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I've been thinking that a cool addition to the game could be something like a gradual walking animation change as Ashley's lust develops.
I've been thinking that a cool addition to the game could be something like a gradual walking animation change as Ashley's lust develops.
Funny you should mention actually, we've had that in our plans. We're not entirely sure yet if we want to tie it down to just lust though. We might make it into something that you can just toggle between. Also, high heels will definitely affect the walk as well
Funny you should mention actually, we've had that in our plans. We're not entirely sure yet if we want to tie it down to just lust though. We might make it into something that you can just toggle between. Also, high heels will definitely affect the walk as well
Awesome! Super stoked on the work you all have done so far, everything about this project is shaping up to be exactly the kind of game I've hoped for. Keep up the great work!
Awesome! Super stoked on the work you all have done so far, everything about this project is shaping up to be exactly the kind of game I've hoped for. Keep up the great work!
Comments like these are what keeps us motivated, so thanks!
So I know that the arousal system isn't that functional yet, but it would be cool to make it so that if you stay maxed out on lust for too long you're forced to masturbate, much like the bladder/pissing yourself mechanic.
So I know that the arousal system isn't that functional yet, but it would be cool to make it so that if you stay maxed out on lust for too long you're forced to masturbate, much like the bladder/pissing yourself mechanic.
That's actually a pretty good idea! We'll have to jot that down
That's actually a pretty good idea! We'll have to jot that down
And it seems reasonable to me that having this happen around NPCs would lower your lust by a point or two if your lust is still below the point where you can masturbate in public because anyone would feel quite ashamed about doing something like that in public!
And it seems reasonable to me that having this happen around NPCs would lower your lust by a point or two if your lust is still below the point where you can masturbate in public because anyone would feel quite ashamed about doing something like that in public!
That's a good point, it'd definitely make more sense if that was the case. Thanks!
During sex scenes you guys could better the genitals' animation right now it's just body parts phasing through other body parts.
During sex scenes you guys could better the genitals' animation right now it's just body parts phasing through other body parts.
More realistic genital movement is totally in the books, first we just need to fix the rig we're currently using. We recently got a new character artist who can hopefully help us achieve that!
More realistic genital movement is totally in the books, first we just need to fix the rig we're currently using. We recently got a new character artist who can hopefully help us achieve that!
Oh awesome, it just looks so much better when you can tell something's actually being penetrated instead of just having it phase through it.
Oh awesome, it just looks so much better when you can tell something's actually being penetrated instead of just having it phase through it.
For sure! We finally got another character artist so be on the look out for some big improvements on that front!
I was wondering about some things regarding the privacy aspect, are little details going to be important? Like closing the doors when you change your clothes and so on. If when you strip for Teddy's photo shoot and you don't close the door he might take a few pictures of you, when you get ready he cancels the photo shoot and after it's happened a couple of times some nude photos might be exposed to the schoolmates or something along those lines.
I was wondering about some things regarding the privacy aspect, are little details going to be important? Like closing the doors when you change your clothes and so on. If when you strip for Teddy's photo shoot and you don't close the door he might take a few pictures of you, when you get ready he cancels the photo shoot and after it's happened a couple of times some nude photos might be exposed to the schoolmates or something along those lines.
They are though! Unfortunately privacy areas are currently broken in 0.6, in previous builds you could only masturbate in your room with the door closed, unless your lust was high enough. Same with changing clothes/walking around naked.
They are though! Unfortunately privacy areas are currently broken in 0.6, in previous builds you could only masturbate in your room with the door closed, unless your lust was high enough. Same with changing clothes/walking around naked.
Sorry, my bad, I think I didn't explain right. I know how it worked in previous builds, what i was wondering was if your exhibitionism is high enough and you do something inappropriate in a public space, will that have any consequences? While playing in succubus form I can imagine that you can bewitch or seduce others and in that case it won't matter that much, but in human form others might change their mind about you. It might make them dislike you or maybe they could use those instances as blackmail, something more along those lines.
Sorry, my bad, I think I didn't explain right. I know how it worked in previous builds, what i was wondering was if your exhibitionism is high enough and you do something inappropriate in a public space, will that have any consequences? While playing in succubus form I can imagine that you can bewitch or seduce others and in that case it won't matter that much, but in human form others might change their mind about you. It might make them dislike you or maybe they could use those instances as blackmail, something more along those lines.
Yes, there will eventually be consequences for running around naked, as well as different reactions from NPCs when it comes to what Ashley is wearing (or not wearing ;)).
I like how Ashley's ponytail/pigtails wave in the wind! All the long hairstyles are static though, will that be animated too at some point, or is doing that too time consuming?