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Side: Carella and Granths room

Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

The door holds, but the hungry moaning coming from behind the door does not lessen.

1d20+13 = 12+13 = 25 vs DC15 = hit
2d6+4 = 4+1+4 = 9 damage

Carellas fist hammers into the mans face again, snapping his head against the floor.

1d20+14 = 3+14 = 17 vs DC26 = failure

The enemy attempts to wriggle free, but Carella holds him in place.

(Enemy has taken a total of 52 damage.)
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Carella continues to pound her fists against the man's face, "You're... a tough one."
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Any time now... Granth mutters, starting to get impatient as he stares at the door.

(Same as before, hold and cast lightning bolt if the door opens)
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

The chain finally breaks against the strain, and Granths lightning bolt lances through the swarm of zombies now pressing each other to get through the door, and through several of the people waiting behind them.

6d6 = 1+1+3+4+4+5 = 18 damage
1d20+7 = 16+7 = 23 = success = half damage
1d20+7 = 16+7 = 23 = success = half damage
1d20+2 = 10+2 = 12 = failure

The undead in the way of the blast crumple, and Granth can see two people jump out of the way of the brunt of the blast, and the half-elf from downstairs who had been standing directly in the bolts path taking its full power. More undead begin stumbling over their fallen comrades, however, and the half-elf does not fall from the lightning.

(8 zombies destroyed. Half-elf took 18 damage, thugs both took 9.)

1d20+13 = 13+13 = 26 vs DC16 = hit
2d6+4 = 6+1+4 = 11 damage

Carella smashes his head into the floor once more, and he passes out, bleeding profusely.

1d20+9 = 19+9 = 28 vs DC23 = success
1d20+3 = 19+3 = 22 vs DC16 = success = half damage
1d20+13 = 7+13 = 20 vs DC16 = success = no damage
6d6+3 = 1+5+3+6+2+2+3 = 22 damage
22/2 = 11 - 10 [from robes DR] = 1 damage

More of the undead attempting to enter the room collapse as the angered half-elf fires a return lightning bolt at Granth, going right through them. He gets out of the way, but the bolt still grazes him. Luckily, his robe absorbed most of the energy, but it still stung. Carella, also in line with it, jumps away from the unconscious ninja, who jumps from the lightning bolt before lying dead, but still twitching. The bolt continues on from through the window into the woods.

(13 zombies destroyed. Granth took 1 point of damage. Carella's still at 20. The ninja's very dead.)
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Carella reels her arm back then throws her vial of acid the best she could towards the caster, after that she tried her best to move so that the thugs wouldn't be able to get to Granth as easily.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

And in the middle of all this, your little undead friends are shit. Granth exclaims before letting another electrical spell lance out of his arm towards the door again.

(Lightning bolt)
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

1d20+2 = 11+2 = 13 vs DC16 = failure
6d6 = 6+6+6+5+5+1 = 29 damage (Holy shit.)

The two thugs having moved aside, the only one still in the way of Granths lightning bolt is the half-elf, who once again takes the blast full force. this time, he's lifted off the ground and thrown through the far door, into another room. He doesn't get back up.

The caster having been dispatched, Carella saves her acid for later and moves in front of Granth to prevent him from being attacked from behind.

Several zombies move into the door, pushing against one another. Some of them wear armor, but some are also wearing simple clothing, indicating that these might be the original owners of the caravans taken by the bandits. The first to get through takes three arrows in the head as it extricates itself from its fellows, and collapses. Turning, Aramil is crouched in the window with his longbow. "I was wondering why that man crawled up the wall to enter this room."

1d20+4 = 19+4 = 23 vs DC21 = hit
1d20+4 = 5+4 = 9 vs DC21 = miss
1d20+4 = 3+4 = 7 vs DC21 = miss
1d20+4 = 15+4 = 19 vs DC21 = miss
1d20+4 = 4+4 = 8 vs DC21 - miss
1d20+9 = 7+9 = 16 vs DC14 = hit
1d8+3 = 6+3 = 9 damage
2d6+4 = 4+2+4 = 10 damage

Five undead make it into the room, all going for Carella with swords. Only one manages to land a hit, and she quickly repays it in kind. More undead are preparing to enter the room.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Grunts in pain as she starts to swing at the undead in front of her, "How many... are there?!"
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

I don't know, but we may want to consider retreating through the window. Granth says before blasting a lighting bolt at the group of zombies in the door.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

(As for how many there are, ever episode 6 of Hellsing? Also, I love how fast this thread goes.)

1d20+15 = 15+15 = 30 vs DC14 = hit
1d20+13 = 5+13 = 18 vs DC = hit
1d20+10 = 8+10 = 18 vs DC = hit
1d6+4+6 = 5+4+6 = 15 damage
1d6+4+6 = 4+4+6 = 14 damage
1d6+4+6 = 1+4+6 = 11 damage

Aramil springs from the windowsill, drawing his weapons and dropping his bow, and slashes at one of the zombies attacking Carella. His slashes cut the undead to ribbons, and it crumples to the ground, destroyed.

6d6 = 5+6+5+2+1+3 = 22 damage

Granths lightning bolt once again clears the undead coming in through the door, and also takes out one of those attacking Carella.

1d20+9 = 8+9 = 17 vs DC14 = hit
2d6+4 = 2+1+4 = 7 damage

Carella hammers into the zombie that slashed her again, not doing much damage this time.

1d20+4 = 1+4 = critical failure
1d20+4 = 4+4 = 8 vs DC21 = miss
1d20+4 = 14+4 = 18 vs DC21 = miss

The undead slash at Carella once more, but she has little trouble dodging them, one even stumbling and falling prone on the floor.

In the door, another undead appears different from all the others, its long tongue dripping saliva; a ghoul. It snarls and prepares to rush forward.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Choosing a different spell for the ghoul, Granth grins as he draws mana into one finger before twisting a spell normally designed to burn things into a beam of electricity.

(Scorching Ray using the metamagic feat energy substitution (Electricity))
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Carella starts to try to pick up the pace as she swings at the ghouls, "What's... the plan?"

(Flurry of blows, one at the prone one, one at the one she hit before)
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

"Kill them all. There can't be that many of them. Where's Trex?" Aramil replies, as he cuts at another of the undead, this time going for the ghoul at the doorway, leaving Carella to handle the zombies.

1d20+15 = 6+15 = 21 vs DC17 = hit
1d20+14 = 16+14 = 30 vs DC17 = hit
1d20+10 = 11+10 = 21 vs DC17 = hit
1d20+9 = 10+9 = 19 vs DC17 = hit
1d6+4+6 = 6+4+6 = 16
1d6+4+6 = 3+4+6 = 13
1d6+4+6 = 6+4+6 = 16
1d6+4+6 = 2+4+6 = 12
57 damage total

Aramils furious slashes cut off both of the creatures arms and spill its rotting guts onto the floor. It collapses, but begins to attempt to rise, aparently not quite destroyed. Aramil backs up into the room, away from the doorway and the lacerated ghoul.

1d20+4 = 12+4 = 16 vs DC8 = hit
Damage calculation is unnecessary

The collapsed creature is an easy target. Once it settles from the electric bolt, it moves no more.

1d20+9 = 14+9 = hit (lazy and tired)
1d20+9 = 1+9 = automatic failure
2d6+4 = 5+2+4 = 11 damage

Carellas kick hammers the prone zombie back to the ground, and it doesn't seem like it's going to be getting back up. Her punch glances off of her second target though, doing no damage.

1d20+4 = 1+4 = critical failure (stupid zombies)
1d20+4 = 20+4 = critical hit (oh fuckberries)
1d8+3 = 1+3 = 4x2 = 8 damage

The zombie Carella attacked stumbles over its fallen companion in its attempt to attack her, and it falls prone. Its companion takes advantage of the distraction to score a wicked hit on her, the monk finally realizing just how badly damaged she is.

(Carella's at 4 hp.)
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Well, seeing as how most of the zombies are dead again now, maybe we don't need a plan. Granth says before firing of another beam of electricity, this time at the zombie that had just hit Carella.

(Electric Scorching Ray again.)
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Carella groaned in pain, but swung again before retreating a little, this was getting out of hand way too fast.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

"Indeed. Where's Trex?" Aramil asks again, in response to Granths statement, while turning and slashing at another one of the undead.

(Been forgetting his attack bonus from his weapon.)
1d20+16 = 2+16 = 18 vs DC14 = hit
1d20+15 = 1+15 = automatic failure
1d20+11 = 19+11 = 30 vs DC14 = hit
1d20+10 = 17+10 = 27 vs DC14 = hit
1d6+4+6 = 5+4+6 = 15 damage
1d6+4+6 = 5+4+6 = 15 damage
1d6+4+6 = 4+4+6 = 14 damage

Another zombie falls to ribbons at the door, and no more come in to replace them.

1d20+4 = 11+4 = 15 vs DC8 = success
4d6 = 5+3+1+2 = 11 damage
4d6 = 5+2+1+5 = 13 damage

Granths ray crumples another undead, leaving only the one fallen prone.

(Guessing defensive fighting.)
1d20+9-4 = 6+5 = 13 vs DC8 = hit
2d6+4 = 2+3+4 = 9 damage

Carella quickly kicks the downed undead as she backs away.

It attempts to rise, only to be put down by Aramil before it even gets to its knees.
"Here;" he says, as he hands you a bottle; "drink it, I have a feeling we'll be needing your assistance if we are to win out this night, and your injuries look serious.
Shouting comes from the hall, the thugs calling for help.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Carella nods and downs the potion, hoping it would be enough to carry her through the fight...
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

I don't know, I'm still wondering why you decided to come in the window, not that I mind, but why did you decide to come up here anyway? Granth asks.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

3d8+10 = 8+6+2+10 = 26 health regained
(Carella's up to 30 hp, so shes still got 12 damage.)

"Does it matter? I saw a lightning bolt come through it, and you seem to like lightning, so I figured you might be in combat, and coming in through the front door seemed foolish, since this is a bandit hold. So, I just followed the strange, black garbed mans path up the wall through the window. It's good that I did, you two would likely have joined them in undeath had I not."
Turning to Carella; "Are you feeling any better? We need to regroup with the others. Do either of you know which room Trex and the others are in?"

Just then, shouts come from the door, and a great many men come rushing past the door, some looking terrified, moving down the hall toward the stairs to the first floor. They are followed by an armored man, walking, with a long curved sword held easily in one hand.
Re: Side: Carella and Granths room

Maybe it's just me, but I'm guessing it's where those people just came from. Granth replies.