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Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

The vampiress tugged on Siehydra's ropes the moment she tried pulling her along, fighting her the whole way the werewolf took her, grunting, squirming, and squealing as she struggled with the remains of her strength, "Burn in Hell, dog!" she spat, baring her sharp teeth as they reached the bridge, the scent of Siehydra's pack nearing, just beyond the trees, "This isn't the end! You'll regret this, you mangy mutt! I swear it!" she growled.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Siehydra smiled at the vampires continued resistance. She was able to easily force the vampire to move since she was so weak from their fight. Nearing the bridge Siehydra said to the vampire, "You got more fight left in ya then I thought... It's fun to see my little pet still thinks she can do anything." Siehydra walked on smirking as the vampire continued her struggles. She wasn't lying when she said it was fun for her, and she enjoyed the vampire's continued struggle. Before crossing the bridge she spoke to the vampire again, "I dunno if you can tell but your new family is close." With that said Siehydra walked on a bit more then turned around for a moment and taunted the vampire, "Maybe you should take one last good look at your castle before it's taken over by a bunch of 'mangy mutts'."

Siehydra stared at the castle herself for a few seconds. Then she turned around again and resumed walking across the bridge, but this time slower then her pace before. Siehydra intended to draw out the process of delivering the vampire to her new 'home'.

(( If nothing significant happens we can just go to part were she comes to her pack ))
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Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Snarling at Siehydra, the vampire pursed her lips, before spitting at her face, not saying another word beyond that. Then, the pack made their appearance from the trees, walking up to the scene, in awe of the sight; Siehydra, holding the vampiress in ropes.

The pack alpha stepped towards, her eyes wide, "Siehydra...!?" she called out her name in disbelief, unable to find words to say.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Siehydra smiled triumphantly. Her arrogance grew as she saw the surprise and awe in her pack's faces as she led the vampire on her leash. Maybe now the fools of her pack won't underestimate the young wolf. Staring at her mother she spoke to the whole pack with an arrogant smile on her face, "Where have you you all been? I had to beat this vampire by myself. Would've been nice to have some help."

After she was done speaking she moved closer to the pack, dragging the vampire behind her. She stared at her astonished packs faces, and her pride and arrogance grew every second their eyes were all on her. When she neared the alpha, her mother, she gave the rope to her and said, "I hope we can all enjoy our new toy."
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

While the vampiress growled and tugged at Siehydra the entire time she was displayed like a trophy, eventually the wolfess's mother, the alpha, stepped forward, taking Siehydra by the shoulder, "What the hell are you doing!?" she exclaimed at her daughter, "Do you have any idea what you've done?"
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Siehydra looked at her mother, the urgency that she seemed to have completely went over her head. Instead, she interpreted her mom's action as being impressed with her. Siehydra just smiled at her and said, "Isn't it obvious what I did? I kicked a vampire's ass by myself and gave our pack a new toy."
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

The rest of the pack looked at Siehydra with a similar expression, before her mother grabbed her, and pulled her away from the crowd and the vampiress. Once they had some privacy, her mother looked at her sternly, "I won't even lecture you on how foolish it was to go on alone, it doesn't even matter at this point. What does matter is what exactly happened when you fought with that vampire. You wielded a supernatural power, didn't you?" she accused her, "You felt the cry of a raging wolf drive your claws?"
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

After a moment Siehydra realized the looks the crowd were giving her. She looked back at her mother and saw that she was doing the same thing. This wasn't the reaction she was expecting at all. Confused at this new turn of events she started becoming annoyed at them. Weren't they supposed to see what she did as a great accomplishment? Why were they all just gawking at her...

Then Siehydra's mother dragged her away. She didn't put up resistance, because she wanted to get away from the crowd, and she was confused at how they were acting at what she just did. Then her mother spoke of the power Siehydra used to beat the vampire. She hadn't given it much thought after the fight, her arrogance wouldn't allow her to think that she needed it anyway, or that it was something that was somehow lent to her, but hers to control herself. Now away from the crowd, with the thought of glory disappearing, she began to start understanding what was going on.

It seemed her power was making her mother, and those of her pack, seemed surprised, but not the way she expected them to, maybe even scared. Siehydra felt defensive now, looked up to her mother's eyes, and then she said to her, trying to figure out what was happening, without answering her question, "Why does it matter how I defeated that vampire? Besides I wouldn't need that power to kick her ass anyway."
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Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Her mother gave a look to the pack, warning a few of the curious pups to stay back using her hostile glare, before turning back to Siehydra, shaking her head with a frown, "That is farther from the truth than saying a Holstaurus could fly, and you know it." she said in contrary to Siehydra's statement. "And it matters because that means you contain something very powerful, of terrible force inside you. If left unchecked, you could end up killing those you love with it." she said with complete seriousness in her tone.

Letting out a sigh, she put her paws on Siehydra, and got her down into a sitting position, wrestling with her if she had to, before licking her tongue along the back of Siehydra's ear. "I love you, but I need you to take this more seriously. I don't want you to go mad as if you were infected with rabies, because you lacked concern over what lies inside you." Licking Siehydra's head again, her mother kept a firm grip as she groomed her daughter.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Seeing that her mother had grown more gentle then before had caught Siehydra off guard. Her defenses crumbled a little at seeing this, mostly from surprise, and also from the thought of her mother actually being worried about what happened. This made Siehydra actually think about what had happened back at the fight with the vampire right now, rather then just forgetting about it until later. She didn't struggle much against her mother's grip as she forced her to a sitting position, mostly because of her surprise, but she still managed to let out a low growl at her.

When her mother began to groom her, Siehydra's body tensed up, and her defenses grew again, but in a manner different from before. Siehydra growled at her mother again, this time not out of anger, but of annoyance. The warning from before her mother forced her to sit made Siehydra actually listen to what her mother said for once, though. Siehydra sighed at her mother and said to her annoyed, "Don't you think I'm a little old for this... Mom?" She stumbled over the last word in her sentence, "I can take care of myself... and I'm not a pup anymore that needs to be groomed by her mother." Still even as she said this she didn't offer much resistance. Siehydra knew if she even managed to escape her mother's grasp she would just come hunt her down later, and it'd just end up dragging their "talk" out in the long run. Might as well get this over with as fast as she can. She also couldn't deny she was now curious about her new power without the thought of the glory of delivering a vampire to her pack by herself in her mind.
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Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Her mother didn't growl back at Siehydra, only staring at her spawn's eyes intently, with a gaze that could shatter glass, the gaze of the pack leader. Once Siehydra no longer held any complaints about her place, at least via her body movements, and after she began to groom Siehydra, cleaning her dirtied fur, and tenderly licking her oddly healed wounds, for the most part sealed, thanks to the odd magic flowing through her, sending her metabolism sky high, and allowing her body to regenerate at amazing speeds.

She stopped licking a moment to address Siehydra's whining, bopping her on the head with the blunt side of her paw as a means to her scolding, to teach the child discipline. "Silence, foolish pup," she scolded Siehydra. "If your wounds are not tended to, you'll scar, and become horridly ugly." It was true that almost every monster girl held pride in their beauty. It was just as important as their power, often times even more important. Of all the things they're destined to do in life, breeding is especially important. And in order to breed, they must be appealing. As someone who had many children, the alpha was proud of her long lasting beautiful body, and full breasts, having grown in size without losing firmness, providing great milk to many of her children.

Licking a few more times, the process seeming to last several minutes, Siehydra was soaking wet with her mother's saliva before she was done, looking like a drowned girl posing as a dog who suffered terrible weather. Her mother released her, and sat in a canine manner across from her, letting Siehydra shake the saliva off if she so desired. "Now, about this supernatural business," she began, quickly getting to the chase, "What awoke inside of you, is a raw, primal power, which has until now, slept quietly within you. Some others display this quality as well, and I assumed that so long as you never had your life threatened, the capsule around that sleeping fury would never break. However, to have it break, and have your primal rage unleashed, granting you enough power to defeat a several thousand year old monster, nearing the power of a dragon, means that you don't have much time, before that power burns your body alive. Your flimsy flesh is hardly enough to detain such ungodly force," she said harshly.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

As soon as Siehydra was stared down by her mother she knew she was going to end up regretting her decision to stay. Still she stayed still and quietly looked around, contemplating whether she should attempt to run or stay and just get this over with. Looking over at her wounds she noticed that a lot of the burns and cuts from the fight were healing at a rapid pace.

When Siehydra's mother bopped her on the head because of what she said, her anger grew and she stopped herself from growling again. Siehydra's teeth clenched together as her mother scolded her, but she didn't say anything back to her, repressing her urge to lash out and just run away. Feeling incredibly stupid for not at least resisting getting into this position with her mother, Siehydra silently stayed where she was, with her teeth clenched, and stared at the scenery around her still contemplating whether she should just run off.

Before Siehydra could actually come to a decision, her mother was done grooming her and let her go. Siehydra ran away from her mother like she was a cat that was just thrown into water. Stopping a distance away from her mother she shook her whole body trying to get as much of the saliva off as possible. When she was done she faced her mother, with anger in her eyes.

Then Siehydra's mother started to talk about what she wanted to hear from the beginning. Finally getting to the part about her powers Siehydra let herself calm down as she listened. When her mother got to the end she just questioned her further, she said to her defiantly, "How do you know I can't handle this power inside me, and even if I can't then what am I supposed to do about it?"
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Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Siehydra's fur puffed out as she forcibly dried herself off by shaking herself. Then, her black strands flattened smoothly along her skin. Though she now smelled like her mother's mouth, that was a werewolf's definition of 'clean.'

Sitting across from her, Siehydra's mother didn't move as her pup took a seat on a small, flat rock. Bluntly, she gave Siehydra the answer to her first question. "Because you're an irresponsible idiot," she told Siehydra without restraint, having become used to such declarations after announcing Siehydra as such a great number of times. "And since you can't," she continued over her own announcement without pause, "You'll need to seek aid. I personally know next to nothing about magic. However, I know enough about it after seeing my aunt burn to ash before my eyes, when the power erupted from her claws, and she couldn't make it stop. Do you even have any idea how to make that power you summoned stop on command? Or did it end on it's own? You won't be able to endure that kind of exhaustion, to wait until all of your power runs out."

Sitting up on her legs, she looked down at the squatting Siehydra, who sat as werewolves normally would, in the best mimicry of the animals they represented, while still in humanoid form. "You're going to visit a distant cousin of our race. By ancient blood, we are related to her species, however, our two races took separate paths. You'll find out exactly what I mean when you meet her. Or, perhaps, you'll remain clueless. Either way, your powers are identical to her own. And she prides herself on wild ambitions, tossing her magic powers around herself carelessly. So, you should get along well with her."

Turning around, and pointing a claw at a large mountain above, her mother indicated Siehydra's destination. "Travel towards the volcano. Once you near the base, her powerful scent will greet your nose. Just follow it, and you'll be lead right to her."
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

As her mother answered her questions, Siehydra quickly grew to become angry at her again. She barred her fangs, with her ears tucked down, but managed to refrain herself from growling at her. The way her mother had treated her ever since she pulled her away from the pack was working on her last bit of self control, and Siehydra was just about ready to lash out at her mother and take off.

The story of her great-aunt didn't seem to phase Siehydra too much, as her anger was so focused on her mother sitting across from her right now. When Siehydra's mother seemed to already realize that she had absolutely no idea how to activate or stop her powers she felt herself grew even angrier at her mother, as if she was challenging her. She was about to shout out in protest at this but her mother was still talking and the next part caught her interest. Then when Siehydra's mother got to the last part of her lecture she took a second to process what her mother had just said. Siehydra said surprised, as she raised her ears up and no longer barring her fangs, "So... I get to leave and be on my own..."

Suddenly Siehydra didn't feel as angry at her mother as she was distracted by the idea of leaving to go to a a different wolf, one that in her mother's description was like her. The way her mother described it also made her feel like this might even be enjoyable for her. At the very least if the wolf she was supposed to go to annoyed her as much her pack then she could at least wonder off.

Siehydra followed the direction of her mother's claw to the mountain. Still surprised she stared at it briefly. Then, without saying a word, Siehydra broke her gaze, rose up on all fours, and at first slowly began to walk off. She soon breaks into a run, feeling delighted that she was just set free from her annoying pack and mother.
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Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Her mother's eyes were closed at Siehydra passed her, her own way of acting strong, as an alpha should, until Siehydra had already passed. Her eyes opened a little, and she felt a small pain in her chest. Her lips quivering, Siehydra would barely catch the sounds of her mother weeping slightly as her speed would start to pick up.

"Please stay alive, Siehydra! I love you!" she suddenly cries out, just barely heard from Siehydra's distance. And after rounding up to a tall hill, the volcano, and the path Siehydra would have to take clearly in view, the sound of a wolf howling to the moon above echoed through the sky. Not the kind of howl that announced prey, but the loss of one of the pack. It was touched with a bit of sorrow, and fear. Her mother's wish for Siehydra to remain safe carried on the wind as the black wolf dashed through the forest, headed for the mountain.

Going at a steady pace throughout the rest of the night, stopping occasionally to hunt small prey, and drink from a river, Siehydra would reach the base of the mountain at the coming of dawn. On all fours before a mountain path, a powerful stench of sex caught Siehydra's nose, almost overpowering. To her kind, it was a warning smell of another, fierce monster. Without a doubt, it was the scent her mother warned her about. And besides the smell, the air itself seemed oddly electrified, enough to make her hairs stand slightly. Some kind of magic, that reminded her of her own filled the atmosphere around her.

A large puff of black smoke came from the mountain, a river of lava flowing from the top. Surrounded by sea, the mountain stood on it's own, and held within it, according to rumor and common knowledge, some of the most powerful wild mamono the world knew of. Namely, a ferocious dragon. And apparently, Siehydra's cousin as well. Only powerful beasts could co-exist so closely, and not become each other's prey.

Once the view would set in, and the scent marked in her nose, Siehydra would know her path, and follow it. She managed a light trod, due to the powerful scent of the trail, and little possibility of losing it, except when she had to stop under a powerful wind blowing it around, before regathering her bearings.

Noon, Siehydra had tracked the scent to the side of the mountain, overlooking the sea that went on over the horizon. On the wide path, oddly flat, as if made a path by some unknown race, occasional, prickly plants would tickle Siehydra, as she'd make her way to an extremely large hole. Her natural instincts would flare when she saw the hole. It was large enough for the dragon herself to fit in through, but at the same time, the scent was directly inside. A dragon smelled of fire, which she could smell at all times due to the mountain lava, so she'd be unable to tell if the dragon was inside or not.

Though the trail led inside... If Siehydra happened upon the dragon, there would be no other result than her death. She would be a meal for the beast, and her spine, the woman's toothpick. It didn't appear that there were any other exits, just the one large entrance. So, if Siehydra didn't wish to risk it, she could wait for her cousin to come out. However, the intense heat was something she was not used to. Too long, and Siehydra might faint from exhaustion.

The pressure of decision was upon the wolf, both were dangerous, and life threatening.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Siehydra passed her mother, not realizing anything was wrong. The faint sounds that came from her seemed strange to Siehydra, but she would never be able to guess that someone like her mother would cry for her pup because they were going away and she was worried about them. She had long ago thrown away the idea that her mother may even seem to care about her, and just took pleasure in lecturing her, and annoying her. The incident from when she groomed Siehydra just reinforced these feelings.

When her mother finally cried out for her, despite the shock she felt that her mother would even say something like that, Siehydra did not look back. She ignored the strong urge to as well. She only managed to frown to herself and ignore the idea in her head that maybe her mother did care.

The rest of the night was uneventful, but Siehydra felt good to be on her own. The thought that no one was following her made her feel more relaxed as well. Then, she had caught onto the scent that her mother was undoubtedly talking about. A fanged smile crossed her face, as she picked up the scent, and she followed it forwards.

She noticed as she got closer to the scent it started to get hotter and hotter. She was soon panting from the extreme heat as she found the hole that the scent was coming from. Smelling other scents as well as the one she had been tracking, Siehydra hesitated a moment. She paced on the outskirts of the hole, deciding what to do. Siehydra knew that she could not stand the intense heat for too long. She stopped pacing and stared down at the hole. She was never willing to admit some other monster was out of her league, and decided actually doing something was better then just sitting here and waiting. Siehydra entered the hole throwing all caution away to try to find her cousin.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Making her steps into the dark of the dragon's cave, Siehydra would eventually find herself going in so deep, that escape would be impossible if she were seen by the beast. Sounds of wind flowing through the large cave overtook her senses, almost deafeningly loud, causing her hair to flourish from the powerful wind blowing through the cave.

At the very least, it was very cool air, which brought her comfort after such heat from outside. But the best of the cave was yet to come.

As Siehydra made her way into the deepest part of the dragon's cave, past various relics of warriors that fell to the beast's might, and warnings written by deceased victims of her power, Siehydra was soon stepping into an immense pocket within the mountain, a room filled with more treasure than any queen would have ever held in her treasury. Gold, jewels, and magical trinkets littered the stockpile of wealth.

A loud voice suddenly boomed through the room, with the tone of a mature, and powerful woman.

"You dare to enter my home, wolf?" the voice of the dragon echoed. "My treasure holds no value to your kind. Leave, before I turn your body to ash."

The dragon's threat boomed loudly in Siehydra's ears. But, there was little sign of the dragon herself. Worse yet, there was no sign of her cousin, asides from her scent, which still yet paved a clear path for Siehydra to follow, even deeper through the cave, through all of the dragon's treasure. And as a matter of fact, many of the treasures themselves were coated with her scent... 'Could she have been swimming in it?' Siehydra might think, as the treasure was quite literally drowned in her scent. For all she knew, her cousin might have met an unfortunate fate at the hands of this dragon.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

When Siehydra heard the dragon she regained her composure and quickly went into a defensive stance. Looking all around the place, she could not see a sign of the dragon. As the dragon made her presence known she let out a low growl, and frantically looked all around her trying to find the source of the voice. Sniffing the air, the smell of her cousin did not escape her attention, but no matter which way she looked she could not find the other wolf, or even more dangerously the dragon that threatened her.

What Siehydra's mother said made her think that her cousin would not be killed so easily. Perhaps she was still here, or she had simply come and left. Starting a fight with a dragon wasn't something that Siehydra wanted to do. The question of what exactly happened here made her curious enough to not just leave. Swaying about she looked a few times more for any signs, and sniffed the air for a sign of either the dragon or her cousin.

Standing her ground defensively Siehydra said as loudly as she could, "You're right about the treasure, I came here looking for another wolf. Her scent leads directly here. I want to know were she is." Not sure if her voice could even be heard, Siehydra slowly went the way the scent of her cousin was coming from. Constantly alert, Siehydra was cautious of some type of sneak attack from the dragon.
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Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

"You've been warned, wolf." The dragon's voice boomed, before wings flapping above were heard.

Siehydra's senses went off on full alarm. The dragon was above her, and was descending fast. Almost instinctively, the werewolf made an evasive leap back, her only option for evading the green claw that suddenly impaled the ground where she stood. Her foe was deadly fast.

Standing before her, a certain beast stood, not a towering dragon, but a woman dressed in what seemed like green armor, with a heavy, deadly looking tail, and wings with sharp points at the tip. Her green claw ripping from the ground, sending heavy chunks of rock about, the dragon, in humanoid form, stared at Siehydra with a glare.

"Your chance to run has left you. I will reduce you to ash." the dragon announced, before rearing her head back, her cheeks puffing out, and suddenly lurching forward, opening her sharp tooth filled maw wide, and releasing a torrent of fire in Siehydra's direction.
Re: Symphony of the Night (Siehydra)

Narrowly dodging the dragon's fang, Siehydra growled out at her, "Fuck y-". Taking in full view of the Dragon Siehydra stopped her sentence. Even if they did not seem as scary as she had imagined one to be, she still looked as dangerous as she could ever have imagined. Although the appearance of the dragon may have distracted Siehydra for a split second, she was still able to dodge what was coming up next.

Seeing the dragon rear her head back, Siehydra instinctively knew what was about to happen. Even Siehydra knew of the stories of the dragons that could breathe fire and melt monsters to nothing easily. Acting on her instinct she rolled out of the way of the torrent of fire that the dragon had just spit in her direction. Narrowly avoiding it, she could feel the heat of the blaze of fire on her skin, her fur was going to be singed, but she had other issues to worry about.

Quickly regaining her composure to a defensive stance once more, hesitant to move to the offensive. Although she may have been able to beat a vampire, Siehydra had no idea how a vampire compared to a dragon. She would soon realize she didn't really have much of a choice in her decision to fight the dragon, though.
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