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South City

Re: South City

As previously stated, it appears that any of the undead that get hit in center of mass or in the head go down and stay down.

James, in the meantime, manages to find a small group of about four soldiers who'd run out of ammunition. "You four, head back, grab an MG or two, and get 'em back and set up."

He also stops by another small group of men, apparently too scared to fight back. "If you aren't going to fight, then start hauling the wounded back to the medics!" After a little bit of coaxing, James manages to get them moving with that task as well, before rejoining the line, having gotten a rifle from one of the wounded men.

Back in the aid station, Max's question got answered by the old man. "Keep working. Looks like they finally got some of those bastards bringing the wounded."

As the wounded start arriving, the old medic finally manages to get some of the others moving, possibly requiring some assistance from Sen and Max to do so.
Re: South City

Jasper had been on the defensive line, waiting for the zombies to show up. When they did, finally, he began taking random potshots into the crowd with his pistol, stopping every one in a while to reload it. "This is so boring. It's not like we'll ever accomplish anything if we just sit here and defend." he says in a normal voice, barely heard over all the gunshots.
Re: South City

"Right, right." Max mutters as the new batch of wounded soldiers come in. "Not like I can do much else unless things get too dangerous anyway." With that he changes his surgical gloves for fresh, clean ones and starts work on the new arrivals, working on the ones that are most injured first.
Re: South City

Since his revolver didn't do much good, Jack looked for a bigger weapon. He managed to find a rifle left by one of the wounded and some ammo. He opened fire - altough his accuracy wasn't perfect, at least this kind of weapon would leave a mark after hitting.
Re: South City

Miranda clenched her jaw unhappily and looted a pistol from one of the fallen and started doing her best to shoot the undead in the head.
Re: South City

Although many of the undead go down under the gunfire, a large portion of them manage to make their way into range of the alchemists' abilities.

((They're still outside of melee range, but any alchemy skills that Oni has declared ranged are now usable.))
Re: South City

((Even if most of them wont cause any damage without using some non-alchemy related items))
Re: South City

((You can assume that my char simply continued to fire.))
Re: South City

Miranda continued to fire with one hand, and with the other she activated an array in her pocket and started pulling small balls of water out of the air and dropping them on the zombies to distract them.

(((I can do that right?)))
Re: South City

((I'm going to allow it for this...Since there's a humor factor about to come into play.))

The balls of water hit the undead, with about the same effect as if they'd been hit by water balloons. However, when the sunlight hit the water droplets, they predictably began reflecting.

The first zombie hit groaned a bit from the impact but saw the reflecting light. "Ur...Uh...Ur...SHINY!" It then proceeded to frantically claw at itself trying to catch the water drops. Some of the nearby zombies turned to look, then let out comments such as "Shiny!" and "Me like shiny!" before diving at the water drops. Due to the water attacks, the oncoming wave of undead turned into one large apparent brawl as the dim-witted undead frantically clawed at themselves.

James, who was trying to line up a shot on one, slowly lowered his rifle, a puzzled look on his face. "Um...Okay...What the fuck?"
Re: South City

Miranda blinked and then grinned, "So they like shiny things!" She let out a laugh of delight, "Guys! Anything bright and shiny, throw it at them! They'll attack themselves!" She picked up a handful of spent shells and flung it at the undead.
Re: South City

Jack couldn't help but smile. Those creatures were dangerous, but very, very stupid as well. He threw continued to fire, letting others distract the zombie horde.
Re: South City

Max stops midway through cleaning up a soldiers wounds as he catches a glimpse of the zombie's running around and clawing themselves. He bursts out laughing for a couple of minutes before returning to work.
Re: South City

Harrison follows Miranda's lead and starts flinging balls of water at the zombies.
Re: South City

Some of the undead stop, grab the empty shells, and then turn around and retreat, carrying them. It seems that the frantic clawing is triggered by their lack of ability to keep the water from slipping away from them.

James, however, gets an idea, and as some shells are thrown, he uses his electrical alchemy to charge them. 'Probably won't do enough to be worth much...But you never know until you try.'
Re: South City

While normally the charge would only be enough to slightly shock them, maybe even numb their sense of feeling for a short time, the water amplified the electrical charge. Sparks danced along the wet zombie's, paralysing their nerves, and the ones who were soaked dropped to the ground and twitched every-so-often.
Re: South City

Miranda pumped her fist in a gesture of triumph. "Hell yes!" she started dropping water on another section, "Keep zapping them James!"
Re: South City

Grave simply focused on getting as many walking corpses down as possible. He tried to aim for the heads - after all, he couldn't imagine a human capable of living without a brain.
Re: South City

Max turns to the old doctor. "Do you have any idea what these freaks are doing? Besides maiming the soldiers that is."
Re: South City

The man stopped for a second, thinking. "Not really, now that you mention it. Maybe one of the guys out there knows. Now that these fools," he adds, gesturing to the other medics, "are moving, I suppose you could go ask, if you want."