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The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The smaller hunter stumbled back at the sudden change in Nadia's demeanor as much as the shove, but despite her best efforts the angel felt the cloth tear. But she wasn't done dealing with the hunters yet, so she ignored it as she pulled in power, her body literally glowing as she whirled towards Rex. He took several steps back, not as cowed as his partner even after the light show. He did, however, stop his advances on Nadia.

After a moment, he spoke. "He was injured, but he was alive. Then, at least. I... do not know what the orcs think of my kind." His voice was tense, and he still had a rock-hard erection, his member dripping with renewed precum as well as the remains of Nadia's saliva. The other hunter had protectively faded into partial camouflage, but insofar as the redhead could tell had lost his erection.

Eventually, Nadia had time to consider the damage to her dress. The tear was perhaps three inches across, and gave anyone who cared to look fairly clear sight of her pussy, especially when she walked. It would be trivial to fix, either with needle and thread or with a simple spell, but Nadia had neither to hand.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia continued to glare at Rex, and then glanced down at the hole in her dress, now just above her crotch such that her sex would show if one looked for more than a few seconds. "No more using claws on people's clothes," she said sternly, and then sighed. The mood was done with, so they might as well get on to business. "I didn't bring any extras and don't have time to go and get this fixed," she said, "but if I'm going to be exposed to orcs one way or another... It might as well be fully distracting rather than just embarrassing."

And thus she stripped out of her clothes and hung them up on a branch, and then turned back to Rex. "I'll see if I can talk our way out of this," she continued, "you get your group together, we can't fight them all but if we need to maybe we can stall their advance.... And no telling anyway about what I've been doing!" She glanced back at the other hunter to signal that she meant him as well, and then took off into the air towards the orc camp, keeping high in the air at first and releasing her power. She would have to descend eventually, however, and when she did she would do so slowly and without drawing her weapons, trying to seem as nonthreatening as possible as she landed on the outskirts of the orc encampment.

Go see some orcs about a hunter. Also, I forgot before, can I say I spent some exp when Nadia rested?
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Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Yeah, go ahead and spend XP.

The movements on the ground as she approached the camp - openly, without any attempt at stealth - made it clear that Nadia had been spotted well before she landed. So it was perhaps no great surprise when the first orc she saw up close came out of the bush with nearly a dozen others, all but the first with crossbows leveled at the angel's bare breast.

The only one without a crossbow was also the only one that Nadia might recognize. It was the same one who had spoken for the scouting group the previous day, still holding a staff but this time not holding it in a threatening way. He also looked considerably less impressive, clothes askew, eyes dark with the need for sleep. After a moment, he made a gesture, and the crossbows were reluctantly lowered, still pointing in the redhead's direction, but at the ground at her feet rather than at her person. "Well? Have you come to submit yourself?"

Nadia: fully recovered energy/pp/health during the flight over. Actual values... depend on how you're spending that XP. :p
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

She gave the orc a roll of the eyes and a scowl. "No I haven't come to "submit myself" you knucklehead," Nadia replied with a sigh, apparently unconcerned by the presence of so many orcs around her. "I'm here to speak with your leader over our.... Misunderstanding," she continued, "I give my word that I will offer no violence so long as I am here under the banner of negotiation unless another attempts to harm me unjustly first."

Spent 10 xp on Body and 16 on an instance of Powers for more Instant Transmission and Scrying. Took Strong Willed as the skill.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The orc seemed to consider this for a moment, then gestured at the crossbowmen, who even more reluctantly assumed less threatening poses, weapons held casually or even hung on their backs."Very well. In the name of clan Largashbur, I give my word that you will not be harmed unless you offer violence first, for the duration of your... negotiations."

His eyes paused for a moment on the two bastard swords the angel carried, but didn't linger on her nudity. The same couldn't be said of several of his fellows, who now that they were no longer pointing weapons at her were instead openly staring at her bare breasts and pussy. At another command from the leader, they turned their attention to the woods, save for two, who moved behind Nadia while the leader motioned for her to follow him towards the main army camp.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Ignoring the stares offered by the other orcs, Nadia nodded and moved to follow the orc as he led her deeper into the camp. She was confident in her trust to the orc's word, just as she was confident that he believed her oath if he knew anything about her kind, and so followed without hesitation.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Soon enough Nadia and her escorts passed out of the trees and into an army camp. Dozens of campfires littered the road and an open field by the roadside, each attended by at least five or six orcs. They weren't the most strictly organized soldiers the redheaded angel had ever seen, but there were no fights or mess, either.

The staff-wielding orc's destination seemed to be a large tent set up in approximately the center of the camp. The closest fires were more tightly organized, with several pairs of eyes watching the group as they drew closer. Immediately before the tent they were stopped by four guards in intricate armor. Nadia's guide spoke in quiet tones with them for a moment or two, gesturing back at her, then stepped into the tent.

After about a minute, he returned, holding the flap open, and gesturing for the angel to enter. "He will see you now."

Inside, the leader sat on a large chair, facing the clear space in the center of the tent. To either side were two more warriors, holding weapons and looking stoically forward. They wore the same armor as those outside the tent, and held weapons that had clearly seen use, though they remained sheathed. The leader himself was a large, male orc built along traditional lines. While not the tallest orc even in the tent, he was probably the most well-muscled, and he was wearing light cloth and leather rather than full armor, with no obvious weapons on his person.

He considered Nadia for a moment, gaze appreciatively taking in her entire body, but not lingering overly long on her nudity. Two of the orcs that had been standing guard outside the tent followed her in, and took up positions behind her. After a long moment, the orc spoke. "Allow me to start," he said, "By ratifying the truce that brought you this far. Neither I - Crag Hammerfist - nor any member of clan Largashbur will offer you first violence for the duration of our meeting, and you will be allowed to leave here unmolested when our business is concluded." His voice was rough, but he spoke quietly, with the confidence of one who is rarely contradicted.

Nadia: fine
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia's patience seemed quite able to stretch as she was led through the orc camp, taking note of the relative order and organization compared to her own camp but not being terribly surprised by it. They were a military outfit, after all, and as primitive as the other mortals of Crolia might consider their South-Eastern kindred for their tribal lifestyle, Nadia knew that they were quite capable of keeping well ordered battle lines and formations. As she observed them, her nudity would give her escort and every orc that she passed the opportunity to eye her up, and despite the way that it had ended the lingering arousal from her encounter with Rex still persisted. It caused her to walk with a strut that made her hips roll swing back and forth pleasantly, the appealing roundness of her sculpted ass nicely emphasized as she worked her glutes just a little bit more than was necessary to keep pace with her escort.

She stopped in place and rested a hand on her hip as they reached what seemed to be the leader's tent, glancing over the bodyguards while her staff wielding guide spoke to them and then headed inside. She didn't hear what was said, but was invited inside shortly and walked in with the same strut, her only clothing before the lightly armored and obviously well muscled orc leader the straps of the scabbards holding her blades. She was surprised to find him unarmed as well, but knew that a person's body could be made into a deadly weapon if they so chose, and he might simply use his souls as a weapon rather than any physical ability.

"Thank you," she said as he introduced himself and reaffirmed the promise of safe passage. She bowed at the waist, dipping halfway and then straightening. "I am Nadia," she continued, and then glanced around at the circle of guards around her. "I am here to negotiate so that our... Misunderstanding... Will result in no further bloodshed. May I sit?" she continued, and if he agreed she would move directly in front of him and kneel, the traditional position in orcish culture of one in a lesser position speaking to an honored. How he reacted would tell her something, as he could leave his seat and kneel in front of her as well, marking her as an equal, or maintain his position and opt to continue the discussion from a superior position in his mind.

"As you have likely been told... I attacked a group of your scouts," she continued regardless of his reaction, "I now believe that to have been a mistake. I believed you had been another group sent to track down the refugees that I am sworn to safeguard, but now I realize that you are not. So many would not have been sent to track down so small a group. I would like to negotiate terms in which they will not be harassed by you and yours, and in turn I will offer no further violence to your group while on our way out of Crolia. They are the sick and those who care for them, of little value to you. In addition... You have a captive, an alien, which is part of a group that is in my... Care, for lack of a better word. I seek to see if their kind can be... Reformed, based on the decisions of the group I encountered when tracking them to their lair, and as it is of no value to you besides possibly as a curiosity I came to seek its release as well." Her desires laid out, Nadia fell silent and waited for the orc's response, wondering how he would react to her demands. It was too much to hope that he would simply accept her terms exactly as laid out, and were she a better negotiator she might have been more subtle about things, but it wasn't in her nature nor a skill that she had had much cause to develop so far.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The didn't object to Nadia's request to sit. When she knelt instead he raised an eyebrow, then shook his head, then rose briefly from his chair to instead sit on the floor in front of it. "I have been dealing with the elves and humans too long," he commented by way of explanation. While he still stopped far short of ogling the nude angel, his gaze did seem to linger a little longer than strictly necessary on Nadia's body as she knelt before him, while he moved from his chair to the floor.

The orc chief frowned for a moment as Nadia spoke, then returned his face to a careful neutral. "The matter of the aliens is the simplest. We were no asleep during the invasion, and we saw what they would do to us left unchecked. We could hardly ignore alien scouts near our army. But we have no desire for captive invaders. Keep them away from our lands and army and there need be no problem."

He continued. "As for the captive... if it still lives I will return it to your care." The orc raised an enormous hand, and one of the guards at the tent's entrance stepped outside.

The clan leader straightened, turning back to Nadia, his voice hardening. "But if you think that an army would not value those who can care for the wounded and ill... you are very much mistaken."

"Nevertheless," he relented, "A battle to claim them could lose more lives than it saves. I am not stupid. I have seen the reports on what you alone have done. But you have also seen my army. Even an angel would tire eventually, and I think you are not yet at the height of your power."

He made a fist, a shape which came naturally to his huge and - now that Nadia was seeing them up close - heavily scarred hands. "You will keep the infirm and those needed to keep them alive, plus your aliens. The rest will join me."
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Better than expected, but of course not as good as she had hoped they would have been. The orc might not be entirely right in his estimation of how well his army would fare, but he was right in thinking that they would probably eventually wear her down. Turning over any of her people to the orcs was, of course, unacceptable. "Thank you," she began, responding first to his agreement to return the hunter to her. "They are... Difficult to control, at times, but I will keep out of Crolia."

Then it was time for the less pleasant half of the conversation, however, and though she kept her hands folded in her lap Nadia frowned and bristled slightly. "I am afraid that that is not possible," she replied calmly, "while you are right in saying that I am not at the height of power that my kin can reach, you are equally correct in saying that further bloodshed would be far too costly... For everyone involved. The healers I am protecting are barely keeping their charges going as it is, none could be spared without losing lives, and I would not give over those who have been injured or are with child to be slaves. As an added incentive, I would note that... While I bare no more ill will toward your people than I do toward any other mortal, I cannot say the same for those I speak for.

"Your people's war is the source of much of their suffering, and even with their oaths I do not doubt they will hold great ill will... Especially since I know how you would attempt to inspire their obedience. You would have people who hate you treating the wounds of your soldiers, many of whom are mages, and while I suspect that you would threaten their other charges with punishment if they do not obey you would have a group that you could not trust in your midst, among your wounded. What incentive could you give them to do their best in treating your wounded when they wish your deaths that they might be free again? With your purpose here you don't need the added paranoia, this Pass is difficult enough on the minds of those within it."

She paused briefly, gauging his reaction to her logic, and then said; "Is there... Any trade we could make to avoid this conflict? I find bartering with lives highly distasteful, but some tasks are worth more. If we cannot come to an agreement on this matter, the only choices left to me are to defend my charges as best I can... Or to issue a challenge against you and let the chips fall where they may." It was a dangerous venture either way, as Nadia doubted that the orc would take anything less than he demanded, and the challenge in many ways might be worse. He would be able to choose the terms of a contest between them, and while there would be some wiggle room in that negotiation for her she would generally be fighting on his terms, and given how orcs treated sex he might simply choose that as the method of their combat.

She couldn't challenge him for full leadership of his warband - she wasn't one of his tribe or even a member of the orcish army - but if he seemed inclined to go in that direction she would add; "The terms are... If I am victorious, you will simply leave me and mine be. That is all I wanted from the start, and I give my word that we will give you the same courtesy, even giving you as wide a berth as possible when we pass into Badaria on our way to Lockacre. If you win... I am yours, for the duration of your life or until you see fit to release me, and I will see to it that those I protect submit as amicably as possible. I would only ask that my experiment with the aliens be allowed to continue under those circumstances."
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

The orc leader listened carefully to Nadia's words, nodding, and frowning at the casual mention that most of her healers were mages, but otherwise not suggesting any disagreement at her reasoning. The challenge seemed more conflicted, though. At the first mention of the word, his eyes brightened and his whole bearing seemed to become more alert. But the details seemed less to his liking, and by the time the angel finished speaking, his face had returned to a carefully neutral expression.

"Your healers need not work on the front. We could send them back to Gods Reach, to relieve more loyal healers there, freeing them to come to the front. Your charges would hardly be the only ones in the city still learning their place."

He continued. "And you must understand that I can not simply back away and ignore this. An opportunity presents itself, and I will not - can not, with honor - back away because the price may be high."

"To challenge me for the fate of your group is a good way to end this without bloodshed, as we have both said that is our goal. That you and all those under your protection walk away free if you win is just and honorable. And if you lose... perhaps we do not need all your charges. Allow the infirm to leave at their own pace, and enough to care for them as well, your pretenders to power first among them. Perhaps that will help you convince the remainder of the proper course. The... 'experiment' can continue if you believe those who continue on can control them. If not... will not actively pursue them, but nor will we ignore or shelter them should we happen upon them."

The orc seemed happy to go on discussing, though now every once in a while when the conversation returned to the possibility of a challenge he would hold himself more firmly, flexing his hands or straightening his posture. "Such a challenge would be... acceptable to me."
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Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"I intended to continue that myself, but.... Very well then," Nadia said calmly, "then let this be resolved by way of challenge." Then she waited for him to name the method of their challenge, ready to follow him if he wished to hold it elsewhere.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

"Very well." The orc leader rose to his feet, motioning for Nadia to rise as well. He gestured at several of his guards, who left the tent at a quick pace, then followed them at a more sedate pace.

Two of the remaining guards remained in the tent, looking bored, and a further one remained at the entrance, only one following the chieftain as he moved through the camp. He spoke as they moved, approaching a more open area, which the guards had been clearing of people and obstacles on the ground, in a rough circle. "We both have agreed to this challenge as part of an effort to prevent bloodshed. It is fitting, then, that no blood is shed in the challenge itself."

The guards had recruited several nearby soldiers who hadn't been quick enough to look busy, and with a few boards and lengths of rope were flattening the grass, and marking a border. "So the challenge will be unarmed combat. No weapons, no magic of any kind. No drawing blood, no deliberately leaving the ring. The challenge ends on submission."

He stepped into the ring, crossing it, and turning around. "If you have no objections..." he stretched his fingers back, one by one, cracking each one, then his forearms, then his whole arms, swinging them in small circles.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Rising with the orc leader, Nadia nodded and followed him out of his command tent, and as they walked to where they would fight their challenge at his side she nodded in response to his suggestion regarding the nature of their duel. "As the challenged it is traditionally your place to choose, but I don't disagree with that suggestion. I would rather not fight to the death anyway," she replied as his underlings created a small arena for them to fight in.

The angel nodded again, her expression shifting to one of careful neutrality, after he laid out more exact terms. No bloodshed meant no striking, but that didn't disturb Nadia at all. Nor did the lack of magic, for her powers did little to aid her strength save for brief bursts, not suitable for grappling. She unbuckled the harness containing the sheaths of her swords and set it aside, wondering how difficult of a fight she was in for. Her strength had increased over the years, and no mortal being would normally be able to match her, but.... Still, it wouldn't do to underestimate him. He was obviously physically capable, if his choice of garb and lack of obvious armaments was any indication, but he would be without supernatural strength to bolster him.

It would be his skill and weight that decided things, for while she was far stronger than her frame might suggest Nadia was still overmatched where sheer physical mass was concerned. "To surrender, unconsciousness, or exhaustion it is," the crimson haired angel replied as she stepped into the ring. She was now fully naked, not a stitch covering her, and as she surveyed him she couldn't help but wonder if he would attempt to take the battle in the manner she suspected he might. The tips of her breasts were stiff, and not just from the Crolian cold either, as she had never really been sated by the hunters earlier. Would he try to take her sexually, as she knew some of his kind might? If she lost this bout she would be his slave, physically beholden to him in every manner possible. She would be at the whim of his touch, made to carry as many of his children as he could get upon her, made to pleasure him and whoever he demanded so long as her service lasted, though even with the physical appeal of her body she doubted that he wouldn't waste her considerable battle prowess when he could force her to battle for his kind against others as well. She knew it was a threat in more ways that one, the conflict between her honor to keep her word and her morals enough to threaten her fall.

Best not to worry about it and win instead, she decided. "Ready when you are," the angel replied, and when the orc announced his own readiness Nadia hurled herself at him with all speed, her glowing frame crashing into his and intent on hammering him onto his back on the ground. From there she intended to force his arms over his head and pin them, her hips settling over his while her knees locked against his sides to keep him from bucking her off. From there she could figure out how she intended to tire him out, unsure of how exactly she would force his surrender at that point but figuring that she would get some ideas as things progressed.

(Nadia's grapple is 92. She's gonna try to get the orc into a submission hold and then see where things go from there.)
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Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

We'll be using DG4 grapple rules for this, but I don't feel like converting everything else to DG4 yet so things like specific resistances are just going to be regular resistance if that's ever applicable. I'll also be using the latest version of my dice roller (1.6, uploaded months ago) and including the raw output in sub-spoilers.

Nadia's grapple is 19d10, with no specific grapple talents/skills/etc aside from the already-included grapple expert.

The orc is a slightly-buffed Knight with a few unarmed and grapple skills/talents substituted where appropriate. He has a slightly lower grapple score, but a few applicable skills...

Since both of them are going for the grapple, I'm going to assume it's uncontested and go straight to opposed grapple rolls.

(I'm also probably only going to be doing 1-2 rounds at a time while I remain this busy.)

Grapple (Nadia vs Orc): 109 v 113 -> Orc wins!
3d10=5,5,1=11; +19d10=5,7,8,4,8,1,4,7,8,3,4,7,10,1,2,7,4,4,4; +0 = 109
3d10=6,5,3=14; +17d10=8,3,4,6,7,10,4,10,6,1,6,5,8,7,5,3,3; +3 = 113

Nadia is pinned.

The orc chief waited a moment, considering, before signaling his readiness.

Immediately, Nadia flung himself at him, intent on closing the distance and forcing him into submission as quickly as possible. She had reached him, her nigh-supernatural speed letting her touch him before the first of the orcs watching the duel from outside the ring had reacted to the start of the contest.

Unfortunately, the same was not true of the only orc inside the ring. He didn't move quite as quickly as the angel, and didn't rush her. Instead, he dropped low in the instant before Nadia reached him. She might have flown over him and out of the ring if he had not grabbed her as he dropped, spinning until when the pair hit the ground the angel was on the bottom.

He moved with efficiency, and while it took only a moment's struggle to be sure that she was stronger than the orc leader, that realization came at the same moment that he managed to pin her, bending one arm at an awkward angle while the other was trapped beneath her.

What exactly he intended was still unclear. He was making no effort to avoid touching Nadia's naked body, and the intimate closeness of the grapple included his arms pressing against her breasts, her hard nipples rubbing against his chest, one of his legs even now between her own such that her pussy was a hair's breath from his thigh... but on the other hand, he'd kept his pants on and wasn't going out of his way to grope her.

Status: Grappling, Nadia is pinned.
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Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Her aggressive rush hadn't worked out as she'd planned. Nadia grunted as she was slammed onto the ground on her back, one arm trapped beneath her and the other caught and twisted to an angle that left the joint straining uncomfortably. She was left facing her opponent, the orc on top of her while holding her in his grip, her breasts pressing against his chest and his leg pressed between her legs. It didn't take much imagination for the pinned angel to recognize how this might have gone differently if the orc were dressed as she was, could imagine a slight shift in position that she would be completely unable to resist, one that would line him up... Her opponent would know doubt feel the heat between her legs with their close proximity were he paying any attention, but he wasn't taking advantage of it yet, merely trying to pin her down.

Nadia realized that she might be able to use that just then, to trick him into thinking he had panicked her. She adopted an appropriate expression and twisted her hips down, as if trying to pull her sex away from him, seemingly making her position even more compromised in the process. She didn't immediately try to twist out of his grasp, pretending to be distracted with that even as she subtly adjusted her position in such a way as to make escape from that grip easier, and as she felt him begin to react she reacted in turn. Her wings, which had been still before, pushed up against the ground with strength enough to lift her frame off of the ground normally, now enough to at least allow her to free her other arm while twisting her body aside, aiming to free the arm trapped by the orc above her while she used her now hopefully free hand to push against his shoulder. At the same time her hips twisted, her end goal to throw him aside and then straddle the orcish leader's chest and pin his arms to his side just above the elbow with her knees, leaving her facing away from him while her legs trapped his arms and her weight settled onto his chest, likely a very uncomfortable position for him despite the view.

Nadia tries to escape the pin. If she wins right away, roll until she pins him in turn. If he doesn't, let me know what he does and I'll figure out her response that's appropriate, I would just prefer not to do this one grapple check at a time.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

I would just prefer not to do this one grapple check at a time.

Yeah, fair enough especially if it's often going to end up just going back and forth in pins, etc. In those cases (i.e. pin, unpin, pin, unpin, pin, unpin before someone finally wins enough in a row to *do* something) I'll do all the rolls required for someone to actually take an action and then sum up the actions based mostly on the "final" state.

Grapple check: Orc Wins; Nadia goes into a submission hold
3d10=9,1,5=15; +19d10=6,10,4,5,6,1,4,8,2,7,8,2,2,4,8,6,5,5,6; +0 = 114
3d10=5,5,7=17; +17d10=10,7,1,2,7,10,3,8,6,8,10,1,1,4,9,10,3; +3 = 120

Grapple check: Nadia Wins; breaks submission hold
3d10=2,4,1=7; +19d10=8,2,7,1,4,6,9,4,9,9,8,9,1,1,9,3,6,3,9; +0 = 115
3d10=4,4,1=9; +17d10=6,9,9,8,3,3,7,6,6,8,8,1,3,1,5,1,10; +3 = 106

Grapple check: Nadia Wins; breaks pin
3d10=2,5,10=17; +19d10=7,3,10,4,5,9,10,5,3,3,7,8,6,5,1,8,9,4,8; +0 = 132
3d10=4,8,4=16; +17d10=9,10,5,2,4,7,3,1,4,4,5,9,10,5,6,3,10; +3 = 116

Grapple check: Nadia wins by a lot; pins orc
3d10=8,6,5=19; +19d10=4,1,4,2,7,6,9,8,2,9,1,9,7,5,7,9,7,6,8; +0 = 130
3d10=10,8,4=22; +17d10=6,1,1,7,5,3,1,10,9,8,1,1,5,3,8,3,1; +3 = 98

The orc reacted immediately as Nadia tried to pull away from him, muscles tensing as he took advantage of her movement to improve his hold. Suddenly, the angel found herself almost utterly at his mercy, both arms and both legs held in such a way that she couldn't struggle away without risking breaking her own limbs.

Now that he had her arms and legs both under his control, her opponent's eyes seemed to linger a bit longer on her chest, and she could feel him shifting, until his hips hips lined up with her own. His expression went intense.

Fortunately, the chieftain had neglected to do anything about Nadia's wings, and his expression went from intense to surprised as a burst of movement threw him into the air, releasing the lock he had. The redhead followed him closely, and ended up on top, pinning his arms with her legs, but risking giving the orc - and the entire crowd - a perfect view of her by-now-damp pussy if she leaned forward.

Nadia: naked, grappling
Orc: clothed, pinned
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia's tactic almost ended in disaster, her flailing limbs briefly twisted into an even more vulnerable position, but the sudden thrust of her wings caught the orc by surprise and allowed her strategy to work. She flipped him off of her and quickly took up the dominant position, but once she had him secured beneath her she briefly paused. It had been hard to miss the glance he'd directed down at her bare chest, her breasts slumped aside but still soft and round, and now she glanced down at his crotch in turn and saw his manhood growing beneath his trousers. Her hips rose, securing her position but also letting him - and anyone else who happened to be watching from the same direction - an uninhibited view of her flushed sex.

As much as her hormones might tempt her to brush her fingers across the warrior's rod, getting it fully hard, revealing it... Nadia managed to keep her head on straight and concentrated on her goal. She had to make him submit, and while doing so through sex was an option it wasn't what she intended to do right now. She grabbed one of his legs instead, dragging it up and both forcing his knee to bend forward and twisting his ankle, intent on making it so painful that her opponent would surrender.

Submission hold, then try to get ye orc to surrender.
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Grapple Check: Nadia puts Orc in Submission Hold
3d10=4,5,5=14; +19d10=10,8,8,2,10,5,2,4,7,7,5,3,2,10,7,1,6,4,9; +0 = 124
3d10=5,8,6=19; +17d10=3,1,2,9,3,5,7,1,8,6,4,6,2,8,2,6,6; +3 = 101
Give up?: 1d8 = 7 > 0;

Grapple Check: Nadia Maintains Submission (1!)
3d10=6,8,9=23; +19d10=7,4,2,2,7,8,3,7,4,9,10,9,2,4,2,7,9,6,10; +0 = 135
3d10=3,9,6=18; +17d10=10,4,3,5,5,3,4,6,4,8,6,2,4,1,2,9,3; +3 = 100
Give up?: 1d8 = 4 > 1;

Grapple Check: Nadia Maintains Submission (2!)
3d10=10,4,9=23; +19d10=5,1,2,1,4,7,6,2,7,10,3,8,9,8,9,2,7,8,6; +0 = 128
3d10=8,10,2=20; +17d10=9,4,4,4,5,5,8,9,7,1,4,2,5,7,7,4,4; +3 = 112
Give up?: 1d8 = 6 > 2;

Grapple Check: Orc breaks free of submission hold!
3d10=4,3,9=16; +19d10=6,2,3,6,8,6,6,2,1,2,3,4,9,1,1,8,2,4,3; +0 = 93
3d10=2,8,2=12; +17d10=4,10,10,9,1,8,7,10,2,10,9,3,7,9,10,8,7; +3 = 139

Given the somewhat unorthodox combat/rules, I'm basically going with a d8 to see if the orc submits. Every round Nadia maintains a submission hold increases the difficulty of the roll. The difficulty won't decrease.

Another series of short, quick movements by both combatants followed, the orc managing to roll both duelists with a thrust of his elbow into the dirt. But Nadia didn't panic, didn't release her hold, and managed to come back out on top afterward. At the cost of losing hold of one of the orc's arm. She struggled with him, heard him grunt, felt the arm brush the side of her neck. And just barely managed to move before the thick limb would have gone around her throat.

It was becoming clear that while the angel was faster, stronger, and more flexible, the chieftain had more experience grappling. If she ever lost the advantage, it might be hard to regain.

But for now, the advantage was hers. She managed to secure the orc's loose limb, shifting position so that she could get his leg into a lock that would do more than just hold him down. The nude redhead pulled his leg up, twisting it painfully, in such a way that the only way for him to get out would be to break his own leg.

She started pulling, and the orc let out a grunt of pain. The angel gradually increased the pressure, but after that first grunt there seemed to be no response. Except that his member was quickly hardening. Lengthening. It might not be obvious to the crowd, even at full extension, but to maintain the lock Nadia was practically forced to stare at it, almost in reach of her tongue.

At which point she felt something warm and wet run down her pussy. By the time she realized that she'd been practically sitting on the orc leader's face, it was too late. A momentary flinch was all he needed to pull out of the lock, and while he didn't entirely escape the angel's grasp, his face was still within reach of her needy slit.

Nadia: naked, grappling
Orc: clothed, pinned
Re: The Angel Angle (Tassadar) GMed by thetwo

Nadia grinned through the strain as she twisted the orc, slowly pulling his leg harder and farther, though she tried to make sure that she didn't break his leg entirely. Unfortunately, that practically left her sitting on his face - probably accounting for his erection that was practically staring her right in the face - and when she felt a sudden unfamiliar wetness against her flesh she shuddered in surprise. That gave him a chance to pull out of her hold, and so he did, but Nadia had felt him starting to squirm uncomfortably beneath her towards the end.

She could win this, and now she had options... One of which was becoming increasingly tempting. "Distracted much?" she said, running a palm over his concealed shaft, "lets see how much." Her fingers fumbled for his trousers, which she intended to free from its confines and see in all of its glory, and should she succeed the orc would feel the angel's breath on his shaft... Before she suddenly lunged for the leg she hadn't trapped, trying to pull him into the same hold as before in an effort to make him submit, though this time she also attempted to keep her folds away from the reach of his mouth.

Shift clothes, then back into the submission hold. Other reactions should the orc win will depend on what exactly happens, but at the very least she'll try to establish another pin.