she pounced at Clara playfully and the two rolled around on the ground for a minute. The wolf girl then licked Clara's cheek again and suddenly stopped as she felt something poking her stomach. When she looked down she saw Clara's pants had a bulge in them from where her penis was quickly getting quite stiff, and the wolf girl curiously looked at it and reached out with a hand and brushed her fingers across Clara's penis.

Clara gasped out at the touch and tried to pull the wolf girl's hands away from her, but the wolf girl seemed to have other ideas and grabbed hold of Clara's pants and started pulling them down.

“H-Hey wait, stop that. No if you do that... I...” Clara said, trying to keep her pants from being pulled down as she pulled against the wolf girl.

“Hehe, looks like you made a friend Clara,” Lois said to her friend, chuckling at the sight of what was going on.

“D-Don't just stand there laughing at me, help,” Clara whined, still wrestling to keep her pants up.

In the end the wolf girl managed to pull her pants down before Lois got over to help her get loose, with the wolf girl having a curious look on her face the whole time as if she just had to know what it was that poked her in the stomach a couple of minutes before. As soon as Clara's pants were down enough for her member to jump free, the wolf girl let go of her pants and fell back as if it had scared her. She stared closely at Clara's penis for a few moments, then bounded off into the night, leaving Clara sitting there wondering what that was all about.

“Well let's just try and get some sleep then,” Lois said to her friend after the wolf girl ran off, helping Clara back to her feet and into her clothing, then the two of them headed on to lay down, while Sacajawea offered to take the first watch so they could get some rest.

Later in the night while they were trying to sleep, they heard the distant howling of a wolf again and Clara raised up very quickly in her bedroll. Lois just woke and looked up at Clara from where she lay in her own bedroll.

“It's just a wolf howling Clara, try and get some more sleep okay,” Lois said to her friend, then rolled over and went back to sleep.

Clara did lay back down, however she just couldn't seem to fall back to sleep. She remembered what Wianacha told them about the Mayacha or wild wolves or whatever they were, and she was sure that wolf girl from earlier was one of those. She lay there for nearly another hour before Sacajawea came and got her to take her shift in the watch.

While she was doing her shift of the watch, she looked around and jumped at nearly every little sound she heard. After two whole hours into her four hour watch, Clara heard a wolf howling again, this one much closer than the last time. Thirty minutes after that, she heard the howls again even closer. Then fifteen minutes after that, she heard it again even closer than that, with the howls sounding only about a mile or so off. Clara sat there watching very carefully, keeping her back to the tent and looking about while holding her weapons close.

As she watched the edges of their camp, she saw one of the bushes rustle a little and aimed her pistol at said bush. A moment later another bush rustled and she turned her aim at that one, then a second bush rustled right after, which brought Clara's aim at that one. This continued for nearly two minutes, the bushes rustling and Clara aiming back and forth between them when they did. She finally couldn't help herself any longer and glanced back over her shoulder and reached into the tent and nudged Lois with her hand.

“Hey Lois, come on get up. Something's out here... I don't know what it is, but it's stalking the camp,” Clara said to her friend, shaking her a bit hard wake her as quickly as she could.

“Alright alright, I'm up,” Lois said sleepily to Clara, rubbing her eyes as she raised up and grabbed her pistol and sword. A minute later Lois came out of the tent and took one of their torches over and used the campfire to light it while Clara pointed at the bushes she heard rustling.

“Come on now Clara, let's go see what it is, so I can get some more sleep,” Lois said as she lit her torch.

“I don't know Lois, I don't like this,” Clara said as she stayed close to her friend with her own weapon at the ready.

As they got closer to the bushes the wolf girl from earlier burst out from them at the two along with four other wolf girls, the five of them tackling Lois and Clara to the ground under them. Lois and Clara both yelped out as they were tackled to the ground, with three of the wolf girls on Lois, while the black haired one from earlier and another black haired one was with Clara. Before Lois and Clara could even do anything the wolf girls tore their clothing off of the two of them and when they saw them both naked, the wolf girls all got a joyful look on their faces as they all stared at their large tools.

“Oh no not again,” Clara whined as she was stripped naked.

Lois tried to knock the wolf girls off of her and get free to grab her weapon, but when she tried to push them away, they all growled at her and bared their teeth. This scared Lois down and prevented her from struggling any more, while Clara didn't even bother struggling because she knew what would happen and she didn't want to be humiliated that badly. The two could only lay there as the wolf girls pleasured them, bringing both of their members to full readiness.

The wolf girls didn't seem to want to hurt them, but they didn't look like they were going to stop anytime soon either. Lois watched as the three wolf girls on her all started growling at each other until two of them backed down and the one they backed down from quickly mounted Lois's massive erection. Lois let out a pleasurable moan as she felt her shaft enveloped by the wolf girl's heat, which ignited her own desire. Clara was going through much the same thing as the wolf girl she'd played with earlier mounted her and began rocking and bouncing herself on Clara's hard member.

While they were pretty much being raped, Clara glanced over to see Sacajawea peeking out through her tent flap. She knew she probably wouldn't be able to chase them off by herself and just decided to lay there and let it happen.

The wolf girl on top of Clara suddenly stopped and leaned down and licked her on the cheek again like she did earlier. Clara wondered what she was about to do when the wolf girl pulled her around until Clara was on top of her while she got into a doggystyle position, once in her desired position, the wolf girl enticingly shook her butt back and forth for Clara, urging her on. Clara figured she might as well get on with it and have a good time with this as she started thrusting.

Lois meanwhile merely held on for dear life as she was ridden by the wolf girl mounted on her. The wolf girl on Lois was throwing her head this way and that as she happily impaled herself upon Lois's shaft, giving howls of joy as she did. She soon gave out when the wolf girl let out a loud and lewd wolf howl, her tight folds tightening even tighter as she all but dragged out Lois's orgasm, milking every little bit of seed she had out.

Clara was right behind her and threw her head back with a cry of pleasure as her partner let loose with her own howl of bliss, with Clara filling her to the brim with her seed and not really caring much as she felt too good to care.

That was their first of many orgasms that night, with the wolf girls, or Mayacha as the natives around here called them had their way with the two for a couple of hours, all five taking turns with both at least twice each. They had sex with Lois and Clara until their dicks were worn out and simply wouldn't stand any longer for the five of them to play with. Once they were done and had all started calming down, Sacajawea crept from her tent towards them and tapped the one that she fed the meat from earlier on the shoulder. That wolf girl turned to look at her and after a bit of explaining and gesturing, Sacajawea managed to get them to help her get the two back into their tent, where the wolf girls joined them in their bedrolls after Sacajawea coaxed them under the covers to see how warm it was.

The next morning Lois and Clara both woke in their bedrolls feeling very warm and quite sore, but it was a good sore. At first they though it may have been a dream, but when they opened their eyes and saw each other surrounded by all of the wolf girls from the night before, they knew they hadn't dreamed it at all, though they weren't all that torn up over it to say the least considering they got to have some great sex. They were all snuggled down in their bedrolls and were all cozy and warm, and considering how cool it was outside at the moment they were quite glad to be surrounded as they were by the wolf girls. Not long after they both woke up the wolf girls piled up around them under the blankets started waking up, and as soon as the black haired one that they'd fed the night before woke and looked up at Clara, she leaned her head up and licked Clara on the cheek again. Clara giggled softly at this and before the wolf girl laid her head back down, Clara pulled her back up into an actual kiss, softly moaning out as their lips pressed against one another.

“I think I like exploring Lois. What about you?” Clara absentmindedly said to her friend.

“Mmhm, I think I do too,” Lois replied in agreement, giving a satisfied sigh as she lay in her bedroll buried under and against the three wolf girls sleeping with her.

They lay there for a few more minutes and relaxed until the wolf girls all started getting up and watched as the began stretching just like a wolf, raising their butts up into the air and everything. Lois and Clara both couldn't help but giggle a little, thinking it quite cute to see the sight of them doing that like they were. While the two of them watched the wolf girls stretching, they noticed that they were still naked, but amazingly that wasn't affecting them as much as it would have the night before, they felt truly content and satisfied for now after such a wild night.

The wolf girls tails were all wagging happily as they exited the tent, leaving Lois and Clara to suspect that they were leaving them to go on their way, but before they left each of them kissed Lois and Clara both on the lips like Clara had done to her little friend. As Lois and Clara were getting out of their bedrolls, they felt the dull after sex ache in their loins ache slightly more from their moving around, but they didn't mind too much and managed to cope with it easily enough. When they finally got dressed and ready for the day and went opened the tent flap, they saw that all of the wolf girls were indeed gone like they thought, however they felt that they would probably see them again on their way back through here, and they made a mental note of this particular area so they could look around for them on the way back too.

“I wonder what we'll run into next you know. I'm already shivering in expectation of whatever it is,” Clara said once they were both outside their tent and getting the fire going good again to cook some breakfast.

“I don't know, but if it felt as good as it did last night, then I can live with being a little sore every once in a while. I do hope we'll see those, what was it... oh yeah Mayacha again,” Lois replied and helped her get breakfast started....


After that the two continued their journey and ran into all sorts of different things in their exploration of north western America as they made their way to the pacific ocean, with Lois and Clara getting into all sorts of different situations where they ended up having lots of sexy fun. But those stories are for another time.

(Writer's Note: I may write more to the story if enough people seem to like it and want me to.)