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Some Mercedes Lackey Fanfiction I wrote


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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So i was in a fluff mood after finishing "The last Herald Mage" trilogy. I wanted to know what happened when Stefen met Vanyel in the Woods. So yeah. Here :3

An Epilogue for the Epilogue of Magic’s Price
The Reunion of Vanyel and his lifebonded
OR simply

Vanyel smiled as he took in the form of his beloved, a strong mix of both Tylendel and Stefen, but the same soul and all his lifebonded. “I’m not sure what to call you now ashke.” He said with a smile.

His lifebonded smiled back, “Call me Stefen. I was Stefen for far longer than I was Tylendel.”

Vanyel stood there for a moment longer before crossing the distance between them and holding Stefen so close it almost seemed they would merge.

Tears cut tracks on Stefen’s face as he did the same. “A whole lifetime without you Vanyel-ashke. I was so alone, now… Now I know what you went through the first time you lost me, when I made that horrible mistake…”

Vanyel held a finger up to Stefen’s lips. “Shh ashke. The past is irrelevant here. All that matters is now and continuing to protect this place.”

Stefen nodded and kissed his lifebonded gently and without haste. It was difficult to remind himself that he had all the time in the world to love, and be loved.

:One who was chosen?:

His eyes widened, and he stepped out of Vanyel’s arms to turn around and stare at the young woman who had stepped up behind him. “Gala?” He asked, hardly daring to breathe.

The young woman with shoulder length chestnut hair, and deep green eyes smiled at him, :I just wanted to let you know I’ve forgiven you. Everything happened for a reason, and now I understand that, and soon you will too.: The smile turned to an impish grin, :Yfandes wanted me to pass along a message as well. “Take good care of your lifebonded, or I’ll be back to take care of you!”: Then she chuckled and faded away.

Stefen turned back to Vanyel an impish grin of his own visible, “I believe I can manage to do that…” he teased and stepped back into Vanyel’s embrace.

Vanyel sighed and snuggled into his beloved, “I do believe, ashke, that I’m tired of standing. Though fatigue is not something I can feel, sitting is still more pleasant than standing…” He slipped his hands up the back of Stefen’s shirt, “And lying down is much more pleasant still…” There was a promise in his smile and his voice.

Stefen groaned as he suddenly recalled all the time he’d been without his lifebonded, all the time alone, the cold empty beds… and practically tackled Vanyel to the ground, mouth pressed to Vanyel’s in a desperate hungry kiss.

Vanyel chuckled into Stefen’s mouth and then surrendered himself to his lifebonded with a passion that matched and complimented.

The two spirits merged and moved together in a far more complex way than simple lovemaking. They became one. One spirit to watch over the area forever and keep Valdemar safe from harm. Now nothing would be able to tear them apart from each other ever again.
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Re: Some Mercedes Lackey Fanfiction I wrote

Fuck. I be drunk. Nunu move?
Re: Some Mercedes Lackey Fanfiction I wrote

Ahh, the memories. I read this series all the way back in grade four, it's still pretty much the only story with yaoi elements that I enjoy :D
Re: Some Mercedes Lackey Fanfiction I wrote


I just finished reading it. I'm making my way through all of the Valdemar series. I'm on Oathbreakers right now.

I have to say, that so far the tales of Vanyel have been my favorite. I can see myself reading his trilogy over and over again :3
Re: Some Mercedes Lackey Fanfiction I wrote

I never really found anything else from that series, so I can't really say. I still find myself reading what I do have about once a year though. :D
Re: Some Mercedes Lackey Fanfiction I wrote

I've got a torrent with all of her books in it if you'd like it
Re: Some Mercedes Lackey Fanfiction I wrote

That's okay, I don't use torrents, and I have a hard time reading books on a computer screen. Thanks anyways! :D
Re: Some Mercedes Lackey Fanfiction I wrote

Gah! I thought you were continuing the story of Gwenhwyfar! I didn't want that book to ever end, I loved it.

Oh well...
Re: Some Mercedes Lackey Fanfiction I wrote

Gah! I thought you were continuing the story of Gwenhwyfar! I didn't want that book to ever end, I loved it.

Oh well...

I could :3


I think I will. When I get there <3