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SirOni sues SirOni

Re: SirOni sues SirOni

The prosecution requests that the cat stays, however.
Re: SirOni sues SirOni

giggles as she was nude, siding on the chairs that were set up for the guest. Her smooth sexy legs were crossed as she hearing the case. her little pink tail was curled up her lap, her little ears were perked up, and she smiled, waving at oni and the other people trying to distract them with her body.
Re: SirOni sues SirOni

*must... resist urge... to hump... Darkfire's... face...*
Re: SirOni sues SirOni

Your honor! That canine is making lewd faces at the prosecution! We demand that it be put to sleep immediately!
Re: SirOni sues SirOni

I move that we get back on track here.

That being said, perhaps a short recess to play with teh kitty?
Re: SirOni sues SirOni

Whos going to do the playing ;p

Well, let's see... There's Oni and I... Possibly lurker and newbie...
I dunno about Judge Rule34. Might depend on his mood.

Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure Darkfire's a Lesbian, so her too XD
Re: SirOni sues SirOni

~Giggles abit~ I think we should back on to the case tis serious business
Re: SirOni sues SirOni

Re: SirOni sues SirOni

Silence in court. *slams his hammer down*
Re: SirOni sues SirOni

Since the defense seems to have no actual defense, the prosecution would like to state that Mr. Oni has not even worked on the doujin since he released the new pages. He has made the excuse that he has been working on the Christmas project picture. However, this one picture is nowhere near equivalent to the doujin that many fans have demanded. Rather than working on the Christmas project so soon, Mr. Oni could have simply just waited until Christmas time to actually begin the picture. In other words, the Christmas Demon Girl picture was simply his excuse of not working on the doujin.
Re: SirOni sues SirOni

And how do you expect him to work diligently with his "family" harassing him every day, and the holiday overtime from work? He barely has any time to relax.
Re: SirOni sues SirOni

Is it not true that he left college for a year to draw more? He has plenty of time, despite ALL distractions, to make a single page. He quit his classes to improve his drawings. That was his decision. How exactly can he improve if he isn't even drawing.

He didn't choose to quit to relax. He quit to improve. The fact that he now has to deal with a job is his problem. He needs to start working on the doujin, or he's only lying to himself.
Re: SirOni sues SirOni

Actually I'd like to state that I've done the storyboards for the next two doujin pages and I plan on doing them over the weekend. I did the christmas pic before christmas because with all the overtime I have to do now I wont have any time to get it done. And yes, my reason for taking a year out of uni was to improve on my art, but it wasnt to improve the doujin. It was so I could improve on proportions and character design, backgrounds and other techniques that would be needed in the games design industry. Granted, all of them will help me to improve upon the doujin, but the time taken out of uni wasnt to improve on the doujin specifically.

And its like Chibi has already said, my family is constantly harrassing me and pissing me off, and I have overtime in work at the moment due to it being the christmas work period.