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South City

Re: South City

"Goddammit, whats taking them so long..." Max mutters to himself as he works on a particularly nasty 'bleeder', who had taken to hurling abuse at Max.

"Watch where you're stabbing that thing!" He shouts at Max, as he tries to re-stitch up a wound that the soldier had just opened up by squirming around.

"Please, sir I'm trying my best. I can only do so much when the other medics are busy working on the rest and our other medic alchemist is off galavanting somewhere."

"Geez, these bastard zombie's are causing me no end of grief. I wish they'd hurry up and kill them all..."
Re: South City

"Remember James said it wasn't quite alchemy." she reminded Sen, "But if you don't believe me..." she shrugged, "We'll find the truth eventually." She squinted ahead of her, "Aah! There they are." she sped up, "Max!" she called ahead, "I found her!"
Re: South City

Yeah, he said that Kane couldn't use alchemy, but poisons and the like don't bring back the dead either. Sen says before following after Miranda.
Re: South City

"About time," Max says as they arrive, he had just finished closing the disgruntled and abusive soldiers wounds. "Right, I'd like you to get started on them over there and I'll finish the ones over here. You do know how to use your medic alchemy, right?" Max adds, the zombie attacks and rowdy soldiers had pushed his nerves to their limits.
Re: South City

Miranda looked thoughtful, "Where is the fighting taking place, and should i head over there?"
Re: South City

"Look around you, the whole place is a freaking battlefield. I'm just glad none of those rotting bastards have made it this far up." Max's voice lacks any of its normal cheeriness. "If you really want to kill something, well, rekill something head a little further down."
Re: South City

I know the minor level stuff, but that's it. I haven't actually had to do more than deal with blisters or wrench wounds before. Sen replies as she moves over to see what she can do.
Re: South City

"How about training with medical equipment? Surely you must've done that."
Re: South City

Miranda nodded grimly and headed in the direction he pointed coming across Jack and James, "Alright, what are we looking at? What kind of alchemy seems to affect them?"
Re: South City

James shrugs. "From what Jack's gotten told, normal methods seem to work on these things. I'm a little concerned about one thing...The wounded apparently aren't getting evacuated...Although, again from what Jack's gotten, no one seems to be in charge, except maybe us now."
Re: South City

((How far is Max away from James and Miranda? Would he be able to overhear what was just said?))
Re: South City

((He's about 40 yards away. He might be able to hear their voices, but what they're saying isn't likely to be too clear, unless he's got exceptional hearing.))
Re: South City

The most I've really done there is sewing up wounds. I never really had the kind of money needed to go to a medical school. Sen replies.
Re: South City

Max sighs. "Well I guess you better find someone who doesn't need too much done to them and see what you can do to help them. Leave the proper stuff to me and the rest of the medics."
Re: South City

Miranda nodded, "I'm not that good with firearms, but my alchemy was useless against these things before. I suppose I could try to distract them by dropping water on them." she grinned wryly.
Re: South City

Jack sighed. "I'd like to know where is the source of those things... But we can check that later. We really need to organize this a bit. The wounded have to be evacuated, otherwise they'll be in the way." He chuckled grimly as he turned to Miranda. "And if you're out of any other options, I'd suggest finding a big rock. Or a stick."
Re: South City

She nodded, "I wish I were strong enough to manipulate water inside of bodies. It would be a big help if i could just suck all the water out of these fleshy dead."
Re: South City

James suddenly glanced around, then stepped over to Cynder, keeping his voice down a bit. "You know...They said that this seemed to be the only approach they use...Maybe we should send a small group to go get a machine gun or two?"

Right then, the soldiers began wildly shooting, as another wave of the undead appeared at the end of the street.
Re: South City

"Oh dear christ, you can't be serious?!" Max shouts out at the sound of the latest wave of undead. "Anybody got any idea's what to do now?!" He calls out to the group.
Re: South City

Cynder aimed his revolver at the incoming monsters, then glanced at James. "Good idea. Now try to pull it off, if you can... Altough I'd suggest one thing: HURRY UP!" He began to shoot as well, missing with his first shot... But he continued to fire regardless of the fail.

'Great... Like I need another bad omen.'