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Sierra (freeko)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Character Name: Sierra

Character Race: Human

Character Class: Amazon

Character Bio: Sierra is an outcast as far as Amazon's go. She was smart, but no one ever believed what she had to say. It may also have been the red hair, which made her stand out in her tribe. However I think it was probably that she was simply 5'8" with a pretty underwhelming C-cup chest.

Starting Stats:

Strength: 35
Dexterity: 45
Vitality: 30
Energy: 15
Intelligence: 25

Starting Accuracy: 205
Starting Magical Accuracy: 125
Starting Evasion: 185+20=205
Freedom Rating: 185
Sexual Freedom Rating: 195
Magical Defense: 125
Speed Rating: 185

Starting HP: 90
Starting Mana: 30
Starting Sexual Stamina: 135

Special Skills:

Precision Strike: This attack allows for her to interrupt a sex attack, damaging her target and forcing them to release their victim. Some enemies however cannot be forced to release their victims, however these foes will still take some reduced damage. These will be noted where applicable. Deals 55 Damage. Physical Attack.

Paralyze Arrow: This attack paralyze's an enemy, preventing them from attacking. Deals zero damage, and the paralyze effect lasts 3 turns, with a 12 turn cooldown. Physical Attack.

Arrow Deluge Chain: This chain hits for 90 damage up to 4 times for a maximum of 360. Each hit MUST connect to keep the chain going. Physical Attack.

Magic Arrow: This arrow hits for 175 magic damage. Mana Cost: 0 Magic Attack.

Punishing Arrow Chain: This chain hits for 100 shadow damage up to 3 times, stunning the target if all 3 connect for two turns. Max damage 300. Each hit MUST connect to keep the chain going. 6 Turn Cooldown on the stun if stun activates. Physical Attack despite it's damage type.

Class Specific Skills:

Evasive Boost - This passive skill increases the Amazon's evasion stat by 20 (not factored into the character sheet), giving her more of a chance to evade attacks.

Celestial Strike - Once per battle there is a 5% chance that the guardian of all Amazon women will suddenly appear, striking down all her chosen one's foes with a single arrow. If she appears in a boss fight, all minions will instantly be killed, and the boss will lose 25% of it's maximum HP value. She can only appear once per battle. The Amazon has no control over this, and in fact until it happens, she isn't even aware she has a guardian.

Class Specific Perks: +10 to all rolls and -10 pleasure vs. Tentacle Creatures. (Mating bind creatures such as the Sylvari and Nelvoken do NOT count in this. Plants do not count.)

Class Specific Weaknesses: -10 to all rolls and +10 pleasure vs. Tar/Slime based enemies.

Sierra woke up to the sensation of a cold floor pressing against her nude body. After getting to her feet, she realized she was in a room with some kind of pod device that she must have fallen out of. Try as she might, she couldn't remember how she'd gotten here, only a vague memory of having been jumped by someone and then blacking out. As she looked around, she spotted a nicely made Bow, but there were apparently no arrows to go with it! Still, a weapon was a weapon she might think, and she could take it. As she moved though, a voice filled the room.

"Welcome Sierra to the Planet of Pleasure. You've been brought here to provide amusement, try not to disappoint. You will find that you have special abilities which I have granted you, they should come in handy as you try, and likely fail to avoid hot sex and rape from my friends out here. Perhaps, just perhaps you will get the honor of having sex with me if you provide enough entertainment. You are quite lovely my dear, and you'll make an excellent breeder for any of us, I'm sure of that. Ah, but you must start now my love! You can't hide forever!"

The voice cut off, and a few seconds later, part of the wall in front of her just collapsed, leaving her open to whatever was outside. She could hear the sound of an ocean not too far away though, so maybe it wasn't all that bad?


1: Move on after getting the Bow.

2: Try to stay in here and see if something comes in to rape you.


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

"You can't hide forever?" Sierra thinks almost out loud to herself about the last words she had heard. If by nothing more than impulse, she makes the decision to instead take the fight to whatever it is or was that may be out there. Is it delusional to think that the hunted may very well be the one who becomes the hunter? Maybe so, but to just sit around and do nothing would be the worst possible course of action.

(Option 1)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

As soon as Sierra stepped out, she realized she wasn't on Earth. For one, the sky was a midnight purple in color, despite it being broad daylight. For another, she could see TWO stars in the sky, and about a dozen or so moons that were enormous in size. As if that didn't give it away, the grass behind the building was blood red in color. To top it off, the ocean below her was a sparkling emerald green, and she could see massive beasts that looked like Giant Squid periodically reaching the surface.

The kicker was when SHE appeared. As Sierra looked on, suddenly a woman appeared to her. It took a moment for her to register the stunningly sexy black haired woman wasn't actually there, but rather some kind of phantom image or projection. Like her, she was completely nude, and Sierra might be startled when she spoke to her.

"Hello, my name is Cassidy. My duty is to guide you the best that I can through this place, in the hopes you can survive. The creatures you will undoubtedly encounter are lustful beasts who will stop at nothing to sexually corrupt you. Don't let that happen. I'm limited in how I can help you, but I will do my best. As you progress through this place, I will appear to you, guiding you as best as I can. When the time is right, I will see you again. Farewell for now, and good luck."

Just like that, she was gone, and Sierra would get the distinct impression whoever that woman was, she truly wanted to help her, but for some reason was limited. Or was she simply imagining the woman? It had felt like she was truly there, in a ghostly sense. But who was she if she was real?


1: Move On.

2: Sit a moment and hope she returns (chance to be caught)


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

"I need to take this all in. None of this makes any sense. It should be daylight, but the sky is black. The water is not the right color, then someone appears and disappears almost out of nowhere. On top of that, I have a bow, but do not have any arrows to use it with. This all seems like a bad dream. Maybe if I try to fall asleep here I will wake back up and this will all just be a bad dream." Sierra is visibly confused now. She decides that she should wait to see if Cassidy reappears.

(Option 2)
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

Sierra sat for an indeterminate amount of time, but nothing seemed to happen. No movement of life, no change in the sunlight, nothing.


1: Move On.

2: Keep Sitting around

((Uneventful post HAHA.))


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

After basically sitting around and doing nothing for a while, Sierra realizes that nothing is going to happen here. It is time to move on.

(Move On)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

Walking along, Sierra entered a forested area. As she moved along ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap???: 250+451=701 vs. Sierra: 195+573=768 (EVADE!)

When something told her NOT to step in a muddy spot. As she moved around it, the mud seemed to move ever so slightly, as if trying to reach for her, or was it a trick of her eyes?


1: Keep Moving.

2: Poke at the mud and see what happens.


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

"What the.."Sierra cautions to herself as she tries to decide if the mud is worth investigating further. It felt to her as if the mud had made an attempt to move toward her in some way which is what drew her attention. In the end however she decides that it is not worth it to investigate further as she has a bow, but no arrows to use with it. If something were to have been waiting for her in the mud, Sierra would have no way to defend herself from whatever that was.

(Move on)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

Moving onward, Sierra found herself standing near a small stream that was devoid of life. Around the stream were a form of wild berry, something she somehow knew were OK to eat, if she chose to. Beyond that, the area was dead, save for some tracks in the grass around her.


1: Take a drink and some berries and move on.

2: Same as before but stick around (chance to be caught)

3: Something else?


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

"I wonder if there is a way to remember being right here?"Sierra muses to herself as she starts to pick at the berries. After what could be termed as nothing more than a short respite, Sierra chooses to move on from this area.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

Moving on, Sierra found herself in a small wooded area once more. As she continued onward ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Sierra: 195+479=674 vs. Trap???: 250+644=894 (TRIPPED!)

And suddenly she spots a pair of enemies! Taking a step back to give herself a chance to react to them, she feels like she's stepped in some kind of moving mud! In moments, Sierra grows a fully erect cock! Her mind floods with information regarding a parasite that she's now infected with, as well as information that suddenly, somehow, she can make arrows appear at will for her bow!

Status Affliction Roll: 5 (Uh Oh)

Suddenly, Sierra can't control herself, and her body sits itself down, her cock moves about, and suddenly she can feel her own pussy gripping her 'dick'! Then somehow it manages to thrust into her pussy, and she can't stop it!

5 Turns of Sex Later:

Sierra suffers 300 pleasure, and has two orgasms inside of herself! She gains 300 KP from the sex, 100 more for the orgasms, 20 from the penetration and fortunately avoids impregnating herself. She gains 420 total KP.

Status Affliction Roll: 7: Distracts you from being as effective with your attacks by clouding your mind, causing you to do only half the normal damage you would for five straight turns.

Enemy Encounter:

Level 3 Slime Blob: Accuracy: 185. Magical Accuracy: 125. Evasion: 170. Capture: 175. Sexual Attack: 185. Magical Defense: 125. Speed: 170. Stamina: 95. Pleasure: 30. HP: 300. Weak vs. Lightning, has the ability "Stuck on You"

Level 2 Karsetti: Accuracy: 150. Magical Accuracy: 150. Evasion: 150. Capture: 150. Sexual Attack: 150. Magical Defense: 150. Speed: 150. Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600. Damage: 8. Weak vs. Physical, has Super Tentacle Bind Ability, 0/3 Anger Slots.

Initiative Roll:

Sierra: 185+172=357 (2nd)
Slime: 170+701=871 (1st)
Karsetti: 150+43=193 (Last)

Grapple Attempt:

Slime 185+336=521 vs. Sierra: 205+554=759 (DODGE!)

Sierra manages to dodge the Slime!


1: Run Away!

2: Attack (which one?)

3: Try to remove the Parasite!


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

"I wouldn't mind having that happen again.."Sierra is still clearly muddled by the orgasms she has just experienced. As she starts to recover she realizes that there are 2 enemies now assaulting her. She was able to fairly easily dodge the first attack, and she has to make a choice on how to deal with this situation.

Sierra starts to mumble to herself, "Ok, there is a parasite that is inside me and I do not know how it got there. There are 2 monsters that are attacking me. So how do I deal with this? I think it best to remove the threats around me then I can start to figure out what exactly this parasite is." Sierra has made the choice to fight off these attackers first before trying to deal with anything else.

"I should be able to hit this thing before it can get into range to attack me." Sierra chooses to attack the Karsetti first as she has identified it as the weaker of the two.

Global combat rules time, yay! (hopefully this will alleviate the need for round by round posts unless something really bad happens.)

Punishing Arrow Chain and Paralyzing Arrow should always be used when available, unless it is known that they will have no stun effect on hit. Arrow Deluge should also be used at any point possible when the previous are not able to be used. Magic Arrow is only to be used instead of a basic attack when the target is either resistant to physical or weak against magic.

If grabbed, she will always attempt to escape.

For this encounter, focus on the Karsetti first then the slime. If a target gets stunned then attempt to stun the other if possible, otherwise continue to attempt to attack the Karsetti.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

((Round by round actually works out for me since it is VERY time consuming to potentially do a near unlimited number of rounds before it even gets to the PC to post again, not to mention there is a character limit on how much a single post can hold. Multiple rounds in a single post are usually only done when a specific circumstance occurs, such as that parasite's first 'mind fuck'. Also, no way in hell I will ever remember which attacks where, this will go the same way all other threads are, on a game time decision basis per turn.))

Attack Roll:

Sierra: 205+288=493 vs. Karsetti: 150+360=510 (MISS!)

Sierra misses with her Paralyze Arrow attempt, and it is not on cool down.

4/5 turns on parasite condition.

Grapple Attempts:

Karsetti: 150+622=772 vs. Sierra: 205+321=526 (GRABBED!)

Slime Blob: 185+425=610 vs. 205+130=335 (GRABBED!)

Sierra can't evade this time, and BOTH enemies grab hold of her, wrestling her to the floor!


1: Try to break free from them.

2: Have a little slime and tentacle fun!


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

((You alluded toward having knowledge of the parasite, yet none was given.))

"Huh.. what.. how?"Was about all Sierra was able to muster as she fired off her first shot which missed its intended target. No sooner than she was done firing that shot, she was grabbed by both of her attackers. This did not really seem like the best situation, so Sierra simply struggles to get free from her assailants.

(Break Free)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

((That's what the Bestiary is for. Might want to check that, every single enemy in this game is in there.))

Escape Grapple Attempt (auto-attempts to escape ALL grapples currently in place):

Sierra: 185+325=510 vs. Slime Blob: 175+211=386 (FREE!)

Sierra: 185+380=565 vs. Karsetti: 150+294=444 (FREE!)

Sierra manages to escape both enemies ...

3/5 turns on parasite condition.

Grapple Attempts:

Karsetti: 150+327=477 vs. Sierra: 205+594=799 (DODGED!)

Slime Blob: 185+228=413 vs. 205+259=464 (DODGED!)

Sierra manages to evade both enemies.


1: Attack the Slime.

2: Attack the flying Squid.

3: Run the fuck away.


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (freeko)

Now that she was free, the knowledge of exactly what the parasite was that has infected her became her biggest concern. Running away from what was persueing her would be the decision that she would make so that she could get some time to deal only with the parasite itself.

(Run away tiem!)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (freeko)

Escape Combat Attempt:

Sierra: 185+100=285 vs. Blob: 170+276=446 (BLOCKED!)

Second roll not required!

Sierra tries to run, but the Slime Blob moves quicker, and blocks her escape route! She's going to have to fight her way out it seems!

Grapple Attempts:

Karsetti: 150+6=156 Sierra: 205+NO ROLL NEEDED, EVADE!
Blob: 185+806=991 vs. Sierra: 205+110=315 (GRABBED!)

The Slime Blob follows up on it's previous move by tackling Sierra to the ground again!

2/5 Turns left on Parasite.


1: Try to escape the grab.

2: Get Slime Fucked.


Dec 9, 2010
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Re: Sierra (freeko)

"This is hopeless.." Sierra laments to herself and prepares to be violated by multiple enemies, in multiple places, and possibly even multiple times. Sierra realizes that having to deal with 3 different enemies is just too much for her. One enemy keeps messing with her every so often, and the others just wont let her get away long enough to mount any kind of attack against them. Nor will they seemingly allow her to escape.

Knowing that her ability to do any damage right now is compromised, she will try to escape once the parasite shifts itself and hopefully allows her to do some relevant amount of damage.

(Option 2) Sierra will allow the slime to try to have its way with her until the parasite shifts again.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (freeko)

Giving in for two turns the Slime freely fucks Sierra, and she suffers 60 Pleasure and gains 80 KP. Sierra now has only 45 Stamina until she has an orgasm, but even worse, the Slime has 35 until it has one too!

Parasite Roll: 10: Causes you to become less durable for five straight turns, halving your stamina, thus making it easier to bring you to an orgasm. ((OK this is going to be fucking interesting to try and math out. FML why did I put this in there?))

Sierra suddenly feels like she's got even less sexual stamina! She now only has a maximum of 67 for the next 5 turns, and currently only has 22 left!


1: Try to get away and kill them before they can bring you to an orgasm, or multiples!

2: Let the slime fuck you one more time to get the adrenaline boost and a free release, and accept the fact you're going to have an orgasm today.


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (freeko)

Parasite Roll: 10: Causes you to become less durable for five straight turns, halving your stamina, thus making it easier to bring you to an orgasm. ((OK this is going to be fucking interesting to try and math out. FML why did I put this in there?))
(Trolling yourself I see?)

After allowing the slime to have its way with her, she feels the parasite shift. This shift seems to have shifted her weakness from a physical weakness to a more pleasurable one. Being so close to an orgasm, it is very tempting for her to just give in to her new found vulnerability to the pleasure.

"Damn parasite.." Was all Sierra could muster. Seemingly so distracted by that parasite that the pleasure welling up inside her was almost enough to catch her by suprise. Though almost certainly on the verge of an orgasm, Sierra finds some way to muster enough will to attempt to break free of the slime that is currently inside her.

(1, since i basically committed to doing it in the first place. though i have little doubt an orgasm is in her very near future one way or the other. If she cannot get free or gets free and is grabbed again, just let her orgasm. One way or another her next action thereafter is to attempt parasite removal.)
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