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That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 74/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 13 for Spirit

"No, it was going to be at ours," Aedeth said, voice dripping with sarcastic derision, "of COURSE it was going to be at your expense! How else would you learn from the experience?"

The demoness crossed her arms over her chest, her scowl darker than ever. "You still don't understand," She grumbled angrily, "You shouldn't trust ANYONE. Ever. You should be prepared for anything, at all times, and until you not only understand that but accept it you're better off trusting us than anyone else. For SOME reason your naivete has gotten me invested in this, so I'm not going to stop until I've molded you into someone who won't end up collared by the first idiot mortal wizard who thinks to take advantage of your energy reserves.

"That ALSO means I have a vested interest in making sure you don't just flit off at the first opportunity, so it's not in line with what I want if I do anything to you that'll make you run off. Understand now?"
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

"You're right, I don't understand." Nila simply shook her head at the demoness' rant. "I know I trust people too easily, my sisters used to tell me the same thing. But I just can't accept that I shouldn't trust anyone."

Even despite the betrayal that had resulted in the deaths of most of her family, she still wanted to believe in other people. She knew that she didn't really know anything in the grand scheme of things, but she didn't want to believe that everyone was that bad. She didn't want to have to always be looking over her shoulder, afraid of what the people around her might be doing or planning.

"You've made some progress then, I guess." Nila sighed, looking more than a little defeated, "I'm not sure I would have even checked the clothes first a few days ago. I very nearly did just leave then, instead of confronting you, it would have been easy enough to just teleport myself back to where we were last night."

"It's just that... I know you're trying to make a point, trying to show me why I shouldn't be so trusting, but it's making it hard to trust you. I want to, you could have done pretty much whatever you wanted back when you first found me and I couldn't have put up much of a fight, but you helped me instead. But you're making it very hard." Nila's expression spoke clearly of her discomfort, seeming to wilt under the demoness' much more intense gaze. Her thoughts briefly went back to the beach two nights ago, and to the woman she'd been forced to kill there most of all. And then to her sister, and what would happen if Lina found her before she was ready. "That collar was just too much. I could deal with everything you did yesterday, even though I'm not entirely sure how I did. But that was just too far. I just can't stand that kind of magic, anything that can influence someone's mind. Even if it was just a test, I know what those can do to someone."
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 74/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 13 for Spirit

"You haven't the slightest idea," Aedeth said with deadly seriousness and readily growing annoyance, "Of what real mind magic is capable of. Someone trying to kill you won't have lines they're not willing to cross. Someone trying to enslave you won't play fair, they won't blatantly announce their intentions and give you a chance to prepare or defend yourself. And you can't have magical defenses up at all times... Which is why a bit of sense, which you so blatantly lack, is a necessity.

"You're right. Aldem and I could have done whatever we went when we found you on that beach. We could have slipped the collar on you then, could have robbed you or killed you... But we didn't. We clothed you, fed you, helped you along, and let you share our carriage so that you wouldn't attract attention flying or teleporting about like an idiot. I offered to teach you the way of things, admittedly mostly because your naivete is infuriating, and yet you refuse to internalize or even acknowledge any sort of lesson that I try to instill JUST because you don't like the methods I employ. Let me ask you; Would you rather someone trying to teach you slip one of those collars on, or someone looking to pawn you off to a brothel? Or maybe a sorcerer looking to use your soul as a battery for their experiments? Because that's what you're heading towards as you are, bandying about undisguised, flaunting your abilities, and never thinking about what you're doing!

"If you want to continue with this embarrassing, childish manner of thinking as you so stubbornly seem to, then fine! Waste all of your potential!" The demoness crossed her arms, eyes starting to grow crimson as her scowl grew angrier. "You think you can take care of yourself... Fine! Be my guest! Just spare me any more of your whining! Fly away! Transport yourself! It doesn't matter to me... But you are NOT taking that dress with you if that's the case."
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

"I know more than you think." Nila replied sharply, seething internally even as she attempted, with limited success, to keep herself composed. She had tried to make her point calmly, even apologized for making a scene in a public place, but Aedeth refused to listen, just brushing off her concerns over and over again. "I'm not as clueless as you seem to think, even if my interactions with humans have been limited. I know full well what magic can do. That is WHY I can't just let this go. I can't tell how powerful it is, so I can only take your word for it, exactly what you keep telling me I shouldn't do. So what do you want from me, then? To just accept everything you say unquestioningly, when you seem so determined to have me trust no one?"

"Just what is it you want?" Nila sighed, shoulders sagging for a moment before she straightened again, meeting Aedeth's eyes directly. "You keep trying to tell me how I shouldn't trust anyone, but the moment I show any mistrust in you, you blow up on me like this. It's not just about what I did outside, I realized my mistake an apologized for that. That's obviously not what this is about anymore, so what is it about?"

Nila continued to match Aedeth's gaze, even as the demon's eyes began to glow slightly, thankful for the mental fortitude her powers were providing a buffer to. "If that's the only way to resolve this, I will. Give me my clothes back, wherever you have them now, and I'll be happy to return the dress."
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 74/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 13 for Spirit

"What I want? What I WANT is for you to not throw away your potential, which you are by being so hopelessly foolish! I'm TRYING to teach you to survive! And you won't LEARN if you don't suffer consequences for your mistakes! I'm not blowing up on you for showing mistrust, idiot! I'm blowing up because you're being so insufferable about something that doesn't matter!" She crossed her arms, having been flailing them angrily at her sides while speaking in a raised voice, and finished with; "Your clothes are in the wagon, they SHOULD be folded on one of the seats."

And then, unless dissuaded from departing for some reason, Nila got her clothes back and left, by the method of her choosing.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

"Fine." Was all Nila responded with as she turned for the door, storming out and back down to the street where the carriage was parked. As much as she was angry at Aedeth, she still took what she'd been told to heart. She could understand why reckless displays of her powers could be a bad thing, and it wasn't as if she needed to walk far. Once she reached it, shooting a glare at the goblin if he happened to get in her way, she stepped back inside, looking for her own clothing.

She quickly changed back into the heavier robes, glad for both the familiarity and the extra warmth in this weather, leaving everything she'd been given lying in a neatly folded pile on the seat. That done however, she was left at an impasse. What did she do now? She could simply transport herself away, as she'd suggested she would, but where to? She didn't know where she was now, though presumably they had followed the same road she'd been taking. She hadn't been watching during the trip though, so the only familiar enough point for her to travel to was back where she'd last camped.

No, she might as well continue from here. The problem was that she had no money now thanks to her encounter with the troll. She was rested and not particularly hungry yet, but that would change, and the farther north she got the harder it would be to camp outdoors. As much as she wanted to leave town immediately, distance herself from Aedeth, she needed to know where she was. If she was lucky, maybe she could even find something she could do to make a little money. She didn't have many marketable skills outside of her powers and fighting skill, but she was relatively talented with alchemy and had a reasonably knowledge of plants. Perhaps she could inquire at a local apothecary, if there was one? Or a library of some kind, she was good with books... but that seemed like a less likely place to find a short-term job.

With that in mind, Nila stepped out of the carriage for the final time, setting off further into town. She didn't have any particular destination in mind, simply looking for an apothecary or similar place, anywhere she might be able to look for some work. She was going to need more supplies for the road now that she had left the company of the demons and had lost her own money—which she'd been relying on for food and occasional lodgings until then. She could hunt and camp in the woods if she needed to, but she wasn't particularly skilled at either, especially in a colder environment as she was approaching.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 74/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 13 for Spirit

Torg was indeed about, but quickly stepped aside as Nila stormed up, and didn't bother her as she climbed into the carriage and changed into her own clothes. Once dressed, she would leave the carriage and set off into town bereft of money, knowledge, supplies, and obvious opportunity at fixing any of those inadequacies. The town itself was fairly small all things considered, a collection of maybe three dozen buildings that largely didn't seem to be occupied solely as residences, but rather used to serve the needs of the various farms, lumberers, miners, and the like who worked out in the area sprawling around the central town itself. There was a dedicated carpenter, a forge, an apothecary, a physician, a general store near the tavern where the demons she had just left were staying, and other such places.

If she opted to step into the apothecary in search of work, she would find it tended by a middle aged man with long golden hair that was starting to turn silver. He wasn't particularly tall and sported a full mustache and beard, wore plain clothes covered mostly by a white apron under which he sported a slight pot belly. "Mmm? You don't look familiar," he said as Nila entered, squinting his eyes as he peered at the approaching kitsune. "Are you from out of town? Gotta be... What can I do for you today?" The storefront itself was fairly simple, with no bottles or the like on display. There was just the counter and a few areas with chairs and tables where one could sit, possibly while waiting for a potion to finish mixing or somesuch.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Unfortunately, the town they'd stopped in was smaller than Nila had initially thought. She was tempted to let down the power she was using to shield her mind, since it was still a little taxing to maintain despite being only a negligible drain on her reserves, but she wasn't sure she was was ready to part with that protection yet. The town was small, and until she left it she wouldn't be certain that nobody was watching her. Even despite their argument, Aedeth didn't seem like a bad person, Nila just couldn't shake the fear and suspicion seeing that enchantment had evoked in her.

It didn't take too long to see what the town had to offer, and there was in fact an apothecary. It wasn't quite what she'd hoped for, small enough that she wasn't sure they'd have any need for additional help. It was still worth a try though. At worst, the owner might be able to direct her to someone who did need help, even if other options might be out of her area of expertise. At worst she could just move on. She had eaten and slept recently, she could go for some time yet before it would truly hamper her, even if it might be a little uncomfortable.

Her mind made up she stepped in through the shop's door, greeted by a middle aged man who was presumably the owner. She briefly wondered if she might have been better off altering her appearance, hiding her kitsune features and pretending to be a human, but she'd already been seen by quite a few people. She'd probably drawn some attention and it might just make things more complicated if she did. The owner's reaction to her entry wasn't surprising, she knew her appearance was fairly distinctive, and in a town of this size the man had likely met everyone who lived here or passed through regularly.

"Yes, I'm... a traveler." She nodded. "I was actually just hoping find any work that might be available. I'm an alchemist myself, so I wanted to check here first. I don't suppose you have anything you'd need assistance with?" Nila asked a little nervously. She'd never actually had to do this before, never had to look for work in her short travels. Until now the money she'd brought from home had been enough to buy her food and lodgings when she'd needed it, and she'd never really thought about what she'd do when that ran out.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 74/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 13 for Spirit

Herbalism Trade to recognize plant names: 3,3,4 means no successes. Failure.

The town apothecary wriggled his mustache after Nila explained her desire to earn some money, and pondered it for a moment in silence. "Well, the fever that swept through did deplete my stock a bit. There's a field to the Southwest where kinderswrap, drayleaf, icepoppy and garm grow. I don't have time to harvest them myself, I'm waiting on a brew to help treat a farmer who got his leg gouged by a wild boar to reach the next point where it needs my attention," he replied, "you DO know what those are, don't you?"

Unfortunately for Nila, much as she might wrack her brain, she did not recognize any of the names. Should she admit as much, he would frown and then go over to a shelf. Rummaging for a moment, he pulled a tome off of the shelf and brought it back to the counter, paged through it, and eventually settled notes into a few pages. "Here, take this. I marked all of the pages you'll need, and you can take my harvesting satchel. Just don't let that book get damaged! Or any of my tools! Bring back enough garm root and icepoppy leaves for a double measure of relaxing drought, enough drayleaf for a full cauldron of fever away, and enough kinderswrap and icepoppy flower for a score of wound patches. I'll give you ten coins, twenty if you can mix them yourself. I'll even throw in some food for the night."
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Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

"I'm sorry, I'm from rather far away from here, so I'm not quite familiar with those..." Nila responded dejectedly, none of the names sounding like the plants she was used to gathering back home. She knew that she wasn't an expert on plants, but she had read quite a few books on alchemy and thought she had a good grasp on common reagents. Luckily for her the man seemed to be understanding, even offering to lend her a book to help her identify them.

"Yes, I will make sure to take good care of them!" She quickly agreed, thankful for the chance he was giving her. She had been worried that nobody would be willing to listen to her, especially after she had failed to recognize the plants he was speaking of. She was usually a quick learner when she put her mind to it, so she was sure that with the book she'd be able to find what she needed. The preparation shouldn't be a problem either, as long as the book or the apothecary could tell her anything that was different when working with these plants compared to the ones she was used to. She had always been better at actually preparing the potions than the preceding steps, after all. "I will be back as soon as I've gathered everything."

With that, unless the apothecary had anything else to say, she tucked the book carefully into her pack where it wouldn't get damaged and headed out. He had said that the field where the plants grew was to the southwest, so she made her way in that direction. If she did make it to the field he had indicated without incident, she would stop to take out the book and examine the marked pages for any descriptions or diagrams of the plants she was after as well as any directions for properly handling them. She had always been taught to learn everything she could about what she would be handling. There were plenty of plants out there that could be harmful merely to touch after all, or that would be useless if mishandled.
Re: That Which Loves is Mad (Knephi)

Nila Misra: HP = 46/46, PP = 52/52, EP = 74/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 13 for Spirit

Herbalism Trade to recognize plant names: 4,1,2 means no successes. Failure. Not Nila's day it seems.
Then 8,4,7 for two successes.
Then 3,2,9 for one success.

The area she'd been told to go to was a lightly wooded section of hills, largely comprising of stands of fresh growth, smaller trees, a few pines, and meadows. Stopping to examine the pages marked with the plants she'd been sent to collect, Nila would have all the time she needed to examine them closely before starting her search.

Unfortunately, even with knowledge of what she was looking for and reference material to be sure, Nila's search took... A bit longer than she might have hoped. The plants she was looking for proved fairly elusive, and for over two hours she managed to find nothing among what she was looking for. The afternoon dragged on as frustration set in, but eventually Nila stumbled upon some icepoppy in a secluded meadow, practically hiding next to a rock. That initial discovery led to a few others in succession, albeit not in quick succession.

It would take Nila nearly six hours to gather all of the ingredients she'd been sent to find, and the dirty work of searching was fairly exhausting. The sun was starting to set by the time she returned to the village, and the alchemist's brow furrowed as she entered. Whatever he thought of how long she'd taken, however, he kept it to himself and simply beckoned her over. Once she produced the satchel full of herbs, he picked through it before nodding, "Well alright then... Good work."

He offered the satchel back, "are you able to help with the later stages, or will you be taking the initial offer and going?"