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Siphon's Time Travel Story


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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After carefully thinking it over, since my current writing project is taking a longer time than I had thought, I have decided to post on of my older stories up for you all to feast upon. As always, comments, suggestions and constructive criticism are welcomed.

Authors note: There are quite a bit of time terms and names in here, so I will do my best to give a good description of the terms and names as needed.

Z.P.M = Zero Point Module: A powerful energy source deriving it's power from the vacuum energy of an artificially created universe in a "bottle". The power given off by a single Z.P.M is equal to about what New York City would use up over a 60,000 year period, meaning it could power the city for that long before running out of "gas."

Pegasus Galaxy: A small dwarf galaxy approximately three million light years from Earth. Current home to Siphon's race of people.

Nevaria Generator: A power source of inferior output to Z.P.M's, however still a powerful energy unit by itself. Not originally designed for long term use, but more for short term high power usage, however they can be toned down to last for a longer period of time.

Draque: A race of reptilian humanoids that worship energy beings that are outside of space and time itself. Soldiers who are not afraid to die for the cause, they have been around for as long as any of Siphon's people can remember. The Draque all have the ability to "shroud", or temporarily become invisible.

Enoly: A race of Fish like humans, also worshipping the same energy beings the Draque do. Unlike the Draque, they are not as efficient in close quarters combat, instead preferring to take out their enemy from a distance.

Sentinels: These are the mysterious energy beings that the Draque and Enoly worship. Evil beings bent on enslaving the known universe, they were once beaten back by the Alveran's, Siphon's race. Vowing to return and wipe out their enemy, the Sentinels have already begun to keep that vow, and are beginning to take steps to ensure their plans succeed this time around.

Alverans: Siphon's people. A highly advanced race, they once were the dominant race of his old dimension before falling to hordes of undead. Fleeing to this dimension, they eventually resettled, leaving earth behind and heading out into the Pegasus Galaxy in their massive flying city.

FTL: This is an abbreviation for the words, "Faster Than Light."

Hyper-drive: A means of traveling faster than light, in which a ship ducks out of ordinary space and travels along a "tunnel" carved through sub-space. Many times faster than the speed of light, the current hyper-drive aboard the Kara is capable of traveling roughly one million light years in about an hour's time under normal circumstances.

The journey had been a pleasant one. Traveling back and forth to the Pegasus Galaxy was much faster and smoother now that the Kara had three Z.P.M's to power all of it's systems. Total travel time had been slashed from a day to just under three hours. Siphon sat on the bridge, patiently waiting to arrive back at Earth. Unknown to him, a single Draque warship had parked itself in orbit around Earth's sun, and was waiting for the right moment to unleash it's surprise attack.

Feros Nahlk sat aboard the bridge of the Draque war ship Trelshon. Turning to his officers he asked, "are the weapons ready to create the Solar Flare?" At his officers nod, he turned to another and said, "let me know the moment you detect the Alveran's hyper-space window forming, and don't wait for my order, just fire." Feros knew the mission was a suicide mission. The Sentinels had decided that the existence of an Alveran on this planet was too high of a risk to their plans. They had ordered a single ship to create a massive solar flare that would, in effect, clash with a forming hyper-space window. The belief was that if timed correctly, the energy from the flare would add in power with the window, and create a flare powerful enough to vaporize any ship caught in it's path, and would likely cause enough background radiation to spread through the window, and kill off life within the galaxy, allowing the sentinels easy access to the milky way, and a beach head to launch an all out attack on several galaxies at once to reclaim their territories. Feros knew that his death would have some meaning to the grander scheme of things, and he did not fear his death, rather he embraced it because he knew it would give the sentinels their needed advantage. He also knew that upon his death, he would join them, as reward for succeeding in such a crucial mission. His thoughts were interrupted when his officer stated, "detecting hyper-space window. It's Alveran. Firing the weapons." Scant moments later, the war ship unleashed it's powerful weapons into the sun, triggering a massive solar flare. His last thought was of how glorious the victory would be, just before he and his ship were vaporized.

The Kara emerges from hyper-space, shields up by virtue of the new program installed to allow for shield use while in hyper-space, and is immediately rocked hard. Siphon is thrown from his chair, against a wall and almost blacks out from the sheer force. Picking himself up he mutters, "what the hell was that?" Making his way over to a console, he can see the remnants of a massive solar flare, then a bright flash of light occurs, and another rocking of the ship throws him against the wall so hard he blacks out. After a while, an hour according to his clocks, he wakes up, with a pounding headache, and a bloody nose. Carefully getting up he walks over to the sensor array and sits down at it. Running a full scan, he discovers that there is no life on Earth at all. "The hell?" Running a deeper scan, he is totally shocked to discover that there is no life at all in the galaxy. "This isn't possible. What the hell just happened here." He shakes his head, realizing how dumb it is to be talking to himself, but knows that if what he thinks has happened is true, it may be the only way to keep from going completely insane. He gets up to go and check the status of the hyper-drive, and discovers it's beyond repair to complete a long journey. "Shit, there goes that idea, if I'm lucky I'll get a thirty second jump out of that before it overloads and explodes. Ok, new plan." He walks over to the long range communications array, and his heart sinks. The array is completely fried beyond repair. "Twice in the past month, what are the odds of that happening?" he mutters to himself. He heads over and sets the sensors to do a full run of the solar system, to see just what his situation is. Moving off to view out the main port, he starts to get the feeling that something isn't right. The sun doesn't seem to be quiet as strong looking as he remembered it being, and there off to his left was a comet that shouldn't be there. A beeping noise catches his attention and he walks back to the sensor panel. Looking at the reading, he runs it a second time to confirm it before muttering, "oh shit, no wonder things look so different. I'm forty eight thousand years into the future. Not cool." He sits down and decides the best course of action is to set the sensors to collect readings, then go and get some rest and let his injuries heal. Once they do, he figures he should be able to figure out what happened, and how to get back in no time. Heading to the medical bay, where there is a bed and supplies, he gets on one of the beds, and promptly falls asleep for the first time in ages.

Siphon awakens with a start, and for a moment, wonders if he had been dreaming. One look at his surroundings and he knows it wasn't. With a sigh, he gets up and checks on the time. His eyes bug wide when he sees that he has been asleep for almost a week. "Wow, I need to stop pulling the all month long staying up bit." Shrugging his shoulders, he sets off to the bridge, to view the sensor logs of what happened. Upon arriving at the bridge, he sits down at the sensor array, and begins to play back the sensor logs of what happened. He watches as he only now spots the Draque vessel frozen in time on the logs, firing an energy blast into the sun, and then explode as it is engulfed in the flames. He immediately knows what happened. "They created a large flare to activate the second I dropped out. Crap, this is going to make getting back harder. Now I have to not only get back, but go far enough back to not create a time paradox, but at the same time prevent this. No wonder there's no life here. The radiation caused would have wiped everything out." He slumps into his chair as he realizes, inadvertently, he is the reason for the entire galaxy dying. He decides to run a sensor scan of Earth, and is pleasantly surprised to find the atmosphere is still intact, and the radiation levels have died down enough to pose no threat to him. "Well, at least I can land the ship and save the life support systems. Though it's going to be interesting trying to find food to eat. Thank god the ship carries enough to feed a small army." He sets the co-ordinates and banks the ship into the atmosphere, deciding the best bet is to pilot towards where the school would have been. After a few moments, the Kara whooshes over the remains of the school, and as Siphon looks out the view port he can see that parts of it look like they have been bombed out. "Strange, radiation wouldn't do that, there must have been survivors of the initial wave that went berserk or something." Shaking his head he pushes that to the side, since he detected no life readings from orbit and gently sets the ship down just off to the side of the school. He then proceeds to grab a few items, as well as a weapon or two, for just in case there was anything non-living on the surface. Then, he takes a recall device, and activates the transporter, beaming into the school halls.

The eerie quiet and darkness of the schools halls, which hadn't seen life for at least thirty thousand years was broken by the slight hum and sparkle of the Alveran transporter depositing Siphon into the halls of the school. On the move the second he was able to be, he moves out, first heading around and scouting the area for what may or may not be in the area, and to see what was still intact. As he moves about, he discovers that the stairwells leading to the top floor are gone, and he suspects that so is the entire floor as well. "Ok, second floor housing is out," he mutters to himself. Heading deeper into the school, he eventually finds several rooms he recognizes. Opening one of the doors, he spots a charred skeleton on the floor, near the bed in the room. Looking closer he can tell it is a female skeleton. He bends down and thinks aloud, "I wonder who you were? I hope you didn't feel any pain, radiation burns and death is a horrible way to go." Standing up, he quietly exits the room, shutting the door, and heads down the hall, never noticing the cracked name plate on the floor, indicating that the room had belonged to Sho and her sisters. As he continues down the halls, he eventually comes to what should be his old room. Taking a breath, he opens the door, and walks in. Looking around, his first impression is that nothing seems too out of the ordinary. As he walks in more, he discovers that about half of his more sensitive computer equipment is completely fried. "Well, so much for that idea," he mutters. Making his way around the room, he sees that his generators appear to be fine, and several other items, though the large computer systems with his sensor readings are fried beyond repair. He checks his bed, and other than a ton of cobwebs, it appears to be intact enough to use. Clearing out the room, he decides his best bet is to head back to his ship, gather some supplies, eat something and then try to figure out how he's going to get back home. His mind made up, he heads off.

Time passes quickly, and before long, Siphon has been stranded in the future for almost twenty years. He wonders, "where did all of the time go here, my god. Twenty years, and still nothing on how to get back. I've tried everything I can think of in simulations, but nothing will create the power levels of a flare large enough to send me back. May as well be trying to slingshot a black hole." He suddenly stops, as an idea suddenly occurs to him. "A black hole. I wonder, could it work?" He begins to run simulations, and to his surprise his idea appears to work almost every time. Smiling he thinks aloud, "ok, now, how the hell do I get a black hole into the center of a star?" He starts coming up with ideas, rejecting all of them as fast as he can think of them, until the only idea left in his mind is to somehow come up with a way of linking the sun to a black hole with either a hyperspace tunnel, or a wormhole. "Hyperspace is out, so my only other option is to try and create a wormhole of some kind." He sets to work, eventually, after another eighty years, finding an idea that might work. Setting his jaw, he starts looking for a black hole relatively close by. Soon, he finds one, not far away with a hyper-drive, but to get to it and return at max sub-light would take him a hundred and twenty thousand years to reach it and return to earth. Letting out a sigh, he begins to go over just how much power he will need to use, not wanting to use up all the Z.P.M's at once, should it fail. Finally deciding he can utilize his old nevaria generators, he picks them up, and heads off to his ship. Once aboard the Kara, he takes off, and the second he reaches space, sets the ship to auto-pilot, then heads to a control panel, and shuts down all non essential systems to conserve power. He leaves only the shields, sub-light drive, life support and beaming technology online. Then, heading over to a panel, he sets to work, finishing up a program he wrote a while back to use the transporters to replicate food, water and clothing. After several hours, he gets it working with the new power requirements, and goes to take a nap.

The Kara drifts through space, her sub-light engines propelling the ship towards it's goal. Time passes by slowly for Siphon, and with each day that goes by he finds the need to keep busy getting stronger and stronger. At first it is easy to do so, as he works on creating a ring capable of channeling the energy needed to create a stable wormhole. However, as is the case with all projects, soon he finishes both rings needed for the attempt, and begins to go a bit stir crazy. As the days turn to weeks, then months, and finally years, he continues to find worthless things to do, until finally, just as he's about to go crazy, a voice in his head suggests that he go over the data he got from the replicators almost six hundred years ago. Smiling internally, he begins scanning it, and this takes up his free time for nearly a thousand years. When he finishes with the reading, he begins to work on several things, first regarding the gravity weaponry they seemed to favor so much. As he starts to work, he marvels that it's been one thousand, seven hundred years since he was tossed here. Continuing his work on the gravity weaponry, he barely notices as each year goes by, so wrapped up in it all. Finally he manages to accomplish what he hadn't thought possible. He creates a proto-type of the gravity weapon. Deciding that he has the time to do so, he parks in orbit near a dead planet, with it's star dying. Taking his time to route the power through the proper channels, he re-activates one of the Z.P.M's to power the weapon. Then he takes his time placing generators for the weapon on the hull of his ship. He barely pays attention to the clock on his panel, informing him that it has been now two thousand seven hundred years since he arrived in this time-line. He takes his time tweaking the settings of the weaponry, running simulations and eventually, after another three hundred years, he is ready. Charging the weapon, he fires it right at the star in the system. The results are even more amazing than he expected, as the upper half of the star is put under incredible stress, and is eventually knocked off of it's axis by several degrees. Siphon stands up, watching the results and says to no one, "wow, thats impressive. Knocked that star right off it's orbital path. I'm going to have to keep that laying around for use on enemy ships. Won't that be a shocker to the Draque and the Enoly." He laughs for a moment, then sets his course back to where he needed to go. A quick glance at the ships logs tells him it has been exactly two thousand years since his whole ordeal began. Getting back to work, he begins to work on the space folding drive files he found in the data-banks of the replicators core computers. Time passes by at a quick rate, so it seems, and eventually Siphon discovers, that while the race that originally came up with the idea may have been close to making it work, it would ultimately have failed. As he makes this discovery, a beep from his panel informs him that he has reached his destination. Looking out the view-port for a moment, he then heads down to start phase one of his plan.

The Kara hangs in space, and looks quite puny compared to the massive well of the black hole. While it would be impossible to see the hole itself, it was possible to view the matter it was pulling in to itself, as it greedily ate anything that got close enough to the immensely powerful gravity well. Siphon attaches several small stabilizers, each with a smaller version of a power cell, similar to the ones in his energy pistols, to his gateway. Finally, he jettisons the gate, allows it to move to a certain spot near the black hole, and finally, when it reaches that point he wants, he activates the stabilizers. The small units do their job, and the gate hangs in space, far enough away that the stabilizers are able to keep it from being drawn in. Smiling inwardly, Siphon says aloud, "phase one complete, now to return to earth." At that, he sets a course, and begins the sixty thousand year journey back to earth, having already been in this time-line for sixty one thousand. Siphon begins to work on other things, but eventually, after another thirty thousand years, he runs out of things to work with. As he slowly begins to lose his mind over the next ten thousand years, he begins to wonder if he will ever return home. Then, as he slowly begins to give up hope of ever returning home, or maintaining his sanity, he wakes up to the sounds of footsteps in the corridor outside of the medical bay. Not one to believe in hallucinations, he grabs his pistol, and the second the door opens, he has it pointed at a shapely woman, directly to her head. Several moments pass as he suddenly realizes that he recognizes the woman as Diana. Dropping the pistol he says, "oh great, now I'm starting to hallucinate." As he goes to pass through her though, he almost knocks himself out cold when he doesn't pass through her, but runs into her, almost knocking the two of them to the floor. Instinct kicks in, and he reaches out, grabbing her to prevent her from falling. A beat later she looks at him, then simply says, "I'm not a hallucination Siphon. It really is me again." He stares at her for a few moments, then gives her a large hug and then, after a moment, he pulls back. "It's good to see you again, but what are you doing here?"

"I'm here because it looks like you could use some company for a little bit. I'll be here for a short time, then I will have to go again, but for now, I'm here if you want to talk."

Siphon looks at her for a moment longer then says, "in that case, come with me." As the two converse for some time, Siphon shows her what he's done so far, the damage to the ship, and begins to tell her of his plan to return to his own time. Soon however, her short time to remain with him is up, and as she says her final farewell to him for now she gives him one critical piece of advice.

"Siphon, might I suggest before you head back, that you check into finding a way to mask the signature of your hyper-space window, so the Draque don't detect it when you get back?" She smiles at him and adds, "somewhere in those data logs, the solution to that is in there, you just have to find it. I know you will." As she begins to fade out she waves to him and says, "until we meet again." With a final wave, and a heart warming smile, she is gone, though Siphon wonders if because of the nature of what she is now, if she was ever really there in the first place." He goes to rest again, and quickly falls asleep for some time. Upon awaking, he remembers talking with her, though he isn't sure if he dreamed it or if it really happened. Shaking it off, he decides to take the advice of her words, and begins to search through his database. Eventually, he finds what he's looking for and speaks to himself, but out loud, "she was right, there is a way. Thank you Diana." He spends the remaining thirty thousand years creating the proper program to accomplish the masking, and finally, he has it ready on a control crystal. Pocketing it, he knows once he gets back to his own time, he will only have a short amount of time to upload it and change history. Slowing down, he heads to the hangar bay to start phase two.

The Kara hangs in space, orbiting at a short distance from the sun. Soon, the hangar bay doors open, and the second gate is on it's way to it's position near the sun. After a short time, Siphon fires up it's stabilizers as well, and then, drawing a deep breath activates the final phase of the plan. Activating the wormhole, he is happy to see that it forms as he expected, but his joy is quickly shattered when the gate begins to pulsate under the immense energy being channeled through it, and ultimately, the gate explodes, shutting down the wormhole before enough energy can be channeled through to create the flare he needed. "No! Damnit!" Siphon slumps into his chair, knowing that was his best bet, and now he has almost no chance. After some time, he gets up, and begins to work on finding out why the gate didn't do what it was supposed to. Running simulation after simulation, he finally discovers the reason why. "The material simply wasn't strong enough to channel the energy. Looks like only solidified nevaria will work for this." Siphon starts to work on that, then, off a hunch, checks the sub-light engines. His heart sinks when he discovers that the strain placed on the long flight has damaged them, and knows that they won't last long enough to make the circuit a second time. Cursing his luck, he spits out, "damnit! One hundred twenty one thousand years, completely wasted!" Siphon sits down, then, admitting defeat, he begins to go about setting the self destruct of the ship, knowing it is too badly damaged to ever be of use to anyone else, and he doesn't plan on utilizing it any further, since he plans to give in and ascend now. As he is finishing up preparations, a sudden noise catches his ear. Heading back out, he stops dead in his tracks when he spots Daina, sitting in his chair, facing him with a bit of a grin as she says, "you miss me Siphon?"

Siphon stares at her for a moment or two then says, "Daina? Is that really you?" He spots the faint blue glowing aura around her, and even as he asks the question, he knows in his heart that it truly is her. "Come to see me off on my final journey then Daina?"

Daina looks at him with unblinking eyes for a moment then replies, "yes, it really is me, and no, I'm not here to watch you ascend. I'm here to help you."

Siphon shakes his head as he says, "help me how Daina? The engines of this ship are shot all to hell, they'll never get me where I need to go to retry this plan, and even if they could, look at me. I'm over one hundred twenty thousand years old Daina. Another one hundred twenty thousand to reach that spot again, and even if that attempt works, I'll be over half way through my life span already. I'm not even sure I can make do with the small amount of nevaria I have left to even make it work anyway." He walks up to her, and gives her a brief hug, then breaks it and adds, "I do appreciate the offer though, really I do."

Daina shakes her head as he finishes then says, "did you bother to scan for the Normandy? It should be down there somewhere."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Siphon's Time Travel Story

((PART 2 Since it broke it up with the length of the post.))

Siphon goes blank as he says, "no, I didn't. Standby!" Running over to his control panel, he conducts a scan. Sure enough, the Normandy is there, but even as he confirm this his heart sinks. "It's there, but it has no power. And I already know the Asari technology will overload with either of my generators. I might be able to salvage something from it though, at least thats a start. Maybe get enough materials to patch the hyper-drive up enough to utilize it more than once."

"Yes, thats a start. So let's get started then, you know what your doing with that."

"Right, so, uh, lets beam down then shall we?" At her nod, he beams the two of them down to the Normandy.

A flash of white light signifies their arrival aboard the Normandy. A quick scan and Siphon says, "ok, the good news is that most of the main areas seem to be alright. The bad news is that there are certain areas where the lake water has managed to creep into the hull, and flood certain sections. I don't know how much longer the hull will last, so we'd best get moving as fast as possible. You know this ship better than I do, lead the way to the engine room please."

Daina simply nods, then leads him down the halls of the ship, and soon they arrive at the tiny engine room of the Normandy. "Those are the engines, take what you need." She stops as a loud groan is heard throughout the ship, then she adds, "I don't think the hull is going to last very long, let's move!"

Siphon nods, not needing to be told twice, and begins to salvage anything he can from the engines. Very soon though, a small crack appears in the wall, and water begins to seep in, ruining most of the salvaged items. Grabbing what he can he says, "no more time, we gotta go now!" Running up close to her, and putting an arm around her, he activates the beam. The two vanish in a flash of light as the full force of the lake comes crashing in on the engine room, narrowly missing them.

The two appear on the bridge of the Kara, and both sit down, realizing just how close that was. Daina looks at him and says, "did you get enough to work with?"

Siphon shakes his head, "no. Not even close. I've got enough to maybe patch the sub-lights, but not the ftl drive. Damnit." He watches as Daina begins to fade out some and says, "oh, looks like your time is up." He looks at her with a sorrowful look, knowing that this is the end, but Daina has one last trick up her sleeve.

"Siphon. There may be another way. Remember what the Draque did to cause it? In that, you have your answer! And refine your exclusion field, that way you don't lose any upgrades. I'm sorry, it's time to go."

"What?" As she begins to fade even more, he knows she will never be able to answer it again in time and he quickly says, "aveo amacuse Daina." Then again in English for her, "good bye."

Daina smiles at him, and then vanishes from existence, as if she had never actually been there. Siphon takes a moment after she is gone, then sits in his chair, wondering what she had meant by his answer lay in what the Draque had done. After a few minutes, it suddenly hits him. "Of course, they fired energy into the photosphere to create the flare in the first place! If I can do the same, from a distance, I should be able to go back!" His joy is soon tempered down as he says, "she said refine the exclusion field. That can only mean one thing. Somewhere in the database, is a way to power more than one. If I can find that, I can keep the gravity weapons on the hull as well." He sets about to work. Centuries go by, and never once does Siphon lose hope on getting it to work, knowing somehow that he would be able to find the answer, determined to find it. Then, one day, twenty nine thousand years after he started on this final project, he finds the answer. Overjoyed, he fixes himself a final meal. Enjoying his meal, he then sets the new exclusion fields to go up in the proper points. Knowing he will never be able to be far enough from the star to use the energy weapons, and activate the hyper-drive before he is vaporized, he does the next best thing. Taking a chance, he removes one of the Z.P.M's from the power center of the ship, sets the other two to crank out power at max settings, then sets the third to overload. Backing off far enough to survive the initial blast long enough to open a window, he beams the Z.P.M directly into the star, just a split second before it would have blown up. The moment it appears in the star's core, the Z.P.M explodes, and a massive flare is born, much larger than the one that sent him to this place in the first place. Not wasting any time, he activates the hyper-drive, and makes the jump as the flare hits his window. Siphon is tossed about in his chair, and then, for several seconds, there is nothingness, as he for one brief moment ceases to exist as the time-lines reverse. And then, scant seconds later he is sitting in his chair, traveling at hyper-space. Checking his instruments, he realizes his plan worked. Not giving it another thought, he slips the new protocol crystal into the proper slot, uploads the new specifications for the hyper-drive, and then sits down again. Moments later, he emerges from hyper-space, only a few hundred meters away from the Draque ship that he knew would be there. Smiling, he activates his shields, and powers his energy weapons, and then says with a snarl, "sneak attack this you overgrown lizard bastards!" A second later, he unloads the energy weapons into their ship.

Feros Nahlk sat aboard the bridge of the Draque war ship Trelshon. He turns to tell his officer to fire the moment the Alveran hyper-space window formed, and is interrupted when the ship violently rocks under the weapons fire of some enemy ship. Sparks fly and consoles explode as he manages to cough out, "what the hell is going on?" A second later the reply of, "an Alveran warship just appeared on sensors and started firing, no warning, no hyper-space window forming. They just appeared! Shields are up, but only at six percent, and we've lost the special weapon sir!"

Cursing, wondering how the Alveran ship had known they were there, and more importantly how the hell they had managed to mask their hyper-space window he barks, "return fire, all weapons, and call in the Enoly ships we had waiting to clean up the mess!"

As the Trelshon turns, it is rocked again, and begins to list to the left side, venting atmosphere. The once powerful Draque warship manages to get one shot off before a third and final energy beam from the Kara cuts it in half, and the Trelshon explodes in a massive fireball. Feros's last though as he is vaporized is that he has failed the sentinels, and for the first time, and the last time in his life, he is briefly afraid of what awaits him when he dies. It is the last thought in his mind as he is blow to pieces.

Siphon sits on the bridge of the Kara, and watches with satisfaction as the Draque ship explodes in a massive fireball. Seconds later though, ten Enoly warships emerge from hyper-space, and begin to move in. "Oh so we want to play this way then? Fine, lets see how these new gravity weapons work on you!" Charging the gravity weapons, he opens fire with a single blast.

Emerging from hyper-space, the first thing Velok Nah notices is that the Draque warship has been destroyed. The second thing he notices is a single Alveran vessel is cruising towards them. "Shields to maximum, fire all weapons. Signal the rest of the group to attack at will!"

His reply is a quick, "yes sir," followed by a startled, "sir?"

Velok whips around and snaps back, "what!"

The reply he gets, is the first thing in his life that he doesn't instantly comprehend. "Our sensors indicate the Alveran warship is firing. Firing a massive gravity well at us!"

Velok stares at him for a moment, then flinches as eight of his ten ships are completely torn to shreds by an invisible force, and as he watches, he can see the hull of each ship literally get torn apart, and off as each ship explodes in a massive fireball, and for just a moment, he is blinded. "What the hell did they fire at us?"

His officer replies, "some sort of gravity based weapon, I've never seen anything like it."

Velok begins to sweat and barks, "return fire! Fire damn you!" A second later, his order is carried out.

The Kara rocks as several blasts impact the shield, causing no damage to her. Siphon grins evilly and says, "surprise fish brains!" He then closes his eyes, and fires the drones at them.

Velok smirks as their energy weapons impact on the Alveran ships shields, and quickly vanishes as his officer says, "sensors indicate our weapons had no effect on their shields. Sir, weapons fire incoming!" The last is said with a twinge of panic in his voice, and as Velok turns to see why, his jaw drops, and for the only time in his life, he is scared of what is happening. Seconds later, his ship, and his one remaining ship are swarmed by the bright yellow lights, and the last thing he registers is that they rip right through their shields, as if the shields didn't exist. Then, both ships explode in bright explosions, leaving very little in the way of debris.

Siphon watches in amusement as the yellow glowing drones rip through the Enoly warships, cutting them to shreds in mere seconds. He admires how efficiently each drone rips into the hulls, moving in and out of the ships, ramming into them over and over until finally, both ships explode in a bright blue light, and are no more. After a moment he says aloud, "take that you bastards. I know you sentinels are watching, and mark my words, you don't want to mess with my planet, or my people!" With that, he parks the Kara in orbit, cloaks the ship, and beams down to the surface.

As he vanishes, he catches a look of himself in the mirror and is surprised at how he looks. No longer is his hair perfectly brown, but more of a brown mixed with silver patches of hair, and his features appear to be of a slightly aged version of himself. He thinks aloud to himself, "well I was gone for a long time, and I am one hundred fifty thousand plus years old now. I wonder if anyone will recognize me?" As he finishes those words, he vanishes.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Siphon's Time Travel Story

It's time for the MONTHLY NECROMANCE!,
With your host, Cappy!

So Cappy, what's our chosen thread for today?

Glad you asked, Cappy, It's apparently a Time Travel Story by Siphon,
one or two years old, with no replies, any suggestions as to why that might be?

Why yes actually, I think the main reason for this is TL;DR
Because quite frankly, it's really really huge.


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Siphon's Time Travel Story

If yer gonna pull this story up, add some critiques or something, talk about how good it is. Seriously, don't pull something from two entire years back and say "TL;DR".

This is the blank page, there's multiple large entries in here, because believe it or not, there are literate people on this forum. Get used to it. Add something useful.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Siphon's Time Travel Story


Thanks Sinful, and Cappy if you think this one is large I suggest you check my Ori line, it's significantly larger. And I think the better of the three or four I've written on here.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Siphon's Time Travel Story

I've already received several Negative Reps for this actually, I'm starting to wonder if I was drunk or something, though I sincerely doubt that.

Lol, I'll give it a read after I finish my current book, I can never grasp more than one story at a time unless I'm helping to write it.

Truth be told I shouldn't have brought this back up, though I think it's a shame there weren't any comments on it at all when there was just so much.