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Siberian Base Camp

Re: Siberian Base Camp

I will not back out, sir. Jillian says before climbing into the APC and settling into a seat.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Linda just takes a seat quietly, glad for her climate-controlled bodysuit.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"A medic, huh. How good are you with a screwdriver and a blowtorch?" Machine undoes the helmet and puts it underneath the bench to reveal the metallic parts of the neck and the cybernetic eye. He takes a good long look at the woman while he takes out the stump of the cigar and snips it outside, barely missing Talenta. "Oops."
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Melissa eyes up Machine and says off-handedly, "You don't get to be a doctor these days unless you can handle cybernetics." She leans back and closes her eyes, then continues, "Don't worry metal man, I'll make sure to keep all your nuts and bolts tight. Just don't blame me if you find you have a few screws loose." She says with a smile, "I'm no psychotherapist."
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Leaping into the APC, she crawls along the roof to join the other one. "Heya," she said friendily, folding her wings and antennai down a bit.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

A short laugh escapes Machine's laugh. "I bet you've just about heard every nuts joke there is, huh." The metal eye whirrs a bit as it seemingly turns up into his skull, staring at the insect girl above them.
"Oh wow. Can't say I've seen one like you before. Fresh out of some gov'ment tank, huh?"
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Michael smiles as the back of his coat begins to move, four tendrils shooting out and operating the buttons and panels that allow him to operate the APC, four more shooting out of the end of his shirt sleeve, two wrapping around the wheel and two reaching down to the floor of the vehicle. "Hang on, ladies and gentlemen. We're outta here!" he says, the APC moving and turning away from the canyon, heading northwest over the plains of Siberia "So. What was the last mission you were assigned to before getting stuck here?"
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Feeling the breeze as she held the vehicle, she shrugged a bit as she kept an eye out. "So what if I'm a killing machine, at least I'm not killing you!" she pointed out to the one that talked to her. "I'm called Xerberus by the way. You?"
Re: Siberian Base Camp

(Wait lurker - are you outside the APC or inside?)

Machine shrugs and turns towards Michael. "Escorted some refugees back to earth, Sir. Went better than expected." Of course, better than expected doesn't mean much in these days. "Not EVERYBODY died."
Re: Siberian Base Camp

366 doesn't seem ruffled by the wind, nor the blizzard they drive through. Her visor glows red for a moment as she scans in thermal, before switching back to a muted white. She speaks up, though, voice low.

"The problem.. with killing machines.. is that when there's no enemies left... who do they kill?"
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Melissa laughs at Machine, "Yeah, every soldier's a comedian when it's physical time." When Micheal asks his question she sits up a bit straighter and says, "Sir, Tenebrous 7. Alk's attacked the colony there."
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Ava made no effort to take part in the random conversations scattered about as she took the oversized "great bow" from her back and begin "priming it" for use, running a last minute systems check of her weapons.

"Exodus Great Bow systems check complete, no abnormalities detected. Genesis energy capacitors are fully charged, all systems green. Lamentation Blade appears to require slight maintenance for optimal performance, but is combat-ready nontheless...

The girl continued looking over her combat gear, mumbling to herself for the duration of the drive...
Re: Siberian Base Camp

(outside, I think it was a fluke lol)

She shrugged. "I dunno... they may even lock me up again, which is why I want to enjoy my freedom while I can..." A witsful look was in her eyes, even as she watched the snowy landscape. "So... how dangerous is out here?"
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"I heard about that. Most of the evacs ended up dead before they could get to Earth." Michael says, his tendrils still working and pressing buttons and levers to keep the APC at maximum speed "We'll be there in three minutes. Prepare for combat." he says, a smile on his face as a large building begins to loom through the snowstorm

((The building will have it's own thread, FYI))
Re: Siberian Base Camp

A wry chuckle escapes the emotionless visor, though the sound is distorted, electronic. 366 gestures to the whirling snows around them.

"It's as dangerous as you make it. Watch your corners, keep your safety off, and you'll be just fine."
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"Most of the safetys I got go boom," she pointed out, quickly cycling through her disk equip until grabbing the ray weapon, letting it charge a bit as she readies herself. "Should be there any moment, heard the captain's vibrations."
Re: Siberian Base Camp

"Now, what to pick. . ." Machine acts as if he ponders, but really - he doesn't. When worse comes to worse, Rob hasn't let him down yet.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Sam puts his hand in a sac she had containing flat disk like grenades. His face began to grow flush red, especially his cheeks as he prepared his body for combat and began pumping estrogen into his system lest he be captured. His joints loosened slightly and his breathing grew irregular for a moment before he increased the oxygen input in his blood transportation tubes.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Adria stands now, ready for combat as the vehicle rolls to a stop. "Previous assignment? Alkerian Six."

With these words, she steps out of the vehicle, ready for anything it seems.
Re: Siberian Base Camp

Lillius sat in the vehicle, just wanting to get warm. As the building neared, she seriously hoped that the inside would be warmer. So far, it seemed she'd been lucky with the others not seemingly effected by her. She also hoped that it would stay that way.