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Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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The room is fairly nondescript, a metal slab hangs off the wall supported by metal legs. A simple blanket and pillow is all that covers it. A toilet and basin sit in a corner of the room, whilst in working order it does appear to be pretty dirty. It's apparent that the Directive care little for their test subjects general health, only that they can 'perform' well in the various experiments.

Hushed voices could be heard outside her room, though Samantha would not be able to make out what they were saying.

"But she hasn't fully recovered yet, it would be dangerous to put her in an experiment!" A female scientist argued.

"Do you want to be thrown in the experiment instead?" Another voice said, male this time and full of authority.

"I..I...Of course, I understand. We'll have her ready shortly." The female voice said as she backed down to her superior. Sam would then make out the sound of footsteps slowly getting quieter from her room.
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Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins

Samantha holds her arms tightly as she remembers the incident, still feeling fresh in her mind as she lets out a soft moan. She crawls towards a wall and tries to knock on it, "P..please... help... I... I'm one of the delivery workers... I'm not suppose to be in here!"
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins

Sam's calls would go unanswered for quite some time until finally, the door was unlocked and several people walked in; a scientist and three guards, though these seemed to be too heavily armoured for regular guards.

"We're truly sorry about the way everything has been handled," The scientist starts, sounding sincere. "Unfortunately, you came into contact with one of our new specimens, which took a liking to you as you're well aware. As your contract with this company states you were not to look at any of the shipments you were handling. As such you have breached your contract agreement, and the Directive holds no responsibility for what happened." The scientist pauses, letting the information sink in. "However, because of your surprisingly high endurance to the creature in question we've decided to take you on as a test subject. As you have no family history there'll be no way for anyone to track you down, so we're quite confident in you staying with us. In fact, we've arranged an experiment with you today." The scientist turns and faces the door. "Men, seize her." The guards rush at Samantha and grab her, they then drag her out of her cell and down the corridor, the cries of men and women alike can be heard from some of the doors that she passes.
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins

Samantha struggles a little as she is dragged out of her cell, looking horrified as she hears the voices, realizing just what she had happily been delivering for the last few months. She looks at the guards, eyes pleading as she manages a soft groan, but doesn't say anything, her mind still reeling a little from the whole thing.

She looks at the doctor as she tries to plead again for mercy, but her throat felt a little dry, causing her to scramble to get onto her feet, not wanting to be dragged as she slowly looks around.
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

Samantha gets no remorse from either the guards or the scientist, and her struggling only serves to increase the grip the guards have on her.

Eventually they get to a door at the end of a long corridor. The cries coming from the rooms has long since ended, in fact there were no other doors along this corridor save for the one they are standing at now.

"Right, throw her in," The scientist says as the door opens after he inputs the code. The guards comply to the mans orders, and Sam is thrown roughly into the room. The door closes behind her and with it most of the light is now gone. The room that Samantha is in now is similar to the one she was locked in earlier except for there being no 'furnishings'. However there was another door opposite the one she entered as well as a mirrored panel covering the wall to the right of her.
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

Sam slowly blinks and rubs her eyes tentatively trying to get used to the limited light in the room. She stands up by pushing against the wall, looking around as she blinks a few more times, wondering what was going to happen now. She finally finds her voice and calls out quietly, "H..hey... what am I suppose to do?" She figured that once the experiments were done, she would at least be allowed back to her cell, where hopefully she may be able to plan SOMETHING.
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

Her questions were left unanswered, though it wasn't long until it was plain to her what she was about to happen. The door opposite the one Sam entered opened after several minutes, and standing in the doorway was the creature that had raped her a little while ago though it appeared almost as confused about her predicament as Samantha did. The Lust Rose did not appear to notice Samantha just yet.

Stamina Bar: [--------..]
Orgasm Bar: [..........]

((Started her at 8 stamina because of the blood loss from earlier.))
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

Samantha tries to push herself into a corner, watching the creature lividly as she held her breath. Yet at the same time she felt a strange wetness, she instantly knew what it was... arousal. She was confused, why would the idea of seeing this creature make her feel, well, horny? Trying her best to hide her feelings, she stood in the corner quietly, hoping the creature wouldn't notice her...
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

The Lust Rose stands there for a minute, looking at her surroundings and taking everything in. Though she picks up a scent, something familiar, something delicious... Looking over to where the scent was coming from she spots Samantha. A smile stretches over her features.

"Well hello again," She says to Sam, her voice soft though had an air of superiority to it, slowly making her way over to her. "I didn't think I'd see you again so soon." She looks Samantha up and down, a tentacle gently caresses Sam's face. "Oh, yes. You tasted divine. I wonder. Could I have another taste?" Her expression would give away that she plans on having another 'taste' regardless of whether Samantha would allow her to or not.

Stamina Bar: [--------..]
Orgasm Bar: [..........]
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

Samantha lets out a soft cry as she stands there, trying to bury herself into the corner as she feels the tendril at her face, being reminded rather quickly what she had gone through during that horrible night. Her hand slowly moves down to cover her crotch as she shakes her head, blushing as she whispers softly, "P..please... don't hurt me..."
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

"Hurt you? Oh that all depends on how much you try to resist me," The Lust Rose mutters. She leans forward, her face coming level with Sam's, the plant-girl cups Samantha's face, stroking her cheek before quite suddenly kissing Sam. The Roses' kiss was quite forceful, her tongue darted in and out of Samantha's mouth, pushing roughly against her own tongue.

"Ooooh, so tasty," She says as her tongue tip passes over Samantha's and they end their kiss. "So. Whats it going to be?" She asks again, though the Lust Roses' hands were already on Sam's shoulders and her petals had opened up fully.

Stamina Bar: [--------..]
Orgasm Bar: [-.........]
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

Samantha starts to panic a little as the plant draws near, letting out a quick whimper before she is silenced by the kiss. She blushes as she feels her mouth being dominated, once again hating the fact that her body was getting wet so much. She almost lets out a sigh of relief as the kiss is broken.

She gently reaches for the hands holding her shoulders and tries to move them off, afraid of what was going to happen, "P..please... I've barely recovered from the first time..."
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

As Samantha reaches for the Roses' hands she moves her own hands down and grabs hold of Sam's, the Lust Roses' fingers interlocking with her own. Smiling, the plant-woman would then forcefully pull Samantha into a tight embrace, her lips once again pressed against the frightened girls own lips, the creatures tongue dancing along Sam's.

The petals slowly close around the pair, the Lust Rose runs her hands all over Sam's body, caressing her with firm touches. She breaks away from the kiss as the petals fully close, though this time the plant-woman has left just enough room to allow for some movement.

"Here, this'll ease your pain," The Lust Rose says quietly, each word said slowly and deliberately. She sticks out her index finger, and if Samantha was looking at it carefully she'd see a drop of fluid running down the length of it. The next moment the plant-woman cuts and stabs into the flesh just above Sam's left breast, the fluid injected into her blood stream. "That aphrodisiac will kick in soon." She then tears off Sam's clothes and admires her body, which still shows signs of their previous night together.

Stamina Bar: [-------...]
Orgasm Bar: [--........]
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

Samantha lets out a quick gasp as she feels herself being pulled forward, whimpering into the kiss as she realizes that she now had little chance of escape. As she tries to move one foot back, she feels the petals as she blushes again, knowing full well that soon they would pretty much ensure she couldn't run away.

She trembles, not sure from what, as she sees the finger, remembering full well what it did, knowing it was going to make her very horny very soon. She lets out a slightly lustful sounding moan as she remembers the sensation; not even responding properly when her clothes was ripped off, except with a little shiver from the sudden loss of clothing...
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

The womans hands dance along Samantha's naked body, caressing and fondling every inch of the frightened girl.

"Oooh, I cant hold back any longer," The Lust Rose purrs, again raising her index finger up to Sam's face she digs a claw into the flesh just to the side of her mouth, cutting into her. Blood oozes out and trickles down her cheek, as it forms into a droplet the plant-woman leans in and runs her tongue up the steady stream of red, lapping at the cut. Another hand absent-mindedly wanders to between Sam's legs, a finger runs along her slit before pushing past her folds and into her sex. Slowly at first, though she picks up to a steady, rhythmic speed all the while she laps at Samantha's blood, her tongue occasionally darting into Sam's mouth so they both could share the taste.

Stamina Bar: [------....]
Orgasm Bar: [----......]
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

Samantha enters a small state of panic and snaps back to reality as she feels the nail pierce her flesh, causing her to shiver, fresh memories flooding back into her head as she lets out a soft moan, her mind feeling a little muddled as she tries to tell the difference between pleasure and pain. She lets out a soft yelp as she feels herself getting fingered.

She hesitantly accepts each kiss she is given, unable to fight back really as the copper-like taste fills her mouth, causing her remember how dangerous this creature was...
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

"See, you're enjoying it already," The Lust Rose mutters, her lips millimetres from Sam's. Thin tendrils reach up from the bottom of the flower, running along Samantha's frame, gently poking and prodding her.

After a few minutes the plant-woman slides her hand from between Sam's legs and up to her lips, running her finger along her tongue. "Mmmm, delicious," She mutters before sliding the finger into Sam's mouth so she could taste herself. "I think we're ready, don't you?" The creature asks Samantha, though really Sam would know deep down that even if she wasn't ready the monster would force herself upon her.

Stamina Bar: [------....]

Orgasm Bar: [-----.....]
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

She trembles as she awaits what the monster had planned for her. She protests slightly with a whimper, starting to feel even more worried as she feels the tendrils. Letting out a slight noise as the hand it taken away from her slit, she watches the plant lick the hand then forcefully offer it to her. Blushing hard, she slowly tastes the fingers, quickly being reminded of the times she had masturbated, and nods slightly as she hears the question.
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

The plant-woman grins at Samantha's obedience, stroking her hair the Lust Rose moves a hand back down, this time pleasuring herself, if only for a moment before her clit hardens and forms her penis. With the hand that was stroking Sam's hair she moves it to the back of her head, cradling her as she pulls Sam into an embrace. With the other hand she grabs hold of one of Samantha's legs, and lifting her slightly the plant-woman rubs the tip of her member against her sex, then after a moment she pierces her, filling Sam up with her length.

As she enters Samantha she opens her mouth and bites down just above Sam's shoulder, only hard enough to break the skin, though she greedily begins to suck at the wound, allowing the blood to pool into her mouth before lapping and swallowing it up.

Stamina Bar: [------....]
Orgasm Bar: [------....]
Re: Test Subject - Samantha Wilkins [BF 69]

Sam turns bright red as she looks down and watches the plant's clit grow into an organ that most females don't have. Submissively, as she didn't want to accidentally enrage the creature like she did the previous night, she allows the plant to manipulate her body, letting out small gasps as she felt the tip of the phallus against her, which changed into a single loud cry as she was penetrated.

Before her body was able to comprehend what was going on, she lets out a mix cry of pleasure and pain as she feels the teeth going into her shoulder and the gentle drinking of her blood.