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Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Being Busy

Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Rule Updates

I updated the rules to include Invader rules and Underdog rules.

I also have no excuse for my lack of updates to your fites. I still hold priority over pvp though. I get to pve when I can, and only deal with so many PvE matches at a time. Incentive yo.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Counting Your Character Points

Also, Considering how pretty easy character creation is, I'm surprised at the number of errors people have made on their sheets.

Make sure you DID NOT MAKE ERRORS. I have so many people with positives in odd locations, like a Thick Ero-artist having a plus to grapple, when neither of those boost grapple. (That's you, Mind Flayer)
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Counting Your Character Points

A Thin Grappler would have 120 or 140 WP? That seems to be the only issue I see with my character sheet. The rest looks pretty straightforward.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Counting Your Character Points

Stat bonuses at creation are cumulative. Same with penalties.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Counting Your Character Points

So is it 120 or 140? The way it is written confuses me. I do not think there are any of the other stats that had the possibility of having both apply to them as a bonus/penalty aside from WP. One of the stats had one be the bonus and the other the penalty, so they would cancel each other out.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Counting Your Character Points

Cumulative. Ergo, they add up. I think that was self-explanatory. If all the other stats (strenght, grapple and so on) add up (so you can get a 7 in chargen with certain combinations) then those three must add up as well.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Counting Your Character Points

Thanks for the clarification.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Counting Your Character Points

Thought I'd mention this as it came up when discussing things with myself.

As the maker of this silly game, I reserve the right of favoritism.

ilu Tass, Gaun, and MF. Except when you PvE.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Evasion Improvement

I don't know why I made Evasion so bad. It was a worse version of Reflexes.

Now it also helps you avoid Damage by reducing it. I shall explain this by using physics! Moving your body in the same direction of force intending to impact with you will result in less Newtons of Force against your skull.

It reduces pleasure damage too.

(For those of you who aren't aware, the direction of force is where the fist is going. Moving something else in the same direction of force DOES NOT mean you're moving it TOWARDS the fist. You're just moving it IN THE SAME DIRECTION. Ex. He punches forward, you throw yourself backwards. Both the fist and your body moved in the same direction of force.)
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Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Evasion Improvement

Can someone effectively be "decked" by running out of cards to draw?

I know that getting cards from the fatigue pile is possible, but just interested in what may happen if all cards get drawn in a longer match.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

Because I amuse myself so much, I will victimize a person asking for PvE by making them face the NPC: Arjay the Boar.

If you want to pick more casual NPC fights, you 'will' entertain me.

I'll let you get away with competitive.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

All my character wants to do is competitive, seems no one was interested but whatever.

Stupid question time.

Who has the low ranked belt? There is a "Major" league champion, but I did not see any of the others, so I assume they have not been made yet? Can I go right after one of the belts or does working the way up have to happen?

Probably have more dumb questions, but those are enough for now.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

I haven't made any champions yet. Jake is not a Title Defender but a Title Contender for the Major League, so he's busy fighting people in his own league.

As a fan of punch-out, I intend to make NPC title defenders very gimmicky and such. Probably simple things, like a cyclops with a High HP value and seemingly min-maxed build for grappling, and with the possible addition of Title cards that are for those NPC fights only. Such as the ability to Strike his eye and deal x3 HP damage if successful, and highly Choreographed attacks (he comes in charging at you head-first while the announcers pretty much label and scream a signature attack to let you know it's coming. Then using ye Title card to properly counter results in a huge payoff, with the addition of hidden ways to instantly KO sometimes).

Mostly meant to be fun, a seemingly difficult foe that has glaring weaknesses once found. Nothing is solid yet, but I don't plan on title bouts being just normal fights. I have to entertain myself for NPC fights somehow, and it's fairer to the players since if you figure out the gimmicks then you'll win, unless you get terrible draws.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

So who are the Glass Joe, Von Kaiser, and Piston Honda of the minor circuit?

Thats really the one that I plan on challenging since that whole making an assumption toward having to improve my character some before going into the major circuit.

Oh, and if I ever get to win a belt, do I get to make my own silly "rule" while I still hold it?
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

I think I'll join up after all if you still got room.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

Okay, I'm in. Gonna learn on the fly. Who wants a match?
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

I'll take you on, once I get a new character up. I'm thinking RJ's not keen on freeko and he's the first one who replied to Kamui's challenge. So I'll reply to you once I have one up, Slime.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

Okay. It took me about five minutes. I didn't really stress about the card distribution. I copied Nyx's deck and made only minor tweaks without overthinking it.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

I do, kinda wondering why tenta and I have not been put in our match yet. If he is out then I would take you on.

Otherwise I would take you on after that match is done if you want.