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Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Borrowing an idea from others and starting on of these myself.

Two things I want to start with:

First, Shadows isn't finished yet. I know that. However, I'm at a writer's block on that one, so it'll be a while before that gets an update.

Second, I'll be updating my new one, The Storm War, periodically. And if you like the setting of it, I'm running an RP using it. For those already in it, here's some of the backstory.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

I've only read the prologue so far, and it seems intriguing. But there was some confusion on what was happening with the castle. It seems like a reference to the past but there is no solid proof of this fact.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

In the Prologue for Storm War, the italicized sections are in fact meant to be flash-backs.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

I realized that, but on my screen the italics weren't very noticeable.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

Are you worried at all about granner and word usage? I've spotted two that have made me twitch, but I can't think of a way to make the first one sound better. It doesn't really matter, but if you decide you want a proofreader, I'm all for it.

Also, feel free to use my character if you so desire, I've got more details for my backstory in my head, just need to get some quality time with my keyboard. A second person to bounce ideas off and offer suggestions would be great.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

I am aware that there are a few grammar mistakes. Believe me, Word's bitching about them. However, it's usually in places where I am deliberately mimicking how certain characters might be inclined to say what's going on, if they were narrating.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

Alright, just checking. And I completely agree with you, Word's grammer half is absolutely useless, especially in speech. Anyway, great story, keep at it.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

Well, still trying to get the last two chapters of Storm War done. Writer's block sucks massive balls.

Unrelated to that, I'm trying to work on another story, which depending on how well it turns out...You guys might get to read it.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

is it sad that i just checked that yesterday? i keep hoping that you've edited them in and forgot to say something...
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

Actually, I like to hear that at least one person still checks.

Really am trying to get those done, it's just...Writer's Block.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

i know the feeling, i have massively good ideas (in my opinion) for stories, but they always seem to just peter out halfway...
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

Writer's block is horrible. It's just a plague of the mind.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

The other story that I'd mentioned working on is up. Shrike and XSI have both helped me with certain elements of it, so some credit goes to them for the assistance.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

Third part of my latest is up.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

Since I managed to lose all of my previous work, save that which I've posted previously...

I started on an entirely new story. It's intended to be a spoof of the Gundam stuff, with some inspiration for the idea coming from watching a couple of Mel Brooks movies.

Here's something about this story: If someone wants me to include a personal character, or create one for them, just let me know. If I can work the character in, I will. Also, you will get some say in how the character gets developed. Just remember, this will be a story, not an RP.
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

Multi-posting, but...

For those who've been reading my spoof story, the montage is up.

EDIT: In the Major Characters thread, I've modified it to include the weapons load-out for the suits used by the Black Talons, including pictures to specs pages for what I used as starting points on the designs.
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Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

Whelp, necro-ing this to announce that I've started, and am about to post, a Champions universe inspired story. I'll be following my old habits of directing the comments and what not here, and keeping the actual story thread just the story.

Also, the initial parts of it, at least, will be taking the form of journal-like "entries" from one of the characters.

Usual disclaimer follows:

"This is entirely a work of fiction, and any resemblance to events past or present, persons living or dead, are entirely coincidental as the content of the story is pulled from the author's gastro-intestinal region. Don't try what you are about to read at home. EVER!"
Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

So, been derping around recently with yet another story idea. Possibly going to be posting some related info in the near future. EDIT: Info now posted here.

With this idea, I'll admit I've been (mentally) tossing the idea back and forth about trying to do it in sort of a comic/webcomic format. If I do, it's either going to be with some help, or the actual story elements not get posted for a while as I figure out how to art.

The basics on the story is that the setting will be modified Pokemon universe, modeled mostly on the "Pokemon Adventures" version. (Also known as "Pokemon Special") There will be additions due to the modifications.

As always:

"This is entirely a work of fiction, and any resemblance to events past or present, persons living or dead, are entirely coincidental as the content of the story is pulled from the author's gastro-intestinal region. Don't try what you are about to read at home. EVER!"
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Re: Story Comments Thread for Wolf's Stuff

On the off-chance that someone other than the person I've been asking to act as sort of a "sounding board" for it actually cares...

Yes, I'm still working on that Pokemon-set story idea. I have, however, recently done a major rework on it, and the notes thread has been updated to reflect the new stuff. Now that I've got a break from theater work, I'm hoping to have a rough intro-bit done soon, but inspiration and schedule will play a part in that.