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Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(And when the rolls actually count... utter fail?)

Sneaking up behind the dog, Claire attempted to get an initial stab on it, only to have it spin around and snarl at her, crouching down for a pounce towards the armed woman...
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(I knew that was coming. Oh well, c'est la vie.)

Claire backs away slowly, keeping in balance and careful to remember the layout of the section of the graveyard she had passed through so she didn't trip. She stared straight into the dogs eyes and growled right back at it, holding her elbows out to make her self bigger without sacrificing any balance or losing the ability to quickly react if the thing tries to pounce on her. She was trying to get the dog to run away rather than fight.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(Uh yeah... Let the fails continue?...)

Unintimidated by the woman before it, the dog instead pounced upon the woman and pinned her arms to the ground, snarling at her. Saliva dripping onto its victim's chest, as it began aligning its lower body for some purpose, it would appear that the beast was unquestionably hostile.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(Lol. Is there a critical failure on a 1? Or is it just general suckage?)

Yelping as the thing tackled her, Claire grunts at the impact and immediately tries to roll out from under the beast, pushing out with her arms to destabilize it before she tried to move out from under it.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Snarling at the girl tried to get away, the dog moved its face closer to its prey's, opening its mouth to reveal rows over extremely sharp teeth to cause her to temporarily freeze. It was at this point however, the Claire would begin to feel some stiff and hard prodding at her nether regions, apparently intent on penetrating her. If the beast's purpose was unclear before, it certainly wasn't anymore...
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

"What the hell?" Claire grunts, and bucks her hips so that the dog can't penetrate her, moving in random directions so it was more difficult for the dog to slip inside her. She was dry anyway, not interested in the idea of getting raped by a dog. 'What the hell is wrong with this place?' She thinks, as she tries once again to free her arms from beneath the dogs legs, surprised at how stable the beast was. She thrashed and tried to turn her body to one side, trying to regain use of her arms while still preventing it from getting inside her. Anger blazed in her mind, once she freed her arms she was intent on snapping the dogs neck, teeth or no teeth.
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Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(Ouch.... one short of escape even after bonuses...)

Claire almost manages to escape the dog's pin, but fails in the end as the dog manages to penetrate her with a lucky thrust despite her bucking, causing her to freeze in shock for a moment as the creature's member slipped inside of her. Being penetrated from this awkward angle is more painful than pleasurable for the girl however, as the creature continues to force itself deeper inside, seeming to only care about its own desires...

(Yeah, sorry this took so long, I got dragged off to an MMORPG by someone >_>;; )
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)


Claire grunts painfully as the dog penetrates her, and tries to time her bucking so that it slips out of her. She keeps struggling to escape, her mind beginning to cloud with rage as she is raped by a god damn DOG!

(Lol, don't worry about it.)
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(You're no fun Tass, escaping my experiments right as it was about to get to the good part.)

This time around, Claire's bucking proved to be effective in dislodging the beast, as she raised her hips just as the dog moved back to thrust deeper in. Confused and enraged, the dog attempted to line up again to get inside, snarling at the disobedient woman beneath it.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(Huzzah! Send something with tentacles, or hit her with an aphrodisiac, and you'll get your experiment. Until then, paws off. :p)

Having dislodged the dog from her pussy, Claire tried to kick out one of its back legs, thinking that perhaps she needed to try a new tactic. She braced herself with her still held arms and lifted her right leg up so that it rested against her torso, and then snapped it straight at the dogs closest back leg.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(Lol fine, but your luck seems to be returning... again. Much to the poor dog's and my dismay :(.)

Snapping out at the dog's hind leg with her foot, Claire manages to kick its leg out from under it, causing it to lose its balance and fall on top of her for the moment. The beast being momentarily stunned, now was the best chance she would have to get out from under it.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Claire rolled the dog over onto its back, going along with it to straddle the beast, her legs on either side of it. It's member still poking against her ass fueled her rage as she slashed across the creatures throat with the knife she'd picked up from the tree.

(If that's too much for one round, just get out from under the damn thing. Though if you really want to try to test out your system, I was tempted to have Claire try to give it head, it was just too OOC for me to realistically do it.)
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(Oh no it's fine, I'm in no hurry really.)

Slashing at the creature below her, Claire narrowly misses slashing its throat as a sudden movement from the dog destabilized her and caused her to slash against its body instead of the critical blow she had hoped for.

(Dog stamina status: Yellow)

What was worse however, was that in that sudden movement, the dog managed to throw Claire off of it and pin her once again, blood dripping down onto its "victim". Despite those injuries however, the dog seemed to still be intent on raping the woman nonetheless, eyes clouded by a mad haze of lust. Aligning its lower body once again, it seemed the animal was determined on raping the woman, even if it risked death in the attempt.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

"Damnit..." Claire grumbles, and tries push herself out from under the dog, closing her legs and pushing with her arms so that she slid along her back beneath the creature.

Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Sliding out from under the dog, Claire manages to get to her feet before the animal realizes, giving her time to assume a combat stance if she so desired as the beast turned around and snarled. Evidentally, it was not pleased with the fact that its prey had escaped a second time, crouching down in preparation for a pounce.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Claire calmly set herself into a crouch, turning to her side so she was facing perpendicular to it, and waited for the dog to rush her before she avoided it and slashed its side as it passed.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Dodging the dog as it lunged towards her, Claire manages to slash the beast's side in a manner that caused it to become caught on the blade, and to allow for momentum to finish the rest as its side was entirely torn open, blood and other innards spilling out of it as it collapsed onto the ground. The animal, no matter how resilient it possibly could be, was now dead on the ground...

(Claire is now Level 2! You have 3 stat points with which to spend! Please state where you would like to add points/if you would like to save your points, then update your character sheet accordingly.)
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

(If I remember correctly, you said it cost two points to get to level 2 in a stat and so on, so I'll save a point and put two points into Power to put it at 2.)

Claire grinned as the dog fell into her trap, and she walked over to its dead body and kicked it just to make sure it wouldn't get back up. After than, she turned and started walking down the path it had been guarding.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

Proceeding down the path the dog was guarding, Ashley soon found herself at the exit of the graveyard, the fog seeming to thin out the closer she got. However, all was not well for her as she spotted a vehicle a distance off, with heavily armed personnel around it, seemingly searching for something. Given her paranoia and past experiences, such a sight was "never" good...never.
Re: Six Feet Under... (Claire)

"Shit..." Claire whispered, and darted for cover, hoping whoever it was didn't see her. She tried to be stealthy, but her breathing was labored as her mind started drifting back to..... Then. Despite her fear, she tried to move a little closer, maybe find out who these people were. Perhaps she might find out some way of avoiding them entirely if she listened to what they said, or maybe they'd just go away.