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Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

May have perhaps got mixed up with Jacksons grapple attempt. I read it as a punch, hence the tag team impale move attempt. Wouldn't be wise to try and impale a foe if Al was hugging it at the time after all.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Do you think that a character with an ability like Mimic from Xmen or Sylas from heroes of the Rinnegan from Naruto would be acceptable for a character or not?
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

No, absolutely not. Bart and myself have already told someone else no to that when they PM'd us before.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Okay. Just checking.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Oni beat me to it, but yeaah... a power imitation ability regardless of how it was played, would be both massively overpowered and make very little sense considering the wide range of sources for people powers.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Indeed. And shit that powerful is reserved for villains of the most vile variety.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

You don't say... *shifty eyes*
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Sorry... been out looking for a full time job and place to move out to this last week so that why I've been away.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Well it's not like this has been moving anywhere, so don't worry about it.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

My apologies. I will attempt to get something going within the next couple of day, just not tonight. Been feeling really shitty due to a very bad infection in my arm from what we all assume is a spider bite, and it's been kicking my ass the past week or so. I still feel like total shit, and my mind isn't really clear. And after reading Asmodean's post I'm unsure of how that would work anyway, so I need to hook up a tad of research. Anyways, back to bed for me before I pass out.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

A spider bite huh? Currious. My brother got one of those just a day or two ago, and it's been driving him nuts too. Perhaps I should warn him to wash it or something. In any case, wishing you well with the recovery.

Asmo. Does Jackson's special magnetism actually require any metal/ferous material in a target, or does it work on other stuff anyway?
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Metal is only needed if the thing is not alive. Otherwise the electrical impulses use by the brain or central nervous system are used. No form of damage is done with one or the other.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

I am contemplating scrapping my first submited character sheet and rethinking my character. Most of the good unique original powers/abilities are taken it seems. But, I just feel like I can do better.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Hey, don't give up. Maybe you can think of some way of developing one ability into something else. Like, learning new things with time, or having a power that evolves.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Well I was at anime when I posted and had attended a seminar about how to write unique heroes and memorable villains. So I kind of realized there wasn't much to her. I'd rather have an interesting and fun to play character with a touch more substance.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

"Most of the good original unique powers are already taken..."

Uh... Are we forgetting what original means?

Make up something! Inspiration can come from even the smallest things...

Watch a movie, read a book you otherwise woulda passed up,

Watch an anime, and tweak around the Characters abilities... So that character inflation isn't as pronounced...

It won't make for Original... But it still counts toward Unique...

But overall... Make the Character your own... (usually done through a decently thought out Bio story... And people enjoy reading those too!)

I once found inspiration for a PbP story event by an ant walking across a leaf... So... Literally anything can spark an idea... It's up to you to be open to it...
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

And after that stirring little soliloquy (sp?) I need to shuffle Ian and Sho into the background a little bit. Might be on tomorrow night sometime, but I will be in Boston until next Monday late or Tuesday likely. Given how this thread creeps, I might not be missing much, but then there are times when you tend to miss a lot in a few hours...Ve shall see.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

This'll be faster than messaging everyone; I've started an interest and character submission thread for a Post Apocalypse SBS for those of you who are interested.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Hmmm, TBH I kind of like characters in Marvel who are "less powerful" like combat or badass "human" characters like Wolverine, Taskmaster, and Deadpool. But I really like the way that Deadpool doesn't fall into any camp, and just does whatever the hell he wants to, including breaking the fourth wall. But really powers are..... overrated, or maybe unnecessary. Taskmaster is completely human, he just has a photographic memory and can duplicate "physical actions" like skills or learned abilities. All Wolverine has is a advanced healing factor, and an adamantium skeleton and claws. Also maybe its just me, but being super powerful like Captain Mar-Vell, or Superman, or something doesn't leave much room for growth or imagination.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Superpowered =/= Uber strong nutjob.

Have you not been paying attention to any of the shit we've thrown out? Superpowers are by definition any abilities human's could not attain naturally. Sure, there's characters with augmented abilities like super speed (The Flash) but they're still abilities that the human body could not reproduce. And what's this crap that Wolverine has no superpowers? His advanced healing factor would be considered a superpower and his claws are a superpower. To say having superpowers is unnecessary or unneeded in an RP that's all about CHARACTERS WITH SUPERPOWERS is pretty damn retarded. Granted there is one character without superpowers though he's an exception and has an interesting personality and background. Isa also has no superpowers of her own but she still has her sketchbook that allows her to use abilities that she'd otherwise not be able to use. Never once did I say you had to have cliched superpowers like Captain Marvel or Superman, in fact I've stated many times that I'd rather not have things like that because they are OP and are boring.

With an RP like this you're supposed to use your imagination to create your own superpower, or failing that take an already existing one and put a twist on it to make it you're own. Just look at all the characters we've got in here; Artemis and Emily are my take on the typical fantasy magic cliche, Isabella's ability was inspired by an old British art show, Corax is an alien metal bender (more or less) and Sho does the windy thing for a few examples. Not all powers are meant to be extravagent and fantasical. Sure, the vast majority are but there's a fuckload people can come up with if they put their minds to it. And if you're struggling to come up with even a basic idea and expand off it then quite frankly I'd rather you not shit this place up with half assed idea's and excuses and give up altogether in joining this RP. I've got far more interesting people to waste my time on than you.