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The Battle for Vega IV


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Several thousand kilometers from Vega IV, the massive and mighty starship that carried the last of Humanity plowed through space towards the Saturn-sized planet. In orbit around the planet, however, were a few obstacles. There was the eight Harbinger ships left to defend the planet, which was no easy task for Earth's fleet, comprised of only 4 Battleships, 8 Cruisers, 3 Destroyers, and the Dreadnought Zaftra. There was also the matter of any ground forces the Harbingers might have had ground-side.

Throughout the ship, the call to General Quarters began to sound as what little weapons they had control over came online, the different tank and 4x4 operators scrambling about the Motor Pool to get their vehicles up and running for any ground ops that would be coming up. The Barracks, which were attached to the massive Motor Pool on both sides, began to fill with life, Marines scrambling out of bed and suiting up for the impending battle, as well as Conscripts rushing through the Motor Pool to the attached G-Hanger. Squad Bravo was also roused from their sleep by the call to general quarters, being one of the specialist squads in Alpha Battalion, one of the finest of Marine Company Juliet, which was one of three companies that had made it to the ship on Exodus day with enough men to be called a company.

As the men were roused, Admiral Stukov and Admiral Harris stood on the Bridge in the center of the ship, discussing how they were going to go about the attack. "No, Alex, you're not listening to me! We need to stall for time while Ariok tries to unlock the Deck Guns. Deploying the fleet now will only result in casualties on our side." Harris states, referring to the eight triple gun batteries sitting on the long flight deck that made up the front half of the ship. "No, James, you are not listening to me. If we hold our fleet back now and only use the gun batteries we have now, our shields won't be able to hold off their firepower long enough for Ariok to get those batteries online." Stukov says, his Russian accent showing through as he speaks, turning to a small pedestal where Ariok could normally display himself. "Ariok, what are your thoughts?"
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Linda was awake but still in her bunk when the call began to sound, staring at the bottom of the bunk above her and fingering the wedding band on her left hand. She immediately sprang to her feet and suited up, jogging over to the spot in the hanger where her squad was supposed to marshal.

(Not fantastic, but somebody had to be first.)
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

It was a nice day for the young doctor, he was eating his breakfast after read half a novel who stop to read when he was learning the rules of the army and all that shit, unfortunately he also played some old videogames and continued his experiment to create waffles with stones, that he restart after a long time ago, but of course her assistants were there to end all the unfinished this that he try to do before something interesting or new appear in front of him.

James then put his clothes and protect suit, then he walk toward the place where he must be , he eat his breakfast as he hear a tape that her assistant Aurora do in the night and also read a map to find the place where the reunion point was.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

< >Ship time was slow time. < >Even when the brass insisted upon constant training and drills, being aboard ship meant that there was only routine. Boring, thankfully boring routine. < >The admiral said that we were going to strike back at these "Harbingers." Whatever. When the time came Niles was going to be ready.

< >His armor was already cleaned and repaired, as with his rifle. < >Everything was in tip-top shape, and Niles was bored. No training was scheduled, and there were no grunts to whip into shape at the moment. < >So, Niles was doing what he always did when he was bored. His combat knife and machete were already sharp enough, not only to shave with, but to split those whiskers into thirds. Lengthwise. Today, he was going to see if he could get his knife sharp enough to go for quarters.< >

When General Quarters sounded, Niles sighed... I guess I won't be beating any records today. Time to get dressed for a party that may never happen. Niles suited up for combat. I don't know why the marines have to get dressed up for ship to ship combat... we never board anymore. In fact, I'm likely to be dead before I even know the ship was hit. Ahhhh well. Time to set a good example for the grunts.

And so, reluctantly, slowly, Sgt. Niles armored up, loaded up all his gear, and still made it to his combat station before anyone else.

Let's see what all the excitement is about this time.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Midway through his daily workout routine Lapelle sighs as he hears the call to arms. Guess my deltoids will just have to wait... he thinks to himself as he gets suited up into his combat gear, grabbing his modified XM8 and holstering his trusty .45 cal sidearm he makes his way to the rendezvous point in double time.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo was waiting for it... It may have been a few days scince leaving Vega IV, But Kenzo knew the Harbingers would be there waiting for us when we got to our location...

Wherever it is this oversized hunka' scrapmetal was taking us...

So it came to no surprise when the warning klaxxons rang.

In an almost tired repetition, and without even turning his head to look, Kenzo retrieves the locked battle armaments from a small locker next to his bunk, then retreives his pistol from under the pillow... A habit he picked up on Vega IV, after a late night break in attempt...

Sitting up to suit-up he calls out "Ariok.. Send a mem to Bravo Team: 'Meet Captain Bravo in Hanger' And could you make that a high priority schedule ping? And uh... Thanks... I guess..."

Sliding the first magazine into the G36K and stuffing the two emergency Mags into the small pack, Captain Aramada turned off the lights to his quarters as he himself left for the hanger... Rifle on his shoulder...
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Terra was showering in her quarters when she heard the kalxons sound, alerting the ship's crew and the announcement for all available units to make their way to the general quarters was made. FUCK! It never fails, you're in te middle of a shower and you're under an attack. she thought as she stepped out of the shower, grabbe her towel, dried off quickly and threw on her uniform. She would work on straightening it out on the way to general quarters. As she reached her bed and room, she grabbed her rifle, mount, and ammunition and proceeded to make her way to the quarters with the rest of her company.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Arioks wizzened, bent form glared back up at Stukov as the Admiral questioned him, and his reply was spoken slowly and methodically, in a cold, almost sibilant voice; "I calculate 3 minutes 17 seconds until the main batteries are operational. The shields will only last a maximum of 1 minutes and 13 seconds of concentrated bombardment from the Harbinger vessels. I would suggest that the rest of the fleet initiate defensive maneuvers and buy us time to bring the main guns online."
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

In the Hanger bay, where Kenzo was waiting, a woman in a flight suit and a helmet over her head walked up to him. "You that Kenzo Armada guy I've been hearing so much about? Well, looks like I'm carrying you and your squad into the shit today." the pilot states with a smile on her face, as the sound of engines warming up in G Hanger could be heard. Multiple Pegasus Transports, massive cargo ships designed for carrying troops, ammo, and vehicles across the battlefield, were preparing for the inevitable attack on the planet. Though, to Kenzo, they appeared like bloated black sacks strung underneath a set of engines and a cockpit. They weren't pretty, but they got the job done.

And of course, to all the squad members not in the hanger already, their HUD units received a ping telling them to go to the hanger ASAP.

Oh the bridge, Harris scoffed and raised his hands over his head slightly "Fine. Deploy the fleet. But once Ariok gets those big guns online, we pull them back." he states, then sits down at his chair in the section for ground-side command, waiting for the space battle to begin as a distraction for the landing operation. Stukov, knowing how much the space battle mattered, sat down at the central command chair of the ship, and issued the order to deploy the fleet. Within moments, openings on the large flight deck of the ship began to open, and the fleet began to exit, save for their flagship, the Zaftra, which exited after the fleet, moving into position behind them. The 4 battleships arranged into a square, with the 8 destroyers and 3 cruisers arranging within the square, the Zaftra positioned dead-center, so that all of their fire was one concentrated bombardment.

The Harbingers didn't fail to notice this, and began to shit position, the edges of their blackish purple hulls coursing with energy as they begin to fire their strange purple plasma bolts across space at the fleet. The fleet returned in kind with railgun fire and missiles, all of the ships concentrating on a single target at once to overwhelm their shields. Th fight for space had begun, and the signal went out to the ground forces to commence the attack.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

"It's Aramada..." Kenzo corrected the Pilot, on ship was no reason for aliases... Especially when it came from so many mispronunciations of his name...

"And good, things have been too quiet around here, been having a hard time getting to sleep..." Kenzo finishes this with a quick salute, a learned mannerisim that seems to help keep the pilot from doing any... Unnessissary Aerobatics... Last thing he needs as he hits groundside is an Airsick squad...

Looking up at the ungracefull looking transport, Aramada sets the blue Nav marker onto the Personel Seating area... And takes his own seat... Strapping the G36K into a Sidemount Then waits for his multitude of Amber Nav's to finally reach the Hanger...
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Linda arrived at a jog, snapping Kenzo a quick salute with an equally quick "Sir!" As she hopped on board and strapped herself in. "Any word where we're landing, sir?" She'd ask afterwards, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. She's always hated being in space, but re-entry was always worse.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Arriving in the hanger Aelin snaps a quick salute to the captain and prepares to board the transport with the rest of the squad.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Sgt. Niles nods at various members as they arrive in the hanger bay, saluting the Captain as he arrives and talks to the pilot. Then he loads himself into the deathtrap.

"We're going to where the Harbingers are, Linda. Assuming of course that the Navy can break the blockade. If the Admiral does his job, we'll get a chance to do ours."
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

((You have no idea how much I wanted to stick my tongue out at you for that reply XD))

"You know what I mean Sarge," Linda replies while rolling her eyes. "We're definitely going planetside, but it's a large planet. One of the major centers, maybe?"
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

The Dr Cheese take his time of reach the transportator, then after a brief time he reach... and get inside still hearing the laws and things of the army, at least he end to eat his breakfast. Then he past without notice anyone and look for his seat and then he put his attention in the parts of the ship.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

"We don't want to dropped into the thick of it do we? I would think it would be best to be dropped within a good radius of a major area just outside, so we have time to prep and be ready for an actual assault, Linda. But thats going to be left up to the top brass." She said as she loaded her weapon, and readied her gear as she loaded onto the transport.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

The pilot chuckles as she turns her head around, her visor now down over her upper face. "First wave's going for Tillan, the capital city. Second, for New Andreas. Then the third wave goes for Haven. I'm assuming it's hot, so hold on once we clear atmosphere. That's what the red nets behind you are for." she says, turning her head back around as the transport's engines begin to power up, waiting for the go-ahead from the squad leader. As the ship powered up, an engine revving outside could be heard, a 4x4 vehicle pulling up the ramp into the expansive transport and moving to the back, the gunner on the rear-mounted missile pod turning to notice the marines.

"Oh. Ya'll must be the jarheads we're goin' in with." he says, turning around and sitting on the bed of the 4x4, which was basically a glorified truck with a missile and .50 cal turret. The driver had turned the vehicle off already and was reclining with his eyes closed, while the gunner of the .50 cal mounted on the passenger seat had hopped out and was securing the tires to the floor of the transport with straps to prevent it from hopping around during transport. "So, how hard we goin' in? Do you guys really need u-" The gunner's statement is cut short, as the ship rocks, a red light in the hanger coming on, the rear loading hatch of the transport closing as the engines flare, lifting off, as the light changes from red to green, the floor of the hanger opening below the transports, allowing them to exit through the shield.

Out in space, as the transports descended, the battle didn't appear to be going well. One of the battleships, the Paris, was slowly retreating from the battle, multiple areas of the ship burning bright orange from numerous plasma impacts. This could all be seen through the viewports on the side of the large transport, as the fleet was slowly retreating to cover the Paris' withdrawal. A violet plasma bolt soared through the sky, flying between the fleet and hitting the Paris directly in the aft sections, causing it to slowly turn as it retreated, losing control of it's engines and slowly spin out of control towards the planet.

Then the chop began. As the transports began to enter atmospheric re-entry, they began to shake like rattles in the hands of children. The gunner on the 4x4 withdrew his tongue into his mouth when the shaking started, and clamped his teeth down hard, grasping onto the bed of the truck for dear life, but to no avail as a particularly rough bump throws him off the bed of the truck and into Linda's lap, his face buried in her cleavage against his will. "Sorry about all the chop, boys and girls! These big planets tend to have dense atmospheres!" the pilot calls back, the chop slowly smoothing out moments later, the transport descending down slowly outside Tillan, accompanied by the rest of wave 1. The plan, apparently, was to drop the troops off surrounding the city and squeeze inward. "You folks okay back there?" the pilot asks, turning her head around to check on the group.

Meanwhile, aboard the bridge, Stukov's face was twisted in an expression of both anger and fear. "Ariok! How long until the main batteries are unlocked and ready to fire? We just lost the Paris!" Stukov shouts, as the different tactical commanders for the navy are busy handing out orders for the different ships. Currently, the order was to withdraw and allow the ship, which had now turned 20 degrees to starboard, to open fire with a broadside of what few railguns were operational. The projectiles soared past the fleet, impacting on the Harbinger shields and causing them to glow bright violet, an indication that they were almost drained.
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Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Aelin grips the net behind, he had expected some sort of turbulence on re-entry having encountered it on previous missions. "All good back here." He replies as an affirmative to the pilot, taking a look about incase anyone needed help before checking his gear was undamaged.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

((Go ahead, Niles deserves it, he *is* somewhat of a dick. He's used to training noobs. He's just trying to teach the proper amount of fatalism.))

Niles just smiles as Terra gives the same answer, only with a PC slant. Knowing what to expect, he straps in, and promptly goes to sleep, as it takes more than a bit of turbulence to wake a seasoned marine.

After the truck gunner falls onto Linda, Niles reaches out with his left hand, picks him up by the scruff of his uniform, straight-arming him back onto his feet, all without seeming to wake up. Of course, at the next bump, the gunner is flat on his ass again. Niles leaves him there. He ain't bothering Bravo Team while on the floor.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

"You're just spoutin' shit I already know. Ain't any of you curious?" Linda retorts quickly, before the pilot speaks. "There we go, thank you!" She tells him afterwards.

When the chop started and the gunner flew straight into her chest, she jumped a little but didn't get particularly angry. She gave him a shove when the sarge lifted him off, trying to angle him into a proper seat. "Two things: when the pilot says he's expecting chop, take a seat with proper restraints. And next time you want to cop a feel, ask politely.". Her piece said, she settles back down, checking to see if any of her gear had shuffled loose.