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Succubus Chronicle


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Succubus Chronicle is a short story written by me based on Hentai Creature Lore: Succubus, It follows the story of a girl named Catherine or 'Cat' who is turned into a Succubus and how she handles the entire Ordeal. The story will span through many stages of her life as a Succubus, thus, it is a chronicle of what it means to be a succubus and how her life changes as a result.

Succubus Chronicle

Day 1:

Catherine Shelby or 'Cat' as all of her friends called her was a girl who had just graduated from the local college, she was a 23 year old woman who was both beautiful and brilliant. she had great ambitions for her small village as she walked on the road back from the college.

She had not sent word to her family that she was returning, she wanted to surprise them all with her arrival and show them the certificate she had earned, a document which stated her Mastery of expansive agriculture.

Her village was on the edge of civilization, a small but robust community which had been established about 25 years ago and had grown substantially ever since.

Most of the young men stayed and worked the fields while all of the young women such as her went off to college. She had graduated early, working hard to get back and do her own part to improve the place she had grow up at.

This road had been built just recently, but was hardly ever used, she had no fear of bandits as few people ever ventured this far from the major cities, just her people, who she would have been happy to see on the road.

alas, her journey was a dull one, many days were spent camping out alongside the road as she traveled, growing increasingly lonely and longing to see her friends and family once again.


It was the dead of night and Cat rested peacefully instead of her tiny tent that she had purchased just before leaving the college.

suddenly, cat was awoken to the noise of a snapping twig just outside of her tent.

'What was that?' cat said to herself as she grabbed the small lantern which remained illuminated within the tent.

poking from outside of her tent, she brought with her the lantern.

'Is someone there?' Cat asked, as she stood up and came out of the tent.

Standing outside of her tent, she looked around outside, scanning both sides of the road for a potential traveller, she left the front of the tent and went around the back.

'You must be awfully brave traveling alone girl' a mysterious voice spoke to her from the shadows.

"whose there!?" Cat said as she turned around and shined her lantern into the misty darkness from which the voice came.

'Aren't you a brave one?' the voice spoke again from behind her.

'Come out, if you dont...ill......ill!' Cat said as she turned around again, starting to become a bit afraid of the stalker in the mist.

'You'll do what?' the voice spoke again before bursting out with a sinister laugh.

From the shadows, the creature came forward and revealed herself.

She was a tall woman-like creature with light-purple skin and large horns which pieced through her skull, she was completely naked except for a small patch of fabric against her crotch which was held in place by a small silky string which looped around her backside.

The creature had large purple wings which had dark blue veins scattered through them, she had a tail which seemed to have a mind of it's own, moving along behind her darting through the air as she walked.

the creature looked like a woman, but deeply corrupted, her eyes were simply blue spheres which gave off a bit of light of their own as she stared through them at Cat's body, licking her lips slightly while undressing her mentally with her creeping gaze.

'What do you want with me?' Cat yelled aloud as she backed up a few steps.

'I have a inch which only one such as yourself can relieve me of' The strange woman spoke as she stepped toward Cat.

'Stay away from me!' Cat yelled as her hearted started to beat at a quickened pace.

'come closer, i wont hurt you, i promise' the creature said expanding her wings and lunging forward towards cat.

The Creature grabbed Cat's shoulder and Cat dropped the Lantern in a panic, it fell to the ground and smashed into a small rock, immediately releasing the liquid inside and sparking a small fire.

The Creature pushed Cat down onto the cold ground and stood over her with her massive form, her tail came to attention behind her, ready to attack.

The fire spread quickly to the tent which contained everything Cat owned including her certificate from the college and her identification papers.

'People like you arent usually my type, but you are so cute, ill have to make an exception.'

The creature grabbed Cat's shirt and tore into it, ripping it to shreds easily with her impressive strength and sharp claws, within moments, all of Cat's Shirt was gone and she laid against the ground topless.

'Such a delicate creature, such a sweet morsel' the creature said as it quickly arched it's knees down and pressed her crotch against Cat's belly, sitting on her and pressing her against the earth below.

'Get off of me!' Cat yelled struggling to free herself from the weight of the woman on top of her.

The creature's warm hands came down and grabbed at Cat's breasts, massaging them gently as her crotch started to rub back and forth over Cat's stomach.

Cat put her arms up and tried to push the woman off of her, but she wouldent budge, the woman was obviously many times stronger than she was, despite not being much larger in size.

The woman pushed Cat's arms away effortlessly with her hands, pressing them against the ground as the woman came in and pressed her lips against Cat's, sticking her tongue inside of her mouth and violating her.

'mmmph!' Cat said in muffled defiance as the tongue of the woman defiled her's and pressed against her own as a microcosm of the assault at hand.

The woman backed out and immediately licked Cat's face in a broad manner as she did.

'You are delicious, i wish i could take you with me, but that would only create conflict between us' The woman said as she got up quickly and placed her foot ontop of Cat's chest as she laid there frozen by fear.

the woman slowly reached down and placed her hand inside of her panties against her crotch and lowered them quickly, a small amount of gathered fluid escaped from her vagina and the inside of the panties, spilling downward and splashing against Cat's pants and lower belly.

The woman's Vagina was incredibly soft and moist, the fire nearby reflected upon the small beads of moisture which had gathered against it and displayed her tight orifice below.

The air immediately filled with a strange smell which smelled like some kind of flower, it was sweet and potent, to the point where it was overwhelming.

The Woman turned around and sat down on Cat's chest, coming down low enough so that she couldent move, but not crushing her down.

Cat immediately noticed the woman's anus, which was opened widely as if it were ready to accept or deposit something onto her, thankfully it just stayed there gapping before her as Cat's eyes were drawn to another part of the woman's body.

Cat looked directly at the woman's Vagina which was oozing droplets of the pungent fluid onto her chest and spreading against her breasts as she slide her crotch backward.

The woman layed down ontop of Cat's body and pressed her vagina into the face of the young struggling woman, who was forced to breath in the fragrance of her vagina directly as it was only inches away from her mouth now.

Ahead, The woman was digging through Cat's Pants, trying to rip through them as quickly as possible.

A small droplet of fluid dropped from the woman's vagina and dropped into Cat's mouth as she accidentally tasted it, her taste buds were immediately overpowered with the taste of the sweet fluid, causing Cat to retch and resume her futile efforts to push the woman off of her.

At last, the woman ripped the pant's from Cat's body and through the shreds into a bush nearby, immediately lowering her own head and plunging her tongue into Cat's Vagina, which brought on renewed struggle and panic as Cat rolled and spasmed, trying to get the woman, who felt as through she weighed 2,000 pounds off of her.

For a while the woman continued to taste Cat's nethers, using her fingers to spread her lips apart and lick the edges of those as well.

Finally, the Succubus got up and quickly turned around, coming face to face with Cat again as she laid down helplessly below.

'I have a gift for you, little Angel' the woman said, sticking her tongue out once again and licking the breasts of Cat as her vagina pressed against Cat's creating a sloppy feeling.

The woman took her tail and used it to pierce into Cat's vagina below, causing Cat to groan uncomfortably.

'shhhhhh' the woman said, coming up again and stroking Cat's hair gently before she resumed licking Cat's face lustfully.

The tail violated Cat's vagina relentlessly, prodding deep inside of her and piercing through her cervix, which felt painful as Cat continued to whine and groan uncontrollably.

Suddenly, the Woman arched her neck back and smiled, letting loose the built up tension she had inside of her as fluid ran through her tail and entered into Cat's Vagina, squirting up into Cat's uterus and splashing against the walls inside liberally.

'Ahhhhh' the woman said as she arched her back in satisfaction and opened her blue eyes again to look into Cat's terrified eyes, pulling her tail from Cat's body quickly.

'Thank you, hun, you have no idea how long i've had to hold that in' the woman said as she gradulally started to lift her body off of Cat's juice-soaked body.

the woman quickly snapped her head back and ran her hand through her long, purple hair, walking over to the previously discarded panties nearby.

'What have you done to me?' Cat asked timidly as she looked down over her body and felt the a strangeness radiate from below.

The woman said as she stepped through the panties as she put them back up and slid them up her long legs, securing them in place over her moist vagina.

'I've given you a gift' the woman said as she stepped back over to Cat and knelt down beside her.

Placing her finger down against Cat's belly where her uterus would be, she guided it along as she showed her what would happen 'The power i've given you will run through your body and change you as it goes, you will slowly begin to feel more powerful as it moves though you'

she continued to glide her finger over parts of Cat's body as the young woman below continued to tremble.

'Once it reaches your heart, you will become a Succubus'

'What is.....a succubus?' Cat spoke as she fought through the pain, her body felt as if it were dying on her at once, her internal organs shutting down as her body panicked.

'A predator creature who consumes male semen to survive, i am a succubus.' The succubus said as she held onto Cat's trembling hand.

'Help.......me' Cat said as she continued to feel incredible pain throughout her body as the energy spread from below.

'Find a haven sister, hide yourself from mankind, when your body is ready, you will know what to do, follow your instincts.' The succubus released her hand and got up to leave.

'Don't leave me' Cat said as she reached out to her attacker in desperation, she already felt alone and afraid.

'Find your own path, Girl, as i had to' The succubus said finally before turning around and disappearing into the shadows.

Cat starred up though the trees as the pain continued to spread across her body, she looked up at the stars above her and prayed for death, beside her, the tent which held all of her personal belongings was smoldering, her life now nothing more than ash and smoke.
Re: Succubus Chronicle

Day 2:

A ray of light shined down through the trees and came down against Catherine's face, stirring her from her sleep as she rolled over slowly and felt the earth against her side.

Cat suddenly sat up and opened her eyes.

She looked down the road to see that day had come and she smiled as she tilted her head back and took in more of the sunshine.

She started rubbing her arms and then her hand shifted to her head, which she started rubbing, brushing her hair back, until she found a bump that wasn't there before.

a shock went down her spine as she immediately realized that she was naked and she looked over to see that her tent was burned beside her, she got up and walked backwards until she bumped against a tree behind her, feeling a new sensation as she felt pain against her back and......her tail.

'It wasn't a dream' Cat said as she looked behind her to see a tiny pair of wings coming out of her back and a small, spaded tail which she had control of.

'No!.....no no no' cat said as she got down on her knees and started crying.

'Everything she had worked on at college, her life, her dreams.....gone.'

Cat went over to the pile of burnt things and drug through them, the fire had destroyed everything, and she had been turned into this terrible creature.

Cat moved her hand up to her head again and felt the tiny horns coming through, just as the woman....the succubus she had met last night had.

'I am a succubus.....' Cat said as she curled into a ball and cried herself back to sleep.


Cat was awakened hours later by her rumbling stomach, which grumbled painfully as she held it.

She was hungry, and she couldn't take her mind off of images of naked men she had met in college and their cocks.

it was just like the succubus said it would be, her body was telling her that she needed to feed.....on human men.


Cat left her old campsite behind and wandered into the forest nearby, as she continued to move, her hunger only grew, there was a void to be filled and she became more uncomfortable by the minute as she walked through it.

finally, she sat down against a tree and held her stomach in her hands, rubbing it. It was a terrible feeling, she knew what she had to do, but her consciousness was getting in the way. the more she struggled, the more her body would pull her.

'I cant.....i.....cant' Cat continued to say as she tried her best to resist.

suddenly, she detected a smell, her mind flashed at once as she smelled the air, it the the scent of something delicious nearby.

Cat couldn't help but get up and explore what she had smelled.

Following her nose, Cat walked back towards the road, eventually seeing it, her attention was immediately drawn to a man who was knelt down beside her old burned down tent, looking through it for signs of her.

Catherine unconsciously licked her lips as she watched the man from behind a tree.

'Just......just this once...yes' Cat said as she finally came to a compromise between her body and walked out casually towards the man.

The smell of the man became increasingly irresistible
the closer she walked toward him, her body and mind were both excited as she smelled the scent of the man's genitals from behind his pants.

Cat covered her breasts and her crotch with her hands to avoid embarrassment as she crept up behind the man undetected and finally spoke.

'Uhm......excuse me.' Cat said sheepishly behind him.

The man turned around, he was a young lad who was probably around 18 or so,Cat guess that he was a woodsman because of the axe he carried.

'My god, where is your clothing, lady?' the man said as he looked at her.

Cat just looked down at his crotch, she couldn't stop starring down there, even to try to be civil to the man, her body wanted to just attack him, tear his clothing off and suck his dick...or mount him and fuck him....or plunge her ass onto his cock until her sprayed inside of her, she didn't care, she just needed his semen inside of her.

'Hold on, i think i have a blanket inside of my pack' the man said as she started to take his backpack off.

'No, wait....just.......take your pants off.' Cat said as she took one step toward him, removing her hand from above her vagina to reveal her pussy which had been dripping with lubrication this entire time.

The man saw her tail behind her and looked at her head, seeing her tiny horns which were just coming in.

"On my god....you are a Succubus' the man said as he took a couple of steps backward and picked up his axe, wielding it defensively.

'Please just give me your semen, then ill let you leave' Cat said as she took a couple more step forward.

'Just back up girl....i don't want to hurt you but i will if i must.' the woodsman said as he moved over to the road again.

'I cant let you go....i need your cock inside of me' Cat said as she now walked toward the man.

'Get back! i'm warning you!' the man said as he rose the weapon up.

Cat ran up to the man and he chopped forward with the axe as she came, she quickly dodged his lunge and grabbed onto the edge of the axe, though this man was strong, Cat was able to easily wrestle the axe from his hands.

'Please dont!' the man said as he backed up and tripped over a crack in the road behind him.

Cat threw the axe behind her and advanced on the man, getting down on her knees and holding the man's legs, dragging his body forward towards her.

'All i need is your semen, don't fight back....or ill hurt you' Cat said as she placed her hands upon his crotch and felt the bulge of his erect cock against her fingers.

Cat closed her eyes and breathed in deep, taking in the smell of his genitals, which seemed to satisfy her.

Cat ripped into the man's pants, easily tearing the fabric apart until she pulled from his pants his large and meaty cock, which rested in her fingers.

the aroma of the phallus was intoxicating to her, her body and mind came together in unity as she brushed aside any shame and licked the head of the penis within her hands.

The taste was indescribable, like nothing she had ever tasted before in her life,her taste-buds fired and rewarded her with incredible pleasure.

Cat placed the cock inside of her mouth and started to wrap her tongue around it, caressing it gently as she savored the taste of the man's penis against her tongue, closing her eyes and feeling the cock inside of her mouth, the ridges and the head each with their own distinct texture and taste.

The penis spasmed in reaction to Cat's caress, her tongue felt every micro-movement and refused to let the tiny thing out of her control, like a Kitten playing with a small mouse.

Cat opened her eyes to see the man was terrified but also highly aroused, he opened his legs so that the Succubus before him would hopefully finish quickly and leave him alone, his fear made Cat feel a bit empowered as she continued to mercilessly rape him with her mouth.

The man ejaculated inside of Cat's mouth, causing an explosion of flavor, Cat felt herself orgasm with the fluid of the man in her mouth and she quickly swallowed it, the feeling of warm gooiness rolling down her throat caused enormous satisfaction as she closed her eyes again and felt the long drawn-out feeling of orgasm take her as well as the satisfaction of food hitting her belly.

'More' Cat said as she continued to lick the cock, grabbing the man's balls and rubbing them softly.

Cat opened her jaw wide and took the cock down as deep as she could, it bumped against the back of her throat as her lips tightly caught the base of the man's cock and pressed against it, locking his manhood inside of her mouth entirely.

With her lips securely around his cock she pleasured him by pressing her mouth down onto him and simultaneously caressing him with her tongue.

It didnt take long before the man ejaculated again and this time, Cat squeezed his balls as he ejaculated and forced more of his fluid out and down her throat.

Again Cat felt as the warm goo traveled down her throat, she orgasmed again as she felt the semen enter her and felt the spasming of his cock as her continued to release more cum inside of her.

Catherine released the man, licking her lips as she did, She looked down to see that the man was unconscious, having been knocked out due to a combination of exhaustion and pleasure.

'I'm sorry" Cat said as she got up, placing one of her hands down at her crotch as she started fingering herself. "..........but thank you."

Cat felt much better now, not only did she no longer feel hungry, but she also felt stronger.

As she walked away from the man, she did feel a bit guilty, but she also had alot of fun, walking into the forest, Cat eagerly awaited the next time she would have an opportunity to feed, it was simply too much of an enjoyable experience to deny.
Re: Succubus Chronicle

Day 5:

Cat licked her fingers clean as she dismounted from the unconscious man, she had been watching the roads closely and attacking any male travel who came this way traveling solo, pulling them into the forest nearby and quickly raping them for sustenance.

The gooey semen of the men made her feel tingly all over as she swallowed it, Raping these men made her feel incredibly aroused, she had a strong urge to masturbate after each man she took and would often walk back into the forest to do so in order to relax.

It became clear that not only her stomach hungered for semen, but her lower orifices did as well, and Cat grew incredibly interested in sating them.

She had not felt guilty for days, she no longer thought about the men as people, she began to think of them as vessels which carried food for her.

Sticking her fingers into her vagina below, she fingered herself, trying to ease the ache her body felt from not be able to fuck a man, she looked up through the trees and stuck her tongue out as she quickly fucked herself with her hand, she had stopped feeling shame days ago and this had become part of her new ritual after feeding.

Her horns had grown slightly longer and her Wings had grown slightly bigger and become more meaty, she was definitely feeling stronger as well and more healthy than she had ever been in her life even though she had trouble sleeping.

Her nights consisted of dreaming most amount endless amounts of cocks for her to feed from, it was a strange dream, but one she often could be found pleasuring herself to as she woke up abruptly from a self inflicted orgasm.

suddenly the familiar smell of man entered her nostrils again as she opened her eyes wide and got to her feet.

Cat slowly walked through the forest, making almost no noise as she walked across the leafs on her way towards the road once again, looking down the road, she licked her lips as she saw another young man walking up the road by himself, another easy meal for her to snatch up and drain.

Cat rubbed her pussy below as it beckoned to her, perhaps it was finally time that she fed her poor vagina as well.

Sneaking up behind the walking traveler, Cat stepped up quickly behind him and put her arm over his chest, stopping him immediately.

'Walking alone i see?' Cat asked as she pulled the man back and started to undo his belt with her other hand.

'Please, just take my money, take it all, just don't kill me' the man said as she started to shake in fear.

'You can keep both, i need something else from you.' Cat said as she finally made her way through the belt and started to rip apart the front of the man's pants.

At last, his erect cock fell from his pants and landed softly into Cat's hands, Cat simply starred at it and licked her lips before feeling the sudden rush of bloodflow to her own privates again.

'Come with me' Cat said as she dragged the man back towards the opposite side of the forest from which she had emerged.

Dragging the man through the leafs, she eventually pinned him up a tree within a clear and knelt down next to her, placing her soft hand over the shaft of the man's penis and jerked it lightly before him, taking her other hand and inserting a few fingers into herself while she did, smiling at the poor man before her as he looked into her eyes with terror.

Cat quickly repositioned herself, scooting up until her lower body was above the man's crotch area.

'Please, just let me go' the man said with a pale look on his face.

Cat dropped her weight down on the man and felt as she impaled herself with his cock, she looked up again and her eyes went wide as she stuck her tongue out again, feeling extraordinary pleasure erupt from the penetration below.

She rode the cock slowly, shaking her hips and rising and thrusting her entire body onto the man's cock, biting her lip as she closed her eyes and soaked in the pleasure.

Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled from the man by something, another woman picked her up and threw her off of the man, cat dropped to the ground a few feet away and slip a couple more before she quickly got up.

The person who had thrown her was another Succubus, she had dark purple skin and dark purple hair, her horns were larger and her wings were full sized, he her tail was just longer than one of her arms and swayed behind her as she stood between cat and her victim.

'This is my Territory girl, leave at once before i am forced to hurt you.'

The purple succubus girl knelt down next to the man and started to stroke his penis while looking back at cat.

'Who do you think you are? this man is mine, i caught him!' Cat yelled as she grit her teeth and stared back at the other succubus.

'You've been hunting on my lands, if you don't leave now, you'll only gain bruises'

Cat charged toward the purple succubus after hearing that, intent on ripping this other succubus to shreds in order to finish what she had started.

The Purple succubus quickly sidestepped Cat's lunge and countered by tripping her as she passed with her tail, causing cat to lose her footing and fall down hard against the ground.

the purple succubus came over and placed her foot on Cat's back, holding her down against the dirt with it.

'I could kill you easily, but you don't know any better, you are just a hungry whelp, Leave this land, this man is mine, you have no right to him. i wont warn you again.' The woman lifted her foot from cat's back as she started to get up and back out, defeated.

Cat looked back as she saw the purple succubus dropping her own hips against the man's cock, forcing him inside of her as she watched Cat leave in shame.

Catherine continued along the road, she would continue walking for a few days and hopefully then, she could find somewhere to settle in again.

Her nethers still ached and she found herself trying to pleasure herself for most the journey, she could think of little besides when her next meal would come, her entire body craved the sweet secretions from a man and the mere thought of encountering one again on the road was enough to cause her to wail in frustration.

For days she traveled, she started to become more desperate the further she walked. finally, she found herself at the edge of a small village and a wave of excitement washed over her as she imagined the possibilities which this land contained for her.
Re: Succubus Chronicle

Day 7:

Catherine slow stirred from her sleep, rolling over from the side of the cave which she had slept against for the past couple of days.

The cave was located fairly high up in a mountain overlooking the town she had found just days earlier.

The familiar hunger and lust lingered, and would soon need to be sated soon.

Cat's wings had grown bigger and her tail thicker, she started to slowly gain control of them and command them, though she thought she had a long way to go before she would be able these new parts with as much dexterity as she needed.

Her skin which was as a human fair and unblemished adopted a slightly pink tint, and her she was more moist than she could remember.

walking to the entrance of the cave, she looked down on the town, it was early in the morning, and most of the people in the town were likely not even awake yet, but she would find someone.

In the back of her mind she recalled this place; she had been here before, but she had no sympathy for anyone here now, seeing them only as her potential victims.

Cat's crotch ached with excitement as she climbed down slowly from the mountain, the path was crude and would be incredibly difficult for any human to transverse, she however had incredible strength and balance, which would allow her to climb down the steep mountain fairly easily.

Upon reaching more reasonable footing, the scent entered her nostrils again, the sweet scent of a man which she had come to desire.

Her genitals immediately started to become engorged, filling with her blood quickly and turning her on even more, it was something which always happened to her when she was close to a meal, her body wouldn't ever allow her to simply ignore it, she would become obsessed with the scent and be driven mad if she tried to walk away.

Cat never tried to fight it, it was too difficult to do so and the pleasure she was rewarded with for sating herself was like nothing she had ever experienced in her life, she was a slave to her body's desires.

She could hardly feel bad for her victims, to her, they were now little more than morsels for her to feed upon, Cat felt about as bad about raping them as a person felt bad about eating an apple, as far as she was concerned, they existed to sate her hunger, despite their plea's for mercy, they wouldn't be harmed, simply used, it wasn't as though Cat was ending their lives, simply interrupting them.

She had become a predator now, and she needed their fluids to survive, it was best to not think of them as people.

Cat moved silently towards the scent with increasing anticipation, the scent grew stronger as she came closer making her body react more and become more turned on, her vagina was now drenched with it's own fluid and she was determined to finally sate it.

Feeding on the man with her mouth came naturally to her, she was always hungry and thought that the best way to sate herself to eat the semen, but today, she would try something different, she would finally toy with her victim, let her lower parts drink in the refreshing fluid.

The man came into her view, a farmhand who inspected the fields early in the morning, he appeared to be fairly young, no older than 25, he knelt down to inspect some of the crops to ensure that they weren't damaged during the night by some kind of varmint.

Cat took the opportunity to sneak along, moving quietly into the fields and being careful not to make any noise by brushing across the vegetation.

At last she was right behind him, and as he inspected the plant before him, Cat leapt forward and grabbed the man's waist.

The man immediately fell to the ground, crushing the plant in front of him, Cat moved up quickly and sat on the man's butt, holding him down as she trapped him between her legs, her excess lubrication leaking out of her orifice and dampening his dusty brown farmer pants.

'Get off of me!' the man yelled as she tried to reach back and push Catherine off of him, but she was much too strong and powerful, at least 4 times stronger than him even though she was a relatively new succubus with underdeveloped features.

'Dont struggle weakling, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way' Cat said as she pressed her soft palms against the man's back and rubbed against him gently.

taking both hands and placing them at the top of his shirt underneath the back of his collar, she tore his shirt apart effortlessly, tearing it down the middle and revealing the man's soft toned skin underneath.

Cat put her hands on the man's wrists and lunged her face forward, sticking her tongue out and licking the man's back as she fell flat against her back and placed her breasts against it.

'damn you!' the man said as he struggled as much as he could to get the woman off of him, but she felt as through she weighed a ton.

Cat washed her tongue along the man's back and neck, pressing her face into the man's hair and taking a huge whiff of it.

'You haven't bathed in days, i can tell' Cat said as she reached her arm across the man's chest and quickly pulled him up, sitting down cross-legged, she placed him on her lap and gently caressed his chest and stomach with her hands 'But i dont mind, in fact, i love the smell of a man'

'let me go you witch!' the man said as she continued to struggle.

'Shhhhhhhhh' Odella said seductively as she brought her hand up and cover his mouth with in, lowering her other and entering the man's pants with it, searching around for his genitals.

'The most fun is watching your kind squirm' Cat said as she finally located the man's balls and fondled them gently in her hand.

'Being overpowered by a woman....isn't something you expected to happen.....how does it feel?'Cat said as she removed her hand from the man's mouth and put her arm around his neck.

'You're no woman, your a monster!' the man yelled.

'If you keep yelling like that, this isn't going to be very fun for either of us....relax..... simply let yourself be taken.' Cat said as she moved her hands put in the man's crotch and located his erect penis.

'Ahhh, There it is' Cat said and she rubbed the tip of her thumb of the head of the penis, causing the man to shiver in pleasure.

Quickly, cat took her hand down from the man's neck and took the other out of his pants and deftly took his belt off, then ripped the pants open, revealing his large and erect penis.

'Don't move' Cat whispered into the man's ear and she spread her legs wide, and placed her hands on the man's back and got herself up.

The man sat there patiently as Cat repositioned herself to the front of him, placing her hand on the mans chest and pushing him back against the ground before she sat down on the man's stomach, her feet on at either side of the man with her knees high, her most crotch alone forced the man against the ground.

With her other hand, Cat reached back and started to slowly jerk the man off, he put his head down behind him and stared into Cat's Succubus eyes, surrendering.

'Good boy' Cat said as she flipped around and started to take off the rest of the man's pants with both of her hands, once she had them down against his ankles, she brought her face close down to the man's penis and smelled it.

'Oh yes' Cat said as she smiled and licked her lips.

Scooting forward, Cat left a trail of dampness from her vagina along the man's stomach before lifting her crotch up and placing it above the man's erect cock.

dropping down, Cat impaled herself on the man's cock and felt a surge of pleasure rush to her brain, causing her to close her eyes and smile.

using her hips, cat rode the man gently, shaking her waist back and forth and thrusting himself up and down ontop of the man gently.

The cock inside of her felt warm and juicy and she could feel every inch of it rubbing up inside of her succubus enhanced womanhood.

Behind Cat, the man himself was moaning in pleasure, he was in a sea of ecstasy, mesmerized by the stimulation of Cat's pussy.

The man abruptly ejaculated into Cat's vagina, filling it with the warm and gooey fluid which Cat craved, her vagina soaked it up immediately, as hungry for the semen as every other part of her body was.

finally the ache was eased, her pussy's hunger sated for the first time and Cat felt a long and powerful orgasm in response.

Cat got up from the man slowly, ensuring that her vagina had captured every drop of the substance she had come for, when she looked down at the man's still throbbing cock, she noticed that it was clean of any excess semen, her body had greedily salvaged every bit of it, nothing had gone to waste, Still, the sight of the man's vulnerable penis was too much for Cat to ignore as she quickly shifted back and knelt forward, putting her lips and tongue around the cock in attempt to further siphon more of the fluid from him.

Cat's hot tongue glided softly along the polished rod in her mouth, stimulating it as best as she could while she delicately fondled the man's balls below, he was stuck in a state of mesmerization as his body continuously surged with pleasure from the ordeal.

small droplets of semen leaked from the tip of the man's cock as Cat pleasured him, remnants from the previous ejaculation which each gave Cat a miniature orgasm as each dripped onto her busy tongue.

the man's lower body tensed up slightly as muscles contracted in response to a second orgasm, releasing a healthy dosage more of the delicious substance into her mouth which triggered another large orgasm for Cat as the mess splashed against the back of her throat.

Cat quickly swallowed the offering, feeling a wave of pleasure wash over her as the semen rolled down her throat and into her hungry stomach.

'no more please.....im done' the man said as he struggled to talk, the exhaustion was starting to catch up to him, she was relentless and all of the struggling combined with the rape itself had taken its toll on him.

Cat places her hands on the man's testicles again and stroked them gently, he was empty, she could sense it, her body was like a semen-seeking missile and he would need time to recover before he could produce any more.

'So you are' Cat said as she got to feet and looked down as the man's erection remained, though she was sated at last, she still found the image of the man's throbbing cock to be a beautiful sight, his body had done all of the work and as a man, he had little choice to comply.

Cat put her foot down on the man's cock and placed it between her big toe and the adjacent one, squeezing it between the two toes.

'Don't tell anyone about me, or ill take it with me next time.' Cat said as she gently stroked the soft cock between her soft toes.

the man nodded profusely, he just wanted to escape as quickly as he could.

Cat smiled to herself as she turned around and walked back into the fields, disappearing from the man's sight, though her belly was full and her pussy finally sated, it wouldn't be long before she would need to feed again.
Re: Succubus Chronicle

Day 15

Cat could feel herself become more powerful after each passing day, her skin had become bright pink now and her wings and horns had grown as well, her wings were bigger and more leathery, they were black and had purple veins running through them, she started to feel more of her strength enter them and soon, she knew she would be able to use them to start flying, or at least gliding.

Her breasts had grown to become incredibly plump and round, becoming twice as large as they had been when she was human, though she hardly remember much from her time as human now.

Her vagina was a sloppy mess, constantly dripping and streaming down her leg with lubrication now as it emanated a potent odor, which followed her around like an aura.

She gained more control over muscles she never knew she had, able to individually control tiny muscles within her Vagina and Anal cavity and stimulate a victim in ways which no human woman could.

Cat had become a true predator, a semen hunting machine who was able to feed in any way she had chosen, even her tail had become another orifice for her, which she used when pleasuring herself wasn't as much of a priority as feeding was.

The hunt became a much more enjoyable part for Cat now than it had been in the past, each man she found was like a insect compared to her, and she enjoyed playing with him while she sucked the semen from his cock, these men we're all the same, though they were muscular and powerful in their own right, they were nothing compared to her.

Nothing made Cat more horny than hearing the pleas of the men she raped, who felt shamed that they would be defeated by a monster such as her. She didn't care anymore, her humanity was all but gone save but the unfamiliar shell she retained though it all, almost every part of her was more physically attractive than before, her breasts, her hips and even her face was made more feminine by her transformation.

She could hardly think of her past now, it bored her, thinking about all of the books and studying she had done in college, when thinking about her past now, she thought mostly about attractive males she had met at the college and fantasized about what she would do to them if they met again.

Exiting her cave, she looked down over her territory, the town below was bustling with activity, same as always, with her enhanced eyesight, she saw as the men carefully looked around as they exited their homes, watching for her, the menace who had moved in to feed upon them.

The populace had become abundantly aware of her presence by now, after all, she fed at least six times per day, more often if she was feeling bored, the town had little choice but to endure her assaults, unless they felt like moving away, and it was unlikely that the entire male population of 400ish would want to relocate all at once.

Her belly rumbled as she peered down at her prey, she licked her lips as though she could already taste the succulent juice in mouth already, her tail came up between her legs and penetrated into her pussy, as she brought a finger down and tickled her clitoris a bit as well.

She closed her eyes and looked up at the sky, bringing her other hand down as she inserted a finger from it into her ass, causing her mouth to open and stick her tongue out as she thrust her finger and tail in and out of her ass.

The mere thought of raping the men in the town made her horny, and her lust was almost uncontrollable at times.

Clinching her teeth together, the orgasms radiated through her body as a deluge of moisture escaped from her vagina and splattered against the ground and her thighs below, Cat removed her tail and brought it to her face, licking it broadly, admiring her own bodily juices.

Removing her finger from her ass, she decided that she had waited enough, she leapt down her from her cave entrance and deftly skipped from ledge to ledge as she quickly made her way down the mountain and towards the town and her next meal.
Re: Succubus Chronicle

Rape 1: Johnny

Cat enjoyed preying on the farmers, they were generally in good shape and their semen was more potent than most because they were so physically fit, they were also isolated for many people during the day as they tended their land.

Cat Stealthily crept up on him from behind the barn, he was in the process of getting all of the farm equipment out of there when she appeared from behind, standing in the doorway to the barn as he looked upon her with a hoe held awkwardly in one hand.

's....stay away' the man said nervously, holding the Hoe out in about as threatening a way as one could hold a hoe.

'Take your pants off......or i'll have to destroy them, i won't ask you again' Cat said as a smirk developed on her face.

The man started to come forward with the hoe when Cat stepped forward and deftly grabbed it, pulling it out of the man's hands and throwing it softly against the barn side.

'It's a pity, those look like really expensive ones...'

Cat quickly rushed up to the man and placed her fingers on the back of the man and pulled him close against her, pressing his dusty shirt against her slick breasts.

Her hand went low on the man and clutched a large portion of the pants and tugged forward, ripping out a large section of them from the front.

Cat took the man's flacid penis quickly into her free hand as she started to lick the man's neck and face, stimulating the penis by stroking it gently.

'I'm feeling charitable today.....do you want Oral, Anal or Vaginal?' Cat spoke to him, while staring into his terrified eyes, his nostrils were being filled with the scent of her womanhood below and soon, he wouldn't be able to think, let alone respond.

The man simply stared into her eyes, completely captivated by her and quickly losing control of his body as she continued to assault him with licks and kisses.

Taking his now-hard cock into her hands, she started to stroke it, slowly as first, then more quickly.

'Anal then, i haven't tried anal in a while'

Cat put her hands around the man's waist and spun around quickly, getting on her toes for a moment as she bit her lip and guided the cock into her anus from behind.

Her anus welcomed the cock, spreading around it and welcoming it in, then tightening immediately around it and stimulating it with her muscles.

'Thrust you dope!' Cat yelled at the man simply stood there with a combination of confusion and terror.

Cat spread her legs wider and brought her ass higher into the air to make it easy on the man, but he still remained still behind her.

coiling her tail around the man's waist, she drew him closer in and he pressed inside of her more, causing her to close her eyes as the pleasure built up.

once again the man just simply stood there, completely mesmerized now.

'God dammit, i need to learn how to control this better...' Cat said, releasing the man from her anal grasp and walking away from him, removing his cock from her ass.

'You know what they say about wanting things done right....'

Using both hands, Cat grabbed the man by the skirt and swung him around, placing him gently on the hay ground.

Spinning around, Cat raised her ass again and positioned it over the man's erect cock below, then lowered her knees and dropped her anus down on the cock again.

Slowly, Cat started pistoning herself onto the man's cock, her muscles inside of her rectum massaged his Phallus gently as she did, causing a unique sensation only a Succubus like her could provide.

'You know, the muscles inside of my ass are so strong, that i could keep you trapped inside of me as long as i wanted......isnt that interesting?' Cat said as the man continued to ignore her, stuck in his own world somewhere.

Finally the man ejaculated and Cat gave a huge grin as she felt her rectum instantly absorb all of his semen, she immediately felt an orgasm and felt sated again.

Releasing the man, Cat got up and stood over him, with her legs on either side of his stomach.

'That was good, but i have a feeling you're hiding more from me'

Cat's tail went down to the man's cock and devoured his cock, tightly forcing it into a tiny hole which appeared at the tip.

The tail began to massage and suck the man's cock forcefully.

'You're semen tastes good, ill be sure to keep an eye on you....maybe next time you'll remember me'

The man ejaculated again, forcefully spraying into Cat's tail, Cat felt a rush of energy enter her once again as she removed the tail.

The man continued to ejaculate as small amounts of semen shot out onto the man's crotch and belly.

'Shit.... i hate when that happens....hold still'

Cat got to her knees and started to lick the excess semen from her victim's body, using wide strokes of her tongue to sip it all in, she then put her mouth around the penis and licked it for good measure.

'There.....that should be all of it.' Cat said as she patted the cock gently as she got to her knees.

Leaving the man in a state of Mesmerization, Cat left the barn and started to look for another victim.
Re: Succubus Chronicle

Day 32:

Cat flapped her powerful leathery wings as she soared through the skies looking down on the land which she had claimed, her skin had become deep purple now and her wings were fully matured and had large pink and red veins throughout them.

The Energy she had taken in from the semen she consumed had been twisted it helped her grow more powerful each passing day.

She could see and smell her potential victims even from way up here in the sky, she had become a predator like none other, hunting her male victims and raping them until they gave her the sweet cream which she craved, she could hardly think about anything else now, she was more like an animal now, a huntress who honed her craft and took pride in the execution.

The villagers had learned to accept her presence now, an unnatural disaster which plagued them, they went about their daily lives knowing they could be ambushed at any moment by her, it was either accept this or move and being so far in the country, these poor villagers had little choice but to tolerate her presence.

Cat swooped down from high up and perched herself ontop of the church which overlooked the town, she licked her lips as she watched the male villagers go about their daily business with one eye on their craft and another looking around for her.

a steady drip oozed from her vagina as she crouched down further and peered over the edge of the church roof, looking down at a man who was selling crops from his farm nearby.

Taking a huge whiff, the sweet smell of the man entered her nostrils and make her mouth water, he was the one.

raising her wings and jumping upward, Cat quickly sprang upward and abruptly fell, her feet hit the ground had and caused the ground to shake a bit as the man turned to see and was caught.

Cat grabbed onto the man's cock through his pants and started to stroke it gently, with the other hand, she put her arm around the man's shoulder and held him back, her strength was like that of ten men and he couldent budge an inch.

townsfolk who had noticed her stopped immediately in their tracks, some of them dropped their supplies in horror while others stood there like statues watching and others still started to scramble for safety in a chaotic frenzy.

With Lightning quick movements, Cat undid the man's belt and deftly ran it through the belt holes of his pants, she tore open the front of his trousers and pulled them down, placing her palm underneath the man's large balls and clinching them lightly while stroking the man's still flaccid cock with her index and middle fingers.

Rubbing her silky thighs and dampened crotch against the man's butt was all it took to make him hard, and he breathed in small terrified segments as his heart started to pump incredibly fast.

'Relax human....i'll take you to a place you won't want to return from'

the aroma of Cat's crotch had emanated into the man's nostrils and he was already beginning to see visions of intense sex with the succubus which had caught him.

'I'm actually pretty hungry right now....lets see who else wants to join us.'

removing her hand from the man's shoulder she looked across the commons and looked into the eyes of another man, then she raised her hand, smiled and pointed at the man, before curling the finger forward and beckoning him.

The entranced man immediately went blank and started to walk mindlessly toward them, looking out to another man, she did the same and with the same mind controlling ability, the man started to walk toward her against their will.

Cat brought her tail down and placed it between her and the man's legs, it's spaded tip poked at the tip of the man's penis before opening up and revealing a tight orifice and quickly and hungerly devoured the man's cock and pushed itself around the length of it.

using small vibrations and thrusts the spaded tail started to milk the man, applying pressure, tension and suction to quickly bring the man to ejaculation, after 30 seconds, the flow of semen was being transfered directly from his cock to her tail, using her free hand, Cat stuck two of her fingers into the man's anus and massaged his prostate while simultaneously squeezing the man's scrotum, ensuring that she was able to get every last drop of his him.

With the last of his fluid drained from him, her tail detached from his penis with a satisfying popping sound.

Exhausted and drained, the man fell backwards unconscious, Cat caught him and laid him on his back gently before moving ahead to great her new victims.

The men stood before her mesmerized, her eyes locked to theirs.

'Strip' she said as they immediately started to take their clothing off as fast as they could.

When they were completely naked, Cat was pleased to see that they were already fully erect and ready to be milked by whatever orifice she was ready to provide.

'You, lay down' said said to one of the men as she rushed to lay down on his back, his erect cock stood tall as she walked over him and dropped her crotch onto his cock and penetrated herself with his cock.

The other man walked toward her and Cat put her arm around his butt, bringing him a bit closer so that she could get his cock into her mouth.

while simultaneously bouncing on the man's cock below her, Cat used her tongue and her lips to stimulate the man who was standing in front of her.

suddenly, another man came charging toward her with a knife in his hand, 'DIE MONSTER!' the man screamed as he brought the knife down and missed as Cat dodged it with a slight movement.

Cat's tail quickly wrapped around the man's neck and started to choke him, he dropped the knife as she brought his hands to his neck and tried to free up a pathway for some oxygen.

Brought to his knees, a voice entered his mind 'lick my ass'

his face pale and his body weakened, he had no choice but to stick his tongue out and lick Cat's rump.

the tail loosened a bit, just about for the man to take a small about of air into his lungs which was filled his her aroma, she became flooded with visions of sex just like the others had and lost all control of his body.

The man below Cat ejaculated inside of her and her vagina greedily sucked up all of the semen, not allowed even a drop of it to escape from her hungry orifice.

the man infront of her ejaculated as well, as her guzzled his semen down as quickly as it entered into her mouth, with only a small amount of it leaking out of the side of her mouth.

the assaulting man behind Cat dropped his pants and plunged his cock into Cat's ass, causing Cat to smile wide and close her eyes as she felt the size of his penis enter into her.

lifting her crotch up, she got into better position for the man to fuck her, she quickly darted her tail until she pierced into the man's ass with it and pressed against the man's prostate, causing him to ejaculate immediately, once again her anus hungerly devoured all of the semen which the man splurted into her, not losing a drop.

full and satisfied, Cat leapt high into the air and flapped her wings, leaving the four men below her unconscious and drained entirely, soaring high into the sky, Cat licked a bit of remaining semen from her cheek.
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