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Re: Stereotype

*backstabs* It was a mercy killing, you live in a TRAILER!
Re: Stereotype

Ha fooled you I live above a garage, my good twin lives in the trailer. You fat, opinionated American kehsekiya.
Re: Stereotype

I am not a swede you ignorant twit. I am a norwegian, also you can't type i've YET to feel insulted YET.

Now i changed my avatar aswell.
Re: Stereotype


...yeah that's right... I went there.

(as I thought that up, I got the imagery of everyone on this forum turning their head as I screamed perv, as if thinking "What the fuck? ... who is he talking to?")
Re: Stereotype

You went there... and you failed, porch monkey.
Re: Stereotype

Think up some better insults, you immature excuse for a penis wart. What are you like fucking twelve? Seriously get off your ass and get out of high school, stop pretending you're over 18 and just get the fuck out of here. Also, a rat's anus is more attractive than your avatar.
Re: Stereotype

Thou whoreson impudent embossed rascal!
Re: Stereotype

indeed. Though, a sharp tongue does not mean you have a keen mind, but don't be sad brains aren't everything, actually, in your case they're nothing.
Re: Stereotype

I am not a swede you ignorant twit. I am a norwegian, also you can't type i've YET to feel insulted YET.

Now i changed my avatar aswell.

Good god, your right I can't type you dumb dane.

No, but I did emboss yo momma last night.
Re: Stereotype


Quiet you...you...I got nothing. Therefore you get to be called a teletubby.
Re: Stereotype

I did warn thee, in my introduction letter. Did i not?
You Einstein-impersonating self-absorbed hog-humping dickwad!!
Re: Stereotype

Shut it you emancipated dirt ridden infected needle hiding herpes carrying teddy bears. I fart in your general direction.Your mother was a hamster and you father smelled of elder berries. Now be gone or i will insult you another time.

-thats right I brought the monty python bitches
Re: Stereotype

oh no you didn't You crud-infested anarchistic armchair-philosphizing self-absorbed rectum-head!
Re: Stereotype

We are no longer the knights who say ni! We are now the knights who say... ekki-ekki-ekki-pitang-zoom-boing!