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Siberian Base Camp


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Lodged withing a small canyon in northern Siberia lies a small camp of thermal tents, soldiers dressed in fur parka's standing guard outside each tent. The wind howls as it blows over the edges of the canyon, giving off a very cold breeze that chills to the bone. Here the USLD Last Resort Task Force resides, waiting on information as to the location of a certain facility.

"God damn it's cold out here" one soldier says, rubbing his hands together, the other looking over at him "You sure the Commander is gonna be alright out there? He said he was hunting Siberian tigers or something." the soldier says, a shadow on the small horizon at one end of the canyon, two large red lights in the place where eyes would be on the head of the shadow "The commander is back!" the first soldier cries out, the shadow starting to take shape, a man with a black pair of pants and specially designed coat on his body "Report." his gruff voice asking, his hands pocketed and his head turned to look at the first soldier "Sir! Nothing out of the ordinary, as far as we can tell" the soldier says, raising his right arm to a salute "Very good. I'll be in the command tent." he says, turning and walking past the soldiers, towards a large tent and opening the cloth door and entering, multiple soldiers inside wearing clothing that is mostly non standard issue "You all know why you're here, right? To ensure the survival of the Human Race and to save all sentient life in this galaxy. Any questions?"
Re: Siberian Base Camp

What are the full specs on our assignment, sir? Says one of the few people in the room actually wearing standard fatigues, Jillian Venthari. The only non standard part of the green-haired woman's uniform is that it has been unbuttoned enough to show her weapon disk.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"We're to wait here for HQ to find out more information and give us the exact location of the facility which contains our ship. It was lost in the records when the war broke out, so they say. I'm just taking this time to get to know all of you and find out what kind of people they stuck under my command." Michael says, his arms drawing from his pockets and crossing "Most of you know me by my reputation as 'The Reaper.' I'd like to get to know the rest of you."
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Very well, sir. I am Jillian Venthari, a descendant of those who were a part of the Kundaia Foundation's genetically enhanced private army, sir. She says in response
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"Kundaia, eh? I seem to recall that name. Something about them being partners with the group that gave me these." Michael says, pulling back the sleeve on his left arm, revealing what looks like a tendril wrapped around his arm in a tightly coiled spiral "If it wasn't for them, I'd still be just your average human. But, I've gone off topic. This is about all of you, at the moment, not me." he says, pulling the sleeve back down and grasping the right lens of his goggles, the red glow still emanating from them "Please, do elaborate on yourself, miss Venthari."
Re: Siberian Base Camp

There is nothing more to say, sir. The Kundaia Foundation programmed our genes to make us obedient to our superiors and to be a soldier, sir. It was difficult for me to even gain skills at manipulating computers, sir. She says in a way of explanation.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"Perfect. I have a zombie in my squad. Who else would care to elaborate more about themselves?" Michael says, sitting down in a chair and crossing his right leg over his left and interlocking his fingers "I need to know what makes my squad tick in order to better grasp how good you are in combat."
Re: Siberian Base Camp

A woman near the back speaks up. She is of average height and a slender build, with brown hair and green eyes, and appears to be almost completely unmodified, with the exception of a bare patch of skin right behind her right temple, where there appears to be what looks like a headphone jack.

"Linda, sir. I'm your resident longarm. I don't really have anything specific in the way of 'ticking', but if you want to know anything specific, just ask."
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"A sniper. Impressive. You're going to be very useful on this mission." Michael says, a smile on his face as he taps his thumbs together "Anyone else care to tell us your story? Why did you get sent here? Did you volunteer, or were you ordered?"
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Ava remained silent as each the commander attempted to learn more about the other soldiers in the encampment gave a brief summary regarding their respective selves one by one. When it was her turn to share information about herself, she spoke only a few words in a voice that was barely audible before handing a piece of paper to "the Reaper",

"Ava. Indoor Specialist."

The paper itself, contained a plethora of techno-jargon and general information regarding Ava. Her capabilities, her recommended role, etc. However, one instruction in particular stood out amidst the others:

Should the test subject be unable to meet the expected outputs shown here or show any behavior outside of planned results, the test subject is to be shot and eliminated at once by the commanding officer.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

A heavy armored hand rises. "Christopher Miller, Call name Machine, Sir. I kill stuff." The man certainly looks like it, standing at about 6'6" and wearing a heavy combat armor. The stump of a cigar rests in the corner of his mouth.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"Sam here sir, an honor to meet you.", says a very feminine looking man who doesn't seem to be physically fit at all. "I'm here on behalf of the USLD Scientic Program. As of now, I'm more fit for reconnaisance than any other job." You see his veins bulge for a second yet they dissapear from aight almost immediately.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Lillius shivered, even with several layers of clothing. She really hoped that the others couldn't 'smell' her... it could make things iffy. Hopefully some wind would carry the scent away? Really, why send her to Siberia? She and cold do not mix!

"I am Lillius, commander," she said with a curstie. "Infiltration, disruption."

She rubbed her hands and arms, wanting to get warm.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Ava. Don't worry, I won't shoot you unless you commit an act of treason." Michael says, standing when he hears Machine speak "A killing machine is exactly what we need." he says, grasping his chin with his right hand and nodding as he listens to Sam "Well. I can see we've all been screwed over in our own unique way. But hey, let's not let that keep us from accomplishing our goal." he says, grasping the right lens of his goggles again "I can tell this is going to turn out to be quite the mission." he says, noticing Lillius and chuckling "A pleasure to meet you, miss Lillius."
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Re: Siberian Base Camp

Ava get a slight nod in response to the "reassurance" the commander had given her. Although she had no more expectations of living then she had before, it was better to respond appropriately than to cause unnecessary strife within the group. That was how she had been conditioned to be after all...
Re: Siberian Base Camp

*bundled up with teeth still chattering she lifted her hand up from somewhere near the biggest group of people using them for extra warmth* long-range support sir!. you got two of us! The name's talenta
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Michael smiles and begins to shake his head, then notices a woman off in one corner of the tent, dressed in a skimpy red outfit and bearing cat ears on her head "And who are you, young missy? You look too young to be a member of this expedition. Please explain why you are here." he says, his arms crossed as he looks at her
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"Ha ha ha".

Aika dryly laughs.

"Listen Mister Reaper, I don't know what they've told you about me, but obviously it isn't enough for you to know that I don't take kindly to people making fun of my height. You're my superior, so you tell me to do something, I'll do it. But if anyone fries to make fun of my height or ears, you'll be dead before you finish the sentence."

She doesn't look up at all while saying this. She finally stands up and looks at her leader right in the eyes.

"I'm bored already. When do I get to do something?"
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"You seem like just the type of person we need on this mission. Welcome aboard, miss?" Michael stops mid-sentence to ask for her name "Whatever your name is, welcome aboard. And please, call me Michael."
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Sir! may i ask how long we are gonna be stuck in this icecube? I could use some nice warm sunshine about now..