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Stasia (AI)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

"I see, hmm..." the herm woman said, smirking a bit as Stasia began to turn towards the door. "Are you sure lady Cassandra told you that? Well, lady Cassandra is a generous person after all, so it wouldn't surprise me much," she went on to ask curiously, letting Stasia grab the doorknob.

Just as she'd turned and grabbed it though, Stasia felt the herm woman grab her from behind in a hug as she blew in gently Stasia's ear. "You are quite the lovely thing though my dear. I do wonder when I told you anything at all, hmhm," the herm woman giggled in Stasia's ear as she embraced her from behind. Before Stasia could react, she felt the herm woman nibble on one of her pointed elven ears while one hand was on Stasia's breasts and the other on her waist. The herm woman still wasn't doing anything in a threatening manner however, but Stasia could get the feel that she was either not worried at all, or very confident in her abilities.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

The brief pause of the security of the doorknob allowed Stasia to relax a little. Her fingers curled along the metal orb, and just as she was about to turn her wrist, it was plucked from her grasp as she felt herself pulled into a hug from behind!

"A-ah, I don't think--mmph!"

The sudden assault of her nerves by lips and hands on her body forced the elf to wriggle. She didn't resist, unsure of what a blind sprint would bring. She swallowed, and tried to dismiss the images of the bobbing member, that surely rested behind her, from her mind. Regardless of her efforts, her breath quickened as she felt the adrenaline of being on the job mix with the assault of the tactile senses. Her cheeks grew flush as she tried to swim through her thoughts toward plotting an escape.

"Told me anything?"

She asked, fumbling forward for the door handle once more. If this woman's molesting continued, the thief's more urban attire would start revealing more intimate parts soon.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

A she was hugged from behind, Stasia felt the shaft belonging to the herm woman pressing against her butt cheeks, right between them in fact. "You do know what lady Cassandra looks like don't you my dear little elf, hmhm?" the woman asked curiously, looking amused.

Both of her hands slid up and cupped Stasia's breasts and squeezed them softly. Unless Stasia tried to shove her groper off of her, a few moments after the breast groping was done, she would feel the herm's half hard shaft slide between her legs, sawing gently in and out. "Did you show proper thanks to lady Cassandra for the donations?" the herm woman asked, biting gently on Stasia's other pointed elf ear

Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia's body stiffened as she felt the prod of the unseen shaft against her bottom. She tucked her lower lip beneath her teeth as it became harder not to visualize it pressing against her panty-clad rear.

"Of course, I had just spoken with her in the room near the library..."

Stasia said with a breathier tone, the hands becoming just as distracting. The elf swallowed, her chest pushing forward against those hands, and pressing her rear back in consequence. The sudden sensation of the girth filling the gap between her thighs caused the elf's eyes to flutter, and a creeping nervousness filled in the lust-smoked thoughts.

"I... I did." She responded, reaching again for the door handle, and her fingers finding purchase on the metal once again.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

"Did you now?" the herm asked curiously with a grin. "I wasn't aware that Cassandra was the one in charge of this house. I thought I was," she went on to say with a grin.

With that, Stasia managed to get the door open, she felt the grip from the woman tighten a bit. "And where do you think you're going you cute little elf? I never gave you permission to leave yet," the herm asked Stasia.

Stasia managed to thrust her butt back again and bumped the herm in the gut, knocking her back a bit where she was able to make a run for it. The maid in the hall was no longer there, having moved into the trophy room. So Stasia had a clear path to run. Stasia heard footsteps behind her though and a glance back revealed the herm woman chasing her. "Come here you little sneak thief elf!" the herm shouted at her.

As Stasia got to the foyer again, she saw the door to the living room burst open and from there came three women, one wielding a large greatsword, and the other two wielding... nothing really as they were maids. They had her route to the front doors blocked off, and any other path as well... save up the stairs.

Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Well... Shit.

With cover blown, her fingers wrenched on the doorknob to yank it open. She felt the grip tighten, and with her rolling hips, knocked the molesting herm from her body.

"Sorry dear, my mistake!" She called out, slipping through the doorframe and digging her feet into the floor to sprint down the hallway. Her bag clattered as she holds it over her shoulder before stealing a glance back at her pursuer, and offering a cocky grin.

Rounding the foyer, she found herself blocked in. Spinning on the toe of her boot, she bounded up the stairs.

And as always, nothing goes according to plan.

She huffed, flexing her calves to throw herself over every third step; an impressive feat for the lithe elf carting a bag of goods.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

"Oh no you don't. You aren't getting away that easily," the herm woman shouted, chasing Stasia up the stairs along with the other three.

Stasia ran down the hall directly ahead of her, and burst through the double doors at the end of it, where she saw a huge bedroom with a large fancy four poster bed with curtains that hung from the top. Looking around quickly, Stasia saw only one avenue of escape, and that was the windows. However, just as she began to shut the door behind her, the herm slammed into it with her shoulder and knocked it open, and Stasia down to the floor.

Stasia was able to bound back to her feet quickly though, but the four that were chasing her were hemming her in towards an open door that led into the walk in closet. Inside the big closet, Stasia saw a safe hidden in the back of it. "Nowhere to run now little sneak thief elf. Cassy, apprehend her for me. I am a little unarmed right now," the herm woman said, crossing her arms as she did.

"With pleasure lady Kara," Cassandra said, wielding her greatsword with one hand. Now that Stasia got a better look at Cassandra, she saw that she was human, or at least looked human anyway. ( )

Cassandra stepped forward and aimed her sword at Stasia as she stepped forward. "Surrender now thief. If not, we won't hold back," Cassandra ordered Stasia, motioning for her to kneel.

Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia angled herself forward after landing on the top of the stairs, launching herself down the hallway. She turned to the side, and with a free hand, twisted the doorknob as her, and the bag made contact with the double doors. She tumbled in, but quickly righted herself on her heels before glancing around.

"Of course..."

She swung around to close the door, pressing her back against it in the hopes of hearing a satisfying click, but instead she was launched forward. She clung to the bag, reaching out to soften the incredible blow she received with one hand, and after a bit of tumbling, returned back to her feet and turning toward the mob. She peered around, and trying to turn so her back was to the window. She held out the free hand after the announcement and agreement between the two.

"W-wait! I can explain!" She called.

I only have one shot at this; and if I mess up, it could be bad...

Within a beat of her exclamation, she swung the bag low at the window, in hopes of smashing it. With any success, she'd use the momentum to whip herself toward it, curl up, and pray that the bag get's caught on a couple shards of glass to give her a little less distance to fall once outside.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

"How can you explain thief?" Cassandra asked, eyeing her warily.

When Stasia moved to throw her bag, all four moved after her, and Cassandra dove at her. Stasia's luck finally ran out it seemed, as Cassandra had grabbed her ankle before she could go out the window, with her bag cracking the thing, but not shattering it. "Nope, not today honey. You aren't going anywhere with my mistress's things," Cassandra said, wrestling around with Stasia until she had Stasia's wrists pinned above her head to the floor, and her own legs were planted on Stasia's to keep her from squirming.

"Cassie, don't be too rough. I want to have some words with her," Kara said, looking around and nodding to the two maids, who retreated to the closet and brought over some ropes and a set of pink fuzzy handcuffs, which she smirked and put on Stasia as Cassandra quickly maneuvered her around to allow Kara to do so. "Now dear, let's have a better look at you. Cassie... strip her," she went on to say, where Cassie pulled Stasia to her feet and yanked her shirt down, and then her trousers and then her panties, so all of Stasia's body was revealed to the herm women.

"Beautiful, simply breathtaking. Do be a dear and tell me what it is you were stealing from me for," Kara said with a smile on her face, though she wasn't seeming to try to be domineering as she spoke.

Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia fell forward as she felt the bag leave her hands, and slam against the window. With only a few cracks spreading from the point of impact, her hopes fell with the same thud her bag did onto the floor.

Well, hopefully this jail is shoddier than the last one I was in...

She felt herself turned over, and haphazardly resisted, knowing she was surrounded. When she found herself on her back, facing up at the girl known as Cassandra, she offered a quick wink and a flick of the corner of her lips in a grin.

She blinked at Kara's words, and looked to the maids who closed in on her with the restraints. She found herself bound, and stewed in being captured.

"W-wait, what?" She said, with a puzzled look, quickly watching her slender figure stripped bare. They revealed her modest chest, capped with pink nipples. As her garments were yanked from her hips, her hairless elven snatch was bared for all. She sat there, face reddening by the minute to catch up to the shade of her underwear.

She swallowed as she prepared her words, feeling at a loss at the strange turn of events. "W-well, I didn't have almost any coin to my name, so I stole out of necessity..."

She could certainly twist the truth, as was the case, trying to ignore the leering look of the mistress of the house. Even as she felt the gaze on her, her body squirmed a little, feeling so exposed.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Kara sighs sadly at Stasia's answer. "That is a sad truth that people are forced into such things. But you don't look starved or anything, so you can't be that poor really. Come now, what were you really stealing my things for? I'm willing to listen dear, though, I do have means of making you talk, hmhm," Kara said, reaching a hand up and cupping one of Stasia's breasts, giving it a firm squeeze before tweaking Stasia's nipple.

Stasia then watched as Kara leaned in and she felt the woman pressing her lips firmly against her own and kissing her deeply, her tongue entering Stasia's mouth and wrestling her own down. After breaking the kiss, Stasis saw Kara pull back, though her hand was still teasing her breast. "Come now dear, be honest with me. I've not hurt you yet. Have I?" Kara said to Stasia, teasing her with another tweak of her nipple and giving it a little pinch and a tug.

"You should be thankful my mistress is as kind as she is," Cassandra said to Stasia.

Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

The thief sucked her teeth as she was equally seen through, giving a glare and a bit of a pout at Kara. Watching the hand with a little apprehension, she tensed as she felt her chest molested. A small cry cracked from her throat as her nipple was twisted. This open mouth was met with the firm kiss.

Stasia grunted a little as she felt the slick tongue pin her wriggling one, though she obliged with a suck as the kiss broke free of her lips. She gasped, clearing her throat as her body grew warmer from this line of interrogation. Her face tensed again as her single orb was teased, forcing a squirm in the elf as she sat there.

"Ngh, f-fine! I also look for magical artifacts, and heard they would be here. I'm... an elf that can't preform magic, and looking for answers why..."

Her face had become more shame-filled than ever, looking elsewhere as she glowered in her state.

"Most people don't like parting with their magical trinkets, so..." She let the words hang in the air.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

"That's a good girl. And no most people don't. It took me many years to gather everything that you've seen here," Kara cooed to Stasia, switching breasts and repeating the teasing to it.

"An elf that can't perform magic eh. Not unheard of, some just simply don't have the talent for it. And I don't know why you're looking at me, sneak thief," Cassandra said when Stasia looked away, her gaze falling on Cassandra.

"Cassie, don't be mean. What is your name dear?" Kara said, smiling at Stasia as she leaned in and ran her tongue across Stasia's nipple. "And what do you think I should do with you, hmm?" she then asked curiously.

Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia's body grew warmer under the touch of the mistress of the house, her breath quickening as she laid there. Suddenly something sent a cold shock through her body as she glared at Cassandra.

"It's not talent, nor knowledge that I lack. It's... the connection, the power..."

She wore a challenging glare that looked as though an emerald fire smouldered behind her eyes. It was quickly snuffed out before she looked toward Kara, softening her eyes.


If the one time my reputation doesn't proceed me with the bounty attached, I would be eternally grateful to the powers that be...

Stasia began to feel her core slicken under the tongue of her molester, though she did a better job at remaining still.

"As for what you should do with me..."

She tried to gather herself out of her lustful thinking.

"Of course it will be your call, but I do have more practical talents..."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

"Hmm, I have something in mind my dear. And Stasia is a beautiful name, a beautiful name for a beautiful young woman," Kara said with a grin, kissing Stasia's nipple before kissing her neck.

It seemed that none of them knew her by name, or by sight, which was probably good, and possibly bad at the same time. "What sorts of practical talents do you have love? I'd like to know, before I make my decision on what to do. Although, I have something wonderful in mind, because while I am sympathetic, I must still punish you for trying to steal from me," Kara asked, smirking before she leaned down and kissed Stasia on the lips very chastely. "Cassie, get my box of... toys pulled over here," Kara then said, to which Cassie actually blushed and did as ordered, pulling an oaken chest over towards them from beside one of the dressers nearby.

Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia regarded Kara, swallowing as she tried to control her quickening breath as best she could, but the thief found her mind steeping in the need that grew from the sensations.

"Well, typically I'm a better thief than this, it's just an off day... And I have pulled more than one bumbling group of dungeon raiders from death..." She said, fighting the dreamy tone that wove itself into her words. She found those same words stopped by a firm kiss, and the elf's lips returned the embrace quickly, though her gaze stared at her captor intensely in the brief moment of intimacy. When the kiss broke, Stasia followed Kara's eyes to Cassie, and then to the chest.

"Err..." Stasia said hesitantly, coiling her body a little in hesitation.

Well, at least it's not a jail cell.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Cassandra pulled a pink silken blindfold out of the toy chest, along with a riding crop, a floppy pink dildo that Stasia could tell was imbued with some sort of magics, and then a a jar of some sort of lotion was pulled out. Cassie tentatively handed the jar to Kara, and set the other things down on the foot of the bed. "Thank you Cassie, now make our guest more comfortable please, on the bed if you would," Kara said, where Cassie lifted Stasia up and carried her over to the bed, and gently laid her back onto it, before taking a seat next to her.

After that, they fixed Stasia's hands above her head in the handcuffs, affixing them to the headboard of the bed, and then Cassie grabbed Stasia's legs and gently pulled them apart before sliding the blindfold down over Stasia's eyes. "This will help make you more sensitive dear, I hope you're ready for your punishment for trying to steal from me, hmhm," Kara cooed in Stasia's ear, her breath making her ear twitch before she felt a tongue licking up the lobe of it.

After that, Stasia felt a finger pressing against her folds, with something very cool on the finger. It was the lotion, and as the finger brushed across her slit and rubbed it in, Stasia felt her pussy beginning to heat up, to the point that it was nearly on fire with need. As her loins ached and burned with need, Stasis felt her nipples stiffening even more so as some of the lotion was applied there as well. It seeped into her skin fast, and before she knew it, Stasia could feel a mouth clamping down over both of her nipples and sucking gently as their tongues swirled around her nipples like crazy, teasing the elf and making her moan.

"Oooh, you like that don't you hon, hmhm," Kara cooed, lifting away from her left breast, while her right was still claimed by Cassie. "You'll like this even better," she then whispered, lifting Stasia's legs up with Cassie's help, and applying some more lotion, this time to her tight little pucker, with the finger gently sliding inside and rubbing some in there as well.

After a few moments, Stasia heard a lewd slurping sound that could only be one of the girls slurping on the dildo surely, and then she felt the wet floppy thing pressing against her ass, before her pucker parted open and welcomed the toy inside, with whichever one holding it, pushing it inside a good five or six inches and leaving it there, where it suddenly began vibrating inside of Stasia, driving her wild with lust as her juices began flowing even more so than they already had. "Do you want me to do more dear? To take you right here in my bed. I know you desire relief, and I can give it to you, but only if you beg me for it," Kara asked teasingly, one finger teasing Stasia's clit as she drew circles around it, peeling the hood back to let the air touch it as she gently blew on it to tease and stimulate Stasia as much as possible.