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Souta's Ranch (the_taken)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Souta's Ranch

Souta's Mamono
Holstaurus: Grade E
Mamono Level: 211
Life: D 76
Power: C 105
Intelligence: C 108
Defense: E 33
Skill: E 34
Speed: D 70
Loyalty: S (18)
Tech: D
Special Trait: Produces Milk when happy.

Head Butt
 	Pow 25

 	Pow 37
 	+60% Power until next attack

Healthy Milk
 	Mag 25
 	Heal self or ally for 20% of Intelligence

 	Pow 100

Souta's Available Training Exercises
Basic Training
Domino: The monster tries to slam into domino slabs to knock them all down. Raises Power
Shoot: The monster tries to throw rocks at moving targets. Raises Skill
Study: The monster is taught by our own Inari instructor on magic and the ways of the world. Raises Intelligence.
Dodge: The monster tries to dodge our own elite squad of Rush Fairies. Raises Speed.
Run: The monster is put on a track with a cockatrice to chase her for as long as she can. Raises Life.
Endure: The monster stands in a powerful stream to try and endure for as long as she can. Raises Defense.

Souta's Schedule
Mamono Training with: None
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Free
Tuesday: Free
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: Free
Friday: Free
Saturday: Rest

Venice says: "Exchange the Free slots with training exercises to build your mamono's stats, or leave them all Free to spend quality time with your mamono. And remember, there's a limit on how many mamono you can be training during a week, you must remain devoted to specific mamono!"

Souta's Items
-Equipped Items-
Moomoo: Nothing

-Items in the Sack-

Venice says: "Items are extremely useful for expeditions, as your mamono have no chance to recover between battles. You can use as many items as you'd like when out of combat, but during a battle, your mamono may only use one item, which you equip to them beforehand. You must choose carefully, which item you want to give to your mamono, as a poor choice could mean their loss."

Available Expeditions
You must have three mamono in your Ranch before an expedition becomes available.
Red: Time Limited Errantry. (Will expire after due date, and if the Errantry is failed.)
Blue: Normal Errantry. (May embark whenever you wish, and repeatable upon loss.)
Green: Training Errantry. (Grants Mamono Skills and general training.)

Souta's Money: 4950G
Souta's Rancher Rank: E
Time: Year 1, Month 1, Week 1
Last edited:
Re: Souta's Ranch (the_taken)

RJ: Souta's day had come, it was time to become a Rancher. He came to the massive grand structure and met with the desk clerk there. "Can I help you sir?" she inquired

Taken: "Hiyah, nice lady!" Souta sounded in his cheeriest effeminate voice, playing up his cute girl act. "Kazuhiko Souta here for becoming a rancher."

RJ: "Heh," she giggled, "Sir... I am not a nice lady. And secondly... Did you request a mamono prior to coming for your lisence?"

Taken: "Can't say that I did. But I'm not worried." he responded cheerfully, producing a couple of confectioneries from his pocket. "Candy?"

RJ: "No thank you, the sweet taste of a man's blood is good enough for me." she announced. "If you'll wait for a moment, your mamono will come to meet you."+

Taken: "Okie dokie. Thank you very much, nice lady." Souta replied happily, then turned to find a seat near someone that looked like they were up for chatting. He unwrapped and put a candy in his mouth, and put the other one back.

Taken: *in his pocket

RJ: After a moment, a mamono with white hair with black streaks here and there, large breasts, and a pair of horns approached him. "H-hello... I'm... Y-your... P-partner..." she said nervously.

Taken: Souta inwardly raised an eyebrow, recognizing her breed. He figured that with all the types of Mamono that were aggressive, he would definitely have ended up with some sort of warrior woman. But if Souta was anything, he was accommodating. Besides, this Holstaurus was very...

Taken: "Cute," Souta whispered as he stood up. He smiled warmly and held out his hand "I'm Kazuhiko Souta, as I'm sure you know. What's your name?"

RJ: "Um..." the cow girl approached, and suddenly wrapped her arms around Souta, her large boobs squishing up against his slender chest. "I was told you'd give me one~"

Taken: "Hmmm," he hummed, taking a glance at was he was getting into- her cleavage- before looking into her eyes and tilting his head. "You're soft," he said as he tried to put his arms around her, then paused and turned his head. He forgot that he may have to give his companion names, and his first twelve ideas were no good. "Let's see. What's your favourite colour?"

RJ: "Mmm... Green!" she decided, the color of grass.

Taken: "All right, now pick one: Veggies, rocks, cakes, ducks, ribbons, flowers, books or pretty dresses?"

RJ: "U-um.... Veggies?"

Taken: "Well, then I'll call you Chloe. How's that?"

RJ: She blinked. "Um... I don't know... What that name has to do with anything...."

Taken: Souta shrugged. "Not much. But it's a cute name, and you're cute."

Taken: "Now how about you tell me more about you?" Souta said. "What kind of stuff do you like to do during the day?"

RJ: "T-thank you..." she blushed, before smiling at him. "Um... How come you smell like a man... But look like a girl?" she asked, before answering his question. "I like to sleep and eat!"

Taken: "Well," he sighed, "let's just say some rocks shouldn't be taught how to do magic. For now anyway. I'll tell you more later."

RJ: "If you're done." the clerk said, "Then you can go greet Venice at your Ranch, number 42," the clerk said, pointing to a large map on the wall.

Taken: "Thank you very much," Souta said to the Clerk while taking hold of Chloe's hand, "Shall we?" he asked. He was kinda eager to meat Venice. As the left the building he took another couple of candies out of his pocket and offered his new companion one. "Candy?"

RJ: "Oh... Okay." Chloe said, taking his hand and the candy, though she had difficulty getting the candy out of the wrapping.

Taken: Souta giggled as Chloe struggled, "Silly. I wanted us to open it together." He palmed his own candy and reached out to help her unwrap hers. "Here, just pretend my hand will do everything yours would."

Taken: Souta watches her motions carefully to match and keep his hand movements in synch with hers, assuming she takes to this new game.

RJ: Chloe, looking nervous and confused, followed along and always seemed worried that she would mess up. Once the candy was free, she gave it a lick, before continuing to eat it that way, licking it.

Taken: "Oh, won't you help me with mine?" Souta asks coyly, unpalming his own candy and holding it out.

RJ: She looked at her candy holding hands, before becoming distressed at how she'd help him. "U-um... I..." she stuttered, before plopping the candy into her mouth, and quickly getting it out before spitting her candy back out and licking it some more

Taken: "Thank you kindly, Chloe."

Taken: Souta simply puts his candy in his mouth and puts it in the corner of a cheek.

RJ: Then they walked, and then they arrived at Souta's ranch, a sad sight, a house with many holes and made of old wood, and a barn that did not look like a barn, for mamono to stay in.

Taken: Souta walked cheerfully along with Chloe in hand, content to share candy. When he came up to lot 42, he completely halted and blinked several times, as if stunned. "No way," he whispered. "If there wasn't for that barn, this would look just like where I was born. That's kinda scary." He shook his head clear, before turning to Chloe and sheepishly smiling. "But I'm pretty sure this is the right place."

Taken: (did you fall asleep?)

RJ: (No, people who don't have computers needed the aid of someone who's not dumb)

Taken: (silly non-computer people)

RJ: "I apologize for that, but we have a policy on new Ranchers," announced a female voice, before Routa would turn and see a white haired woman standing behind him, approaching him from afar. (Link: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php...rg/bbs/picture.php?albumid=693&pictureid=9304

Taken: "Ah! Hello, nice lady. You must be Venice." Souta greeted, releasing Chloe's hand, turning and bowing politely.

RJ: Venice nodded. "And you must be Souta. Quite an interesting choice of wardrobe you have there." Venice giggled.

Taken: "Thank you. I like to dress up. It's a pleasure to meet you. This is Chloe," Souta introduced his new companion. "So what's this policy on new Ranchers of yours?"

RJ: "We give the newer Ranchers used property, but give them the courtesy of free fix-ups as they prove that they are capable. Prove good enough to be a Rank A, and you could have a palace, not different from some IMA members ranches you may have seen on the way!"

Taken: "Oh, what a relief! I was afraid your policy was about making new Ranchers face some minor but deeply hidden fears of theirs to get past some inhibitions or bad habits." A giggle escaped Souta then.

Taken: "I swear, it really does look just like the house I grew up in. Right down to the loose wooden panel eight from the southeast corner."

RJ: "... I apologize for that." Venice said simply. "Regardless... Are you seeking to run a simple Ranch? Not a competitive one? We do offer such ranches, but... You are listed as part of the competitive branch."

Taken: "Oh it's nothing, really. I'm probably just imagining it." Souta said sheepishly. "Since I am a competitive person, I did sign up for running a competitive ranch, and I'll stick to it..." her turned to Chloe and smiled warmly. "Unless either of can think of a reason not to."

Taken: *either of you

RJ: "Do as you like." Venice said simply. "Regardless, I am here to help you with Ranching, unless you think you've got it covered?"

Taken: Souta felt confident he could manage, and he shoved that feeling aside. That last few times he let himself feel confident, it didn't go well at all. Plus, Venice did seem like a nice lady.

"I'd appreciate any help you're willing give," he answered

Taken: (I think she'll say the same stuff as she did for the other people, so if you want to skip that, it's fine.)

RJ: "Right, well I'll help you with the weekly process, training, and combat. First, you need to decide what to feed our little friend here. I'm sure some fertilizer for the grass, ten gil per week, will do her fine, as they often survive off of the grass."

RJ: (Yeah, if you know how to play, then just skip the tutorial :p)

Taken: (Some of it's pretty intuitive, and the rest I have plenty of good examples.)

Taken: "Well, I want Chloe to be happy. And it's it's grass she likes to eat, then grass it will be." (And so Souta talks with Venice about all the stuff he needs to schedule and about keeping appointments or else.)

Taken: "Thank you for your help, Venice."

Taken: Souta pays for the grass fertilizer, and signs Chloe up for Endure on Tuesday and Thursday, and Shoot on Wednesday and Friday. Rest on Monday.

RJ: "You're welcome! Caio!" she announced, before picking her hand up, and a moment later, she vanished from sight as Jade flew by like a speeding arrow and scooped Venice into the sky.

Taken: Souta waves goodbye. "Until next time, nice lady!"

He then turns to Chloe and smiles, cocking his head towards the house. "Lets check our new home out."

RJ: "Y-yeah! And the bedroom!" she agreed eagerly.

Taken: Souta hummed in agreement, walking into the grounds and giving himself a tour, saving the bedroom for last.

Taken: "Let's start with that barn thing." He said, pointing at the shabby red building. "I think it needs a safety inspection.

RJ: Chloe nodded, and touring over every building, it was so poor and miserable in it's condition, that it's only saving grace would be to be destroyed and replaced with a new building.

Taken: Looking over every building, Souta figured the buildings would remain standing for as long as they needed them, which thankfully wouldn't be long. He was also immensely relieved when the inside of the main mouse, while just as decrepit, had a completely different layout and decor from his childhood home. "I'm sort of wondering what poor fellow lost this ranch, but really would just be glad take it easy for the rest of the day. How about you, Chloe?"

Taken: *main house, not mouse

RJ: "The last owner of this house was a man who went missing while on an expedition. He was later found... Quite broken, and an incubus for a demon." announced a woman's voice, who stood outside, waving to Souta.

(Link: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php...rg/bbs/picture.php?albumid=693&pictureid=9305

Taken: "Oh my! A visitor already! Welcome to our home. Pardon the mess, we just moved in. How can I help you?"

Taken: Souta made a polite bow to the lovely woman. "I am Kazuhiko Souta, and this is Chloe."
Re: Souta's Ranch (the_taken)

RJ: "Nice to meet you, Souta, Chloe~" the woman greeted them with a bow of her head each. "I am Melpha, IMA rancher Rank B. You moved in fairly close, so I thought I'd say hi."

Taken: "Nice to meet you Melpha," Souta said cheerfully. "It's nice to see an expert being neighbourly. Let's be friends!" he pulled a handful of lolipops out of his pockets, offering one to Melpah and another to Chloe. "Candy?"

RJ: "Thank you very much, I accept." Melpha announced, taking a lolipop gladly and putting it to her lips as she gave a lewd display of licking it. Just the way she moved her tongue was enough to make even Chloe shiver with arousal. "W-wow..." Chloe announced, before Melpha giggled, taking the lolipop away. "I'm sorry, I lose control sometimes~"

Taken: "That's okay!" Souta exclaimed, pushing aside his own arousal while unwrapping his own candy. "It was kinda fun to watch. So, got any fun and helpful for stories for a new rancher and company?"

Taken: He glanced at Chloe with that, keeping an eye on her reactions.

RJ: "You should make friends, and that is why I am here... Now, I mean no offense if offense is to be taken, but... You are very beautiful, Souta." Melpha said with a gentle smile. "If you don't mind me asking... What kind of partners do you enjoy? An easy way for a new Rancher to become successful, even a veteran Rancher, is to do various favors... I wouldn't mind getting to know you, and welcoming you to my Ranch, provided our likes agree with one another."

Taken: Souta giggled, covered his mouth and blushed a bit when he was complimented. "Thank you for the compliment." Learning to embrace what he is was made things so much easier, especially for himself, and he started enjoying compliments a long time ago. "As for my preference in partners, well... I guess I can be happy with any happy woman, but I'd prefer to avoid those that like putting their appendages in me. That's a once in a while thing now."

Taken: Souta then tilted and back and forth, and twiddled his thumbs a bit. "But what really gets me hot is something I think I would have to get to know you better to let you find out..." he trailed off. "I guess that's a good excuse to visit you at yours, then."

RJ: Melpha waved her hand at the last bit. "We have a good number of appendages at my Ranch, and I apologize again over my previous apology... I thought you might be interested in such a thing."

Taken: "Oh, I've been around and learned a few thing, so it's not a big deal to me. It's just not my favourite kinda treat. I'm more of a giver anyway." He winked to Chloe with that, finally putting his own candy in his mouth.

RJ: "Oh dear..." Melpha seemed to give Souta a very worried look following his announcement. "I mean no offense, Souta... But men who act as a competitive Rancher often... Are not the givers. Even mamono you try to train will try to dominate. Are you not worried about this?"

Taken: "Nope!" he exclaimed happily. "I stopped worrying about being dominant a long time ago. Making people happy is what's important, anyway."

Taken: (Did I mess that innuendo up, or are Souta and Melpha not talking about the same thing?)

RJ: (just didn't catch the differentiation between being a giver and being dominant)

Taken: (Souta implies he'd rather give out dickings, Melpha interprets that he'd rather be the dominant one. Oh yes, they are going to be good friends!)

RJ: "Oh... Well then I suppose you will be fine." she nodded. "Sorry to bother you." she gave a slight bow before turning to leave.

Taken: "No trouble at all. Have nice day, pretty lady!" Souta said as he saw his guest out the door. After she left, he turned to Chloe. "What nice neighbour. What do you think?"

RJ: "I think she wanted to stick something in your butt." Chloe said with blunt and yet somehow innocent honesty.

Taken: "Yeah, I get that a lot," he said with mock fatalism while turning his back. He bent over and flipped up his skirt, flashing Chloe his tight white shorts. "And for the life of me, I still can't see why." He then giggled as he skipped away. "Now where am I gonna put all my outfits?"

RJ: Chloe stared with a blush at his butt, before she continued to stare as he skipped away. "W-wait!" she called out, chasing after him. "A-are you gonna not visit her? S-so she won't put things in your butt?"

Taken: (so what tiem is it at this fine Ranch?)

RJ: (afternoon)

Taken: (all of Souta's stuff has been moved to the Ranch I take it? So all of Souta sexy trap outfits are here?)

RJ: yes

Taken: "Somehow, I have this feeling that she's not the only one I met today that wants to put things in my butt." He stopped and pointed at his posterior accusingly. "You're more trouble than my horns, buddy." With that, he found his wardrobe, and started undressing, revealing his horns before closing the door before Chloe could get more than a glimpse. "No peeking!"

Taken: Less than a minute later, Souta comes out wearing a short red skirt held on by a black belt, white bloose and knee socks, and holding a large straw hat. "Now... should I have braid pigtails, a low ponytail, or a high ponytail?" he asked Chloe.

Taken: (assuming she's still there)

RJ: "How come you're always wearing a hat?" Chloe asked curiously.

Taken: good morning... if you're there

Taken: Souta shrugged and smiled. "Mother always made us wear hats, so it's mostly a habit. And there's so many kinds!"

* Taken pokes

RJ: "Oh... Okay." Chloe nodded, staring at Souta's hat for a while.

Taken: Souta tied his hair in simple ponytail before donning his hat. "I don't feel like visiting Melpha's ranch, but it wouldn't hurt to find out where it is. Plus, I want to introduce myself to the other nearby ranchers. Wanna come with?"

Taken: "Or do you wanna eat my hat?"

RJ: Chloe shook her hands from side to side. "N-no! I'm fine..." she replied nervously.

Taken: Souta chuckled as he skipped past her. "Let's go for a stroll!"

RJ: And so they went for a stroll around the block. Around his ranch, he saw quite varied Ranches, each seemingly on quite a grand scale. The first was a rather spooky mansion that seemingly always had dark lightning clouds overhead. Crows sang their song of death, and zombies and skeletons alike roamed freely within the Ranch's grounds. Another Ranch was a much easier sight on the eyes, a calm little oriental styled Ranch who's inhabitants, consisting of a couple kitsune, red skinned oni, a single crow perching on a roof with her eyes shut, and a Ryu, a snake like dragon, all of whom were either conversing over a steaming beverage, or lounging carelessly. The final Ranch was actually a diamond palace, literally. A large, grand palace made seemingly out of diamonds.

Taken: (I think I'll supplement what ever we generate here with visits to other people's threads.)

Taken: "Wow! A haunted house," Souta exclaimed as he walked up to the first ranch. "Hello, I'm a new neighbour looking to introduce myself to the other Ranchers," he said cheerfully to the nearest Zombie.

RJ: A single zombie looked to Souta with a dead expression, before turning away. "Wait... Here..." she moaned with a deep sigh. After a few minutes, a small girl opened the door to the mansion, and came walking out.

(Link: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php...rg/bbs/picture.php?albumid=115&pictureid=7966

"What do you want?" the girl inquired with a rather unamused expression.

Taken: "I'm just a new rancher looking to make friends with the neighbours. Call me Souta, and this is Chloe. We just moved into lot 42."

RJ: "Make friends with the living." the girl said coldly, before turning away from Souta.

Taken: "Well, OK then if you're sure," Souta said slightly nervously to the girl's back. After walking some distance, he whispered to Chloe, "Awkward. And she didn't give her name."

RJ: "She doesn't seem like a very nice person..." The holstaurus shivered, not seeming to be too comfortable among so many of the walking dead.

Taken: "I should have brought some candy..." Souta sighed.

He then walked up to the second Ranch and repeated the same procedure with the nearest resident. "Hello, I'm a new neighbour looking to introduce myself to the other Ranchers."

RJ: Amongst all the residents of this Ranch, Souta got some wierd looks, before an oni rose, and suddenly lifted Souta's skirt. "Ah, now it makes sense." she said, before flopping back down and lifting a large jug, guzzling down a large amount of sake. "Hey," the oni said after having her fill. "You like to drink, pretty boy?"

Taken: "Hey," Souta giggled playfully, as he patted away the forward woman's hand. "No peeking."

"Once in a while. I'm more of a ice cream person," he replied.

RJ: "Sit down with us! Have a drink!" she invited, while a kitsune sitting quietly across from her giggled. "We would love to have you~"

Taken: "I'm sure you would," he replied with knowing smile, "but I can't stay. Maybe next time."

RJ: Suddenly the oni got all handsy, wrapping an arm around Souta's waist and pulling him hard enough to cause him to fall into her lap. "C'mon! Just a little while, heh!"

Taken: Souta squeaked as he was pulled into her lap, before shifting and getting comfortable. "Well, maybe a small drink if you promise to introduce me to the Rancher. And can Chloe join us too?" He cocked his head to his current companion.

RJ: "Sure, sure! You can meet Fio!" she announced, before bringing the jug of sake up, and drinking a mouthful, before suddenly attacking Souta with her lips, feeding Sake into his mouth through her own while giving a delighted moan.

Taken: "Great. So what's Fio li-mph!" Souta started before his mouth was covered. Almost surprised. he accepted the drink, analyzing the taste while his new friend had her fill of him. When the red oni was done his lips, he'd hum a bit before replying, "That's some strong sake. Where did you get it from?"

* Taken scuttles his vessle

RJ: A rush of warmth would flow through Souta's body, which made his face flush as all the warmth seemed to focus on his crotch. Despite what he may have willed, Souta found himself become very aroused. "Made it myself... It's my love potion~" the oni giggled, grinning down at Souta.

Taken: "Uh huh, it's good," Souta said with a little more breath than before, looking into the Red Oni's eyes with his half lidded shimmering orbs. He let the warmth in his crotch flush through the rest of his body and his heart beaten quicken. He then covered his mouth and started giggling lightly. "So what's Fio like? Does she enjoy your special sake?"

RJ: "I'll probably get in trouble for being so assertive with ya, but you seem okay with it~" she announced, looking to her kitsune companion. "She doesn't like the arousing effects of my sake, except on special occasions~" she answered Souta, before massaging his legs and leaning back, acting as his chair on the ground as she gently encouraged his legs apart in a lewd display, while Chloe sat down and idly drank some sake herself out of curiousity.

Taken: "Between you and the sake, she'd probably melt from arousal. I'm Souta, by the way, and this is Chloe." After the Oni and Kitsune introduced themselves he'd continue, "So what's it like living on this ranch? From the looks of it you must all be doing well here. I'm looking for good examples, especially after the spooky house."

RJ: "I am Siro, and this is Mori," the oni said, introducing the kitsune as well, who was coming up, blushing with appeal as she looked at Souta's throbbing length under his skirt, eager to do something with it.

Taken: Seeing the predator approaching, Souta shifted to sit cross legged, the flattened the skirt. It wasn't comfortable, but he hopped his shaking head and bemused smile would let her know he didn't want to be caught in a quagmire of horny women.

Taken: *then flattened his skirt

RJ: The kitsune frowned slightly. "What's wrong?" the oni asked. "Don't you think she's pretty?"

Taken: Souta almost smirked at the attempt to guilt trip him. He'd seen the routine before. "Like I said, I can't stay long. I have little more time to introduce myself to Fio before I have to leave. So unless you can take me to her, I'm gonna have to leave."

RJ: "What's the rush? Fio will be back from visiting her grandmother in a while."

Taken: "Because I already have plans to keep, and don't want to upset anyone the wouldn't forgive me. I have a lot of distance to cover too." He then turned and smirked at Siro. "And didn't you say you shouldn't be too assertive? Or is Fio the kind of rancher you want to get in trouble with?"

RJ: The oni frowned. "This guy is no fun." she said, letting Souta go. "Fio isn't here, and won't be for about an hour. Sorry."she said, seeming rather grumpy.

Taken: "Ah well, I guess I'll just have to come back," Souta sighed as he got up. "Thank you for the drink. Until next time. Coming Chloe?" And with that he started walking away, mumbling something about good sake. After a fair distance from the Ranch, Souta would say to Chloe "That was close. Anymore of those tempting ladies and their alcohol, and I would have lost it. What do you think?"

RJ: As Souta walked away, Chloe followed, unable to walk straight, as she fell over some distance away, landing against Souta. "I's so dwuuunk~" she giggled.

Taken: "That reminds me," he mused as he helped her walk. "If we kept you drunk all the time, would you make Irish Cream?"

RJ: "Dunno~" she giggled, leaning against Souta and molesting him a little.

Taken: "Well, this isn't good. I don't think bringing a drunken horny girl would make a good first impression," and he checked over his shoulder to see if Sori or Mori had decided to stalk him. "I'm gonna have to change my plans. Pity, if I had've known you were this drunk I would've obliged them. How much did you drink, anyway? Do you still have some?"

RJ: Chloe lifts up something that was out of Souta's view, a whole jug of the sake. She shook it around, and revealed that she had pretty much emptied it.

Taken: "Awwww," Souta pouted pathetically. "I was hoping there would be more. Oh well. Let's take you home to bed." Gonna have to visit the neighbours some other time.

RJ: And so they came home, Chloe quiet the whole way as she was too drunk to do anything but focus on walking

Taken: "OK. Almost there. Now it's just a quick stop in the kitchen to get you some water, and it's off to bed." And assuming nothing goes wrong, that's just what Souta would have happen. And whether from the effects of the love potion sake, or being in physical contact with the Chloe for how long it took to walk back home, Souta would lay her down in his bed before joining her.

RJ: Drinking some water, Chloe let out a happy sigh, before she was taken to bed. She looked at Souta with a blush, before turning her head away, and casually laying in the bed. She did seem bothered by the sake, but decided just to lay down.

Taken: "Are you really going to sleep in your clothes," Souta asks her as he starts taking his own clothes off. In but a moment, he'd be wearing a light pink t-shirt several sizes too big, and his panties tightened bu his arousal.

Taken: *by his arousal

RJ: "Um... I suppose so..." Chloe replies shyly.

Taken: Souta barely made a sound as he got into bed with her. "Snuggle?" he asked quietly.

RJ: "Um... You want to snuggle with me?" she asked, seeming confused. "I thought you didn't... Um..."

Taken: "Didn't what?" He turned his head and looked into her eyes.

RJ: "Well, you refused those others, so... I don't really understand you."

Taken: "Maybe..." he smirked, "I'm just a jerk." He giggled. "Or maybe, I wanted to do it with you first."

RJ: Facing away from him, she didn't see his eyes or his smirks. "Oh..." she replied rather meekly, not seeming too flattered by that announcement.

Taken: "You know, we spent the whole afternoon together, but I still don't know much about you." He sighed. "That's what we'll do tomorrow then."

Taken: And with that, he rolled close, wrapped his arms around her, and pressed his throbbing member up. "But, it is kinda of early, isn't it?"

RJ: Chloe curled up, reacting defensively to his attentions. "A-actually, I feel fine. I think I'll go grazing..." she said, trying to lean up.

Taken: "All right..." he said, letting her go. He'd a long moment before getting up and silently go looking for her.

RJ: Going after her, he'd see her far down the road, apparently going for a walk.