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Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Zarila gave the orc a small grin as she walked. "Could pass better with a little more up top. Though slight girls are attractive too." Smiling a moment as she sashayed ahead of the orc and her dragged along victim. She tapped her chin in thought about what she could use to put Jessie to sleep. "Nope, not after she heard you say that. I could charm her and coax her to sleep, but after hearing what will happen once she is, would likely be very against what she wants. Sorry." Giving the orc a sorry look that she couldn't help her out with their captive. After a moment she gave a small shrug and continued on ahead, not seeming to care about Jessie's fate.
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Jesse followed Ulala eagerly, not needing any tugging of her rope as she brushed her cheek against Ulala's with affection and lust. "Meow~" she made cat noises as she also acted like one, rubbing on Ulala while they made ways to simply leave Tucker's location and allow him to continue his operations there in peace.

Free to talk as much as they want before the next interesting thing happens, the group would soon happen upon a trio of orcs sitting in the forest seemingly idle while sharing a story of how one of them apparently caught a nymph and fucked her, implanting his seed inside of her before throwing her back to the wild. The group was so involved and loud with their discussion that the group would not notice Ulala and the others, while Zarila and Jesse easily spotted the orcs far beforehand.

Also Hecro may or may not have gone missing during one of the nights they spent in the wild. Possibly right behind them, he still wasn't nearby so there was no sense talking to someone who either decided to vanish on their own or was soon to be along.

"Leaving Acheron was the best decision we ever made." one orc said. "Plenty of fools out here eager to fight. Fine female warriors as well to impregnate with our seed."

"Best decision?" another orc inquired. "You mean not including the village of homosexual humans we found before? No women there." he scoffed.

A female orc present shrugged. "I had fun. They were weak though."

The first orc nodded. "The men there were cute enough to drink the seed of my cock. You were the only one who had a problem."
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Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

"Ughhh. Orcs. Even down south, I can't get away from 'em," Ulala muttered with disgust as they happened on the greenskins. He'd not been especially talkative during their trip. This damnable half-woman was trying his patience - they already had a cat! A magic one at that, who had somehow killed a gigantic pile of boars without leaving a scratch on them. It was a bit unsettling, especially considering how mild-mannered the thing had seemed before.

At any rate, it was tough going for Ulala to maintain his composure and keep her (entirely un-cowed) new pet in line as they buggered off.

When they'd heard that orc bragging, the orc axe-juggler wrapped one of her arms around Jesse's neck and squeezed, putting her into a sleeper hold, before she could make any trouble for them. "Whaddaya think, cat?" Ulala asked her companion. "Go around? Jump 'em? Talk? I suppose we might figure where this village they're talkin' about is, but we probably wouldn't get anythin' there... you're a girl, n' I'm pretendin' ta be one, right?"
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Zarila gave the orc a small smile before looking towards the direction of the orcs. "Only when I feel like being a woman. And I am sure with your nifty power of disguise you can do more then just pretend." Turning to regard Ula with a large beaming grin. "We can avoid them if you wish to avoid your own kind, it wont bother me. And yes, our appearance`s likely wouldn`t get us anything." She crossed her arms so that she could tap her chin in thought which only made her arms squish her bosom together.

Still smiling at the orc as she seemed to come up with something. "Though if you are still hankering for a good fight, we can jump them if you wish. We should be able to beat them. If not, I can always teleport us out." She seemed as comfortable speaking with them or attacking them as she was with speaking to Ula. "Up to you though seeing as they are your kind."
Re: Something in my Front Pocket (Rathuris;Sprig;Blarg) GM'd by MAF

Choked, Jesse reared her ass back and began grinding herself against Ulala, stroking the orc's cock between their clothes with her ass cheeks. Meanwhile, she rose one hand, waving at the orcs before them while choking.

One of the orcs rose their head as Jesse was choked. "I think I hear somethin' walking around. Probs a wild beast."

"Or more warriors." The female orc suggested.

"More warriors would be nice! I've got a few days worth built up in my loins. I'd like to empty them in a strong female." the straight orc said.

"Keep your guard up, idiots." the female orc sneered, grabbing her large axe and shield.