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SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

Just to be clear, since it's now a 3-way toss up...

By saying that the credits he owes you are discounted by 125%, does that mean he not only owes you nothing, but you are going to leave him 250 credits as a make-it-up-to-him apology for stunning him and stomping on his bait and tackle?

Or did you mean that when he wakes up, in pain, you're demanding 1,250 credits from him? (Which is not a discount, but rather an increase, or an inflation, or a why u no give me mah moneys nao tax?)
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

(If I switched from 4 to 1, would that be possible?)
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows


Man, people really make it hard to keep caring about voting in these cyoas sometimes.

Before the troll votes it was 2-2 for #4 and #2, both of which are somewhat combine-able if we take him back to "our place" as his 'reward' for winning the fight, since we're staying with them. Just do that.
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Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

Well, yeah thats kinda my plan. basically switch my vote from #4 to the other option that had the first two votes placed for it.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

I'm mainly against 4 not just because he'd be hurt, but because I can't see a reason why he would win, so we wouldn't get much money anyway and we might cause him to lose the race.
1 was actually one of my top choices. I'll go with either 1 or 2 if either gets us out of a tie.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

I'm mainly against 4 not just because he'd be hurt, but because I can't see a reason why he would win, so we wouldn't get much money anyway and we might cause him to lose the race.
1 was actually one of my top choices. I'll go with either 1 or 2 if either gets us out of a tie.

It seems the 4s are more willing to switch to 2 or 1. Caution prevailing as it were. I will consider the winning vote to be #2 then. I'll try to add in a bit of a nod to the other options as well.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

Just to be clear, since it's now a 3-way toss up...

By saying that the credits he owes you are discounted by 125%, does that mean he not only owes you nothing, but you are going to leave him 250 credits as a make-it-up-to-him apology for stunning him and stomping on his bait and tackle?

Or did you mean that when he wakes up, in pain, you're demanding 1,250 credits from him? (Which is not a discount, but rather an increase, or an inflation, or a why u no give me mah moneys nao tax?)

For you to wait, that means you are giving him a discount or 125% of what he is offering. That means technically your time is worth that much and for you to give it to him for a promise of "future" payment when you can go and easily earn 250 credits. . .

So yes, we are paying him currently 250 credits worth of our TIME. Not money but with our time.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

"They're gone now, you should be able to get along without kissing random girls in bars," you say, edging back against the railing. You rest your arms on the bar and straighten your body up, pushing your chest forward and eyeing the handsome swoop racer thoughtfully. He certainly looks big enough to take Gutter on for that prize money, but you've no idea of his fighting skill, and smashing up his hands and possibly his head one day before a major swoop race could spell disaster for his chances. Beyond that, you know that your host's son is quite enthusiastic about Jado winning his swoop race, so ultimately you choose to table your idea to turn him into an impromptu pit fighter.

"Yeah, it looks like it's just you and me," Jado agrees, not taking his eyes off of you. You have a very good idea of what he's thinking. It's hard not think of it too, considering that despite the danger (or perhaps because of it?) the kiss you shared was exhilarating and borderline fantastic.

"And all the Bothan gamblers, too, let's not forget them," you add sarcastically, as Duyi still hovers near the two of you. At a glance from Jado, Duyi chuckles, holds his hands up and moves away, mumbling something about not wanting to get in the way.

"So, I figure I'm already in for a grand... mind if I buy you a drink, as way of making things right, miss...?"

"Dao. Tamlyn Dao. And no, I don't mind Mr. Courte."

"Jado, please."

"As you like."

The two of you head back upstairs and find a small table to sit down at. Jado orders a couple of drinks from the bar and brings them back, placing one in front of you. It's some sort of blue, frothing ale, apparently a local favorite. You try it, and it's passable for your tastes.

"So," he says after taking his initial sip. "Is this how you normally pick up men in a bar?"

"More often than you think. Though if they start wining and dining me before taking a kiss, it tends to be cheaper on their cred sticks," you reply.

"Well what can I say? I was always the sort of kid who ate his dessert first," Jado says with a smile. "So what's someone like you doing in a place like this?"

"Are you implying I'm too good for this establishment? But a star swoop racer on the run from a bunch of army goons isn't?"

"By looks, I'd have said you were too good for it, yeah. But you're quick with that blaster, and your kiss tells me you're no innocent, so that probably means you're quite at home here with all the criminals, blackmailers, smugglers, and info chant slicers." He grins over his glass at you, takes a long sip and continues. "Anyways, I'm no star swoop racer. I'm good enough for the minor circuits, but the Premier Swoop Racing League is where the real money is made. I do what I can to get by. But I end up in dives like this more than I'd like."

"So what's with the troopers?" you ask. He gives a small 'hrmph' and looks away for a minute.

"They think I killed one of their soldiers and then beat up three more," he finally answers.

"And did you?"

"Only the beating up part. Not that they care about the truth, these Imperials. But enough about me. What about you?"

You fill him in on some basic details of your life. You tell him that you're a free trader and captain of your own ship, to which he seems genuinely impressed. He questions you a bit more and over the course of the discussion you find him to be broad-minded and a good listener, despite being a swoop jock. Your conversation eventually leads to you telling him about your encounter with Dall Kothri'ek and the piracy issues in the sector. Mention of Dall then leads to Caer, and from there back to swoop racing.

"You know Caer? Wow, small galaxy," Jado says, finishing his drink.

"Just met him tonight. Guy seems really psyched about your chances tomorrow. It's half the reason why I didn't stun you to oblivion when you said you'd pay me with winnings you don't have yet."

"Oh, and what's the other half?" Jado asks.

"Because if you were unconscious I couldn't ask you to join my friend Neema and I for a nightcap back at our place."

As Jado's eyes light up, you feel a presence behind you and a green hand slips over your shoulder and gives it a light rub.

"Did someone call my name?" Neema asks as she joins you. "And oh wow, yeah, we can definitely bring him back with us. Hi... I'm Neema. Tamy's expert astrogator and moral compass."

"Jado Courte, charmed." Jado says, taking the Twi'lek's hand in his own.

As Neema sits down between the two of you and starts to make herself familiar with Jado, you think back to the way you ended up meeting and befriending your co-pilot (A), and consider the relationship the two of you currently have. (B)


1. You picked her up at a spaceport on Formos over a year ago. She had been abandoned by her former captain, who had tried to force himself upon her. After she spurned his advances, he got violent. You found her beat up but were able to intervene before the man could have his way with her. Due to your intervention, he was hospitalized and later jailed. Neema, out of gratitude and having no where else to go, signed on with you.

2. You found her stowing away on your ship after a cargo run to Ryloth. She was dressed in a slave girl's uniform, with a broken chain attached to a collar around her neck and Huttese brands on her shoulder and inner thigh. She told you that her corrupt clan head had illegally sold her and her family off to the Hutts, and that she had managed to break her bonds and hide with you. She begged you to take her on board with you and give her a shot at a new life, and you decided to do so.

3. You were both involved in a bandit ambush on the desert planet of Molavar, when natives attacked a trade caravan as it was offloading goods at the shipyard where you were docked. In the ensuing firefight, the two of you were paired up by fate, and you ended up working together to survive the encounter. You later learned that she was working as an odd-jobs fringer, intending to save up enough credits so that she could go to the Core one day and study proper dancing. With the Empire the way it is, that seems like a pipe dream, but in the meanwhile she's been happy to work with you.

4. Your father bought her at a slave market when you were in your early teens. She was the last to be sold off and your father knew that the other bidder was bragging about how he "liked them young." Moved by pity, especially when your father had seen the forlorn look in your eyes, he used credits from a recent smuggling deal to overbid the competition. For whatever reason, your father filled out the forms in your name, so technically you own Neema. Of course, the Twi'lek was treated like family and the record of ownership only stands while within Hutt space or when dealing with Ryloth slavers who would want to re-aquire her otherwise.


1. The two of you have become best friends, practically like sisters. You have a purely platonic love for her. You know she's something of a dreamer, and that she likes both men and women. Whoever she ends up with, you just want the best for her, and you'll be certain to thoroughly vet all potential suitors if you're able.

2. The two of you are great friends, though you've never come out and celebrated that fact. You share many secrets and feelings with her, and have come to know that she is attracted to both sexes, though you have never acted on this information - yet. She's the obvious favorite on the crew, which is probably why you go through so many loadmasters. Inevitably there's always a complaint that the pay isn't divided evenly, or that she gets all the cushy jobs.

3. You try to treat her as any other member of your crew, with respect and the some light-hearted joking around. Others have come and gone but she's been with you the longest and you've come to rely on her. You'd take a blaster shot for her and feel that she'd do the same for you. There are some moments when you look at her and recognize both her inner and outer beauty. You've often wondered at these times if she ever felt these pangs of desire like you have?

4. It wasn't long after the two of you first started to travel together on the Eventide when you had your first kiss. It began as an experiment one night after some drinks, when it was only you two on the ship. You suggested that she dance for you, like a proper Twi'lek dancing girl. To your surprise, not only did she oblige you with a halfway decent performance, she turned the dance into a proper seduction. One thing led to another and the following morning you woke up with her lying naked in your bed with one of her lekku draped across your face. The two of you agreed to not 'let things get weird' and have settled into a 'cuddle buddy' relationship.

Neema orders another round of drinks for the three of you, and you indulge her as a third wheel. Jado often shifts his gaze between both of you, trying not to favor one or the other. At some point, she mentions Caer again and Jado says that he thinks the Bothan will be at the garages working through the night on the bike.

"Probably not worth it bothering him just now," Jado affirms. "I on the other hand, am free the rest of tonight, but I've got to get out of this smoke filled room. Is there any place you two would like to go?"

"I was just thinking the same thing," you say. "Why don't we all head back to the Kothri'ek estate? I'm sure Dall has some fine wines we could sample."

"Aw, you mean you really don't want to bother Caer and get a chance to sit on a proper swoop bike?" Neema asks you. "What about you Jado? Don't you think it'd be fun to take Tamy for a midnight ride?"

"Of course I'd think that'd be fun..." Jado smiles at the double meaning. "Or we could go visit your ship. I've never been on a free trader vessel and I'm sure it'd be quite cozy. You could show me you captain's quarters or your cockpit."

One way or another, the three of you decide it's time to leave. You finish your drinks and then head out the door, your destination eventually agreed upon. (C)


1. Go back to your rooms at the Kothri'ek estate and break out some wine.

2. Go to the swoop garage to see if Caer's there and then maybe have some fun on the bike.

3. Go to the shipyard and on board the privacy of your ship, the Eventide.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows



Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A) 3 (Feels like it puts them on the most equal-ish of footing, as friends/partners rather than her being someone who either owes us something or that we 'own'.)
B) 2 or 4
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Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A) 4 seems like the least awful one, though I could go with 2. (1 and 3 do not seem to work toward how their attitude is toward each other.)

B) 4

C) 2
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A 2,3 or 4 all three sound ok, 1 is the only one I dislike.
B Hard choice canging to4
C3 or 2 I would prefer 3. But 1 seems like the only bad choice that might result in a hangover.
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Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A3 - Reasoning: Sounds like the best plan amongst them. A fire fight turned friendship that hasn't soured. Not to mention you both trust eachother in comparison to strangers.

B1 - Reasoning: Tried to experiment a few times, turns out you don't prefer it that way or at least you don't see the fling as anything more than it is, a fling. Through it did lead to lots of slumber jam parties.

C2 - Reasoning: Jado and Caer men on men action will be quite delicious.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

I'd rather not have Craer involved.
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

A3 or A4
B1 - Sisters... sharing sisters!
C1 or C3 - C2 sounds like something that'd fuck us over in the race, sorry Dog-boy, you'll have to wait to get some tail
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

(Winning choices are A3, B4, and C2)

As Neema and Jado start chattering away about swoop racing and all the places he's been in the Core and Inner Rim - places where she has yet to travel - you sit back and regard your smooth, green-skinned co-pilot. Neema Tadoya, a walking definition of an Outer Rim fringer, is a jane-of-all-trades when it comes to life on the edge of the galaxy. She's a decent pilot, driver, trade negotiator, and is obsessed with lifestyles anywhere that she has yet to be. Her wanderlust and dreaming nature are what led her to be such a great Astrogator - an essential part of any ship with a Navicomputer. Her very presence on your ship spares you the need to buy an astromech droid.

Parts of her life story she leaves hazy on purpose, but she tells you that she comes from a 'good' family on Ryloth, the scorched and barren homeworld of the Twi'leks. However, her father, the patriarch of her local clan, is something of a 'kriffing ass-hole' as she puts it, and has essentially disowned her. Or she disowned him. Or maybe it was a mutual disowning. She's never been explicit about that fact. You do know that she's adverse to going back to Ryloth. She wants to make enough money to head to the Core worlds. To see what life is like near the heart of the Empire and where there are proper talent agencies that could develop her childhood dreams of being a performer.

This has led you to tease her about actually wanting to conform to the image of a Twi'lek dancing girl, even though she looks and acts like a rough and tumble fringer. She's since surprised you with her litheness, her coordination, and her incredible flexibility, combined with her undoubtedly gorgeous body. She also likes to inform you that among all of her wonderful assets, her head tails are considered to be an ideal of her species beauty due to their length, natural dark lines, and responsiveness. Additionally, she has shared that they double as an erogenous zone.

Beyond this, you also know that Neema is decent with a blaster. That was how you first met her, when she was working for a merchant caravan on Molavar. Some native bandits were looking to ambush a cargo loading onto your ship and you had to defend yourselves. Back to back, running between the crates, you and Neema held off the bandits, each racking up a couple of kills before the bandits cut their losses and ran. A healthy respect for one another, and a mutual attraction led to her joining your crew.

After a week of light flirting and suggestive looks in hyperspace, the attraction and curiosity you had for one another boiled over on the night you dared her to dance for you. She took you to one of the cargo holds and performed a private dance, which led to a kiss, which led to a stripping of clothes, which led to impatience and a tearing off of clothes, and well... you woke up the next morning in your captain's quarters with a naked green Twi'lek snoring lightly next you and a tentacle cutely draped across your face. You worried that this might have been a mistake, but she woke up, smiled and kissed you without a worry in her eyes, and there's never been a moment of awkwardness since.

Without really speaking about it, the two of you have fallen into a cuddle-buddy friendship. You're not an exclusive couple, and you both observe and encourage one another to get intimate with other people. Aside from Neema, you have not been with another woman, and generally you prefer the company of men. Neema seems to be more squarely on the fence regarding her gender preferences. She is a sucker for natural beauty and aesthetics, and while she finds humans attractive, she naturally likes her own race and even the odd togruta to be more to her liking. She says it's mostly your confident and assured attitude that draws her to you.

"And then Tamlyn said, 'those are OUR Herglics!'" Neema says with emphasis, bringing you out of your reverie. Jado does a spit take with his drink, breaking down into a fit of contagious laughter. Neema, her eyes also watering, laughs as well, trying to finish the story with difficulty.

"Ahaha! And... hehe... the Toydorian... gwehaha... just kriffing flips his shit! He drops the blaster, *snrk* flies straight into the pole - knocking himself senseless..."

Jado at this point is slamming the edge of the table, his face red, trying to find a breath amid the laughing fit. You giggle, remembering the anecdote yourself, and are pleased that the two of them seem to be getting acquainted. It actually gives you the idea of a little experiment later on tonight... afterall, this guy is good-looking, strong, confident, and has the build of someone who could possibly handle a couple of girls looking for a good time.

Jado excuses himself for a moment, saying he needs to get another drink and regain his breath, leaving you and Neema alone for a short while as he orders at the bar. The Twi'lek pinches your finger and points at you with one of her lekku.

"Are you planning on getting laid tonight? Because if you're not, I'm calling dibs on that ass," she says cheerily. "Do you see his butt? Damnit, I just want to bite that thing..."

Neema giggles and takes a sip of her own drink. You can see she's getting a little light headed.

"'Just wanna bite that thing...' Well aren't you quite the poet? Look, he owes me some money, but I think he'll be more inclined to pay up if he's eager to see us again after his race. So yeah, I'm gonna get a piece of that."

"Aww. But he likes my stories. Let me take him tonight, and then after he pays you tomorrow, you can play with him," Neema pouts.

"Who says we have to take turns?" You smile into your glass as the Twi'lek digests what you just said and gives a start.

"Wow. Really? You want to try something like that?"

"Why not? Like he's going to refuse us? No man could. Let's do it."

Neema blushes and bites her lip, then nods. "Sure, I'm game.~"


The three of you step out of the cantina and head north, along the backroads, cutting across the western pleasure district, intending to skirt the edge of the merchant houses and end up in the trades and services district, wherein lies the garage for Jado's swoop bike. It's a bit of a walk, but it's a fine, warm night and between the three of you, you manage to have pleasant conversation.

It seems that Jado is no stranger to close calls, either on the swoop track or off of it. But when you strike up the topic of why he was being chased, he says that he had stumbled across a body earlier tonight, just moments after hearing blaster fire. It appeared to be an Imperial, and he'd stopped to take a closer look when some army troopers found him and assumed the worst.

"I know how Imperials handle their business," Jado says during the explanation. "If I surrendered, there was half a chance they'd gun me down on the spot, no questions asked. And even if I did get caught, I'd be spending time in a detention block awaiting questioning while the swoop race went on without me. So I ran for it. Bloody imperials chased me clear across the district. I only lost them when I stepped into the cantina and found you. Amazing how fortunes can turn. The Force must've guided me to you."

"The what?" you ask.

"Ah, erm, nothing. Just an old saying a former employer of mine was fond of," Jado mutters.

You are just considering pressing him to say more when a low whistle from an unknown source makes you stop and spin to look down a hidden alley on your left. Out of the shadows step three familiar figures.

"And here I thought you weren't gonna make it to the party," says the human thug you met just upon entering the cantina tonight. He's got his friends, the Weequay and the other human to his left and his right side.

"Sooba was saying that you two were a couple of lying whores, but I kept on telling him, 'no no, they'll be here any second now.' And here you are... of course, this is pretty damned far from where we told you to meet us, but HEY! Who cares right? Now all we need to do is lose that deadweight in between you. He's gotta different party to go to... Then we can get the two of you oiled up and into action, ya know what I mean?"

As he says this, the hum of a landspeeder approaches from the street behind you, inside of which are four Bothans. You recognize the big one, Gutter, sitting in the front passenger seat, glaring eagerly at Jado.

1. Quickdraw your blaster and shoot first, then dive for some cover behind a nearby refuse dumpster. (If choosing this option, voters should specify a preferred target among the following: Bothan driver, Gutter, Bothan Henchmen, 'The Talker' (Rapey drug addict guy), 'Silent Bob' (the quiet human), and Sooba the Weequay (think leatherface guy for those of you not using google image search).

2. Let's talk about this... Try to see just what exactly it is that each of these parties wants. You're sure this is all just a big misunderstanding. Maybe you can convince Talkative dude that you were just on your way to see him, and you got a little sidetracked. Use this to possibly lull him into a false sense of security to give yourself an advantage for a follow up move. (If you choose this option as a voter, include your idea of what this follow up advantage should be. ((REVOLUTIONARY INTERACTIVE OPTION! OH WOW!)))

3. Bluff that you're an Imperial Agent and that if you or your allies get harassed, the full force of Imperial Intelligence, the Imperial Security Bureau, COMPNOR, the Army, Navy and even the kriffing Bureau of Ships and Services will be breathing down each of their necks. Say you are on a mission to bring this man in for questioning, and your position is being tracked and monitored. Imply that any delay will be lethal for your waylayers.

4. Run away! Hot foot it! You think you can probably outdistance the guys on their feet and you can lose the landspeeder in the smaller alleyways. Tell the others you'll rondez-vous at the garage and then split up to force your pursuers to split as well.
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Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

I would say shoot it out if that landspeeder didn't show up.... but it did so:
Re: SW CYOA: Scum and Shadows

I'll change to 4 if somebody votes that way or another way.