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Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, the RP Super Boarding School became overrun with Sci Fi. After agreeing that it was not the same RP any more, Siphon and I decided to break off and form a Sci Fi RP based on, but not directly connected to, Super Boarding School.

Here's how shit works:

Any character in Super Boarding School can appear in this RP, and Vice Versa.

The Character does not have to switch between RPs, i.e. a character that is in space does not count as not being at the school. Characters can be in both RPs at once.

Character development is shared between the two RPs. However, just because a character is an alien species in the Sci Fi, that does not mean they are necessarily aliens in the school. For example, Coraxus and Vulkoran, in the Sci Fi splinter, are Tiberions. However, this is not necessarily true in the school. They are simply described as having arrived in the school under mysterious circumstances, and no-one knows where they came from. You can choose however, to make your character an alien in the school as well. Siphon is an example of this.

Due to the nature of SBS, characters may have abilities/"Powers". This could be a simple abnormality as in the case of Coraxus and Vulkoran, or it could simply be due to their species and/or technology, as in the case of Siphon.

A character designed for the Sci Fi that appears in the school must keep Sci Fi elements to a minimum. They may also need to consult Nunu on what their characters are able to do regarding abilities. For the Sci Fi there aren't really any limits, but that doesn't mean you can godmod. Siphon and I should ideally be thought of as the GM's, though that doesn't mean we'll godmod either.
A charcater designed for the school that appears in the Sci Fi must have a means of doing so. This either means you can write them a Sci Fi background, or just hitch a lift with an existing Sci Fi character, eg Siphon taking Sho for a ride.

You can bring in elements from any Sci Fi universe. Currently we focus mainly on Stargate (curtiosy of Siphon) and Warhammer 40K (from Me). You can even make up your own races and technology, as I have done with the Tiberions. However, there are some 'rules'. You should ideally be able to provide as much information as you can about anything you bring in. This is especially the case in bringing in elements of an existing Sci Fi universe, as we need to merge it with the universes already involved. Merging Stargate and WH40K has been relatively easy for the most part. However, bring in (for example) the Star Wars universe, and stuff may start to get complicated. This is why we need as much information as possible. Most universes like StarGate, WH40K, Star Wars, Star Trek etc all have their own 'wikia', so try there if you're stuck.

The Sci Fi Rp runs in the form of a series of Story Arcs. We were in the process of rounding off the current arc, and will resume directly from there. We've planned several Arcs to come after this, so if you want to plan one for the furture, feel free. Just let us know, and we'll add you to the queue. We like to have a bit of information on the Arc, but don't give too much away. Don't plan it out in too much detail either, just get a rough idea. This helps make it an actual RP, instead of just posting a story.

It will help dramatically if you have MSN. Siphon and I use it frequently to discuss the RP and what's going to happen, as well as details regarding the merging of multiple universes. It's much easier than talking through PMs or the LM Chat.

Here's what a character should ideally look like:

Age: (can be almost anything depending on species)
Species: (Can make up your own, or use an existing one. Existing species can be brought in from films, video games, comics, anything.)

Powers/Abilities (if any): (Again, this can be pretty much anything. For example, if your species is large and possesses great physical strength, mention that. Maybe they have some kind of Psychic ability? It could be as simple as a series of notes about the species and what it's capable of.)

Ship: (Basic info on your character's ship, if it has one. The name, armaments, rough size etc are all examples. We don't demand a great deal of information, and again there aren't too many limits, but ideally as much as possible is best.)

This, I believe, about covers it. If Siphon (or Nunu) has anything to add or change, I will be editing this, so check for updates every now and again.
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Do we need to have played SBS before to join in?
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

No. Characters can appear in it, but that doesn't mean they have to.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I'm obviously back in.

I'm pretty darn well versed in both Stargate AND Star Trek, minus the REALLY old Original Series Episodes which I haven't quite gotten to yet. I've gone as far as creating several races myself, one of which is the Ingrali seen in Dividing Line, if anyone should wish to consult there.

That said, if there is anything I can do to help in character creation, ship creation, terminology, or just flat out "what the hell/who the hell is/are that species?" then let me know. My MSN and YIM are both in my profile, and of course I am available via PM as well. If anyone has any questions regarding how some of my own Story archs run, refer to the blank page, there is a spot up there for a time travel line that explains a good chunk of Siphon's advanced age.

As Bartnum said, some information on the character, his species, and his ship and technology would be helpful. At this point I would say it is safe to say that just about any size of ship is fine, within a certain degree. One of the races I use for my other character, Talok, is the Wraith. While each hive ship varies in size because they can "grow and reform" to suit the needs of the hive, in general terms they are amongst the largest ships seen normally at 11km in length. Obviously, this makes them less than maneuverable though.

A key example of a maneuverable, yet decent sized ship is the Daedalus class from Stargate. At 586 meters in length, she is also the basis for the stable of Siphon's people and their ships.

I think that about sums it up, and Bartnum if I have missed anything or something in my post needs fixing, as always, let me know about it.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Do you want us to post characters now or wait until you have updated?
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I would say start posting now, then I can make a gigantic database for reference. I will guess offhand that most of the races will know some of the more common ones. IE: If your character hails from the Milky Way Galaxy, they will almost certainly have heard of the Gou'ald at some point, as well as the Tokra.

What I want to do is once we have some sheets in, get a feel for how many people we will have is to create a sort of library cataloging each species and their technology levels. Maybe even a library on specific names such as for Siphon or one of the other characters I'll use.

Some characters will be recurring ones that I might use, some may be just characters tossed in there that won't ever be seen again, or that will be blown up or something (Yes I have an idea on blowing up a stargate.)

I'll most likely start working on what I already have sometime in the next day or so, and by the time we start, I should have a rather large selection to work with. Of course this will all be run past Bartnum as well, so no worries there.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Major Question before considering joining: Would it be alright to bring in a Protoss ((From Starcraft))? Cus that's one of my few OC's. Just wanted to get my facts straight before jumping into things headlong and throwing a wrench into someones gears
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I will defer to Bartnum on that one, because I know NOTHING of Starcraft.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Consider this mostly a placeholder for my character, Major Daina Eil'Mori *flourish*.

However, when it comes to races... ugh. There's a whole load of them along with Daina :/... Mass Effect universe.. Asari.. all frigging sorts. Ask Siphon, he knows.. ish. I did have a parallel universe track going on originally, though, so I can bend anything I like xD

Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Unfortunately, I know very little about StarCraft myself. However, I do know enough to confirm that there is no problem with bringing in a Protoss.
Under Construction

If you can't tell from the upcoming description a 'Traveler' is a sentient ship with psionic abilities.

Name: *Unpronounceable* The name is made up of mental images of a star filled sea and newborn worlds. The character is most commonly referred to as 'Nebula.'
Age: 317
Race: *Unpronounceable* Racial name is a simple mental glyph translating as 'the travelers.' The race is commonly referred to as star whales.

Description: Being young for a Traveler, Nebula is about three fourths the size of an adult of its kind. Its color pattern consists of a deep purple streaked with green and dark blue.

Description: Travelers have kilometer long elongated sphere for a body along with two large appendages on their sides near the center of their length that are triangular in shape that are about 200m long and about as wide at the base. The only other definitive features of their bodies are a mouth almost 300m long which they use to feed on asteroids, and a small orifice near the end of their body from which they extrude drones. The coloration of a Traveler varies drastically between individuals.

Telekinesis: The Traveler race possess an extremely powerful telekinetic with a range of 10km that allows them to manifest several abilities.
  • Telekinetic Propulsion: As a means of propulsion, the Traveler race is able to move themselves through space using their telekinetic powers. While they can actually move faster than most other ships when at their top speed, they are unable to attack while doing so as they must divert the rest of their psionic prowess to deflect any space objects with which they might collide.
  • Telekinetic Cannon: Similar in function to a rail cannon, the Traveler race launches objects, typical small asteroids although other objects can be substituted, at high speeds towards their target. However, instead of using magnetic forces to accelerate the projectile, they use their telekinetic abilities until the object moves out of range for them to do so.
  • Telekinetic Shielding: The traveler race is able to use their abilities to deflect most missiles and ballistic weapons away from their body. Even if the object is to massive to deflect all the way, they can typically at least change its route so it its a less vital part of a Traveler's body.
  • Telekinetic Rending: A Traveler can use its telekinetic strength to start tearing apart anything that comes withing its telekinetic range. Due to the large distances involved in space combat, this ability is generally only useful against fightercraft and space borne objects such as asteroids or space debris.
  • Parting the Weave: By applying psionic stress to the fabric of space, Travelers are able to create wormholes allowing them FTL speeds comparable to most modern species.

Telepathy: Members of the Traveler race possess the ability to converse mental with anyone within a range of about 1au.

Drone Synthesis: when protocol comes to dealing events either on a planetary surface, or in an area that a Traveler cannot reach, they create a drone using materials within their bodies along with certain chemicals. A drone possess all the telekinetic abilities as a Traveler except for 'Parting the Weave' and also possesses basic speech organs. An adult Traveler can control up to three drones at a time through their telepathy.
Drone Description: Standing at 1 meter tall, Drones look akin to a six-legged walking table. Their body is a hexagonal platform about 25cm thick and about 1 meter wide at its wides. In the center of the platform is a small bulge of 10cm that is likely home to the organ the drone uses to receive it's orders from the Traveler which spawned it.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Alright, reading Siphon's Ori Story has reminded me that this should be started up. Phoenix, I don't see any problem with Nebula. Any other characters that people want to bring in, do so now.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I really like "Nebula" and the Travellers. Nifty creatures.

I've had ideas of bringing in my "Shinn" character, Kynn. Although if humans aren't meant to have advanced far into space and had a few hundred years of colonising behind them then the Shinn's background story doesn't quite work/needs tweaking. They are meant to be an off shoot of humanity, now genetically altered enough to be considered another race. Not sure how to handle that. I'm not sure what Kynn's role would quite be either. If anyone wants a lethal assassin lady as a buddy in their ship I could imagine some plot where she would be in debt to another character. I will include more info on the Shinn and Kynn when I find where I left it.

I also had an idea about taking some other races from my own setting. One in particular might be fun. Remember those nastys I told you a little about a while back Siphon? I might even prefer controlling "NPC" groups more than a normal character.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

If you want variant types of humans when humans don't have far reaching galactic history, pull a Stargate. AKA have the group's ancestors be originally abducted by aliens and experimented on.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

I was just going to say that. The Ancients seeded human life on multiple worlds, and the Gou'ald at one time DID transplant humans from Earth to other "slave" worlds. Not impossible something similar can happen here to make your line fit.

And I VAGUELY remember that.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Name: Ixackael (Pronounced Izachael) the Valorous
Age: 115
Species: Protoss, subspecies: Dark Templar

Powers/Abilities: Psi: Being one of the few remaining Dark Templar, Ixackeal possesses a power known only as "Psi", which allows him to detect movement and sentient thought as if it was a 'ping' within fifty meters of his location. This not only gives him a slightly reliable radar, but can allow him to sense where his prey may reside. This also allows him to communicate with others through a Psionic form of telepathy, although he can only send messages, and only receive them if the thinker directs them at him
Psi Blades: Ixackael, being a Dark Templar, can create blades attached to his hands. They work more like scythes, being an extension of his arm, and can only stay active for brief periods of time. If used correctly, the enemy will only see a brief shine of light before being sliced, giving his blades an element of surprise
Ship: Khala's Bounty: Khala's Bounty is a small Scout-class ship, barely over fourty feet in length, armed with two Missile tubes mounted on the front, and four Plasma Burst Guns on the front as well. This ship is long in nature, has stabilizing fins near the thin front end of the ship, four small Thrusters at the back in a square formation to propel it, and four stabilizing wings sticking out in a cross pattern between the thrusters. It is painted mainly Gold on the outside, and contains a special system inside the cockpit which allows Izackael to control his ship with his Psionic abilities, giving his ship better maneuvering and speed, albeit fairly draining if used for extended periods of time, hence a set of standard controls and an autopilot for when Izackael is sleeping or not present on the small ship. It also possesses a form of sheilding which activates when it senses a projectile or object moving towards the ship. It can't withstand much, but, being as the Scout-class is highly maneuverable, it's highly unlikely anything powerful will hit the sheilds

((Behold, my character. Yeah, it may seem very shitily done, but If anything is wrong with it, let me know and I'll try to iron out the wrinkles))

((EDIT: For more information about Protoss as a race, I found a source: ))
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Despite knowing nothing about Starcraft, I would have to say offhand just looking at your sheet that your character looks fine, as does the ship.

It's interesting too, your characters ship is actually small enough to fit into the carrier bay of my Daedalus class Cruiser, so if ever he needed a lift, that is easily manageable. I suppose at some point I ought to place up the characters and the ships for each that will be used myself, the main problem I am having right now with that is, I'm not entirely certain other than my original two, which ones I should put in as full out characters and which should be classified as semi-pc/npcs.

Eventually what I will do I guess is just list each character, their species, and a description or picture of their ships as we get to them, that seems the best to do since some of them might not return after a certain segment, while others might return, but sporadically. The beauty with an RP such as this is that it makes having a recurring role quite easy, and fun to work along with.
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Agree'd. That sounds like a good plan, but this is Bartnum's RP, so I guess my opinion doesn't matter too much. And yeah, that is a good point, Siphon, that my ship can fit in there. It can fit inside a Protoss Carrier, so it can sure as hell fit inside your Daedalus class
Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

It could fit in my ship too.

My characters:

Fleet Admiral Coraxus Lycaeus Kiavahr
Age: Chronologically 6, body is that of a human 18-20 year old.
Race: Tiberion

Abilities: Coraxus can summon and manipulate metal.

Achilles: Coraxus has neural implants allowing him to interface with his ship and other Tiberion systems through his personal AI, Achilles.

Coraxus is the Fleet Admiral of the Tiberion 108th Legion.

Vice Admiral Vulkoran Ostelius Kiavhar
Age: Age: Chronologically 6, body is that of a human 18-20 year old.
Race: Tiberion

Abilities: Vulkoran can sprout chains from his body, as well as turn parts of his body into chains.

Ship: The Razor's Edge

The Razor's Edge is the Flagship of Coraxus' Fleet. At about 20 Kilometers long, it dwarfs most other ships. It has countless weapon batteries, a crew of approximately 1000,000,000 men, numerous fighter bays and hangars, and sports a large cannon on the underbelly. Nicknamed "Star Piercer", this cannon is rarely used unless massive destructive force is needed, as it drains most of the ship's power and leaves almost nothing remaining.

A word on Tiberions as a race.

Tiberions rule an empire spanning countless star systems. With a reputation as galactic powerhouses, they are one of the strongest races in known space.

Tiberions hail from the Planet Tiberia. Extremely heavily guarded, even the moon, Tibero, has been converted into a giant orbital fortress. For many millennia, not a single vessel has breached Tiberia’s defences. The Military of the race is comprised of 200 legions. The Admirals of these legions are two hundred of the most powerful men and women in the empire, answering only to the Supreme Commander and the Grand Council. Each has an AI as well as neural implants to assist them in battle. Each legion is allocated between 50 and 100 cruisers, and approximately 1,000,000,000,000 men, including alien allies. Most cruisers also carry varying payloads of fighters, and range in size from a small town, to a US State. The flagships are the largest, and naturally the ones to watch out for. The armaments and shields of a ship are proportional to it's size.

Tiberions, unlike most other technologically advanced races, continue to favour projectile weapons in addition to energy weapons. Tiberion energy weapons can carve through most shields with relative ease, and their missiles are easily enough to flatten a planet into a perfect sphere. Their most powerful weapons, however, are their biological weapons. Only used when absolutely necessary, Tiberion Virus Bombs can doom an entire species to a painful death.

Tiberions are peaceful when they have to be. When taking a new world, in most cases the fleet will send a small force down to the planet, to offer them a chance to be accepted into the empire without the need for war. If they are declined, they leave the planet peacefully. If the planet shows hostility, or they have other reasons for needing to conquer it, then they make use of mass drop pod assaults (Tiberions do not use beaming technology after an incident occurred at a crucial invasion), huge orbiting star-forts, and giant, towering war walkers, engines of destruction. They often treat the races they conquer as brothers rather than subordiantes, though they will not hesitate to enforce their authority if they must.

Tiberions, despite their deadliness in war, are also very cultural beings. Their buildings and ships, crafted to precision and of ornate design, frequently include galleries, concert halls, and many workshops. Their elegant spire towers bring beauty to the skies, and their music, drifting from building mounted loudhailers, calms the hearts and minds of the people.

The Tiberion anatomy resembles that of a human, with a few differences. First, they are slightly taller. Secondly, each lung operates independently. Their senses are a little more finely tuned, and they can all close their nostrils.
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Re: Super Boarding School - The Sci Fi Splinter

Alright, I have four characters listed here which will likely be frequent characters. Of course there are other races that will be seen, but for now I am keeping them locked down in mystery, mostly because I haven't fully decided how much to use here vs. how I will portray them in my books, where I am free to do as I wish with them, and partly because they are planned to be surprises, and in the case of the Ingrali, mysterious, secretive race.

That said, here are the four that will be heavily seen. There is a fifth, but since she is completely human and without a ship of her own, I see no need to really state anything other than her name will be Vanessa, and she's basically very good at spy work. Other than that said, she's human, enough said.

Name: Siphon/Talvesh

Powers: Has the strength of 6 men hence an incredible melee fighter, can cast a small protective energy shield around himself that will protect from hi kinetic energy magic attacks or projectile attacks, but not from melee attacks, and he can create a small shockwave from his hands that will knockdown any enemies within it's range, but he cannot fire it off in rapid succession, it requires a 20 second cool down period. Also great knowledge of various inter-dimensional technologies of his people. Siphon has also gained the rare trait amongst his people of being able to use his hands to heal most any wound inflicted upon a person.

Healing Gene: Siphon is capable of using his healing gene to heal even the most severe of injuries, although this can be quite taxing upon him, and requires his full concentration. Depending on the severity of the injury, it can take anywhere from 30 seconds to ten minutes to restore and heal the injury, or injuries. He is not able to bring a person back to life if they have already perished from their injuries however. So for example, a minor injury such as a cut would be healed rather fast, but something like a punctured lung or a broken bone would take quite a long time for him to heal in this manner, and he would still need to set the bone first.

Age: Appears 25 but is actually 150,142.

Physical Description: 5'7" Weight 180 lbs Brown hair with traces of silver, Blue eyes normally, Caucasian appearance.

Description of traits and BG: Siphon is one of the last survivors of an ancient race of beings known as the Alverans. Siphon came to this dimension some time ago from his own home, ahead of an army of undead that followed his people here. Choosing to stay behind and fight along side the humans of this world, they defeated the undead, and Siphon has grown quite fond of the people he chose to protect. He chose to remain on this world, and live amongst them, and see's a great potential in them to become a super powerful race some day.

When using his shielding or his shockwave attack, his eyes will begin to glow a firey red, and he will utter several words in his native tounge. His normal voice sounds as any normal humans would.

Talvesh is a symbiote that is attached to his spine, and allows him to utilize several other technologies because of it's unique properties. Talvesh can assume control of the body, and this is shown when his eyes gleam fiery red for longer than a second and when speaking, his voice is noticably deeper with a flang to it.

Side Note: By High Kinetic Energy I mean something such as a magic propelled attack or a bullet. The shield will not stop an arrow from getting through however.

Ship Information: Siphon's ship, The Kara, is named after his dead ex wife, who was killed in battle during the original undead siege on his home world. The ship is very much akin to the Daedalus class cruisers in Stargate, and at 586 Meters in Length, are quite decently sized. In fact, all Alveran ships are exactly the same, although Siphon's has a few new modifications he himself has made that are not seen on any other Alveran ship.

Weaponry: All Alveran ships come standard with blue plasma beam weaponry, capable of overloading most known forms of shielding, or piercing them, varying on the level of shield. Unlike most laser type weapons, they don't overpower by using a lot of energy, but rather use little energy, focusing more on firing rapidly to overload shield emitters, thus frying them out and collapsing them.

Another weapon found on all Alveran ships are the special drone weapons. These yellow squid like projectiles are extremely powerful, and usually will rip through lesser advanced shields in a matter of seconds, focusing primarilly on simply passing through the shield, and ripping apart the hull of the target ship. While more powerful than the plasma beams, these can only target one ship at a time, unlike the multiple targeting beams.

The final weapon aboard Siphon's ship is unique to his alone. During his time spent in the future, he worked on several upgrades, one of these being the gravity wave weapon. Against an unshielded planet or ship, it is a devastating weapon. This weapon fires a high end gravity well at a target, usually flattening an unshielded ship, or tearing part of a planet off it's orbital axis. He has only ever used this weapon once, and it seems to draw a significant amount of power, making it impossible to fire off in rapid succession.

Shielding: Little is known about Alveran shielding to outsiders, other than the fact it is highly advanced, and very powerful. Capable of absorbing a huge amount of damage, the main reason for the shield strength is it's power supply.

Power Generation: Siphon's ship is different from most Alveran ships in the power supply department. While most of their fleet are powered by single Z.P.M's, Siphon's ship is powered by three of them, likely because of the gravity weapon requiring all that power. As a result, it is believed his is the most advanced ship the Alveran's have to offer, short of their city of course.

FTL Drive: All Alveran ships use an advanced hyper-drive system capable of launching the ships to impressive speeds. Siphon's ship is capable of traveling to the Pegasus Galaxy, 3 Million light years away, in a mere 3 hours. The speed is directly tied into the power generation, and it is likely with an inferior supply, his ship would be far slower than this.

Unlike most ships of other races, Alveran ships are capable of being commanded by a single man crew, largely in thanks to the chair interface in place aboard each ship. They have taken great pains to prevent their advanced technology from falling into the wrong hands, going so far as to specifically key their most destructive and advanced technology to only
respond to those with their genetic makeup. This, they feel, is the only way to truly prevent an enemy from stealing their ships if they are unable to self destruct them in time before being boarded. While they can be crewed by one man crews, currently only the Kara and the Daina Eil'Mori fit this, all other Alveran ships usually carry a crew compliment of six hundred, although they can carry as many as twelve hundred.

Name: Talok/Nevish

Powers: Strength of 4 men making him a very good melee fighter. He also has a somewhat limited natural teleportation ability which is restricted to allowing him free travel between one spot to another, provided he has already seen the spot at least once before that he wishes to teleport to. Finally, he is also capable of limited regenetarive capabilities, though this is heavily limited based on how recently he has eaten something, or someone. Normal wounds such as burns or a bullet wound will heal rather quickly, but if he were to have his arm of head cut off they wouldn't grow back. Talok is also capable of communicating with others of his species telepathically.

Age: Appears to be around 35, but is actually 200.

Physical Description: 6'2" weighs around 220 pounds. Black hair with Yellow eyes normally. Appears to be some kind of hybrid between a human and something else. Has a strange shaped scar on his hand that allows him to feed off the life force of a living being, though he prefers not to use this as he feels it is wrong to kill innocents. He will however feed off of criminals if he has to, though he prefers to find human types of food to keep himself alive.

Description of Background: Talok is another of the survivors from Siphon's dimension, although he is not Alveran himself, he did serve in their army after earning the trust and respect of their people. It took him some time to recover from excessive injuries during the undead wars, and making his way to this dimension, barely managed to get through before the portals closed forever. Nevish is a symbiote that wrapped around his spine, giving him the abilities of enhanced strength and to sense the existence of others carrying a symbiote. When Nevish is in control the Yellow eyes of the host do not glow, rather they change to black orbs.

Side note: If need be he will feed upon a human to survive, though he doesn't like to. When doing so he will ensure that the victim can't escape by paralyzing them in severe pain. The pain is caused from the feeding process. He reserves the feeding on humans for only those that will die anyway, or need to be assassinated. He is also a sparring partner of Siphon/Talvesh, giving the opportunity for both of them to hone their melee skills.

Ship Information: Talok controls another Alveran ship, this one a standard one, named the Daina Eil'Mori. See Siphon's ship for information, minus his own personal upgrades.


Powers: Narlina is a Wraith Queen, and as such has all the powers of a normal Wraith, and then some. While she has no magical powers, her own natural abilities, like other Queens, are formidible. She is capable of telepathic communication with pretty much any species, able to get into their minds and speak to them. On occasion, if one is unsuspecting, she can prevent them from attacking, although she can only target one person at a time. Mostly this is reserved as a last resort or for interrogation of war criminals, such as the rebel Wraith or certain aggressors against her kind. She has the same regeneration and feeding capabilities as Talok.

Age: Unknown. Narlina has never bothered keeping track, as she won't die from aging.

Physical Description: Narlina is roughly 6' tall, and weighs around 155 pounds. She has long flowing Red Hair, with Green eyes that could almost pass for human if it weren't for the defining Wraith features.

Description of Background: Narlina is Talok's wife, if you can apply that term to Wraith. She is one of the leaders of the Wraith civilization, and is a heavy advocate for peace with their neighbors, but also knows when it is time to fight. Narlina commands a gargantuan hive ship, manned by countless Wraith.

Ship Information: Wraith Hives do not have names for each ship, they are just listed as Hive Ship. Each Hive is capable of growing as needed, as their ships are mostly organic. While there are variations, most Hives are roughly 11 km in length, 5.5 km in width, and 2 km in depth, making them very large targets. Despite this, they do have some shielding, but their true strength lies in the fact their hulls can regenerate, much like the Wraith themselves.

Hive ships are usually, but not always accompanied by 3 Cruisers, each of which are identical to their hive counterparts, only smaller. Each Cruiser is usually about twice the size of an Alveran ship in length.

Each Hive carries thousands upon thousands of mini fighters called darts, armed with smaller versions of the hive's weapons, but these are unshielded. What they lack in shielding, they make up in sheer speed, with each dart capable of accelerating to 10,000 km per hour. This makes them highly maneuverable as well.

Weaponry: Wraith Ships are armed with blue pulse like weapon ports, capable of rapidly firing at a target, and against multiple targets at once. Little is known about their power against other ships, although they have been witnessed to simply overwhelm an enemy ship with the sheer number of shots fired. It probably doesn't help that the shots themselves are usually larger than the ship being attacked too.

FTL Drive: Wraith hyper-drive technology is a glaring weakness in their arsenal. While they can travel fast, intergalactic travel from one galaxy to another, such as Pegasus to our own, requires eighteen days. Because of this, recently Narlina has kept several dozen Hives in our own galaxy to assist if need be.

Nothing is known about Wraith Power generation.


Powers: Sivok has enhanced strength, comparable to a Wraith, but without the regeneration. Like all Draque, he is capable of "shrouding" or cloaking, but can not attack while actively cloaked.

Age: Several Million years old, or so he believes.

Physical Description: Sivok is 6'8", and weighs around 215 pounds. Muscular without seeming it, he is a typical Draque in every way, except he is on Siphon's side. Like all of his kind, he is bald, and appears to be similar to a bipedal crocodile or lizard, right down to the scaly, green skin.

Description of Background: Sivok is actually a clone of his original, as are all Draque. Bred to serve their masters, the Sentinels, Sivok broke away with a group of his kind after an incident left them capable of free thought for the first time in countless generations. Realizing what his former masters really were, and what they really had planned, he defected to join Siphon in the fight against his own kind, the Enoly and his former masters. His expertise in Draque and Enoly technology should come in handy as the war heats up, and he himself is quite quick to learn new things.

Ship Description: Little is known about Draque ships, other than they are at least on par with an Asgard Vessel now. Usually they are no match against an Alveran ship, though there have been a few occassions where they have gotten lucky.

Sivok has named his ship in defiance of his old masters, and named it well. The ship is called the Scalerious, which in their language, means The Rebel. At 1500 meters in length, his ship is decently sized, nearly 3 times the size of an Alveran ship.

Weaponry: Their weapons appear to be bright green globs of energy fired, though their yield has never really been tested against anything but Alveran shielding, therefore making it impossible to gauge their true strength. They do however seem to have the ability to create an EMP field that will knock out systems of an unshielded ship. If their target manages to get shields up before the EMP hits though, this attack is useless. It is believed this is how they were able to destroy the few Alveran ships they did.

FTL Drive: This is the one thing that is known of the Draque. Their hyper-drives are fast, but nowhere near what Siphon has. It would take them a day to reach Pegasus from our own galaxy, making them faster than the Wraith.

Shielding: Draque ships do have shields, and seem to be invunerable to missiles and bullet based weapons. Against energy weapons, they do fairly well, but eventually will collapse.

Nothing much is known about their power generation, although it is suspected they use something similar to an ion generator for power.

Special note: If for whatever reason, there is a specific issue where someone is going to be injured and does NOT want to be successfully healed, let me know in advance, and I can work with that. I have several ideas on how to "fail" Siphon's healing ability, and if I know in advance I can work with that.
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