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Sleeping in class

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
It was a boring day, mostly, Terry Kohler was bored out of her mind in class, as well as tired. So she decided to set her head down, sleep quickly took her.

She eventually opened her eyes, and was about to stretch, when she saw that the class room was dark, and empty.

A look outside revealed that it was night out side, she ccouldn't believe no one woke her up!

(Terry's in the classroom, she doesn't have anything noteworthy on her. She's sitting at her desk.)
Re: Sleeping in class


“Ahhh…Hmm” Terry yawned as she stretched noticing nobody was around.

“Well damn at least somebody could have waked me up! Damn useless nobodies!” Terry complained about her fellow classmates and teachers before grabbing her school bag and exiting the classroom.
Re: Sleeping in class

Terry angrily left the classroom. As she proceeded down the dark hallway, she thought she heard moaning coming from the principals office as she passed it...

(Investigate the sounds?)
Re: Sleeping in class

The sound of really strange noises filled her ear and possible moan were coming from the principals office.

"What the hell at this hour...Guess some people are having an intimate moment I should probable" She began to say but thought about it and smiled wickedly.

"Go check it out heh if it's a teacher automatic A for the whole year if not no loss to me." She muttered about blackmailing casually.
Re: Sleeping in class

With michif in her mind, Terry opened the door, only to see the strangest thing she ever did in her life.

The principal lady was on the floor, bent over, with what looked like a large Dinosaur behind her, ramming it's cock into her. She appeared to be loving it, moaning happily with each hump, her breasts bouncing back and forth.

Her clothes were scattered about the floor, unscathed, she must have agreed to have sex with it.

Terry stared in awe at the sight, when suddenly the dinosaur looked like it came, as something passed through it's shaft, and into the principal's pussy.

The dinosaur looked at Terry, it's cock pulling out of the principal, as it seemed to want to do the same to Terry.

*What do you do?*
Re: Sleeping in class


"What hu..." Was her first words they were mumbled uncertain what she was witnessing Terry had heard learned of sexual reproduction but with humans not with something like that!

Terry thought about running but the moment the beasts eyes were upon her with his member pointing directly at her she knew what he intended but for some other reason that served to full her rage at him.

"Don't you dare even think I'm a whore like her bastard!" With a enraged expression she charged forth and attempted to tackle the beast to the wall ramming his face against it if she could.
Re: Sleeping in class

(Aggressor attacking first)

(Terry attacks)

The raptor seemed about ready to dodge, when Terry's fist met it's face, driving it back to the wall. She then grabbed it's face, then began to hammer it with her knee three times before it managed to back away.

The dinosaur was shaken by her assault.

*What do you do?*
Re: Sleeping in class


She pulled back into a fighting stance it seemed to be boxing stance she was lightly hoping about with two flying slices to the air she attacked first with her right fist which would hit him across the face, then her left which would aim for his chest.
Re: Sleeping in class

(Terry attacks)

Terry threw her best punch, but the monster leaped away from it.

(Enemy attacks)

The beast opened it's mouth, and a tongue shot out of it, straight towards Terry's mouth. She quickly ducked under it.

*What do you do?*
Re: Sleeping in class


The moment she ducked under the tongue attack Terry rushed from her position to go below the dinosaur to try a fierce uppercut.

"Your gonna wish you kept that in!" She shouted hoping to also possibly unclip his tongue with this attack.
Re: Sleeping in class

(Terry attacks)

Her punch landed right where she planned, it's jaw closing on it's tongue. It thrashed about on the floor until it bled to death.

The principal was unconscious on the floor, and there's a dead raptor on the floor.

*What do you do?*
Re: Sleeping in class

Terry stares at the body of the now wounded dinosaur watching it as his own blood chokes him to death.

"He was alot frail than he looked or maybe I'm just lucky heh whatever." She shrugged off as he drew his last breath. Now she turned to the teacher looking at her defiled body.

"Example to the students my ass your nothing but a hussy...You better be damn grateful Dad taught me something about giving a damn or I'd leave your tart to rot!" She stated gathering the teachers clothes slowly putting them them on trying to avoid the juices spilling all over her.

"Gross...ugh!" Yet Terry tried to brave the smell of semen as she carried the principal shoulder to shoulder at least until she could walk on her own and exited the room "Damn now where to..."
Re: Sleeping in class

Terry began to carry the motionless girl in her arms.

As Terry left the office, she noticed she attracted a lot of attention when fighting the raptor, as there were two more of them on either side of her.

Holding the principal in her arms, she knew she had to act fast.

*What do you do?*
Re: Sleeping in class


"Is this place infested with lizards!" She muttered quite angrily as she looked at the principle throwing her to the wall. Getting into a fighting stance.

"Come on ya freaks I'm right here!" She shouted rather proudly but knowing she'll be attacked from both sides probable which would be a concern to some her body was lit afire with the anticipation of the coming fight.

"Hehe We'll have one helluva party."
Re: Sleeping in class

(Terry prepares for an attack)

(Enemy attack)

Both of the lizards open their mouths, their tongues flinging out of them. Quick dodging saved Terry from getting a mouthful of their tongues, as she side stepped then ducked both of them.

(Terry attacks)

After the dino's tongues return to their mouths, Terry quickly attacks one of them, punching it with a left, and then right hook before kneeing it in the chin, sending it crawling back, dazed.

*What do you do?*
Re: Sleeping in class


Terry instantly decides to continue the attack on the lizard she was currently focused on hastily she rushed at the beast doing her best intimation of the legendary Bruce Lee's famous Flying Dragon Kick she could aiming directly center of his body.
Re: Sleeping in class

(Terry attacks)

Terry hopped on the lizard's back, grabbed it by the head, then twisted it's neck. It fell motionless to the floor as she leaped off of it.

(enemy attacks)

The other dino's tongue lashed out of it's mouth, Terry barely managed to dodge it as it passed by her cheek.

*What do you do?*
Re: Sleeping in class


Terry breath deeply after her last technique she was nearly caught off guard with the other dinosaur's attack just barely managing dodge it but it slightly nicked her cheek.

"I hope your ready for the punishment for touching me" Giving a rather fiery stare what seemed like a scare attempt and she finished it with a stomp to his partner's stomach releasing whatever air was in him which sounded like a low pitch scream.

*Use Intimidation - 2*
Re: Sleeping in class

(The creature wasn't threatened)

(Enemy attacks)

With Terry's smirk and triumphant stomp, the creature saw it's opportunity, and shot it's tongue straight into her mouth.

Before she could react, a delicious ooze began to fill her mouth. It was so tempting to just swallow it...

(Willpower check)

Without thought, Terry swallowed the juice. She began to feel strange, as her panties soon began getting wet with her love juices.

(Terry has been afflicted with an aphrodisiac)

The dinosaur's cock appeared from it's legs, as it approached Terry, she was compelled to offer herself to it...

*Terry is not thinking clearly, she wants to have sex with the Raptor. Role play her actions.*
Re: Sleeping in class


"UGH!" She let a displeased noise as she felt an ooze go down her throat. The moment it retracted She gave a dreadful expression.

"I'll MAUL till there's no-uh...hah..." Suddenly her thunderous voice suddenly became submissive and moans that weren't from her mind came out. Soon she lost control of her hands, and her feet gave way falling to her knee's. Hungrily they started rubbing her already soaked clit. The only thing she felt she had control of was her head and a very weak control at that Terry didn't even have the strength to bite.

As she pleasured herself she crawled toward the lizard against the protest of her mind until her face was right in front of dinosaurs cock. Like a cat she rubbed her head against it as the rubbing slowly started to turn into licking the very tip of his penis with her face plum red all the while.
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